My Gift To You

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My Gift To You Page 12

by Tracie Delaney

  “Okay, any questions?” Adrianna asked. When Livvy and Gabe shook their heads, Adrianna slipped into the water and waved for them to follow her.

  Gabe held Livvy’s hands as she dropped into the water.

  She gasped. “It’s freezing.”

  Gabe laughed. “Why do you think we have wetsuits? This is the Pacific, darlin’. Ice cold.”

  As they began to interact with the intelligent, social creatures, Livvy soon forgot the cold. Adrianna coached them through the various hand signals, which the dolphins reacted to accordingly. The highlight for Livvy, however, was when she got to hang on to the fin of a dolphin and was pulled through the water at such a speed that she lost her breath.

  “Oh my God.” She smiled so broadly, her cheeks hurt. “That was amazing.”

  As she swam back to the edge of the pool, Gabe drew her into his arms. He swept aside a damp lock of hair that had clung to her eyelashes and bent his head to kiss her. When a brief peck turned into something deeper, Livvy pulled back, conscious of Adrianna’s proximity.

  “Bashful English girl,” he whispered, his green eyes twinkling as they mocked her.

  “Overexuberant Texan cowboy,” she replied.

  Gabe threw back his head and laughed. “Come on. Adrianna is going to show us around the place.”

  It was only as Gabe spoke that Livvy glanced around and realized there were no other visitors. “Where are the other tourists?”

  He tilted his head to one side. “It’s closed. They’re only hosting us today.”

  Livvy raised her eyebrows and gave a slight shake of her head. “How did you manage that?”

  Gabe winked. “I have my ways.”

  Livvy chuckled. “Well, even though you are incorrigible, I really appreciate the gesture.”

  They spent the rest of the day learning how the aquarium helped rescue injured and orphaned dolphins. The facility put them through a rehabilitation program in the hope of returning them to the wild. Gabe listened intently and asked lots of questions. As they were getting ready to leave, he made a generous donation to the center. Although he could easily afford it, his philanthropy still struck a chord with Livvy, and she fell a little deeper under his spell.

  “Thank you for today,” Livvy said as they climbed back into the car.

  His fingers lightly brushed hers, causing a shiver of delight to creep up her spine.

  “You’re welcome.”

  If she thought the dolphin encounter would be the highlight of their weeklong vacation, Livvy couldn’t have been more wrong. Gabe whisked her all over the country to all manner of events and experiences, from renting out an entire ice rink—where Livvy discovered she was a terrible ice-skater—to hot-air ballooning at dawn over New Mexico. He topped off the week with a visit to a rodeo in Texas, where they also paid his mother a visit.

  As their vacation drew to a close and they headed back to Los Angeles, a sense of loss ran through her. Even though she would be traveling with Gabe on his business trip, it wouldn’t be the same. He’d been devoted to her all week, yet now she would have to share him with the other side of his life—a very important one. She was being selfish by wanting him all to herself, but she couldn’t seem to stop the errant thoughts from running through her mind.

  They spent the night back at Gabe’s place. Livvy kept calling it home in her head then had to correct herself because it wasn’t her home. The problem was, she spent so much time at his house that she barely went back to her apartment. It was understandable how her mind drifted in that direction.

  A weird feeling stirred in her chest. Even though Gabe seemed committed to their relationship, he hadn’t mentioned anything about the future. Livvy worried that she was significantly more invested than he was, and it made her nervous. Neither of them had come close to uttering the L word. Yet the fluttering she felt in her stomach every time he was near, the way he made her forget everything when they made love, and how safe and secure she felt around him told her it was already too late. She’d suspected her feelings ran deep before she and Gabe had gone away, but after their dream vacation, she knew for certain.

  She’d learned to love again.

  Chapter Fourteen

  A few weeks later, Livvy and Gabe were in New York, preparing to attend a function to celebrate the acquisition of Gabe’s latest business. He’d spent most of the day at his lawyer’s offices, going over the final details before the deal was concluded.

  “So, who’s going to be at this thing?” Livvy asked as she dabbed a tissue over her mouth to seal her lipstick.

  Gabe stood beside her and straightened his bow tie. “The board of directors from both companies, plus the department heads and their partners, of course. I also instructed my people to invite the top talent from each regional office. It’s good to show those folks how much they’re appreciated and to set their minds at rest over the merger.”

  Livvy’s gaze slid over him. Her man sure looked handsome in a tux. Gabe caught her checking him out, and his eyes darkened, even as a slight smirk curled his lips upward.

  A faint flush crept over Livvy’s neck. Even after all this time, Gabe could still make her blush like a teenager on her first date. “How many people?”

  Gabe moved behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. He rested his chin on her shoulder. “A couple hundred maybe.” His lips grazed her exposed neck, and she shuddered. “I like this dress. Blue suits you.”

  Livvy smoothed her hands over her hips as nervous tension bit at her insides. “That’s a lot of people.” She ignored his compliment because she was too damn anxious. This was the first time that she would be at his side during such a big function, and she desperately wanted to make a good impression.

  “It makes no difference. I only have eyes for you.”

  “Sweet-talker,” she said as she leaned back against him. She closed her eyes as his fingertips skimmed up her sides. Goose bumps broke out on her skin, but Gabe’s touch made her stress levels recede. He grew hard, and as the flat of his palm pressed against her abdomen, he pushed her into his groin. A low groan eased from his throat.

  “Do you think it would be bad form for the host to be late?” he murmured, his breath blowing warm air on the shell of her ear.

  She circled her hips against his erection. “You’re asking the wrong person, cowboy.”

  He groaned again, louder this time. “You up for this? It’ll be quick.”

  Livvy nodded as desire made her stomach clench and wetness pool between her thighs. Gabe gripped the hem of her dress and gathered it around her waist.

  “Spread your legs,” he whispered, his voice low and husky.

  Livvy did as he asked.

  “Hands on the wall,” he instructed.

  Livvy repressed a moan. Over the last few weeks, their lovemaking had become more adventurous, and Livvy’s confidence had grown so much that she instigated sex almost as much as he did.

  As she leaned forward, Gabe’s zipper came down. He tore open a condom and tossed the packaging on the floor. With one hand on the back of her neck, he moved her panties to the side and pushed himself in deep.

  “Okay?” he gritted out as he stilled.

  Livvy thrust backward. “Oh yeah.”

  He held on to her hips, and they moved in tandem, their breathing increasing with every thrust. Gabe’s fingers played with her clit and took his cue from her. As he sensed her closing in on a climax, he squeezed hard. She exploded in an intense orgasm that made her legs tremble. If Gabe hadn’t been holding on to her so tightly, she would have collapsed to the ground.

  He groaned out his own climax, and as his breathing slowed, he gently pulled out of her.

  “You make me feel about eighteen,” he said with a chuckle as he discarded the condom and tucked himself away. “I can’t resist you.”

  Livvy laughed as she smoothed her dress back into position. “Am I creased?”

  He gave her the once-over. “Looks fine to me. Then again, you’d look gorgeous
wearing a garbage bag.”

  She laughed again. “No need to sweet-talk me now. You’ve had your wicked way.”

  Gabe leaned in close, his lips brushing hers. “I call that putting down a deposit for later.”

  Flashbulbs exploded as their car drew up outside the Plaza Hotel in New York. The merger of Gabe’s company with another equally huge one was a big story, but so far, he’d said very little to the press, which had increased their interest considerably. Still, he had no intention of spilling the details to hungry journalists yet. His new team deserved to hear from him first, then he would give the go-ahead for his publicist to release the prepared statement.

  “Stay there,” Gabe said to Livvy as he climbed out of the car. More flashbulbs went off as he made his way around to her side, and voices began shouting, all talking over one another. As he helped Livvy out of the car, she squinted against the bright lights.

  “Don’t answer any of their questions,” he murmured in her ear. “Hold tight to me, okay? We’ll soon be inside.”

  Livvy nodded and took Gabe’s outstretched hand as they walked up the red-carpeted front steps and into the hotel.

  “Wow,” Livvy said as they stepped through the gold doors into the lobby. Gabe could understand her reaction. The interior of the Plaza was stunning—the highly polished tile, the opulent drapes hanging around the windows, and an impressive marble staircase to their right.

  “Lovely, isn’t it?”

  She nodded as her eyes darted everywhere.

  Gabe tucked her hand through his arm. “If you think this is nice, wait until you see the Grand Ballroom.”

  They set off through the hotel, and although Livvy was blissfully unaware, heads turned to watch them pass. Well, they turned to watch her pass. Livvy always shone, but tonight her star seemed brighter than normal. He didn’t know if the cobalt-blue dress that clung so deliciously to her soft curves was what attracted interest from passers-by, or if it was that she’d put up her auburn hair, leaving her long, creamy white neck exposed. Or maybe it was simply her obliviousness to attention that drew the eye. But one thing was certain: people noticed Livvy. She oozed innocence mixed with wisdom. The combination had intoxicated him from the first moment he saw her, and his interest had grown every day since.

  As they entered the ballroom, Livvy sucked in a breath. She tilted her head backward to gaze up at the ornate ceiling and the large crystal chandelier hanging from the center.

  “This is amazing,” she whispered, awe prevalent in her tone. “Look at the architecture.”

  “It is pretty special,” he said as he spotted his marketing director, Edward, heading over.

  The man wore a broad, triumphant smile. “Gabe.” Edward stretched out his hand. “Today is a good day.”

  Gabe returned his smile. “It sure is. Edward, this is Livvy Hayes, my girlfriend. Livvy, this man here is someone I’d like you to talk to.” As Livvy frowned, Gabe looked at Edward. “Livvy has a marketing degree. I’d like you to talk to her about opportunities within the firm.” As Livvy drew in a sharp breath, Gabe squeezed her hand. “That is, if you’re interested.”

  A smile inched across her face, and Gabe could swear she stood a little taller. “I would love the opportunity.” Then she frowned. “But aren’t there rules about taking on foreigners?”

  “You let us worry about that,” Gabe said. “We’ll make it work.”

  She faced Edward, her eyes sparkling with excitement. “Then I’d be thrilled to join the firm. Of course, I don’t expect any special treatment. I’m happy to start at the bottom and work my way up.”

  Edward chuckled. “I’m not sure I’ll get away with having you open the mail, but don’t you worry, Livvy. I have several ideas I think you may be interested in. Let’s talk specifics later this week.”

  Livvy beamed, and Gabe’s chest swelled with pleasure. Since she’d tentatively mentioned the idea of returning to work in some capacity, Gabe had hoped she would consider working for his firm. He’d taken a bit of a risk springing the idea on her, but it looked as though he’d gotten away with it.

  After dinner and the speeches were out of the way, everyone began to relax and the mingling and partying began. A never-ending line of people waited to talk to them. Livvy seemed to have more than piqued the interest of not only his employees, but their partners too. As the night wore on, Livvy blossomed into someone far removed from the broken girl he’d met a few short months earlier.

  With one ear tuned into Marianne, his HR director, he listened as Livvy discussed marketing strategies with Edward. It looked as though their idea to chat later in the week had been moved up, and from what he could hear, she had some stellar ideas. Edward’s animated expression as he engaged with her told its own story.

  A bite of jealousy gripped his insides, and Gabe had the sudden urge to take back the girl who’d enchanted half his board of directors. He touched Livvy’s arm. “Would you excuse us please, folks? I must get this beautiful lady a drink.”

  Livvy frowned at her half-full glass of champagne, but she didn’t argue as he took her by the elbow and led her to the far side of the ballroom, where a private bar had been set up to serve his guests.

  “Are you trying to get me drunk?” she asked, holding up her glass and shaking the contents.

  Gabe smirked. “Would you think I was a complete asshole if I told you that I was getting a little jealous back there?”

  Her eyes softened. “No. I’d say it showed you care.”

  He gently lifted her chin and brushed his lips against hers. “I do, Livvy. Very much.” He briefly closed his eyes and let out a soft sigh. “How did I get so lucky?”

  Livvy replied quietly. “I think I’m the lucky one.”

  Gabe placed her glass of champagne on the bar. He held out his hand. “Dance with me?” He led Livvy onto the dance floor and pulled her close. “You know what I want?” he asked as he pressed his cheek against hers.

  “What’s that, cowboy?”

  He smiled against her soft skin. “To get through the rest of the evening as quickly as possible so I can whisk you back to the apartment and peel you out of that dress.” He felt a tremor flow through her body.

  She tilted her head back and looked him in the eye. “And then what are you going to do?”

  He touched his lips to the shell of her ear. “Fuck you until you can’t walk straight.”

  She exhaled on a gasp then burst out laughing. “Flatterer.”

  He held her gaze. “I meant what I said earlier. You make me feel young again, Livvy.”

  She raised an eyebrow. “You’re hardly old.”

  “I know, but sometimes when I think about the level of responsibility I have, which I’ve doubled after this merger, and the amount of people who rely on me to pay their mortgages, well, it can weigh a man down after a while. But with you, Livvy, the stress ebbs away.”

  As Livvy’s gaze clouded over and she stared into the distance without responding, an uncomfortable feeling stirred in his chest. “Penny for your thoughts,” he eventually said.

  She refocused her attention on him, a glimmer of a smile on her lips. “If I hadn’t gone to Sam’s that day, we never would have met.”

  Gabe winced. “I’d rather not think about it.”

  “We must go back. It had been my regular haunt for so long, Sam’ll be wondering what’s happened to me.”

  “I’ll take you as soon as we get home.”

  Livvy grinned. “Can I sit in your chair?”

  He snorted. “Of course not.”

  Before Livvy could respond, the song finished and Gabe silenced her retort with a kiss. As she wound her arms around his neck and slid her tongue between his lips, Gabe made a decision.

  “Let’s get out of here,” he said. “I’ve done my bit.”

  As they made their way off the dance floor, Gabe heard someone calling his name. He ground his teeth and clenched his fists as he recognized the voice.

  “Well, well, Gabe Mitchell. Y
ou have certainly changed. I can’t remember you showing me any public displays of affection when we were together.”

  Gabe stiffened and automatically put his arm around Livvy. “Hello, Tabitha.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  The Internet hadn’t done Tabitha Hale justice. Beautiful wasn’t a strong enough adjective to describe her. She had piercing blue eyes and dark, almost black, hair that fell in perfect waves over one shoulder, not to mention smooth olive skin, the kind that tanned evenly without a hint of redness. No sunblock required for Tabitha, unlike Livvy, whose pale complexion burned within five minutes of glimpsing the sun. And as if Tabitha hadn’t been blessed with enough good fortune, she also had womanly curves and legs that went on forever.

  “So, who’s this?” Tabitha looked Livvy up and down, her expression haughty and disparaging. She gave Livvy a stiff smile, which Livvy didn’t return.

  Gabe’s hand tightened on her hip. “What are you doing here, Tabitha? Because I’m damn sure your name wasn’t on the guest list.”

  Tabitha gave a husky laugh. “Don’t be such a grouch, Gabe.” She moved in and brushed her hand up and down his arm.

  Gabe stepped to the side, pulling Livvy with him. “It doesn’t matter, anyway. We were just leaving.”

  “Gabriel, don’t be so rude.” She flashed him an admonishing stare as she thrust her hand out in front of Livvy. “Well, if he won’t introduce us properly, I will. I’m Tabitha. And you are?”

  Gabe was holding on to Livvy’s hip so tightly, she was sure she would have a bruise there in the morning.

  “Livvy.” She shook the outstretched hand of Gabe’s ex while praying Tabitha didn’t feel her slight tremble.

  “My girlfriend,” Gabe added. Livvy risked a quick glance up at him, hoping to catch his eye. No such luck. His face smoldered beneath barely hidden fury, making the hairs stand up on the back of Livvy’s neck. This had been more than a long-term relationship coming to a natural end. Something had gone terribly wrong between these two.

  “Girlfriend?” Tabitha’s head tilted to one side then the other, reminding Livvy of an eager puppy. She repressed a giggle.


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