The Sanctuary

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The Sanctuary Page 13

by Arika Stone

  “What time does this start?”

  “In about five minutes. Don’t worry. It broadcasts for three hours.”

  “Do you think we have enough wine?” I glanced at the wine cabinet and our bar. Both were well stocked. I knew the women could drink, but I had no idea how much his band mates did.

  “Plenty. Besides, there’s more downstairs in the cellar.”

  “You have a wine cellar?”

  “Yes, the doorway is hidden on the far side, opposite the studio door.”

  Which was another fairly recent discovery I had made. Within the basement bedroom was a hidden door to a recording studio and a vault, which contained copies of all their master recordings, demo tapes, and unpublished material. “What other secrets are in this house?”

  “Beyond the wine cellar is a short hallway and a small room, but I don’t know what to do with it yet.”

  “Maybe we can make it a little Moroccan love nest or a dark dungeon.”

  “I like the way you think. Let’s enjoy this before everyone arrives.” He sat down on the couch.

  I snuggled next to him. “Thank you for making today special for me.”

  “Anything that makes you happy makes me happy.”

  Soon after, our guests arrived. Everyone left their jobs early to celebrate. The atmosphere was jovial and warm. The mood was right, too, with the parade in the background, the smell of a home-cooked meal, the crackling fire, and the sounds of laughter filling our home.

  I felt accomplished. I’d never realized being a homemaker could be so fulfilling. Val was proud of what I had done, and it was wonderful knowing I made him proud.

  As we sat down to dinner, Val stood up to make a toast. “Eve and I would like to thank you all for coming. I would also like to thank you, Eve, for preparing such a delicious meal and allowing us to experience Thanksgiving with you. And I am so thankful to have found you.” He leaned down and kissed me. A round of “aws” from the ladies circled the table.

  He pulled away and brought his attention back to our guests. “But we also have an announcement to make.” He paused and reached for my hand, pulling me to my feet to stand next to him. “Eve and I are engaged.”

  “Oh, let me see the ring!” Jenni exclaimed, jumping up, grabbing my ringless hand. “You didn’t get her a ring?” She playfully slapped him. “What’s wrong with you?” She turned to me. “I hope you didn’t say yes.”

  All eyes were on me. I tried to think of a diplomatic way of answering. “It doesn’t matter. I would marry him tomorrow if I could, ring or no ring.” I realized those words didn’t sound like I’d meant them to sound.

  Val looked at me. “You would?”

  “Well…” My cell phone rang, interrupting me. My New York office was calling. I had to take it. “Excuse me, it’s work. I need to take this.” I was never so thankful to have a business call.

  “Hello?” I had no idea who could be calling me on Thanksgiving from our main line.

  “Eve, we have an emergency. Aubrey Canton is throwing a fit that you’re not personally overseeing her wedding on Saturday,” Vicki stated abruptly.

  I walked outside for some privacy. Val followed me with a jacket in hand.

  “Is it nerves? Anxiety? Cold feet? And why are you in the office on Thanksgiving?”

  “I wanted to see the contract. She called this morning and woke me up. She’s being a ’zilla,” Vicki grumbled.

  I put the phone on speaker and handed it to Val so I could put on the jacket and gloves he’d brought me.

  “Her contract states a professional planning team would handle her affair. I’m not contractually mandated to be there.”

  “Correct, but she’s still threatening to sue over a verbal contract she states she received from you.”

  “Nonsense. She’s trying to play hardball. I never promised personal oversight of her event, or she would have demanded it sooner.” I knew she wouldn’t go as far as to sue me, but if I made her unhappy I could be blackballed in Hollywood. “Tell her I am on vacation in Finland, and if she wants my personal services, it will cost additional compensation plus airfare for me to be there on Saturday.”

  “Hold on. I’ll get her on the line.”

  “I’m sorry, honey. Why don’t you go in and enjoy dinner? This is going to take a while.”

  “You’re going back?”

  “I may have to. If I make her unhappy, my Hollywood clientele is gone.”

  “Eve, I have Aubrey on the line.”

  “Hi, Aubrey, how is my beautiful bride-to-be?” I said in a sickeningly sweet, saccharine voice.

  “Eve, I need you here. This is wedding of the year, and it has to be perfect.”

  “I understand, but you’re in good hands. Vicki is managing the company in my absence. I have complete faith in her, and that alone should ease your mind. Have you been happy with the planning to date?”

  “Everyone is wonderful. But I can’t trust them like I can trust you.”

  “Aubrey, I haven’t reviewed your file in over two months. For me to orchestrate your wedding Saturday would not be advisable. Vicki is more familiar with the plans. If you want it to be perfect, you should have her there, not me.”

  “She can email you the file. Review it on the flight over. Do you understand me?” Audrey demanded.

  I bit my lip in frustration. I knew there was no way out. “Vicki, have the contract revised and sent for electronic signature. Book a flight out tomorrow, as I am currently engaged at the moment.”

  “Oh, Eve, that’s not all I want.”

  “What else may we do for you?” My voice was cold.

  “Are you still dating that Finnish singer?”

  My tone was curt. “I’m sorry. I do not discuss my personal affairs.”

  “Well, is he available to perform at my wedding? I am willing to pay for his services.”

  “He performs with a band, and they are currently recording. They are not available this weekend.”

  “I was speaking of him, not his band. He’s your boyfriend. Get him here. Three songs. Have him name his price. Everyone can be bought, Eve. Make it happen.” And with a harsh click, Aubrey hung up.

  “Vicki, make that two round-trip business class tickets for Val and myself. I’ll need the file emailed to me. Have the team at my apartment tomorrow night so I can be briefed. And charge Aubrey $350,000 plus the cost of the airfare. Make sure it’s a direct flight into JFK. I don’t care what the cost is. Bill it to her.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “Oh and find out what songs she wants performed. I’m also going to need a rack of suits and a tailor at the apartment tomorrow as well.”

  “Yes, ma’am. See you tomorrow.”

  I clicked the phone shut. “You’re working Saturday.”

  “The hell I am. I have to finalize my sculptures and make sure they’re securely packed. Or did you forget that my gallery show is in a week?”

  “I just made you a quarter of a million dollars for fifteen minutes of work. You’re working on Saturday. Besides, you told me you took off for the weekend. Have Petra make sure your art is packed properly. We’re going to New York.”

  “I don’t have a choice in this, do I?” He raised an eyebrow.

  “No, you don’t. Welcome to my world, honey. This weekend is going to be a hell of a ride.”

  Chapter 19

  I curled up on the plane with my sunglasses on, a huge hooded sweatshirt advertising his band over my head, and my laptop open to the Canton file.

  “Do you always fly in your pajamas?” Val asked.

  “Yes, I want everyone in first class to wonder why I am here. Besides, I can’t sleep in jeans or a suit.”

  I began to read the file. It was all very standard and boring. As long as everyone played nice, it would go off without a hitch. The only thing I could potentially see an issue with was their handwritten vows. I hoped the groom remembered his lines. I would have to put a fix into place. I jotted a note to remind myself.
  I scanned the reception information. The cocktail hour was going to be a mess with the amount of entertainment Aubrey demanded. It was a scheduling nightmare. I was headed for a headache.

  “What’s wrong?” Val looked over my shoulder as I jotted down notes.

  “There’s too much going on in too small of a space in a short amount of time. This isn’t a wedding; it’s a circus.”

  Val gazed quizzically at me, as if he was trying to understand what I meant.

  “It’s the trend. Massive amounts of entertainment for the guests’ enjoyment. But this is outlandish. I wouldn’t have approved this.” I sighed. “I’ll get it straightened out.”

  I closed the file and took out a bottle of pills from my bag, popping two. “I’m going to sleep. My alarm is set for an hour before landing. Can you make sure I’m up?”

  “No problem. Have a good nap.” He kissed me on the cheek and held my hand.

  Five and a half hours later, I felt a nudge on my arm. “Eve, get up. We’ll be landing in under an hour.”

  “Mmm” I rubbed my eyes. The pills were still in my system. “I’m tired.”

  “But you told me to wake you.”

  “I know.” I stood up groggily, reaching for my overhead luggage. “I have to go to the bathroom.”

  In less than fifteen minutes, I was changed into a power suit, my hair was fixed, and I’d applied makeup and put on heels. I was a completely different person, one that Val had never seen before.

  He looked up. “I didn’t know you were changing.”

  “You have no idea how much change you’re going to see.” I smiled. “I’m happy to show you my home. I’m excited.”

  “So am I. Do we have time before going home? I bought you something, and I have to pick it up.”

  He was always surprising me with gifts, and his taste was exquisite. “We could stop by if it won’t take too long.”

  “It shouldn’t. I have to be there by six.”

  “You can have John take you if you want to go alone.”

  “Who’s John?”

  “My chauffeur.”

  “You have a chauffeur?” He raised an eyebrow.

  “I told you I don’t take public transportation.”

  “I assumed you drove.”

  “I do, but not in Manhattan. The stop-and-go traffic annoys me.”

  We arrived in the airport, and I saw John holding a name card. A sense of relief hit me. It felt good to be home. “Hello, John, how are you?”

  “Very well, Eve. It’s good to have you home.” John grabbed our bags, and we headed to the car. “Did you have a good flight?”

  “It was excellent as usual. John, this is Val, my fiancé. Val, this is John.” It was weird saying the word fiancé, but it was even stranger how the words rolled effortlessly off my tongue.

  Val interlaced his hand with mine. I loved when we held hands. It was very romantic to me.

  “Where are we off to?” John asked, pulling out of JFK onto the expressway.

  I looked at Val. “Did you want to stop somewhere before we went home?”

  “That depends. Do you want your surprise now or later?”

  I paused to think. “If you don’t give it to me now, how long will I have to wait?”

  “Maybe days or maybe months.”


  “Perhaps. Depends on when the mood strikes again.”

  I hated waiting for surprises. It reminded me of Christmas, waiting for Santa to come. “I want it now.”

  “John, could we stop on 53rd and Fifth?” Val stated as if he knew exactly where he was going.

  I repeated the address in my mind. I had a hard time remembering all of the shops on Fifth. I hadn’t been in the city since spring, and I hadn’t shopped there in over a year.

  “Stop trying to figure it out. You’ll see when we get there.” Val winked at me.

  We arrived, and I stepped out into the New York City bustle. I took a deep breath and inhaled the city scents—pollution, gasoline, and dirty-water hot dogs. It was intoxicating. I didn’t realize how much I’d missed my hometown until now.

  “Come, we need to walk a few blocks.” He took my hand, leading the way.

  “Walk? Why? John can drive us.”

  “Can’t I surprise you?”

  I eyed him with a sideways glance as we crossed the street and headed north, up Fifth Avenue.

  “Are you sure you want your surprise?” He stopped in front of the famous beige stone building on the corner of 56th.

  We were in front of Harry Winston. I was shocked. My eyes grew teary. “How did you know?”

  He kissed me. “You don’t clean your history from your computer.”

  I laughed. “I don’t need a Winston ring. I was just browsing.”

  “Yes, but you browsed several times over several days, the same ring. Come on, love, let us be official.”

  I shook my head. “I still want a proper proposal.”

  “And you shall have it.” He opened the door for me.

  As I walked inside, I felt like a princess. Normally, I would be here with brides selecting jewelry to borrow. This didn’t happen to me, not even with Jude.

  “Eve, it’s so good to see you. Please follow me.” Susana shook our hands and led us to the private viewing room. She smiled and closed the doors behind us. “Please, sit.”

  I had been through this procedure before but never with butterflies in my stomach.

  Susana presented the box to Val. My heart jumped to my throat.

  “I’ll leave you two alone.” Susana closed the doors behind her.

  “Eve, I love you more than life itself. I would die for you and die to have you. I want to spend every day of my life and death with you.” He got down on one knee before me. “Marry me, Eve. Be my wife.”

  He opened the box. I gasped. It was the ring I’d wished for my entire life. Classic Harry Winston, emerald cut with brilliant baguettes on each side.

  “Oh Val…” My eyes searched his. “I love you. I would be honored to be your wife.”

  Val slipped the ring on my left ring finger. I ogled my hand. It was breathtaking. But before I had a chance to savor the moment, Susana entered. “How is everything?”

  “Very good,” Val responded with a sigh.

  My phone rang. It was Vicki. “Excuse me, I need to take this.” I stepped out of the room to allow Val to finish up whatever he needed to attend to.

  “Did you make it out of the airport yet?”

  “Yes, I’m at Harry Winston. I’ll be home within ten minutes.”

  “Aubrey asked for more jewelry?”

  “No. Actually, we’re here for me.”

  “What? Why?”

  “Val proposed. I accepted. He got me the ring.”

  “You mean…the emerald cut?”


  “Oh my God!” Vicki screamed. “We have a wedding to plan.”

  “I know!” I cheered back. “Are you at my apartment?”

  “Yes, we’re all ready.”

  “Do not to make a fuss about this until after the briefing is over. I don’t want to be distracted. Business first.”

  “I understand.” Vicki giggled. “So when’s the date?”

  “We’ll talk later!” I hung up the phone as Val approached me, paperwork in hand. “Are we all set?”

  “Yes.” He held my hand as we began to walk to the car.

  “If my staff acts a bit odd when you meet them, it’s because they know about the engagement. But I told them to keep mum on the subject until business is over.”

  Val laughed. “You told them already?”

  “They’re all excited to plan our wedding. Little do they know I already have a plan.”

  “Oh? Do you mind sharing it with me?” His eyes were twinkling.

  “Small, intimate, close friends and family. Nothing fancy. I wanted to hear your input first.”

  “Whatever you want, darling.”

  “Ahh, a smart
groom.” I kissed him as we entered the car. “I suppose we’ll have to wait until your touring schedule is finalized before we set a date.”

  “Why not get married now?”

  “Because it will take me months to wrap up the loose ends here. When we get married, I want to be with you without responsibilities over my head. The only responsibility I want is loving you.”

  Chapter 20

  John stopped the car, and I nodded to the doorman as he held the door open as well. I entered into my building with Val following closely behind. I inserted my key into the elevator and hit the letter “P.”

  The doors opened, and I stepped directly into the foyer of my apartment. Edward, my butler, was waiting for me. “Good afternoon, Eve. Wonderful to have you home.”

  I handed him my jacket. “Good to see you, Edward. Val is the new master of the house.” I nodded toward Val.

  “Welcome. Anything you need, I am at your service.” Edward opened the main door, which lead into the great room of my apartment.

  I stepped inside. Immediately the room grew silent. I walked to the dining room table, and everyone immediately followed suit. I caught Val staring at me in the reflection of the mirror on the wall.

  “Where’s the tailor?” I addressed Sharon.

  “He should be here any minute. Stuck in traffic.”

  “And the stylist?”

  “In the office, with several racks of suits as you requested.”

  “Show Val to the office, please. Where is my ceremony team?” Five hands shot up in the air.

  “Good. Let’s begin reviewing the program…”

  For the next hour, we toiled over the details of the ceremony, making sure everyone knew what was expected of them. I made sure the groom would be equipped with an earpiece so his vows could be read to him in case he forgot his lines or in case the groomsmen fed him too much alcohol during the pre-wedding activities.

  “Let’s take fifteen.” I got up from the table and headed into the office. “Tell me good news, Kenneth.” Kenneth, my stylist, was trying to outfit Val. Val shot me a glance. He was obviously vexed over something.

  “I wanted your opinion. It’s a toss-up between these two.” Kenneth held up two options.

  “Let’s see them on.” I sat down on the couch, waiting for Val to change.


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