The Sanctuary

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The Sanctuary Page 16

by Arika Stone

  “This is all so boring, so stiff.” It was a good hour and half into the party. “Why don’t we do something to liven things up a bit?” His eyes were seductive, and I knew exactly what game he was playing.

  I turned to him, our arms touching. I nonchalantly scanned the great hall. “There is nowhere to go.” I casually sipped my drink. “It’s not like we can stand up against the mirrors and do it.”

  “Follow me.” He winked and turned around, heading toward the far corner of the room to a staircase, which led to the second-story balcony.

  I followed his lead. The mere thought of declaring our own independence was extremely titillating. “Where are we going?” I stopped behind a column, making sure we were traveling unnoticed.

  “You’ll see. Follow me.” He beckoned me to follow with a come-hither gesture of his hand.

  “And what will we do if we get caught?” I asked, scurrying after him down the hall.

  “We will laugh and apologize.” He reached a decadent, gold-accented door, wiggling the handle to see if it was unlocked. He opened the door with a soft click and peeked inside. “All clear.” He held the door open, grabbed me by the arm, and shoved me inside.

  “Where are we?” I glanced around. There were books lining floor-to-ceiling wooden shelves and windows on the far wall, casting eerie dim shadows across the room.

  “Who cares?” He grabbed me and thrust me against the wall, snatching my dress hastily and hoisting it upward to my waist. His hand plunged between my legs and spread them apart, rubbing my pussy to ensure it was wet enough to fuck. He leaned in to kiss me, seizing my throat with his other hand. “We need to make this quick before someone notices our absence. And you need to be as quiet as a mouse.” I heard him unzip his pants in one fluid motion. Using the wall as leverage, he raised me up. I wrapped my legs around him to hold my position. His firmness slid into my softness, filling me up as he drew me down into him.

  I moaned but was quickly silenced by his hand over my mouth.

  “Shh…we need to be quiet,” he scolded. “And if you’re not quiet, you’re going to get a spanking when we get home.”

  “I don’t think so,” I whispered into the shadows.

  “You may get one anyway. You’ve been a very bad girl.” There was a touch of humor in his voice combined with seriousness. I couldn’t tell what fate had in store for me later.

  He pushed harder into me, thrusting his hips upward toward my cunt. “How much control can I take, Eve? How much can I do?”

  “Ohhh…” I moaned again under his words.

  He slapped me across the face playfully. “Didn’t I say to be quiet?”

  “Maybe I want you to spank me.” And with those words, my body began to quake on his.

  He groaned in pleasure from my words and from the way my body responded to him. “I’m going to fucking come, Eve.” He growled deeply in my ear. “Where do you want me to come?”

  And then it hit me, if he came inside of me, it would drip down before I could make it to a bathroom.

  He grumbled again in my ear. “Tell me, Eve, where do you want me to come? In your pussy? Or maybe you would be able to hold it better in your ass.”

  His cock grew bigger, throbbing from the mounting pressure. His dominating words caused me to orgasm in pleasure again. I dropped my legs from his waist, and he released his grip. I slid down to my knees. The only way I would be able to hide our rendezvous was if I accepted him in my mouth. He grasped my hair firmly and pushed my head toward his cock, plunging it deep inside my mouth as he climaxed.

  He withdrew his penis. I gripped my lips together, not knowing what I should do. Val saw the anxiety on my face and cackled as he zipped up his trousers. Speaking firmly to me, he said, “Swallow it.”

  I shook my head. I needed to find somewhere to spit.

  He pushed me against the wall, holding my mouth and nose closed. “Swallow it,” he commanded.

  I had no way out of this. There was no other way to hide our indiscretion. I closed my eyes and swallowed it as quickly as possible. He removed his hand from my mouth.

  I eyed him in the shadows. My heart beat rapidly. I loved when he had his way with me.

  “Tell me, Eve, how much control may I take tonight? Do you love me enough that I can be completely free with you later?” He approached me and squeezed my nipples through my dress. “Give me permission to fuck you like I’ve never fucked you before. Let me know your body is completely mine. Indulge me, Eve. Let me take you as I wish.”

  As much as I loved him, I did not know if I could let down my guard. “I think we should go before we are noticed missing.” I walked past him and placed my hand on the door. His hand covered mine.

  I stared straight ahead. I couldn’t grant him the permission he was looking for. He brought my hand down to my side before sliding it to my back. He took my other hand and brought it to my back, gripping my arms behind me. He leaned in and kissed me on the neck. “If you love me enough to marry me, you should love me enough to trust me.”

  I didn’t know what to do. A part of me wanted to grant him complete control, and a part of me feared my own reaction. Feeling the ultimatum in his words, I responded, “If you love me enough to marry me, you should love me enough to respect me.”

  “I do love you and respect you, and that is why I am asking for permission and not imposing my will. Think about it, and I will await your response with baited breath.” He opened the door.

  I hurried past him. “Take me home,” I said angrily.

  “Eve, please don’t make a scene.”

  I turned around. “How dare you expect me to do something I am not comfortable with!”

  “Lower your voice.”

  “Don’t tell me to lower my voice. Fuck you. How did you expect me to respond?”


  “Don’t Eve me. Your words and actions are inexcusable right now.” I rushed down the steps with Val closely following behind me.

  “Ah, just the two people I wanted to see.”

  I stopped dead in my tracks, almost bumping into the raven haired, blue-eyed woman standing before me.

  Val rushed to my side, slipping his arm around my waist. “Ah, Sofia, it’s a pleasure to see you again.” He took her hand and kissed it. “This is my fiancée, Eve. Eve, I believe you may have met Sofia and Timo Virtanen at one of my shows. They own several pieces of my work.”

  My head felt light. This could not be happening to me. I tried to regain my composure. “It’s a pleasure to see you again.” I shook their hands.

  Sofia directed her words to Val. “Timo and I would love to take you both to dinner. Our daughter Hanna is getting married next year, and I would like to commission a special work for her for the reception and as a wedding gift for their home.”

  “But of course. We would love to.” Val’s composure was solid and strong.

  “And, Eve, I have heard so much about your work. I am in the interior design business, and your weddings are magnificent. I would love to collaborate with you on the wedding plans.”

  “Thank you. I would be delighted.” The words escaped my mouth.

  “We’ll be in touch. I’ll call Petra next week and schedule a date.” Sofia leaned and kissed Val and myself on the cheek before continuing on her rounds.

  “I think we should get going,” I whispered to Val.

  “We can’t. Dinner is starting.” He motioned to the door.

  I gritted my teeth and held my head up high as we entered into the dining hall, arm in arm.

  The rest of the evening proceeded without incident. Sofia fled my mind as quickly as she’d entered it. All I could focus on was how Val made me feel. I was coldly indifferent to his touch while we danced or the words he used to try to soothe me. I wanted nothing to do with his dominance or his desires tonight.

  It was well after midnight when we arrived home. I headed straight upstairs to prepare for bed. He followed after me in silence.

  “Maybe you should sl
eep downstairs. I don’t know if I can sleep next to you tonight.”

  “Eve…” He reached out to caress my shoulder.

  “Don’t touch me.” I brushed his hand off. I began to remove my jewelry, my earrings, my necklace, and my bracelet. I stared at my engagement ring and slowly pulled it off. It was the first time I’d removed it since he’d placed it on my hand.

  “We need to talk.”

  “Like hell we do. Val, please leave and let me be. I cannot stand the thought of you touching me.” I turned to him. “You didn’t want to fuck me tonight or make love to me. You wanted to use me.”

  “Stop it, Eve! Stop saying that. It’s the last thing I would do.” He walked to the doorway. “I asked you for permission to be myself with you. You could have said no or that you weren’t ready. Just know I would never, ever hurt you.”

  His eyes were full of sorrow. It almost made me feel sorry for the way I responded. I walked into the bathroom and closed the door, shutting him out from my meltdown.

  Chapter 25

  I cried that night, more than I’d cried in a long time. I knew he would not hurt me intentionally. I wanted to please him. I wanted to accept him. Why was I afraid of his desires?

  Silence filled the room. There was no laugher under the covers or sweet little kisses in the night. There was no one there to keep me warm, no heartbeat to keep me safe. I listened to the patter of the rain against the windows and felt completely alone in the world. And in my sadness, I longed for him to be next to me, to comfort me and hold me. My words toward him had been harsh and hurtful. I'd spit fire when all he’d asked was a simple request. I didn’t know if my venom would poison our love. I couldn’t let the man I truly loved fall away from me, could I?

  Hours passed. I tossed and turned, unable to fall asleep without him by my side. I was afraid of losing him. And I knew the only way I could save our love was to go to him.

  I walked slowly down the stone steps and peeked into the downstairs bedroom. The fire was lit, and the lamp was on. He was writing with his guitar by his side. He looked up but did not say a word.

  “I can’t sleep.”

  There was silence. He put down his pen and paper and stared at me with a distant gaze.

  “We still have our safe word, right?” My lip started to tremble.

  “You don’t have to do this for me.”

  “I know my words were harsh. You caught me off guard. I had no idea this was coming or where it was coming from.”

  I walked down the rest of the stairs. He got up and met me halfway. I took his hands.

  “I am sorry I hurt you.”

  “Your actions hurt more than your words.” He held up my ringless left hand.

  “I am still yours if you will have me. I love you and trust you and want to spend the rest of eternity in your arms. I would go down to the registry office tomorrow to prove my devotion to you.”

  He looked into my eyes for a while before whispering, “We need to talk.” He held my hand and led me to the bed. My stomach was in knots. Those words were never a good sign.

  “I said what I did because I thought we were close enough to overcome the barriers that separate you from me. I feel comfortable enough to express my desires, and I trusted you would accept me for who I am.” His voice dropped an octave. “Maybe it would be fun to force my cock into you as you moaned no but secretly desired it. Maybe it would open us up to new things, new experiences. Maybe it would open up your desires.”

  “You’re getting bored of me.” My eyes dropped.

  “No, no, that’s not it at all. I will always be madly in love with you.” He cradled me in his arms. “Don’t you have any fantasies, any fetishes you want to explore with me?”

  “But you’re all I need. The club, the photo shoot, even tonight was a turn-on.” I sighed and looked into the fire. “I feel foolish to think I can satisfy you sexually for our whole marriage.”

  “If you allow me to open your eyes to new things, you may find something you enjoy as well. Try anything once, that’s all I ask, and if you are ever uncomfortable, I will stop immediately.”

  I looked at his eyes dancing in the firelight. Although this was the man I loved, this side of him was unknown. “What kind of desires?”

  He sighed. “From your reaction tonight, I’m afraid of telling you what turns me on. I don’t want to lose you.”

  “I promise to try to be open to it.”

  He paused, collecting his thoughts. “When you told me you couldn’t be tied down, I was devastated. I enjoy bondage.” He searched for my reaction.

  “Go on.” I had already experienced those fetishes.

  “I would enjoy controlling you sexually from time to time and not just in the bedroom if you agreed to it.”

  “What would you do?” I asked, intrigued by his words.

  He reached over to the nightstand that we’d purchased for the room, opening the drawer full of toys. “Here.” He placed two balls in my hand. “Shake them in your hands.”

  I shook them and felt a mild vibration.

  “Imagine I placed them inside your pussy and instructed you to go about your day keeping them inside of you until I removed them. Would you do that if I asked you to?”

  A chill ran over my body, causing my nipples to become erect through my T-shirt. His words were a turn-on.

  He grabbed both my arms and forced me to look at him. I saw pleasure in his eyes. “Would you do that if I asked you to?” he repeated.

  My heart fluttered. What he described was exciting to me. I gulped, submitting to his desires. “If that is what you wanted, yes, I would.”

  “Do you love me, Eve?”

  “With all my heart I do.”

  He pulled me onto his lap. “Do you trust me, Eve?”

  I looked into his eyes and whispered against his mouth, feeling his beard tickle my flesh. “Yes, yes I do.”

  His voice deepened. “And if I told you it was one of those days, as my wife, would you obey me?”

  I searched his eyes. They looked dark and dreamy, but I could not answer him. I had no idea what would be expected of me.

  “I would never push you past your limits, Eve. You would need to tell me your limits, and I would respect them.” His hands shifted to my waist. “As my wife, would you obey me sexually if I asked you to?”

  “I can’t answer that,” I whispered, unable to find my full voice.

  “Why? You know I would never hurt you or do something you were uncomfortable with.”

  “Yes, but what if I wasn’t in the mood?”

  “I wouldn’t push you if you weren’t up to it. I will always respect what you communicate to me. Any more questions?”

  I shook my head no.

  “I’ll ask you again, and I expect an answer from you. Will you obey me sexually?”

  I looked down, knowing I was sealing my fate either way I answered.

  “Look at me, Eve.”

  I looked him in the eye. “Yes, I will obey you.”

  “Will you submit to me tonight?”

  “What do you want to do to me?”

  “You said you trusted me and would obey me. I told you I would not push you past your limits. This will be the only night I will ever ask for your permission again. Will you submit to me sexually? Yes or no?”

  I knew if I said no we were back to square one. “Yes.”

  He spoke deeply and firmly. “Now let’s establish some ground rules for tonight. Do not protest my actions. Allow me to enjoy your body and allow yourself to enjoy what I will do to you. Do you understand?”


  “I’m warning you. This is going to be emotional for you. You will cry and break down, but I promise to make it right in the end. You will reach an entirely different level of understanding of me and of us. Are you sure you want to do this?”

  “Yes.” I gulped, thinking he was going to bind me to break me.

  “Stand up and take your clothes off.”

  I rose from th
e bed and stood before him, pulling my camisole over my head and dropping my panties. His eyes moved over my body, taking me in. I felt extremely vulnerable standing there, knowing I was not in control.

  “Come here.” He reached for me, placing me back on top, straddling his lap. He grabbed my ass with a tight squeeze. “You disrespected me by removing my ring.” His hand slammed down on my ass with such force it lifted my body into his groin. I wailed in shock.

  “You will never remove that ring again in anger. You will not spite us or punish me.” He slapped my cheek again, almost perfectly lining up with his first blow.

  “Ouch!” I screamed in surprise.

  He shifted me back on the bed. “Roll over and show me that delicious little ass of yours.”

  I rolled over and closed my eyes. Was this something I could live with for the rest of my life? Could I tolerate or even grow to enjoy his controlling sexuality? Suddenly his hand landed on my ass, and I squealed in pain.

  “Control yourself, Eve. I didn’t hit you that hard.”

  He slapped me again, this time harder than the first. I bit down into the pillow, trying to control my voice, but I would not give in. I would not use our safe word. Over and over again, for what seemed like an eternity, he smacked me, switching sides to make sure my ass was completely covered in welts from his hand.

  He rolled me onto my back. My ass ached with every move of the sheets beneath me. He shifted me upward toward the metal bar near the headboard, pressing his weight upon me so I did not move. He reached out to the edge of the bed. In the dim light I saw two metal objects. He was about to handcuff me.

  I wiggled underneath him. “Let me go.”

  “No, Eve, we need to get past this.” He snatched the handcuffs and grabbed my left wrist, using the weight of his body to hold me down.

  I heard the click of a cuff and the tightness of the metal around my wrist. I struggled, punching, scratching, and clawing at his face and chest with my free hand. He clamped the other end of the handcuffs to the bed and seized my other hand.


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