air cover from, 535
Newman, Lieut.-Colonel A. C, 533
Nice, 279
Niemen, River, 815
Nieuport, 260, 266
“Night of the Long Knives”, 50
Nijmegen, 846–7
Nile, Army of the, 394, 396, 407
Nile, River, 587, 589
Nimitz, Admiral C. W. (U.S.), and Battle of Coral Sea, 540, 543
and Battle of Midway Island, 544–5
Intelligence of, 548–9
approaches Philippines, 834
urges invasion of Leyte, 835–6
and command of final operations, 843
Ninth Army, U.S., 860, 919
Noble, Admiral Sir Percy, 404
Noguès, General, 636
Non-aggression pacts, Germany suggests, 85, 87–8
between Germany and Esthonia and Latvia, 152
Russo-German, 157–8
Non-Intervention in Spain, 94
Nore, the, 328
Norfolk, H.M.S., 722
Norge, the, 207, 209
Normandy, invasion preparations in, 330
as site for “Overlord”, 693, 695
Churchill visits front in, 784–5
harbours on coast of, 785
German forces in, 787
difficult country for fighting in, 787–8
Allied strategic plan in, 788, 796
Allies consolidate strength in, 789
artificial harbours on coast of, 789–90
submarine pipe-lines to, 789, 790 n.; victory in, 794–6
front line sustained from, 845. See also “Overlord”
North Africa, French concessions to Italy in, 54
possibility of France fighting from, 271, 288, 302–3, 309
French encouraged to escape to, 374
Italian Army in, 375–6
coast road in Italian, 376
importance of maintaining Desert Flank in, 421
Second Front in (1942), 501–2, 512, 552–4, 557, 580–2, 584–6 (see also “Torch”); control achieved of whole of, 502, 641, 652, 662, 675
setback to campaign in, 516
danger of German occupation of, 584
advantages to Russia in conquest of, 603
General Giraud in, 634, 637
Darlan orders “Cease fire” in French, 637–8
Allied check in, 642–3, 660
Churchill tours, 670–1. See also Western Desert
North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, 960–961
North Foreland, 336
North Sea, naval base on, 171
search for Scharnhorst and Gneisenau in, 177
possibility of invasion from across, 331
shipping attacked in, 397
Norway, concerned about naval balance in Baltic, 65
German iron ore traffic along coast of, 193, 197–8, 202
German plan to invade, 193, 195, 199–200
Nationalist Party in, 195
and passage of supplies to Finland, 197–8, 200–1
possible Russian designs on, 198
capture of Altmark in waters of, 198–9
German concentration against, 202–3
invasion of, 206–10
Britain attempts to help, 210–13
Russian comments on attack on, 280
German aircraft transferred from, 340
long-range aircraft refuelled in, 399
Russia expels representative of, 452
Hitler prepares for attack on, 530
Churchill wants Second Front in N., 552–4, 557, 581, 611
German Fleet concentrated in N., 715, 722
joins N.A.T.O., 960
Norwegian Navy, 207, 723
Nova Scotia, U.S. patrols operating from, 402
Nuclear weapons, 963–5. See also Atomic bomb
Nuri es-Said, 971
Nyon Conference, 106–7
Observer Corps, 349, 352
O’Connor, Captain R. C., 490
Oder, River, Polish frontier on, 734, 745, 884, 943, 949
German defences on, 919
Oil pipe-line, to supply “Overlord”, 789, 790 n.; to Burma, 827
Oilfields, German threat to Persian, 438, 440
loss of, with loss of Middle East, 583
German drive for Russian, 657
Oise, River, 305
Okinawa Island, 940
Oklahoma, U.S.S., 494
Okulicki, General Leopold, 910–11
Olav Tryggvason, the, 207
Oran, action with French Fleet at, 316–18
Anglo-U.S. landing at, 636
Orel, 471, 715
Organisation for European and Economic Co-operation (O.E.E.C.), 962
Orion, H.M.S., 432, 877
Orkneys, blockade line north of, 176
Orleans, 305, 794–5
Orzel, Polish submarine, 206
Oslo, 206–7
Osóbka-Morawski, M., 857
Ostend, 339
Ottawa, Churchill in, 503, 505–6
“Otto”, Operation, 112, 116
Ouistreham, 785
Ouvry, Lieut.-Commander, 175
“Overall Strategic Objective”, 95
“Overlord”, Operation, question of Command in, 326, 697–8, 725, 729, 742, 750–2
fortunate postponement of, 502
U.S. fears that action in Mediterranean may prejudice, 641, 684, 710, 714, 728
choice of site for, 693–5
synthetic harbours for, 694, 786, 789–90
dominating assumptions for, 693, 697, 735–6
to hold first priority over resources, 697
preponderance of U.S. troops in, 697
landing-craft for, 710, 714, 728, 737, 748, 755, 775–6
divisions withdrawn from Italy for, 713, 731, 738, 797
German forces facing, 713, 787–8
Churchill asks for easement in date of, 714, 757
need for Anglo-U.S. accord on policy regarding, 725
Churchill’s aims regarding, 729–30
subsidiary landings to support, 730–1, 737, 739, 745, 748, 773, 797
forces for use in, 731, 739, 798
Stalin suspects British sincerity regarding, 736, 737
choice of date for, 737–8, 740, 748, 757
importance of campaign in Italy to, 753–4, 774
difficulties to be overcome in, 775
postponed date of, 776–7, 779–80
training of forces for, 776
timing of, 777
deception measures for, 777–8, 787
concentration of troops for, 778
final conference before, 778
achieves surprise, 780–1, 787
launching of, 781, 783
Stalin’s congratulations about, 784
air support for, 789
gale hinders consolidation of, 790
“Anvil” too late to be of value to, 797–8, 803
joins hands with “Anvil” (“Dragoon”), 802, 808
Oxford Union resolution, 41, 74
Ozawa, Admiral, 836–7, 841–2
Paasikivi, Mr., 195, 200
Pacific, American naval successes in, 224, 539–49
shipping losses in, 227
Americans lose mastery of, 494
measures to gain command of, 501
America regains command of, 549, 675
landing-craft in, 738
American touchiness about, 739
Japanese island defences in, 833
Pacific Fleet, U.S., destruction of, 494
idea for rapid build-up of, 496
dispersed carriers of, 539–40
gathers for battle, 540
at Battle of Coral Sea, 541–4
at Battle of Midway Island, 544–9
Page, Sir Earle, 523
Paget, General Sir Bernard, 764
Pakistan, 967
Pakokku, 830
Palau Islands, 835
Palermo, 660
Palestine, thre
at to, 438
troops from, in Iraq, 438–40
defensive works in, 482–3
post-war strife in, 971–2
Palm Beach, 511
Papagos, General, 381, 414, 417
Papandreou, M., Prime Minister, 765
meets Churchill in Italy, 801, 804–5
signs Caserta Agreement, 866–7
in Athens, 867–9
loses authority, 871, 874–5
Papen, Franz von, Chancellor, 33–4
supports Hitler, 34
spared in “Night of Long Knives”, 50
Minister in Vienna, 51, 113–14
presents ultimatum to Schuschnigg, 115
Parachute troops, German, in Crete, 429–430
U.S., in “Torch”, 636
Polish, 847. See also Airborne landings
Paris, Peace Conference in (1918), 3
Churchill visits (1940), 243–6, 250–2, 269–72
Germans expected in, 243, 246
preparations for evacuation of, 244
seat of Government moves from, 286
Churchill urges defence of, 287
Germans enter, 289, 305
Armée de, 305
German triumph in, 339
air raid on, 355
liberating troops enter, 795–6
Churchill visits (1944), 859
Park, Air Chief Marshal Sir K. R., 348–51
Parliament, functioning of, in Blitz, 358–9. See also Commons, House of
Partisans of Yugoslavia, 759–60
British missions to, 760–1
seize Italian equipment, 761
Italians join, 761, 768
Russian mission to, 762. See also Resistance movements
Pas de Calais, invasion preparations in, 330
German dive-bombers in area of, 340
as site for “Overlord”, 693
Germans deceived about landing on, 776–8
cleared of enemy, 846
Patras, 867
Patton, General G. S. (U.S.), in Sicily, 681
Third Army of, in France, 793–5, 849, 860
in Battle of Ardennes, 865
at Trier, 893
Paul, Prince, Regent of Yugoslavia, 409–11
Paulus, Field-Marshal, 658
Pavlov, M., interpreter, 599, 608–9, 611, 731, 744, 852
Pearl Harbour, Japanese attack on, 491, 494–5
Japanese threat to, 537, 544
carriers recalled to, 543
Peck, Mr., 567
Pegu, 831–2
Peipus, Lake, 810
Peirse, Air Chief Marshal Sir R. E. C., Vice-Chief of Air Staff, 262
at Washington Conference, 663
Pembroke Dock, 120
Pendar, Kenneth, 650–1, 652
Penelope, H.M.S., 485
Penney, Major-General W. R. C., 770
Pennsylvania, U.S.S., 494
People’s Liberation Army. See E.L.A.S.
Percival, General A. E., 521, 524–6
Pereyaslav, 717
Péronne, 246, 252
Persia, German threat to oilfields of, 438, 440, 480
preparations for defence of, 461, 481
passage of aid to Russia through, 468–9, 480–1, 583
German influence in, 480
Russo-British operations in, 480–1
detached from Middle East Command, 592–3, 595
Churchill in, 597–8, 613
Russian pressure on, 955. See also Trans-Persian Railway
Persian Gulf, 437, 583
Perth, Lord, 140
Perugia, 769
Pescara, 703
Petacci, Signorina, 918
Pétain, Marshal, influence of, on French military thought, 187
appointed Vice-President of Council, 246
at meeting of Supreme War Council, 269, 286
defeatist attitude of, 271–2, 290, 309
on defence of Paris, 287
paper of, on need for armistice, 289–90
against union with Britain, 309–10
Government of, 310–11, 374, 639
and supplies to Rommel, 635
Darlan’s communications to, during “Torch”, 635–6, 638
Darlan the heir of, 640. See also Vichy Government
Peter, King of Yugoslavia, 411
escapes to England, 759
forbidden to return to Yugoslavia, 762
dismisses Mihailović, 762–3
attempts to heal breach between Tito and, 801–2, 813
Peters, Captain F. T., 636
Petersfield, 337
Petsamo, Russia demands lease of, 195
Philippines, Japanese threat to, 478
Japanese plan naval battle near, 494
Japanese invasion of, 495, 537
U.S. forces approach, 834–6
Japanese ordered to fight to finish in, 835
naval battle in, 837–42
taking of, 843
Phillips, Admiral Sir Tom, Vice-Chief of Naval Staff, 262
death of, 496
Phillips, Sir Frederick, 370
Phipps, Sir Eric, 129
Pile, General Sir Frederick, 352, 354
Pilsen, 919
Pilsudski, Marshal, 66, 156
Pim, Captain Richard, 265, 503, 949
Piræus, guerrillas hamper Germans at, 763–4
British land at, 867
E.L.A.S. ordered to evacuate, 868
Ajax at, 873
Pisa-Rimini Line, 729, 797, 799
Place, Lieutenant B. C. G., 718
Placentia Bay, Newfoundland, 474–8
Plan D of Gamelin, 189 n., 254
Plastiras, General, 875
Ploesti oil-wells, 728
“Pluto” submarine pipe-line, 789, 790 n.
Plymouth, French naval vessels at, 316
ships to repel invasion at, 332
air raids on, 344, 365, 391
Churchill lands at, 514, 758
Po, River, Allied drive for, 797
advance into valley of, 798, 804
waterlogged valley of, 861
German defensive position on, 915
Allies cross, 917
Poincaré, Raymond, 8–9
Poland, Soviet armies defeated in, 10
Arbitration Treaty with Germany, 17, 148
France pledges support to, 17
German territorial claims on, 18, 103, 112
opposed to Eastern Pact, 52
votes in protest against German rearmament, 64
British guarantee to, 120
and Russian aid to Czechoslovakia, 128
demands Teschen from Czechs, 133, 136, 144–5
German threat to, 141, 145, 152, 155
in sympathy with Slovaks, 141
Anglo-French guarantee to, 143–5, 148, 152
refuses to allow transit to Russian troops, 145, 148–9, 156
refuses Russian guarantee, 152
Russian attitude towards, 156
partition of, between Germany and Russia, 157, 168–9
British treaty with, 158
attacked by Germany, 159, 161, 240
ruin and subjugation of, 168–9
German film of conquest of, 206
concentration of German troops in, 449–50
discussions on post-war frontiers of, 733–4, 745–6, 818, 856–7, 883–5, 908, 943–5, 947, 949
post-war position of, 746, 810
Germans driven back to, 810
discussions on Government for, 818, 857, 876, 882–3, 885–91, 908–9, 911–12, 933
British interest in fate of, 851, 882–3, 892, 908
Russian occupation of, 876, 882, 913
Russia recognises Lublin Committee as Government of, 876, 882
Russia complains of sabotage to Red Army in, 882
Western Powers denied access to, 882, 887–90, 901, 908–9, 934
elections in, 883, 887–90, 911, 934
question of Ambassadors to, 890–1
Russian violations of agreement concerning, 901
Russian treaty with, 908
arrests and deportations in, 909–12, 933–4
Stalin on need for friendly, 911
Britain and U.S. recognise Provisional Government of, 933–4
a Russian satellite, 934–5, 947, 953, 955, 958
occupies land to Western Neisse, 943–4, 947, 949, 955
holds German grain-lands, 944, 947. See also Lublin Committee
Polish Armoured Division, 845 n., 846
Polish Army, Ironside on, 159
defeated in German blitzkrieg, 168
evacuated from France, 307
in Greece, 413
at Cassino, 783
fighting with Western Powers, 882, 887
Polish Committee of National Liberation. See Lublin Committee
Polish Corridor, 18, 103
Polish Government in London, and Warsaw rising, 815–17
attempts made to combine Lublin Committee with, 820, 857, 876, 886
members of, in Moscow, 852, 856–7
repudiate Mikolajczyk’s proposals, 876, 885
antagonism between Lublin Government and, 882, 885
Stalin on, 885–6, 888
Churchill on transference of recognition from, 886–7
and missing Poles, 910
Polish Parachute Brigade, 847
Polish Provisional Government, recognition of, 933–4. See also Lublin Government
Polish Underground Army, rising of, 815–22
discusses political settlement, 820
surrender of, 822
accused of sabotage to Red Army, 882, 911–12
and Lublin Government, 886, 889
leaders of, held in Russia, 909–12, 933
Ponza, Mussolini imprisoned on, 688, 767
Port Darwin, 495
Port Moresby, Japanese threat to, 537, 539, 541
invasion force turned back from, 542–3
Portal, Marshal of the Royal Air Force Sir Charles (Viscount), Chief of Air Staff, 234
and Operation “Tiger”, 424
on increasing strength of R.A.F., 474
accompanies Churchill to Washington, 497, 500
flies back with Churchill, 512–14
and flight to Middle East, 587
and heating of “Commando”, 643–4
fishes in Canada, 700–1
at Yalta, 879
Port-en-Bessin, 785, 789–90
Portland, Anti-Submarine School at, 164
light naval vessels at, 328
Portsmouth, French naval vessels taken at, 316
light naval vessels at, 328
air raids on, 391
midget submarines from, at “Overlord”, 779
Churchill watches embarkation from, 779
Eisenhower’s H.Q. near, 800
mentioned, 784, 786
Portugal, votes in protest against German rearmament, 64
possible German use of, 584
shooting down of passenger plane from, 671
joins N.A.T.O., 960
Posen, 392
Potsdam Conference, 943–9
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