The Sanctuary

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The Sanctuary Page 36

by Arika Stone

  “You always have to go in the middle of a conversation. I’ll wait until you finish.” He stood in the doorway, admiring me.

  “So instead of giving me privacy, you stand there and watch.” I shook my head. “You’re too much.”

  He walked to me and lifted my shirt. “You did drop.” His eyes lit up, and he kissed me. “It’ll be any day now.”

  “How can you be so sure, Dr. Ruska?” I laughed.

  “Why don’t we take a peek and find out?” he said seductively as he took me by the hand and led me into the bedroom.

  “I don’t think I’m up for this.”

  “But I don’t need you to do anything.” He leaned in kissing me, gently pushing me onto the bed. “You just lie back and put your feet up here.” He grabbed my legs and hoisted them upward. “And I’ll take a quick peek. This shouldn’t hurt a bit.” He quickly slid his pants down, revealing his hard, erect cock.

  “Oh, Dr. Ruska, I don’t know if we should be doing this.” I giggled. “What would my husband think?”

  He laughed, tugging my shorts off. “I think he would want to make sure you were examined properly. Now, I’m going to slide this in and see how deep it can go.” He shifted into me, sliding his cock into my pussy, which, lately, was perpetually wet.

  “Owww…Doc, that hurts.” I pushed his weight off of me.

  He slid his cock out. “What hurts?”

  “You can’t lean on me like that. My back is killing me.” I propped myself up on my elbows.

  “Then we’ll have to examine you in a different position.” He smiled ear to ear. “Roll onto your side.” He wrapped his arm below my stomach and drew me into him, spooning me. “I like this position better. I can examine all of you this way.” He chuckled before diving into my neck with his lips and bringing his hand to my breast, squeezing it tightly.

  His strokes were short and shallow, drawing himself in and pulling out with quick movements. I leaned into him and closed my eyes. Morning sex was something I indulged him in. It always felt great but very rarely was I able to come before my morning cup of coffee.

  “Fuck, Eve,” he said between breaths. “I can’t keep myself in you. You’re so fucking wet.” He whispered, “Can I go deeper?”

  I moaned softly, giving him the green light. He grabbed my hipbone to gain leverage. I tried to squeeze my pussy tighter around him, to give him a better sensation, but I was so soaked it didn’t matter.

  He drove deeper and harder. I ground back, but as soon as I did, his cock poked my cervix, sending a shooting bolt of pain into me. “Ahh!” I screamed.

  “Fuck, I’m sorry!”

  I squeezed my eyes shut to block out the cramping. “Oh, come on, baby, come for me.” I hoped talking dirty would send him to the place he needed to be. “I want to feel that hot cum,” I purred.

  He thrust himself into me with the strength of a bull and held me deep, his throbbing cock exploding inside.

  It sent me over the edge and tore me in two. “Oh fuck, Val, get out! I’m in pain.” I drew my legs upward as far as they would go. The cramps were too much.

  He pulled out. “Shit, Eve, you’re bleeding.” He jumped up off the bed and ran for a towel. “I’m calling the doctor.” He sped out of the room, returning with the phone in hand.

  “How do you feel?” he asked.

  “I’m cramping.” I was in a cold sweat.

  “Hi, Doc, it’s Val Ruska. Eve and I just made love, and she started to bleed and get cramps.” He paused to listen to the doctor’s instructions. “No, she’s not bleeding heavily. I see. Yes, thank you.” He hung up. “He’s not too concerned, yet. He said to keep you off your feet and watch the bleeding, but he thinks it’s because we made love,” he said with a sheepish grin. “I’m sorry if I hurt you, baby.”

  “I’m sure I’ll be fine. Did he say anything else?” I rubbed my belly, trying to calm down.

  “He said if the bleeding or cramps gets worse to call him. But he thinks they will subside with a bit of rest. Why don’t you relax? Can I get you anything?”

  I shifted myself onto the pillows and flicked on the television. I was used to relaxing in bed by now. “Coffee would be lovely.”

  Val weaved into the kitchen and back to the bedroom. “Do you mind if I join you?” He extended a cup to me.

  “No, not at all.” I eyed him. “I know you have things to take care of today. Don’t let this hamper you.”

  He smiled warmly. “I’m not leaving if you’re not feeling well.”

  “Don’t be silly. I’m fine. Besides, you won’t be too far away. You’ll be close if I need you. Take care of business. I’ll be here waiting.”

  He shook his head no. “If you’re not feeling good, I’ll stay home.” He grabbed the remote and flipped the channel. “Do we really need to watch another baby show?”

  I snatched the remote from him. “It eases my mind about delivery. If they can do it, so can I.”

  Val sipped his coffee. “Are you scared about giving birth?”

  “Of course I’m scared of it. I mean, all of this has to come out of one tiny little hole.” I gestured to my stomach.

  “It opens up. You’ll be fine.” He winked.

  “Easy for you to say. You’re not giving birth.” I smirked. He enjoyed me being pregnant. It was painless for him. He didn’t feel any of the repercussions of pregnancy other than my mood swings.

  “So have the doctors give you drugs or go for a C-section,” he stated, as if labor was like ordering fast food. I could pick and choose what I liked.

  “No one is cutting me open while I’m awake.” I shook my head and placed my coffee mug down. I was getting tired.

  My eyes began to close. I had been up for over twenty-four hours. “I’m going to sleep. You exhausted me. Maybe sex is what I needed.” I smiled. “Take care of what you need to. I’m going to crash. I’ll call you later.”

  He leaned over and kissed me. “If you need me, you better call. But I’m not leaving for a few hours.”

  I nodded. “I love you.”

  “I love you too. Sweet dreams, darling.”

  * * * *

  It seemed like I’d just closed my eyes. But when I opened them, the sun was already set over the Manhattan skyline. I grabbed my cell phone from next to the bed: eight forty-two p.m. Shit, I was going to miss the party. I got up, showered and dressed, as fast as I could.


  “Yes, Eve.” Edward hurried into my bedroom, as if it was an emergency.

  “Did Val call at all? Did he come home?”

  “He did, but since you were sleeping, he wanted to let you be.”

  “Get my car. I need to get to the release.” I hurried around the room, hastily tossing things into my purse.

  “Do you think it’s wise to drive? I can call your car.”

  “I don’t care, as long as it is here in five minutes.”

  I picked up my cell and dialed Val. No answer. It figured. He never answered his phone when he was working. I left a message on his voice mail just in case before dialing Sebastian, but I also received no answer.

  Ten minutes later, I pulled up to the hottest rock club in New York City, Rock. Roll. Repeat., a relatively new club that had sprung up last year as the “it” place to be.

  “Mrs. Ruska.” Security immediately recognized me and opened the doors to the club as soon as I stepped onto the pavement. It probably wasn’t hard to describe me. Just look for the very pregnant chick.

  I headed inside and was greeted by flashing lights, fog, loud music, and an undeniable feeling that I didn’t belong. Everywhere I turned I was flanked by fabulous, skinny women that any rock star would fuck in a heartbeat. I felt completely insignificant and very fat. I wove though the crowd toward the green room. I figured I could start there before attempting to find Val among the crowd or VIPs.

  But the club was so crowded I couldn’t focus on where I was going. It was a blur. The lights made me dizzy, and the people appeared to blend in
to each other. I found my way to the bar and flagged down a bartender.

  “What can I get you?”

  “Water and can you tell me if you’ve seen Valo?”

  The bartender eyed me. “He’s upstairs, but you’ll need a pass to get up there.”

  “It’s not a problem. I’m his wife.” I passed him cash.

  “Oh, I am sorry, Mrs. Ruska. I did not recognize you. There is no charge.”

  “Keep it. How do I get upstairs?” I screamed over the blasting music of my husband’s band.

  “There.” He pointed to the far end of the room.

  “Thank you.” As soon as I stepped off the platform, I felt something trickle down my leg. This could not be happening. I glanced around the room. I needed to get to a bathroom quickly.

  I pushed my way through the crowd, making my way toward the upstairs lounge. I needed to get away from the insanity.

  “Hey, lady, where do you think you’re going?” I felt a hand pull my arm. I spun around. The voice sounded familiar.

  “Jenni!” I screamed. “I had no idea you were here.”

  She embraced me. “Oh my God, you’re so pregnant. I had no idea I was coming either. Val sent me an e-ticket two nights ago.” She kissed me. “I just came from having a smoke. These damn laws of yours. Val said you weren’t feeling good. Let’s go upstairs.” She spoke as though she hadn’t seen me in years, trying to get all her thoughts out at once.

  “I missed you, darling.” She pulled me through the crowd.

  “I missed you too. Jenni, I need to use the bathroom. I think something may have happened.”

  She spun around. “What happened?” she yelled.

  I pulled her in and shouted in her ear, “I either wet myself or my water just broke.”

  Her eyes widened. “Are you serious? We need to find Val.”

  “No, this is his night. I don’t want him to worry. It may be nothing. Where is the bathroom?” I scanned the room frantically.

  “There is one upstairs.”

  I wobbled after her until we reached the ladies' room. Thankfully, as soon as we closed the door behind us, the sound level cut in half.

  “Jenni, he’s not drinking or doing anything, is he?” I asked as I waddled to an empty stall.

  “I haven’t seen him drinking. He’s fine.”

  I sighed behind the closed door. This was no drip. It was a fucking flood, and I was leaking all over the floor. “Jenni, I think this may be it.”

  “Are you having contractions yet?” Jenni asked through the door.

  “No. What time does the party end?”

  “Val’s performing at midnight. That’s all I know. What time does the club close?”

  “I have no idea.” I opened the door. “I’m not telling him unless I need to leave.” I walked to the sink and washed my hands.

  She gasped. “You’re not telling him you’re in labor?”

  I reached for the door. “It’s not active labor yet. Let’s find Val.”

  We strolled around the VIP section, but Val was nowhere in sight. “Maybe he went to have a smoke?”

  “It’s possible. Look, there’s Sebastian.” Jenni headed toward him. “Sebastian, where’s Val?”

  “I’m not sure. He was outside with Ollie, but that was about thirty minutes ago. I haven’t seen him. Hi, Eve, how are you feeling?” Sebastian replied, leaning in to kiss me on both cheeks.

  “I’m fine, thank you.”

  But Jenni blew my cover. “Her water broke. We need to find Val immediately.”

  “Your water broke?” He reached for his phone.

  “No, it’s all right. I’m okay.” Then suddenly, the wave of a contraction hit me. “I need to find a seat.”

  “Find Val,” Jenni demanded as she grabbed my arm. “So what do I do? Time these things?” Her eyes searched mine for an answer. She looked completely unsure of what to do.

  I eyed Sebastian frantically making phone calls and speaking to people as they passed by. “This could go on for hours, Jenni. Let Val have his night. I don’t want to ruin it.”

  “How is having his baby ruining his night? Do you know how much he talks about it?” She smiled. “I’m glad I flew in!” she squealed, squeezing me.

  People began to scurry around franticly. Sebastian approached me. “How are you doing?”

  “I’m okay. It passed already.” My body had temporarily calmed down from the contraction.

  “But it will come again. I’m trying to find Val for you. We’ll page him. I’ve already got the car ready for you outside. What else can I get you?” he asked me, concerned.

  I shook my head. I didn’t know what I needed. “This could be a false alarm. I’ve had pre-term contractions before. I don’t want to alert Val. Let him be.”

  Sebastian kneeled down and took me by the hand. “If your water broke, it’s not a false alarm, dear. This is the real thing, believe me. I have four children. You’re going to have a baby tonight.”

  I watched Jenni and Sebastian. They both seemed convinced I was going to give birth. Could this really be it?

  The music cut off. “Excuse me, everyone, I hate to interrupt,” a female voice interjected. “But we seem to be missing our star tonight. Has anyone seen Valo?” The crowd roared in delight. “If you see him, please tell him he is needed. His wife just went into labor.”

  “Come, my dear.” Sebastian offered his hand to me. “Let’s get you to the car.”

  I took his hand and stood up, but as soon as I did, gravity took over, and a downpour of liquid shot out between my legs again. “Oh my God.” I cried, completely embarrassed.

  “What happened?” Val rushed up next to me, out of breath. He placed his hand on his head. “What are you doing here?” he heaved, gasping for air as if he’d sprinted to reach me.

  “I didn’t want to…Ahhhh…” I doubled over in another wave of pain. Val grasped my arm, holding me up. Sebastian grabbed me on the other side.

  “Come on, love, let’s have a baby,” Val said softly in my ear, still out of breath.

  “No, no. You stay here. It’s your night. Meet me there.”

  “And miss it?” He shook his head. “No way.” He glanced over his shoulder. “Come on, Jenni, you’re coming too.”

  I stumbled out to the car, leaning on Val for strength. “What if I leak in the car?”

  “We’ll pay to have it cleaned. Don’t worry about something silly. Go on and get in.”

  I hovered in front of the car, hesitant to enter.

  “What’s the matter, love?” Val stood there, looking into my eyes.

  I smiled. “This is probably the last time we will get into a car alone, just the two of us.” And then it hit me. “Val, we’re having a baby!” I screamed. It was the first time I was truly happy during this pregnancy.

  Chapter 57

  We rushed into the hospital and were greeted by a nurse in the emergency room with a wheelchair in hand. I was no stranger to this and immediately sat down without being asked. “Good evening, Eve. Dr. Stanton told us you were in labor. I’m Angela, and I’ll be your nurse during your delivery.” She turned to Val. “And you must be Mr. Ruska.”

  “Yes, please call me Val.” He followed after us, with Jenni close behind.

  “So how are you feeling?” The nurse rolled me into the elevator.

  “Like I’m being ripped in two.” I rubbed my stomach, hoping to calm my nerves.

  “And how far apart are the contractions?” The door of the elevator opened, and the nurse wheeled us into a hallway before swiping her card to allow us entry to the secured part of the labor and delivery floor.

  “They’re coming about every four to five minutes,” Val responded.

  “It sounds like you have plenty of time.” Angela wheeled me into the private labor room, which seemed more like a hotel than a hospital. “Change into this, and I’ll get you set up.” She handed me the typical hospital gown. Unfortunately, they hadn’t upgraded their attire to match the décor.
br />   “And what do you consider plenty of time?” I began to undress, hoping she would give me good news.

  “Once the doctor examines you, we can get a better guess. I’ll be right back. I’ll let the doctor know you’re here.”

  I undid my bra and removed my underwear from behind the shield of the gown that I draped over me.

  “Don’t be bashful. We’ll see you naked by the end of the night,” Jenni teased as she flopped down on one of the couches.

  Val shielded me, blocking Jenni’s view. “Here, let me help you.”

  I placed my head on his chest and leaned into him, grabbing onto his waist for support. His arms slid around to my back. His fingers felt soft and silky against my skin as he tied the gown closed for me. “Val, I’m scared,” I whispered into him before another contraction washed over my body, causing me to grip onto him until it passed. “I don’t want to do this,” I croaked.

  He smoothed my hair. “Did I ever tell you that you are beautiful?”

  I nodded into his chest.

  “And did I ever tell you how strong you are and how much I admire that about you?”

  “I don’t feel very strong right now.”

  “Well, you are, Eve. And you will get through this. And if you’re scared, I’m here. Let me be your strength through this.”

  I pulled away and eyed him. “Why are you being so sweet?”

  “What do you mean? I’m always sweet.” He smiled.

  My eyes narrowed. “I know when you’re sweet, and your voice sounds different right now.” I loved his voice so much. I always paid attention to the little nuances of his range.

  “Oh really?” He laughed, glancing past my shoulder to the skyline before looking back at me. “It’s not that I don’t mean my sincerity. I do.” Val puckered his lips and paused. “But I know I’ll have my balls handed to me soon.” He chuckled.

  “Oh, so you’re trying to butter—” A wave of pain rushed from my back to my groin, wrapping me in tightness and causing me to nearly lose my footing.

  Val caught me in his arms. “I got you.” I leaned my weight into him. “Do you want to walk?”

  “No,” I whined.

  “Do you want to sit?”



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