Britain, Battle of, 343
et seq., 353
et seq.; aircraft losses in, 343, 346–7, 348, 352
phases of, 344–5, 352
conduct of air battle in, 348–51
winning of, 352
Hitler’s first defeat, 390
British Army, in 1938, 130, 144
conscription into, 146–7
available for France (1939), 156
neglects the tank, 191
strength of, throughout war, 224–5
American equipment for, 283–4
reforming and re-equipping after Dunkirk, 284, 326–7
in Home Defence, 294, 324
almost unarmed, 321
in Egypt (1940–1), 376, 379, 395–6
attacks Italian frontier posts, 377
withdrawal of, before Italians, 379–80
drives back Italians, 385–7
in Persia, 480–1
in Middle East, refutation of taunts about, 482
blows to reputation of, 565
accusation of class prejudice in, 572
Stalin’s taunts about, 606
strength of, in Mediterranean area, 681, 738
in Italy, 706, 713, 738–9
in Ægean Islands, 711
for “Overlord”, 731, 739, 776
at Anzio, 769–70, 772
in France, 790–1, 793, 795, 844–5
criticisms of slowness of, 796
in Burma, 824–7, 830
in Belgium, 845
in Greece, 867, 869, 871–2, 874–5
crosses Rhine, 894–5
in Korea, 969–70. See also British Expeditionary Force; Eighth Army; Fourteenth Army, etc.
British Commonwealth, in First World War, 4
and German suggestion of non-aggression pact, 16
and Czech crisis, 129
drawn together by war, 223
land forces of, in fighting contact with enemy, 224–5
casualties in troops of, 224
endorses decision to fight on, 312
U.S on four problems of, 473
need for special relationship between U.S. and, 958
India and Pakistan in, 967
Burma secedes from, 967
British Expeditionary Force, transport of, to France, 173
defences of, in France, 186
makes good use of “Twilight War”, 190–1
deficiency of tanks in, 191, 240
retreats to the sea, 223, 248, 255, 258–60, 262–3
loses equipment, 223, 255, 270, 283
southward retreat of, 246–50, 252, 254–5, 263
preparations to evacuate, 248, 259, 263, 265
alternatives before, 250
evacuation of, 256–7, 260, 264–70, 272–3, 283
escapes trap at Lille, 260
reconstitution of, 274, 284–5
loss of 51st Highland Division, 285–6
withdrawal of reconstituted, 306–7
not informed of French surrender, 307
British Red Cross Society, and “Aid to Russia”, 471–2
British Somaliland, Italian invasion of, 376
British Zone of Germany, 919–21
Churchill advocates delay in withdrawing to, 913, 935
U.S. access to sea across, 921
poor food supplies of, 923, 947
withdrawal to, 937, 949
Brittany, formation of bridgehead in (1940), 306
clearing of (1944), 793–4, 845
Broke, H.M.S., 635
Brooke, Field-Marshal Sir Alan (Lord Alanbrooke), C.I.G.S., 234, 325–6, 497
in France (1940), 255, 263, 306, 325
advises withdrawal of B.E.F., 306–7
in command of Home Forces, 325, 331
believes Germans will reach Caucasus, 461
and capitulation of Singapore, 526
in America, 561, 563, 663
in Cairo to discuss change in Command, 589, 592, 595
offered Middle East Command, 589–90
flies to Moscow, 597–8, 605
in Moscow Conferences, 601, 605, 610
and defence of Cairo, 617
in Turkey, 653–4
in Algiers Conference, 666–8
and command of “Overlord”, 697–8, 725
fishes in Canada, 700–1
at Teheran, 741
Stalin and, 742–4
supports idea of Anzio landing, 754–5
visits Normandy front, 784–5
Brooke, Rupert, 891
Bruening, Heinrich, 30–2
Brussels, 246, 845
Brussels Treaty, 960
Brutinel, General, villa of, 938
“Buccaneer”, Operation, 747–9
Bucharest, 815, 901, 913, 955
Buckingham Palace, during Blitz, 365
Budapest, 897, 913, 955
Budϗjovice, 919
Buerat, 643
Bukharin, M., 126
Bukovina, 281
Bulgaria, German Army moves through, 407
German troop concentrations in, 448
Russia and, 810, 852, 855, 901–2, 913
Russian occupation of, 815, 851, 876
a Russian satellite, 935, 953, 958
Bulgarian Army, on Greek frontier, 407
in Greece and Yugoslavia, 728
under Russian command, 857
Bullard, Sir Reader, 597
Burg-el-Arab, 614
Burma, defence of, and Singapore, 522–4
Japanese invasion of, 537, 823
Alexander in, 590
reconquest of, 664, 823–32, 861, 967
Wingate in, 691–2
failure of coastal operation in, 695–6
assault shipping sent to, 708
Roosevelt promises amphibious operation in, 727, 737–8, 747–9
cancellation of landing on, 755
motor road to China through, 823–4
fresh troops and landing-craft not available for, 829, 881
coming of monsoon in, 830, 832
independence of, 967–8
Burma Road, 522, 623
Japan demands closure of, 321
new road links up with, 827
re-opened, 830
Burrough, Admiral Sir H. M., 635
Byrnes, James, U.S. Secretary of State, 954–5
Cadogan, Rt. Hon. Sir Alexander, Head of Foreign Office, 108, 118
at Placentia Bay, 475–6
flies to Moscow, 597–8, 605
in Moscow, 605, 608–9, 611–13
visits Turkey, 652–3
Caen, 788, 790, 792–3
Cairo, Eden and Dill in, 394, 445
War Cabinet Minister in, 445–6
German threat to, 568–9
Churchill visits, 587, 613, 652
preparations for defence of, 615, 617–18
Rommel’s last bid for, 619–21
conference in, before Teheran, 726–9, 739, 968
conference in, after Teheran, 747–51, 921
Turkish leaders in, 750
representative Greek Government formed in, 765
Calabria, 699, 704
Calais, defended to death, 257–8
German invasion forces in, 330
British in, 846
Calcutta, oil pipe-line from, 827
California, U.S.S., 494
Cambodia, 970
Cambrai, 246, 251, 258
Cameron, Lieutenant Donald, 718
Campbell, Brigadier Jock, 487
Campbell, Sir Ronald Hugh, 309
Campbell, Sir Ronald Ian, 409
Campbeltown, H.M.S., 533
Campoleone, 770, 772
Canada, and Locarno, 16
possibility of sending French Fleet to, 291
British factories in, 369
Vichy representative of, 374, 505
and convoy protection, 401–2
Churchill addresses Parliament of, 503, 505–6
U-boats off coast of, 527,
and atom bomb research, 564, 963
Anglo-American Conference in, 691, 696–9
Churchill sworn Privy Counsellor of, 700
Churchill in, after Quebec Conference, 700–1
and defeat of Japan, 929
U.S. defence agreement with, 959
joins N.A.T.O., 960
Canadian Army, in France (1940), 284–5, 307
in defence of Britain, 324
in France (1944), 790, 793
First, clears Scheldt estuary, 845, 848
movement of, out of Europe, 931
Canadian Navy, escorts convoys, 402–3
Canea, 429–30
Cannes, 802
Cannon, General, 915
Canterbury, 337
Canton, 843
Cape Bon, 661–2
Cape of Good Hope, diversion of shipping round, 165, 680
convoys to Egypt round, 375, 378–9
U-boats off, 535
Capuzzo, 377, 442
Cardiff, air raids on, 391
Carentan, 787
Caribbean, U-boat activities in, 530, 533–4
Carlton Club, bomb on, 357
Carney, Rear-Admiral R. B. B. (U.S.), 841
Caroline Islands, 539
Carter, Leading-Seaman C., 212–13
Carthage, Churchill addresses soldiers in, 671
Churchill’s stay in, 752–4, 756
conference at, 755–6
Casablanca, Jean Bart at, 316
U.S. landings at, 633, 636, 644
conference at, 643–51
Caserta Agreement, 866–7
Casey, Rt. Hon. R. G., Minister of State in Middle East, 589, 592, 751
on Auchinleck and Desert Battle, 589
villa of, 726
Caspian Sea, German threat to, 461, 610
Churchill flies near, 598
scheme to send Anglo-American Air Force to, 604
Cassino, Fifth Army reaches, 713
attack on, to cover Anzio landing, 758, 769–70
German reserves drawn to, 769–70
attack on Monastery, 771
third battle of, 773–4
taking of, 782–3
Churchill visits front of, 803
Castellano, General, 703
Casualties: total, in armed forces of Britain and U.S., 224
of air raids in Great Britain, 224
in Gazala battle, 559
Catania, 683
“Catapult”, Operation, 316–19
Caucasus, German threat to, 461, 465–6, 657
scheme to send Anglo-American Air Force to, 604
Stalin on defence of, 607, 610
Germans defeated before reaching, 657–9
Caumont, 793
Caviglia, Marshal, 703–4
Cavite, 495
Censure, Vote of, 568–76
Centurion, H.M.S., 332
Cephalonia, Italian garrison on, 768
Cetniks, 760
Chakmak, Marshal, 653
Chamberlain, Rt. Hon. Sir Austen, 81–2
and Locarno, 18
disbelieves Hitler’s sincerity, 88
in deputation to Prime Minister on need for rearmament, 96–7
Chamberlain, Rt. Hon. Neville, Chancellor of Exchequer, 33
and reoccupation of Rhineland, 88
prepared to give colonial concessions to Germany, 88, 105
on German military expenditure, 95–6
not present at deputation to Prime Minister, 97
becomes Prime Minister, 101
compared to Baldwin, 102
differences between Eden and, 104–10
conciliatory policy of, towards Dictators, 104–5, 108, 140–1
prepared to recognise conquest of Abyssinia, 105, 108–9
his attitude to rearmament, 105, 107, 140
rejects Roosevelt’s suggestion of U.S. assistance, 107–10, 151
self-sufficiency of, 110, 133
seeks settlement with Italy, 110, 123–4, 140–1, 275
and Eden’s resignation, 111
farewell party of, to Ribbentrop, 118–119
negotiates with Hitler, 133–4, 148
returns in triumph, 134–5, 148
on “adjustment” of Czech frontiers, 136
Mussolini on, 140–1
announces occupation of Bohemia, 142
change of heart of, 142–4
guarantee of, to Poland, 143–5, 152, 154
distrusts Russia, 145, 149, 151
introduces conscription, 146
guarantees of, to Greece and Roumania, 148
sends Strang to Russia, 155
War Cabinet of, 161, 166–7
House hostile to, 161, 214–216
announces outbreak of war, 161
gives Admiralty to Churchill, 162–3
coins phrase of Twilight War, 170
and importance of holding Meuse-Antwerp line, 190
on aid to Finland, 201
on German weaknesses, 201
optimistic speech of, 203, 214
and Military Coordination Committee, 204–5
declares need for National Government, 216
resignation of, 217, 219
offered leadership of House, 220, 228
broadcast of, announcing resignation, 220
Conservative loyalty to, 227–8
on Defence Committee, 233
and question of “going it alone”, 260
presents Defence of Realm Bill, 293
retirement of, through illness, 361
Chaney, Major-General (U.S.), 473
Channel ports of France, assembly of invasion forces at, 329–30, 338
increased strength of German Air Force in, 340
Allied need for, 845
capture of, 846
Charleroi, 849
Charles, Sir Noel and Lady, 805
Charles-Roux, François, 311
Charleston, 533
Chartres, 794
Chartwell, 38, 159
visitors to, 95, 127, 159
protection of (1939), 160
Chatfield, Admiral Lord, First Sea Lord, 106, 164
and surrender of rights to use Irish ports, 120
Minister for Co-ordination of Defence in War Cabinet, 166
at Allied Supreme Council meeting (1939), 190
resignation of, 204
Chautemps, Camille, 310
Cheltenham, 361
Chequers, news of attack on Pearl Harbour reaches, 491
Russian visitors to, 554–5
visits of Eisenhower and Clark to, 619
visit of Truman’s envoy to, 932–3
Cherbourg, evacuation of B.E.F. and Poles from, 307
Rommel at, 307, 421
suggested formation of bridgehead at (1942), 552–3, 556, 606 (see also “Sledgehammer”)
capture of, in “Overlord”, 693, 775, 789
German naval reinforcements at, 779
demolitions in, 789, 791
use of harbour of, 789, 845
submarine pipe-line to, 790 n.
Churchill in, 791
Cherwell, Baron (Frederick Lindemann), 38
in charge of statistical department, 164
in touch with Jefferis, 294
with Churchill at Placentia Bay, 475
mentioned, 40, 82
Chiang Kai-shek, Generalissimo, in Cairo, 726–7, 739
Roosevelt promises landing in Burma to, 727, 737, 747, 749
withdraws his divisions from Burma, 831
driven to Formosa, 968
Chiang Kai-shek, Madame, 726–7
Chicago, U.S.S., 540
Chiefs of Staff, 234–5
views of, in 1937, 107
agree to renounce rights in Irish ports, 120–1
on line to stem German advance, 189–90
on feasibility of “going it alone”, 260–2
team-work of British, 341
on hazards of help to Greec
e, 407–408
and Operation “Tiger”, 424
on German preparations to attack Russia, 449
discuss Britain’s problems with U.S. officers, 473–4
representatives of, at Combined Chiefs of Staff Committee, 508–9
loyalty of, to Churchill, 515, 527
discuss fall of Singapore, 521–2, 526
discuss Second Front with Marshall, 551, 584–5
plan follow-up of “Torch”, 641, 643, 645
at Casablanca, 644–5
at Washington Conference (1943), 663–4
seek invasion of Italy, 664
discussions with, en route for Quebec Conference, 693, 695–6
assumptions of, regarding “Overlord”, 695, 697
and war against Japan, 696, 698
at Teheran Conference, 731
support idea of Anzio landing, 754–755, 757
on conditions in Yugoslavia, 760
and delayed date for “Overlord”, 776
at final conference before D Day, 778
in disagreement with U.S. about “Anvil”, 799
doubt likelihood of German last stand, 897
and occupation zones, 919
Chiefs of Staff, U.S. and increase in landing-craft for “Overlord”, 776
in Britain soon after D Day, 784
insist upon “Anvil”, 798–9, 801
Churchill asks for visit from, 863
on strategy of advance into Germany, 899–900
and occupation zones, 921. See also Combined Chiefs of Staff Committee
Chiefs of Staff Committee, 204–5
Churchill presides over, 205–6, 231, 235
Ismay a member of, 206
Minister of Defence and, 231
meetings of, 232–3
stability of membership of, 234–5
Brooke as Chairman of, 326. See also Combined Chiefs of Staff Committee
Chile, votes in protest against German rearmament, 64
China, Japanese aggression against, 42
League report on, 43
sending supplies to, along Burma Road, 321
in Four-Power Plan, 622
U.S. opinion of importance of, 664, 726–7, 734
need to establish supply routes to, 698
Stalin on post-war position of, 734–5
American bomber force in, 823, 829
air-lift over “Hump” to, 823, 825, 827
Japanese advance in, draws troops from Burma, 829–30, 861
Japanese Army held in, 835
represented at Dumbarton Oaks, 851
on Security Council, 880–1
Communist, 968
assistance to N. Korea from, 969–70
China Sea, U.S. submarines in, 834–5
Chindits, 825, 827
Chindwin River, 829
Chinese Army, in Burma, 824–5, 829
withdrawn to China, 829, 831, 861
Chittagong, 824
Cholitz, General von, 795
Chungking, 829, 861
Churchill, Mary, 692, 859–60, 938, 949
Churchill, Mrs. (Lady), at farewell dinner to Ribbentrop, 118
in France, August 1939, 159–60
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