Brayden : A Beckett Brothers Novel Book 1 (The Beckett Brothers)

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Brayden : A Beckett Brothers Novel Book 1 (The Beckett Brothers) Page 12

by Susan Fisher-Davis


  The sun shining down through the skylight woke Brayden. He opened one eye and then quickly closed it. Damn. Why would anyone want a skylight above their bed?

  Rolling to his stomach, he pulled the pillow over his head. Since it was Sunday, the rescue was closed until Monday and unless someone made a special appointment, no one came in on Sunday.

  Stretching out on his stomach, he tried to go back to sleep but he was wide-awake now. He groaned, rolled over, and tossed the pillow aside. Swinging his legs out of the bed, he reached for his boxer briefs and jeans then pulled them on. He had no idea where his shirt was but since Melissa wasn’t in the bed either, he suspected she might be wearing it. The thought made him smile.

  He walked to the door, opened it, and meandered down the hallway toward the kitchen. He could hear the radio playing. Stopping in the doorway of the kitchen, he grinned when he saw her dancing while frying bacon at the stove—in his shirt. She had the radio up loud so he was pretty certain she didn’t know he was there. She certainly had some moves. His groin tightened when she swayed her hips in time with a Randy Houser song.

  When she turned around, she spotted him and immediately stopped. Her cheeks turned pink and he thought she looked adorable.

  “Don’t stop on my account,” he said with a big grin. “I’m enjoying the show.”

  “I hope you know I don’t do that for just anyone.”

  “Damn good thing. Something smells good.”

  “I was going to wake you once it was ready.”

  “How the hell could anyone sleep under a skylight anyway?” he muttered.

  “Are you always this grouchy in the mornings?”

  “I’m not grouchy. I was just hoping to sleep a little longer since someone had me up late, but that damn skylight woke me.”

  Melissa smiled at him and huffed. “Have a seat and I’ll feed you. I happen to love my skylight.”

  “You would,” he grumbled as he dug into his breakfast. His cell phone rang. He always had the rescue’s calls forwarded to his phone during nights and on Sundays. “MERAS,” he answered.

  “I’m in town and I’d love to come see one of your horses I’m interested in today if that’s possible,” a male voice said in his ear.

  “We’re actually closed on Sundays but I’m sure I can make an exception. When could you be here?”

  “An hour?”

  “That’s fine. Just pull up to the center barn. I’ll make sure the gate is unlocked. Thanks.” He put the phone back into his jeans pocket. He looked at Melissa. “Someone’s coming to look at one of the horses.”

  “That’s good. We’re doing good getting them adopted.”

  “Yes. Part of that is due to you getting them in good health again.”

  “Will you need me here?”

  Brayden raised an eyebrow. “Not at all.”

  “I’m going to town to get some things. I might be back before he leaves but I think I’ll call Tess to see if she can meet me for lunch.”

  “All right.”

  They ate their breakfast together then cleaned up. Retrieving his shirt and wishing he could stay a bit longer, Brayden kissed her before pulling his shirt on and walking out the door to head for his office.

  Brayden entered the office and booted up the computer, and it was then he realized the man hadn’t mentioned about what horse he was interested. That wasn’t strange but it helped to know what animal to get ready for someone to meet.

  He glanced up when Melissa tapped on the window and waved to him. He smiled and waved back. She really was a wonderful woman, and he wouldn’t trade last night for anything. He was not going to deny himself of being with her again, but it couldn’t go any further than just sex. It just couldn’t. He wasn’t real sure how he was going to make Melissa see that things weren’t going to go anywhere with him but he had to. No one could ever replace Maisy. Right?

  Startled out of his thoughts when someone knocked on his door, he looked up to see James. Brayden waved him in.

  “James, what are you doing out here today?”

  “I was heading to town and thought I’d see if you wanted to go with me.”

  “I would but someone is coming out to look at a horse. He should be here soon.”

  “Oh. I didn’t know you had any appointments today.”

  “I didn’t. He called this morning. Said he was in town, so I told him to come on out.”

  “Do you want me to stick around?”

  “You don’t have to but I appreciate the offer.”

  James saluted and walked out. Brayden had about a half hour before the man showed up so he walked down the aisle of the barn to go home and take a quick shower.


  A few hours later, Melissa entered the diner and weaved her way through the tables to get to the booth in the back where her friend was waiting. She slid into the booth and smiled at Tessa.

  “You sure have a big grin on your face,” Tessa said with a chuckle.

  “Oh, please. I’m just in a good mood is all. Have you ordered yet?”

  “Waiting on you. Good way to change the subject.” Tessa laughed.

  Connie came over and handed them menus then filled their water glasses and left them alone.

  “I’m having a burger. I can’t come in here and not have one,” Tessa said as she set the menu down.

  “Same here.” Melissa picked her water up and took a sip. She noticed Tessa staring at her. “What?”

  “You tell me. You seem happier than usual. So what’s going on? Tell me.” Tessa leaned across the table.

  “I slept with Brayden,” Melissa whispered.

  Tessa gasped. “Wow. And so was it good?”

  “Oh. My. God. It was fantastic. I want more.” Melissa laughed.

  “I’m happy for you. Nothing better than fantastic sex.” Tessa sighed. “I do love my man.”

  Melissa laughed. “You must have fantastic sex too then, because you have such a look of satisfaction your face.”

  “Sam Garrett is the love of my life and I can’t get enough of him. Poor man barely gets any rest.” Tessa laughed. “Now you have a man too.”

  “He’s not mine. I wish he was though.”

  “You never know…he might be yet.”

  “I do know. I just don’t have the right to explain it to you. You’d have to hear it from Brayden.” Melissa took a deep breath. “Let’s eat and then go shopping.”

  Tessa stared at her for a long moment, making Melissa wish she could talk to her about Brayden and Maisy but then Tessa nodded. She was a good friend. The women finished their lunches and then headed down Main Street to shop.

  Chapter Eleven

  The following week, the business end of the rescue was slow due to the weather. The snow fell heavily and covered the ground. At the end of each day, Brayden would have dinner with Melissa then they’d have sex, but he’d always leave to go home to sleep. Since James had moved out and found himself an apartment in town, Brayden was alone again. He knew he could have Melissa come to the house but right now that was too much for him even to think about, and too much like a relationship.

  Sitting at his desk in the barn, he worked on the books. He glanced up when he heard the door open. Melissa entered the room.

  “Hi,” she said as she took a seat. “Hey, I forgot to ask, what ever happened with that man who came out last Sunday?”

  “He wants one of the horses…Dinky.”

  “He wants Dinky?” Melissa nibbled on her bottom lip.

  “Yes, but I told him he wasn’t up for adoption.” He grinned when he heard her sharp exhalation. “I know how much you love him and I’m not even sure I’m going to let him take the horse. He seemed a little shady to me.”

  “Thanks, Brayden. If you’re not sure about this guy, just go with your gut on it then.”

  “Last night, I checked all of the gates and they were closed, but this morning Logan told me one was open again. I think we may have a problem wi
th someone coming onto the property, though I don’t know how they’re getting in since the main gate is always locked. They could be climbing the wall, but for what purpose? Nothing’s ever been stolen. Who would go to all that trouble just to open a gate?”

  “It doesn’t make sense, does it?”

  “No. I may call Gray about it later.”

  “Good idea…uh…” She started to say something then stammered. He narrowed his eyes at her.

  “What’s up?”

  “Nothing really. I was just wondering if you’d like to go to the dance at the town hall Saturday night?” She smiled at him.

  “You’re asking me to a dance?”

  Melissa shrugged. “Sure. It will give me a chance to meet some people. There’s one the third Saturday of every month.”

  Brayden picked up a pencil and tapped it on the desk. She was asking him to a dance. He shook his head. “That’s like a date. We’re not dating.”

  Immediately, he knew by the look on her face that he’d said the wrong thing. Only it was the truth.

  “No. God forbid you’d actually want to date someone.” He knew he’d hurt her and the thought hit him in the gut.


  She slowly stood, placed her hands on the desk, and leaned across it. “Never mind. I just thought you’d want to see some friends because you are constantly holed up on this ranch. You rarely leave it. Or is it the fact that people will see you with me and think we’re an item?”

  Brayden stood.

  “We are not dating,” he said through clenched teeth.

  “What is it we’re doing then, Brayden? Just fucking?”

  Swearing under his breath, he glared at her. “What do you want me to say?”

  “Tell me it isn’t just sex for you anymore.”

  He combed his fingers through his hair. Fuck! He hated pissing off a woman. Was she right? Was it more than just sex? His eyes met hers and he shook his head. “I can’t say that because that’s all it is.”

  She straightened up and narrowed her eyes at him. “Not anymore it isn’t.”

  Melissa walked out of the office and slammed the door behind her making him flinch. Brayden was surprised the glass didn’t break or at least, crack. She was definitely pissed off.

  He sat back down and wanted to throw something. You knew better! Yes, he did. The minute he saw her, he knew to stay away from her. Son of a bitch! He wanted to go after her but he couldn’t. It was only sex and she needed to see it as such. He had never promised her anything. In fact, he’d made it clear from the beginning he wasn’t interested in a relationship with her. She’d made it abundantly clear how much she wanted him almost from the start and he did his best to let her know it was to be nothing more than a working relationship. So then, why did you have sex with her?

  “Hell if I know,” he muttered as he stood and moved to the window where he looked out at the Glaciers. Snow was so heavy he couldn’t see the tops. He placed one hand on the window and the other on his hip. He just hoped he hadn’t pissed her off enough to make her leave.


  Melissa practically marched down the aisle of the barn. Never had she been angry enough to want to hit someone, but she’d come damn close to doing just that in his office. How dare he? She entered her apartment and slammed the door then flopped down onto her sofa. She angrily wiped the tears away. Damn that man! It was more than sex to her and he knew it. The pain in her heart was almost unbearable. What was wrong with him that he couldn’t admit they have something?

  He needed to let someone into his life again. Yes, he lost his wife and spent five years in prison, but he was alive and free again. She knew now she was wasting her time with him because he’d never change and he didn’t want to because he was safe staying away from loving someone again.

  Leaning her head back, she closed her eyes. She wasn’t sure she could do this anymore. How was she going to be around him—day after day—all the while knowing he didn’t want her?

  She quickly sat up. That was wrong. He did want her. He just couldn’t admit he wanted her for more than sex. How could sex be that good between two people who didn’t feel something for each other? Damn. Maybe for men it was easier. Maybe he didn’t feel anything for her other than someone to dance with between the sheets. But they worked together. How did he think that was going to go now? Was she looking for too much?

  Well, you did tell him you weren’t going to fall for him.

  Groaning, she put her hands over her face pushing back the tears, but then jerked when someone knocked on her door. Pushing herself up, wiping her eyes as she walked to the door, she peered through the peephole, and was disappointed to see Julie. She was hoping it was Brayden. Taking a deep breath, she pasted a smile on her face and opened the door.

  “What’s up, Julie?”

  “Can I come in?”

  “Sure.” Melissa opened the door wider to let Julie enter. After she closed the door, she leaned back against it and watched as Julie looked around the apartment. She pushed away from the door and walked to the sofa. “Please…have a seat.”

  Julie smiled at her and took a seat in the chair. She stared at Melissa so long that she almost started to fidget.

  “Are you all right?” Julie asked her.

  Melissa raised her eyebrows in surprise. “I’m fine. Why?”

  “You’re not fine. I saw you storm out of Brayden’s office and I swear I saw steam coming from your ears.”

  “We just had a disagreement.”

  Julie laughed. “A disagreement? Come on, Melissa. I know you and I didn’t get off on the right foot, and that’s my fault. I hate competition in anything, and you’re a beautiful woman. I was hoping Brayden would like me, but I saw the way he looked at you. There is a lot of sexual tension between you two and I suppose I was jealous.”

  “And now you’re not?”

  Julie smiled at her. “I like Logan. A lot.”

  “Logan’s a good guy.”

  “Don’t change the subject. What’s going on with you and Brayden?”

  “Nothing. Really. There might’ve been but not now. He’s so hung up on his past, he won’t let anyone in, and I’m tired of trying.”

  “What’s in his past he can’t get over?”

  Melissa shook her head. “I can’t tell you. He’ll have to.” She stood. “I need to get back to work. I appreciate you stopping by.”

  “Wow. Here’s your hat, what’s your hurry.” Julie grinned. “I get it. You don’t trust me, but maybe one day you will, and we can be friends.”

  “It has nothing to do with me trusting you or not. It’s Brayden’s place to tell you about his past, not mine.” Melissa smiled.

  Julie sighed. “Okay. Let’s go back to work then but please, know I’m here if you want to talk. We women know how pigheaded men are and sometimes we just need to make voodoo dolls and stab them all night.”

  Melissa laughed. “If only that would work.”

  Julie giggled. “It’s probably better if it doesn’t. I might stab a part I’d want to use at a later date.”

  They walked out of Melissa’s apartment laughing and stopped when they saw Logan, Nico, and Brayden standing in the center of the barn staring at them with frowns on their faces. Julie and Melissa looked at each other and then laughed even harder.

  As the day went on, Melissa stayed away from Brayden and it seemed like he avoided her as well. She hated the thought of what the night would bring. Other nights, when she was alone, she was fine because she knew she’d be with him again but now she knew she wouldn’t, and she just didn’t know what to do. She loved the job but how could she stay here and work with him.

  You’re an idiot! You never should have gotten involved with him.

  At six that evening, she entered her apartment and locked the door behind her. Lucky ran to her and she let him out the back door. She prepared his food then let him back inside while she headed for the bathroom to soak in the tub. She was tired and worn out and
hoped she was tired enough to fall asleep without wishing Brayden was with her, and holding her.

  Melissa leaned back in the tub with bubbles up to her nose and steam lingering in the room. Lucky lay on the floor beside the tub with his head on his paws. All of a sudden, he jumped up and ran from the room. Melissa sat up and looked out the open door but all she could see was the light from the lamp on her bedside table.

  “Lucky, come here, boy.”

  When he started barking, she stood and pulled the towel off the rack, stepped from the tub, and quickly dried off. She pulled her pajama bottoms on and her T-shirt over her head and walked out of the bathroom. Lucky was still barking and it sounded like he was in the living room. Melissa listened but didn’t hear anything over his barking. She tiptoed to the living room and turned on a light then grabbed Lucky’s collar. He stood staring at the door, growling, and the fur on the back of his neck was standing up.

  Melissa peered through the peephole but the barn was dark. Lucky’s growl deepened and he stood stock-still. His reaction sent a chill down her spine, and made her breath catch in her chest.

  “What is it?” she whispered.

  He glanced up at her and back to the door. She backed away from it.

  She shouldn’t be afraid. No one could get onto the property unless the gates were open, only she knew for an absolute fact that Brayden always made sure they were closed and locked every night—unless they scaled the wall as he’d mentioned. They’d also started locking the barn when she’d moved into her apartment. So unless someone did scale the wall outside and crawled in one of the windows that sat up high in the hayloft, no one was getting inside. Only something was wrong because she was scared. Lucky never barked or growled at anyone or anything. He didn’t take his eyes off the door as he continued to growl. Someone or something must be out there.


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