The Savant Lands_The Lost Class

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The Savant Lands_The Lost Class Page 4

by Lucas Dunn




  Dark Sight: See with 100% proficiency in darkness. (Non-Passive)

  Dark Shroud: Unable to be heard or detected by the followers of light through divine or mundane magic. (Passive)

  Divine Fortitude: Resist attempts to influence your mind(Passive)


  Water Magic: 0% towards next level. 0% resistance. [Level one]

  Earth Magic: 0% towards next level. 0% resistance. [Level one]

  Fire Magic: 5% towards next level. 0% resistance. [Level one]

  Air Magic: 2% towards next level. 0% resistance. [Level one]

  Dark Magic: 0% towards next level. 0% resistance. [Level one]

  Light Magic: 2% towards next level. 0% resistance. [Level one]

  Lightning Magic: 0% towards next level. 0% resistance. [Level one]

  Mana Manipulation: Process of efficiently using mana. 15% towards next level. Cast speed and success +0% effective. [Level one]

  Spell Creation: You have the ability to create your own spell. Current limit of four runes. 0% towards next level. (Non-Passive) [Level Four]


  Summon a minor god

  Array a force of at least 100 strong

  Figure out your race

  Chapter 6

  As I distributed my stats I still had 16 left. That didn’t add up at all I thought. After thinking on it I decided the only way for this to be the case was my special race which was hidden as ???. Adding them up this meant that I got 7 points to distribute each level rather than the normal 5 for humans. Not going to put in a complaint or try to call too much attention to it, I decided to buff up my poor physical stats adding seven to stamina, eight to dexterity, and one to strength. This is so I could run longer, move faster, dodge better, strike accurately, and so my damage modifier wasn’t at its base. I finished up my stats and instantly felt my body become more energized, less awkward, and lighter. Noting that Increasing stats went towards physical changes, I decided to start on my long list of to do’s. First would be exploring the woods and surrounding lands. As I headed out into the slow approaching dawn I started to think about a new character build with my extra points. From my perspective, I was already completely overpowered as a mage with my knowledge of spell creation. So what I could do from here is either become even more overpowered and invest the points from here on out towards the mage class, or invest the points from here on out into another attribute and be able to take up possibly two skilled forms of combatting. As I mused over the possible advantages and disadvantages I came to another final decision. Except this one did not favor my mage class. The downfall of mages were always two main things. This was rogue’s physical attacks or mages with better magic. I undoubtedly had the advantage over most mages from what I could tell which left physical attacks. From here on out I would invest my two extra points solely into dexterity. This would give me the speed to not only dodge and block physical attacks but also counter attack with small blades. My dexterity would be on par with common warriors because they had other stats to invest in which meant every level, they would be putting one to two points into dexterity at most. Of course the exception to this would be rogues or classes that specialized in speed but I hoped to not let them close. The only other slight problem would be my strength which would be considerably weaker than most others making my physical attack weak. That wasn’t too big though, because from what I could tell with the bunnies, it wasn’t a matter of just hitting you’re opponent but where. This meant that if the dagger I had now were to be used to stab my skull and puncture my brain, I would be dead. There wouldn’t be a loss of 6-7 health. With this realistic representation it meant being able to dodge and move was a lot more important than I had previously considered.

  I reached the gates and saw my carpenter standing by the gate as the laborers were chopping trees in the distance. With my two guards following a little bit behind on either side I headed to the first rabbit I saw. It was a puny level one so I shot my fire orb and curiously explored the message.

  .5 experience given. (.5 towards next level)

  I definitely got a decreased amount of experience for that, which meant I am going to have to step up my game. Mentally calling one of the laborers to me, I eagerly prepared for a hunt into the woods. Walking slowly, I needed to come up with a strategy. Fire magic was effective but I didn’t think it would be safe to use in the forest. I needed a couple more spells for the hunt ahead that would be effective and safe… for me at least. Paralyze would be invaluable if I was in a tight situation so I quickly created a spell called “Paralysis Orb” which would stun them for one second if I was in a tough situation. Next I wanted something I could use on multiple enemies so I tried putting together a lightning spell that would hit one target and spread but I got a disappointing prompt.

  Spell can’t be created. Lightning magic not high enough level. Mana manipulation not high enough level.

  Suddenly I wasn’t such an OP caster. I couldn’t create this spell because my levels weren’t high enough which meant I couldn’t just come up with any spell but was limited by magic level, mana level, and spell creation level. Three things I would have to work on simultaneously to become the Grand mage I wanted to be. Switching and using dark magic I quickly created another spell called “Dark Orb” that utilized darkness magic and runes. I wanted to level up in at least one form of magic before I left these woods. I held on to my dagger and gave my mundane book to the laborer as we reached the edge of the forest. Peering in I couldn’t see any animals but from the sounds I was hearing, the forest was alive. Getting closer I could almost hear a sort of thumping. It was rhythmic and came at even intervals. Seeming to get louder I started to back up. Holding my dagger in one hand and a dark orb in the other I waited for another second before I realized it was coming from behind me! Spinning around I saw a flash of white as my Shadow guard was speared by a horn instantly dissipating. Backing up I saw the beast for what it was.

  A huge rabbit the size of a small horse stood in front of me. The top of its head plated in bone with a hue spike while the rest of its body was smooth white fur. The only thing I could think of was an Easter bunny from hell before it charged me. I would like to say I didn’t freeze in panic, but seriously. A rabbit the size of a small horse, with a horn, came hoping at me. About ten yards away from me my guard jumped in from of me materializing a shield of shadow and braced. Not liking his chances, I shot my dark sphere at the bunny aiming for his head but hitting his shoulder.

  15 of 500 damage done to level 15 Rabbit

  I watched as the rabbit’s shoulder fur blackened and fell of before it rammed into my shadow guard completely piercing his shield and running him through. I ran. I wasn’t being a coward, I was just thinking of a strategy to stop the rabbits charge. I ran into the woods at top speed as the bunny chased me. The whole time my laborers completely ignored the situation. Turning around quickly to shoot my lightning orb in hopes of paralyzing him I was sorely disappointed with another reminder of how my good luck could only last so long.

  5 of 480 damage done to level 15 Rabbit. Target not paralyzed due to lack of casters lightning magic requirements.

  I guess leveling up magic was going to the top of my list is, I thought before I was speared through my back left side.

  150 of 240 damage taken from level 15 Rabbit.

  Seriously pissed and in pain as I sailed five feet through the air, I had just enough time to roll to the side before the bunny stabbed the earth next to me. Jumping up I shot another dark bolt in his face landing a critical of 30 damage before running off again trying to ignore the pain in my back. I heard him thumping behind me so I instinctively jumped to the side behind a tree and heard a solid “Thunk”. Springing to my feet I looked up and saw his horn jammed into the tree. I quickly thought of attacking but decided it’d be pointless because I’d be in the same situation if he got free. Using his horn as a footstep I ran and jumped off of it grabbing the closest
branch on the tree and pulled myself up. Now I had all the time in the world even if he got free.

  15 of 430 damage done to level 15 Rabbit

  15 of 415 damage done to level 15 Rabbit

  After I hit him with my second dark orb he broke free. Probably deciding he’d had enough, he started sprinting off, but I could have sworn he gave me a look of pure hatred before hopping away. Laughing out loud at the ridiculousness of what just happened I started to heal myself and wait for my stats to reach full again. Cautiously dropping from the branch I started walking parallel to the edge of the forest and about one hundred yards in. I saw many squirrels and other small animals as I walked so I shot my lightning orb followed by my dark orb just to level up my magic. Having my original laborer carry the squirrels hide and meat I continued until I saw a deer. Going completely still I treaded carefully around the animal trying to make as little noise as possible deciding my plan of attack.

  I would hit it with two orbs before it had time to dash away and then I would slowly and stealthily follow it. Positioning myself so that the animal would run towards the plains, I started my hunt.

  -15 of 100 damage done to level 5 deer

  -15 of 85 damage done to level 5 deer

  I tried to use the paralysis orb spell but did not have enough time to dispel the runes in my head and the new ones before it dashed to its left into the forest running parallel of the plain, instead of towards it. Trying to stay silent and trail it I got about a hundred yards before it disappeared. So I continued on slowly noticing the deep tracks it left in the soft forest earth. I patiently started to follow the tracks before once again finding the deer lazily grazing thinking it had escaped danger. This time a little deeper into the forest, I angled myself to push the deer back to the outskirts of the forest.

  -15 of 70 damage done to level 5 deer

  -15 of 55 damage done to level 5 deer

  This time prepared, I shot off my paralysis orb just in time only to have it fail again and just attack for five damage. The deer at 35 health, I continued the chase. Slowly tracking him towards the outskirts of the forest the animal once again lazily grazed on the grass. If I didn’t want to chase the deer again I was going to have to utilize my spells a lot quicker. Silently preparing once more I launched my dark orbs as quick as possible and prepared my paralysis orb this time chasing after the deer so it wouldn’t escape. I shot my orb just before it vanished into the trees.

  Congratulations! You killed a level 5 deer. +5% towards next level. Total experience towards next level 9.5%

  New skill gained. Sneak: You are now able to slightly conceal your presence and noise. 5% reduction to noise and noticeability. -50 reduction to speed. [Level One]

  New skill gained. Tracking: You are now able to follow game by their tracks. [Level One]

  Well I definitely wasn’t interested in killing 20 of those just to get to the next level. However, it did give wonderful loot. Plus, the new skills would definitely come in handy while in the forest. Letting my laborer collect the meat and hide, I continued on noticing the slight glow that the animal tracks now made. After 30 minutes of sneaking and killing useless animals I decided to head deeper into the forest. I needed something that would actually let me make gains. I needed to find a dungeon or at least some animals I could farm consistently.

  Using my sneak, I continued on until a huge 12-foot snake popped out of the foliage and clamped on my calf before I could do anything. Taking 10 damage I cursed and stabbed the snakes body hardly penetrating its thick scales.

  -6 of 50 damage to forest level 7 Python

  Knowing if it wrapped around me it would be deadly I ripped its head out of my leg quickly backing up. It tensed up then sprung forward jaws open. Prepared for the attack I shot a dark orb at it, hitting it straight in the face for critical damage bringing it down to 14 health. Ignoring the damage, the python continued through the air latching onto my hand that cast the spell, I took another ten damage. Frantically stabbing the snake as it wrapped around me with the other hand, it finally died with the third stab.

  Congratulations! You killed a Level 7 Python. +10% towards next level. Total experience towards next level 21%

  Congratulations! You leveled up Mana Manipulation. +5% efficiency. Total 5%

  Congratulations! You leveled up Dark magic. All spells with dark magic are upgraded in damage, but cost more mana.

  Excited with the upgrades I checked my dark orb to see its new improvements and was not disappointed. Instead of fifteen damage, it now did a whopping 30. With my Efficiency bonus that would bring it to 31.5, give or take on the target. The only downside was the now expensive cost of 85 mana instead of 50. It had doubled my use of the spell making me able to do twice as much damage in half as much time which I was very excited about.

  Noticing it well into morning I started to head back to the castle killing another level 7 snake along the way and plenty of smaller animals quickly bringing up another prompt I was hoping for.

  Congratulations! You have leveled up Lightning Magic. All spells with Lightning magic are upgraded in damage, but cost more mana.

  Reading its new stats, it now did ten damage along with costing 150 mana. Though it was expensive it was now able to paralyze medium sized animals, and it lasted two seconds. It might have been weak before, but now it was definitely my most lifesaving spell. Exiting the forest, I could see the laborers each hauling a log towards the gate. Not only that, but I could also see the familiar shape of the bastard rabbit who stabbed me. I could feel an evil grin spread its way across my face as I started to holler. Seeing it turn to me, it immediately started charging. With over half a mile away I was perfectly content with waiting till it got closer. As it closed the distance I readied my paralysis spell and by the time it was 15 yards away I released.

  -10 of 450 damage done to level 15 Rabbit. Target paralyzed for next two seconds.

  Glad that it hadn’t regenerated all of its health I wasted no time as it continued to convulse, its momentum continuing to slide it toward me.

  As it came to a stop, I hit it with the spell one more time quickly grabbing it by the horn and stabbing its throat twice for a fatal blows.

  Congratulations! You have killed a level 15 Rabbit. +40% towards next level. Total experience towards next level 61%.

  With Plenty of meat for breakfast, I headed back towards the gate. To think a little more on strategy and my next moves. Once inside the gate I logged off so I could eat real food, and do some research.

  Chapter 7

  After finishing up breakfast I had been going through some interesting news on the forum when I got a message from Jake. “I spawned as Dark Elf. Level 8, want to work our way towards each other? Online name is “Dark Blade”. I snorted when I saw his name. It was just like him to use some corny name.

  Getting back into strategy mode I realized he shouldn’t be too far from me. It wouldn’t be a problem of distance, but safety. The map on the forum showed that at the very bottom, in the south, were the Split Isles. From there it went to the main continent with the Dwarven mountains to the bottom southwest, a human port city in the southeast, the Human Mainland capital in the middle of the continent but in the south. There was a huge forest in the middle of the map, but a huge barren landscape called no man’s land spit it down the middle separating the dark elves from the light ones. Then there was the huge Dark Dwarven Mountain range in the furthest north. Finally, there was my minor mountains, but my fort wasn’t shown on the map. I could tell my location was in north between the forest and the Dark dwarves mountain range. I was in the middle but situated furthest to the east with my mountains against the ocean. The developers had clearly set the map up so there would be geographical tension. The line was clearly drawn, with the forest being the marker. Now seeing the light elves talk trash with the dark elves in the forum, and vice versa, made sense. The other thing I had started to notice, was the perfect military position my fort was in. The un-scalable mountains backed by the sea,
the almost middle of the continent positioning, and even the way the town was set up. I couldn’t be surrounded. Armies couldn’t come by sea. Troops would lose extra stamina running up the incline. It was the perfect fort and I had already claimed it. I might not be as OP alone, as I had hoped, but I definitely had the territory to create one hell of an immovable force. I was definitely going to need it. War was coming and it was going to hit hard. It was time to recruit.

  Shooting Jake a text back telling him I’d meet him in the northern plains if he wanted to head there. Also asking him to bring any magic theory books, and I’d pay him back. I couldn’t leave the fort unattended and I figured I had a week till Jake got to me. That meant a week to get 50 gold coins for a NPC, which was not cheap. Looking through the forum, I had gotten used to the currency system since none was used where I was. The currency went 100 copper = 1 silver, 100 silver = 1 gold, and 100 gold = 1 platina. From what I could tell you could only get money in game which was definitely nice. I hated pay to win games because they quickly were filled with cocky pricks that came in for one day and would be boosted to a stupid high level. Acquiring the money would take many options which were not available. The only options plausible, was finding a dungeon which apparently at the least gave you a least 4 platina a floor if you were the first, or finding roving bands of goblins and other simple NPC’s to kill. Finding a dungeon would have been hopeless, but I knew the fort would not be in such a perfect location unless there was a way to train troops near it. With a plan to find the dungeon I hopped back into the game.

  Chapter 8

  As my view came back, I was staring at a crudely repaired wooden gate. I couldn’t help but feel slight disappointment at the lackluster job, but then again they were “basic”. Telling my Shadow laborer to put the loot from our last expedition in by the wall along with my book, I quickly made my way to the fort planning ahead for my next mission.


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