Russian Enforcers Box Set 2 (Books 4-6)

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Russian Enforcers Box Set 2 (Books 4-6) Page 23

by Nic Saint

  This gang seemed to think they could molest and harass and rape with impunity. Well, he had news for them. One by one, he would take them all out, every last one. Reaching the end of the corridor, he stared at the door the man had disappeared into, and opened it carefully. It was the staircase, and the man was long gone now. Suddenly, as his blood ran cold, he wondered if perhaps he’d been watching Jackie’s room instead of his own. If they were targeting her. He slammed his fist into the doorjamb and the wood creaked under the onslaught. Christ. He wasn’t gonna let that happen. Not on his watch!

  He had to get her out of here. One second of inattentiveness on his part would be enough for those bastards to make a grab for her. He had to convince Susan to pack up and leave. Now! He couldn’t fight this gang with Jackie looking over his shoulder, occupying his every thought. It was like getting into a fistfight with one hand tied behind his back. He couldn’t really cut loose until he knew she was home safe and sound. Only then could he unleash the full force of his vengeance upon these thugs.

  No matter how much it hurt to see her walk away, for her own safety it was imperative that she did. He would have to talk to her again. Would have to talk to the both of them. Tomorrow. First she needed to sleep, needed to get her strength back. Then he would make her leave.


  Morning came, chasing away dissolving dreams of strange men wrapped up in plastic and hulking heroes looming over her, keeping her safe from harm. Jackie rested lazily for a moment, hovering between dream and wakefulness, on the cusp of a new dawn, when the events of the previous day came back to her, pounding into her consciousness like a jackhammer.

  She shot up, and her eyes flicked to Susan’s bed. When she noticed her friend’s tousled mop of red spread across the pillow, she heaved a sigh of relief.

  She blinked against the invading rays of bright sunlight, and listened to the tweeting of a single bird outside her window. This early, no one would be up yet, save for those few souls who braved the early morning Yoga class. She’d tried it on her second day here, and had quickly deserted the idea in favor of sleeping in.

  She swung her feet from the bed, adrenaline already pumping through her veins at the thought of the killers across the hallway. Even though one of them was quite possibly the most attractive man she’d ever met, it was time to move on and put some distance between herself and Erik.

  As if summoned by her musings, a soft tap on the door elicited a startled cry from her. Quick as a flash, she was on her feet, then slipping into her bathrobe and padding barefoot to the door. She doubted it would be the killers. She was sure that if they wanted her or Susan dead, they wouldn’t give the door a gentle knock but rather break it down and take them with brute force. She approached the door stealthily. On a deep, steadying breath, she opened it, and was surprised to find herself gazing into the face of Erik Petrov.

  “What are you doing here?” she hissed indignantly. If she would never see the man again, it was too soon.

  “Just checking up on you,” he whispered back, darting a quick eye over Jackie’s shoulder at the sleeping figure of Susan.

  “I’m fine,” she hissed, then stepped into the hallway, not wanting to wake up her friend. She crossed her arms over her chest and glared at the large and muscular male. She caught a whiff of his decidedly masculine scent. Something musky and spicy. Then her eyes flickered over the T-shirt, stretched ridiculously taut over brawny arms and massive shoulders. Christ, the man was built like a Greek God. “You don’t have to check up on me,” she continued testily. “I’m perfectly fine as long as you and your murderous buddy stay far away from me and Susan.”

  “In Susan’s case that might be kind of difficult,” he stated solemnly, “as she and Bruno seem to have hit it off last night.”

  He was leaning against the wall now, corded arms casually folded across a buff chest, a mischievous glint in his green eyes.

  She frowned. “Oh, God. Don’t tell me they hooked up.”

  “Well, if you can call the tongue wrestling demonstration they gave on the karaoke stage a sign of hooking up then I think you might safely say they did. I think there isn’t a single person in the hotel who didn’t watch in fascination as they went down on each other.” He grinned. “It was quite the performance.”

  “Then why is she here and not in Bruno’s bed?” she wanted to know.

  “Because I had the good sense to tear them away from each other,” he returned. “Don’t thank me.”

  “I won’t.”

  “Didn’t think you would, darling.”

  They stood glaring at each other for a moment, the tension between them crackling, then a door slammed down the hall, and Jackie jerked her head around, annoyed with herself that she would be starting at noises now, like some timid deer.

  “It’s fine,” he told her. “As long as I’m around, they won’t come near you.”

  “Who won’t come near me?” Then she remembered his cockamamie story of the night before. She rolled her eyes. “Oh, yes. Of course. The gang of homicidal policemen that you and your friend are so eager to take on.”

  “This is not a laughing matter,” he bit back. “Those cops are messed up. They’ve been targeting tourists for months now, and no one seems to be able to stop them.”

  “Let me guess. Now that you and Bruno are here, us poor tourists should feel safe, huh? No more harm will come to us?”

  “That’s right,” he growled. “You got a problem with that?”

  She made a throwaway gesture with her hand. “Go tell your stories to some other imbecile, buddy. I for one don’t buy them.” She stabbed a finger at his chest and decided it felt good. He really was rock-hard. “You are the only killer I’ve seen lurking the premises. You’re the real danger to tourists. And If I haven't called the cops yet, it’s because…” She trailed off. Yes, why hadn’t she called the cops? She should have done so the minute he let her out of his sight.

  “Yes?” he challenged, danger radiating both from his eyes and his barely controlled voice. The man was a ticking time bomb. “Why haven’t you?”

  She shrugged. “I don’t know, but that doesn’t mean I won’t.”

  “Better watch it, Jackie,” he warned. “The minute you call the cops, they’ll be all over you, and I will have no other choice but to pick them off one by one.”

  Her jaw dropped at this. Was he really threatening to kill every cop she called in? The man was a brutal killer! In a reflex action, she jerked back, and was about to slam the door in his infernal face when he took a step toward her and put her arm in a firm grip. Before she had a chance to react, his lips came crashing down on hers, crushing her mouth with a punishing kiss, and then she was being transported into another world, where drums were pounding and feet were stomping in strangely erotic tribal dances.

  He plundered her mouth like a man on fire. A man who hadn’t been able to get his fill and now finally saw his chance. Then his tongue demanded entrance, and in spite of herself, she opened her lips and he darted inside. Instead of feeling violated, she heaved a deep moan that came from somewhere deep inside her gut. Without thinking, her arms sneaked up and circled his neck, her body molding against his, wantonly pressing her soft breasts against his hard chest.

  And then there was nothing but the scent of musky virility, the heat and wetness of his mouth on hers, their tongues furiously colliding, and when his hands ran down her sides and grasped her buttocks, she flung her legs around his waist, needing to feel him at the heart of her sex.

  When he slammed her into the wall, she knew she was soaking wet already, ready for him to take her, to kill her softly with the hardness she felt pressing up against her center, raging to be unleashed and to ravage her deeply.


  He hadn’t thought things through, acting only on instinct. He wanted to see if she was safe, and tell her she needed to go, needed to head out to the airport today and book her flight back to Chicago. As long as this gang roamed the hotel it was
n’t safe for her here. They might even be targeting her now. By now they must have discovered their colleague gone, and the link made with his and Bruno’s presence. And after Bruno’s display last night at karaoke, they might have put Susan and Jackie on their radar too. Bruno had done a great job turning himself into a target, the only way to top that little performance was to paint a big red dot on his forehead and call out, Hey, I’m here! Come and get me!

  That was fine. Bruno was a big boy and could take care of himself. But he’d put Susan’s life on the line as well, and Jackie’s. And that, he couldn’t accept.

  He’d been tossing and turning all night, and when finally sunlight alerted him of the dawn of a new day, he’d been up and darting over to Jackie’s to see if she was all right. He’d taken a gander at the footage from her room and hadn’t seen anything to warrant suspicion, but that didn’t satisfy him until he set his own eyes on her and knew she was safe.

  He hadn’t wanted to kiss her, but she looked so delectable in that terrycloth bathrobe, barely concealing that gorgeous body, and then she tried to push him away and the flame of desire, always licking dangerously at his control when he was around her, had flared. He’d gone from simmering lust to full-blown heat in a matter of milliseconds, and then he hadn’t been able to restrain himself any longer. He wanted her. He needed her. He would have her, consequences be damned.

  As they lay curled up on the floor, trying not to disturb Susan, the rising sun slanting its red-hued rays across her face, he thought he’d never set eyes on a vision more enchanting. She truly was the most beautiful woman he’d ever met. He gazed into her magical eyes, the colors shifting with every change of mood, the sparkle of desire now fanning his own flame—setting her off in its turn.

  He watched her lips move, plump and wet. Her skin, soft and satiny, had the color of gold dust, courtesy of sun-drenched Cancun, and her hair shone a wispy primrose yellow. He kissed along her neck, tasting fragrant velvet, and licked his way along a delicately throbbing vein until he reached her earlobe and gently nibbled until she moaned and threw her head back, granting him full access to the hollow of her throat, that delicate and vulnerable place beneath her smooth jawline, and then he was peeling away the pink terry, the swell of her breasts a promise beneath gossamer pastel. They beckoned him, and he continued his exploration, sucking her nipples through the thin material, until they stood out like pink pebbles.

  Her hands were mobile as he reeled from his first taste of her, and her delicate fingers moved over his shoulders, then tugged at his shirt, pushing it up over his head as he disrobed her, revealing what had hitherto only whispered its promise. Then they were both naked, and he arched his hands over the soft pink of her breasts, both inciting and inspiring awe for a body that was as pure and innocent as any he’d ever seen. He worried her nipples with his mouth and teeth and drew them into peaks, nibbling and nipping at the engorged tips, then cupping and kneading, filling his hands with the tender flesh. He licked a path to the lacy edge of her gauzy panties, and he pulled them down with his teeth, his nose touching the softly bedewed triangle between her legs.

  Her thighs parted of their own accord, as if issuing a silent invitation, and then his tongue was exploring the treasure they concealed. She was wet beyond belief, wet for him, and when his tongue touched off her clit, he was sending shoots of fire arcing through her. She moaned a desperate cry for more as he pressed on and entered her with his tongue, spreading her labia with his thickness, then returning to her nub for a gentle nudge.

  “Take me, Erik,” she urged, and when he looked up, she was directing an intense gaze at him, a pleading look that devastated him. Gritting his teeth, he became aware of the rock-hard cock throbbing between his legs, hot and erect from the moment he’d laid eyes on her in the hallway. Like a guided missile of male prowess, it hovered at the entrance of her sex, prodding her pussy lips, nudging them apart. As he moved to her lips again, his mouth curving over hers and taking her deeply, drinking from her lips and entering her with his tongue, his cock pushed into the pulsating crevasse of her core, plunging into the heat.

  Arching up inside her, he moved through in one fluid movement straight to the heart of her cunt, his balls touching the soft patch of fur crowning her labia and then they were one. His grunts echoed her startled cries of ecstasy as he buried himself inside her, and as their tongues tangled, the heat of their mouths dissolving them both, it was as if he were melting inside her, as if his cock were no longer his own but part of her, part of this new union that was them. And then he was really fucking her, moving at an increasing pace as they lay in front of the window, the first rays of a new day bathing them in magical light as they discovered each other for the very first time.


  She didn’t know how it happened, but one moment she was slamming the door in his face, the next they were making love on the floor in front of the window, the rising ball of flame right outside, its piercing rays blurring her vision and turning the world a fiery red. Her insides were melting as he took her, and then he was inside her, pumping his monster cock along the slick channel of her sex, deep into her belly, and she was moaning for more, slinging her legs around his waist and driving him on—urging him to take her deeper, harder, faster!

  He willingly obliged, and sent her quaking body tipping over the edge even before she’d called out his name, had whispered his name against his lips. When she gazed into his eyes, clouded with passion and desire, she saw her own heat reflected there, simmering and devouring them. His hands were on her heaving chest, grasping and kneading her puckered nipples, feeding them into his mouth, and gripping her soft flesh as he slammed into her, over and over again.

  Shudders erupted in her belly at the sensation of his ramming cock, his hot mouth, his searing green eyes fixed on hers, dark now with lust and heat, and she felt her pussy spasming wildly around his throbbing hardness. And then she was thrown into the most devastating climax she’d ever experienced with a man, and she was bucking uncontrollably beneath him, drawing him in deeper still, a quivering chalice to his plundering cock. He grunted a guttural cry, and she knew he was on the verge as well, and when he finally came, she welcomed it like she welcomed the dawn of a new day in paradise.

  This was their paradise now, their moment in the sun, their first time together, and she laughed—lazily, happily, and he did too, his lips curling up into the most irresistible smile. His usually placid face was suddenly alive with joy and passion, and she kissed him again, drawing him to her, wanting him to be hers all the time, and then she knew that he was.

  And only when a soft moan came from the other side of the room, did she remember where they were, Susan asleep in her bed, a mere ten feet away.

  She giggled, and whispered, “Do you think we woke her up?”

  “I don’t fucking care,” he whispered back fiercely, and kissed her bedewed brow, nuzzling her hair as it lay in damp tresses across her face. Then he was brushing them aside, and gave her a look that melted her bones, and she closed her eyes, feeling happier than she had in a very long time.

  He was still firmly lodged inside her, and she felt him growing hard again so she opened her eyes in surprise. And even before she had the chance to mutter a protest, he was moving again, and she bit her lower lip, her eyes rolling up in her head as the now familiar shoots of pleasure danced across her body, shivers racing up and down her spine. Before long she was reaching the heights again, cresting over in the most delicious orgasm possible, and when he moved to his own peak, they both lay panting, nestled in each other, wrapped up and pressed inside each other as if they were one body with two souls—two hearts.

  “I didn’t know the Copacabana provided this kind of service,” she breathed against his temple as she feathered kisses along his brow.

  “Customer is always king at the Copa,” he murmured.

  “Where were you all those other days of my life, Erik Petrov?”

  “Waiting for you, Jackie Bouchard.”r />
  “Waiting for…”

  “Waiting for you to invite me in.”

  “Well, I didn’t exactly invite you in,” she reminded him gently. “You invited yourself in.”

  “True,” he admitted.

  “Of course,” she sighed, “I allowed you to invite yourself in, so there’s that.”

  He merely grunted and licked a droplet of sweat from her neck, savoring the feel of her soft skin. Christ, the man had a way with his tongue. Well, with every part of his anatomy, really. Then, as the haze of sex slowly lifted and the light outside angled in harsher and more insistently, she was reminded of the reality of their situation. Even though this brief moment of folly had changed things between them, it hadn’t changed the fact that he was a killer, and she’d seen him murder a man, or at least dispose of the body. When the memory returned, her thoughtful mood returned with it. She tousled his hair. “That man from last night.”


  “Was he really a predator?”

  His lips tightened, and his eyes hardened. He rolled off her and propped himself up on his elbow. “Of the worst kind,” he growled.

  “Good,” she said, seeing the truth reflected in his eyes.

  He arched an eyebrow. “Good?”

  “Good that you took him out,” she heard herself say, and was surprised by the determination in her voice.

  He gave her a long, level look of astonishment.

  “Don’t look so surprised,” she muttered, placing a hand on his cheek and enjoying the feel of his stubbled jaw on the soft skin of her hand. “If that man really was a predator of the worst kind, and I can see that you’re not lying about that, then it’s good that you got rid of him, and probably prevented countless lives from being destroyed.”


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