Cyber Viking 1

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Cyber Viking 1 Page 12

by Marcus Sloss

  My chuckle paused him. I patted him on the back gently since we were on the sloped roof and said, “Alright. Do you want to start creating our perimeter tonight in the dark or wait for the sun to come up?”

  “We have spotlights, but they are not set up. Everyone had a long day and when auto taxis come in, they will go haywire when greeted with construction equipment in operation,” Jevon said as he walked down and hopped onto the balcony.

  “They don’t like bulldozers?”

  “Nah, not one bit. The dumb things enter a panic mode and someone human has to guide them out. They register it as a crash or something. I don’t get it, but I was never a programmer or computer wizard. I am going to the barn to gear up. Anything off limits?”

  “Nope, take what you want. Some fifty calibers in there if you want to set up some perches. I will probably start to have Becca post at the end of the road for tonight. Keep the gate guarded, so to speak,” I said, and Jevon nodded.

  “Not a bad idea to set a barrier against the road with a warning sign. Or we just secure the road and the open southern end of the valley instead of these building. I will think it over, Cap. Okay, I am off for weapons and armor.”

  My friend disappeared inside and I watched the last of the natural daylight fade away. I felt confident with how progress was being made. Our plans were coming together. I wanted to work through the night to start shifting the items over from the barn, but knew I did not sleep much last night. A decent rest would do wonders. There were two lovely ladies who probably had other nighttime activities planned. My Gpad pinged as I was zoned out in thoughts of hot tub fun.

  It is here, mom put the news out just now. - wifey 1

  How did you change your name in my Gpad?

  Aliens are here! Are you really concerned about that at this time? - wifey 1

  Well yea I -

  My typing stopped registering and my Gpad read system overloaded. I was praying all those people using auto drive were okay. My blood pumped so intensely from the adrenaline spike I could hear it thrumming in my ears. If they came to blow up earth, these could be my last thoughts. I raced down to the first-floor living room and ran to the other side of the mansion. My team was gathered around a television hanging from the ceiling broadcasting the news.

  ‘Like we mentioned earlier, this is a developing situation. Gnews is breaking this to you ahead of the other networks. If you look at the moon with a telescope, you will notice the asteroid that was supposed to come hurtling by our planet has instead stopped. What’s that? Going to Harvey.’

  The lady on the screen was flustered and in disbelief. The camera swapped to a man with a green screen behind him. The screen swapped to an image of a satellite. I saw the satellite firing thrusters to turn. The slow rotation of the machine seemed to take forever.

  ‘We are watching history in the making. The Russians are turning a satellite to send a message to our new friends. I am getting reports from observatories that… WOAH!’

  The image of the satellite sparkled in a fiery eruption. Yup, that was why the Gnet satellites were not showing the aliens. I was sort of surprised they were not vaporizing the observatories or telescopes. The news screen stayed on the reporting talking, but the audio was out.

  Perci found me as she pried her eyes off the news. Willow clutched me first as I was encased in worrisome hugs from both ladies. The video switched to showing the spacecraft dropping its disguise before unleashing a bright beam at the camera. That must be the Russian...

  ‘Okay, now!? Audio is back, we were able to bring you a view of the… No, the aliens are launching three missiles. Correction, ships. No missiles. Okay, viewers. Sorry, but the experts are arguing. What do we have that is concrete, Gary?’

  I went to the fridge and grabbed a champagne bottle. I twisted the pewter that bound the cork until the crack of the popping cork spooked those watching the feed. Jasmine covered her ears and gave me glares of hostile intent. I returned her sour gaze with my biggest charming smile. I gave an ‘awe’ when she was not buying what I was selling.

  “Cheers!” I shouted with joy as I gulped the bubbly that frothed out of the bottle.

  “Eric Yang, that was for tonight to celebrate our union!” Perci said and Jevon snickered.

  “After all this time, you two definitely need to seal the deal,” Jevon said with a wink. “Seriously bro, why the bubbly?”

  I glanced to see the audio out again. The news feed showed three blocky rectangular constructs. They were gray with no shimmer of any indication of how they were moving. There was a countdown to their arrival on the screen and the time was three hours. Perfect. I handed the bottle to Torrez, who frowned but accepted. I went back to the kitchen and snagged another bottle and a few glasses.

  Willow came over to help unburden my arms. I spun the pewter off as the cups were handed out. I readied the cork to just the last little bit before it would pop. When Jasmine eyed me, she did so with warning eyes and covered ears. Maria grabbed the bottle. Jasmine relaxed as her mother explained how to push it the last of the way off.

  Pop! The cork smacked into the sidewall and we cheered for the elated little girl.

  “Maria, may I speak freely in front of your daughter? There are over three hours to explain why we are having a celebratory drink,” I said as Jasmine clapped her hands happily.

  “Will she understand what you are saying?”

  “She is your daughter. Does anything get by her?”

  “Fair point. She needs her mommy, and I want to hear what you have to say,’ Maria said confidently. I received the bottle and Torrez handed his wife a filled champagne glass that Jasmine tried to steal. “No honey! That is mommy juice. Very important mommy juice. Actually, down you go. And down this goes. Hit me again cariño, mamá era su jugo.”

  Torrez refilled his wife’s glass with a smirk. I went around and poured every empty glass I could find. I realized there was not one for me and grabbed a hanging beer mug over the bar counter in the kitchen. Perfect.

  “I know you hate it when I ignore you. Decorum, Jevon. An angry momma scares me. My bad,” I said with a giddy laugh. “Phew, that was close. Secretly, I had it at eighty plus percent we were going to get hurled into the sun or vaporized with some superweapon. Those three objects are likely not going to push us into the sun.”

  “Wait, you thought we were all doomed. You never even kissed me,” Perci said with pouted arms. I scooped her up and gave her a quick kiss. “Not like that!”

  “Always the pleaser, Eric!” Jevon said, roaring with laughter. Becca elbowed him softly and he got his chuckling under control.

  “So, what next, Cap?” Becca asked.

  “What is the status of our arrivals?”

  “Mom is still not even in Colorado yet. Derek and Tina made their flight before the airports started grounding aircrafts. I am showing the plane not turning or diverting,” Willow said gratefully. She kissed my cheek. “Thank you, Eric.”

  Perci inspected her Gpad and said, “Some of the unit did not live too far. I am expecting people to arrive throughout the night. Those who are stuck in airports are diverting to vehicles. The chaos is starting, and there is little I can do to help them as systems are becoming overloaded.”

  A somber silence fell over us as we realized the nightmare had just begun for a lot of people we cared about. There would be panic in the streets soon. If they were preventing air traffic already, then the situation would only get worse.

  “This is why I asked if you were okay with me talking, Maria. We are alive, hence the champagne. The good times will not last, though,” I said, giving a somber salute. “My theory is that enslavement or entrapment comes next.”

  A silence settled over us and before any questions could be asked, the news reporter’s mic cut back on.

  ‘We apologize for the technical difficulties. There is obviously a lot going on. I have some hard data for you now. The space ship may look small against the moon, but it is two times the size of Texas.
The three projectiles it fired are now being classified as unknown magnetic anomalies. They are the size of a football field if you stand a field upright. That’s the best analogy. Okay, I guess it works. The three football field-sized magnetic anomalies are heading for these three locations. The first is in southern Russia. The second is expected in Man-toba, Canada. Oh, Manitoba the province. Duh. It will arrive in the middle of Manitoba. Janice, get a map up of wherever that is. Hurry, on the double! The last is going into eastern Nigeria.’

  Three overlays populated with red dots indicating the landing sites. I raised my glass and cheered. A quick gulp of my bubbly and I poured a smidge more. No way was I going to overdo it, but I was sincerely elated.

  ‘The objects are falling at a steady speed. I am being told we are going on a quick minute break and then will be right back. Stay tuned to Gnews!’ The reporter said with a large smile.

  “I think it is safe to say everyone here values your opinions, even when you are wrong. Now. Eric Yang, if you do not give us all a solid explanation, you are sleeping in the cold!” Perci said with a tease.

  “Yeah, spill the news, pretty boy!” Willow said, teaming up on me.

  “Hey, I am the prettier brother,” Jevon said, and he was not wrong. The ladies were drawn to the man far more than they were to me.

  I batted my arms down to quiet the side chatter and giggling. Glasses were refilled as the quiet settled over the group.

  “Take everything I am saying with a grain of salt. I am not a supercomputer. I am a human that makes mistakes. Here is what I think. Aliens learn about humans. Logically we can conclude it was either because of a search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI) message or the aliens located us on their own. We can conclude they found us with the evidence being right there on the screen,” I said, pointing to the video replaying the satellite being destroyed as the spacecraft dropped its disguise. “My assessment is we were deemed worthy of intervention. I ask myself why they would meddle with Earth without a purpose. A casual observer would never have shot down satellites for looking at it. That, at least to me, is like shooting every bird that glances your way while on a hike.”

  “I am following you so far. How did you reach enslavement, though?” Jevon asked, folding his arms. A hand shot up to emphasize his next point. “I would figure they would come for a resource or something.”

  “Right! What is every alien movie modeled off of? Aliens come to earth for water. Bullshit. There is ice everywhere. H2O is not hard to make and humans are not even space-faring. Maybe it is for our protein, since every life we know of ingests something to produce something else. You cannot make something from nothing.” I agitatedly paced as I talked out my scenario. “Enslavement would mean far more ships, in my opinion. Unless they are here to domesticate and harvest as they please. I can’t be the only one who noticed they are giving plenty of space between us and our space weapons.”

  “Lots of good creating a space force did us,” Maria quipped.

  Torrez chuckled and said, “Honey, the United States closed the space force when we went to universal basic income.”

  “Huh! For real!” Maria said in shock.

  “Yeah, we sent some expensive satellites into space to start defending Uncle Sam’s atmospheric exposure. Which, Growlen is no dummy, she is keeping them aimed everywhere besides at that ship right now,” I said and looked at the screen. Some satellites were shifting in their angles to get a good picture of the three projectiles gliding for Earth. “Those hold the key. Maybe they prevent rockets from launching, or they unleash some virus and my initial guess was correct.”

  “Why are we drinking champagne then!?” Willow spurted her drink in surprise. She guiltily scrubbed my arm where her spittle had landed. “Sorry, my bad.”

  “We got three hours left to live, or in three hours those things teach us what our fate is. Three more hours is worthy of enjoyment, you little minx,” I said and swooped her and Perci up.

  Right when I was about to haul them upstairs, the newscaster cut back in.

  ‘Gnews is the first to give you the latest news. The Nigeria object is being targeted by the Nigerian Space Force?’ the report silenced his mic, seeking clarification. ‘NSF is a few satellites with laser-guided missiles. The object is coming into range now. Wow, go Nigeria. That is what, a hundred spread?’

  We watched the screen as the satellites shifted. The NSF machines aimed for the alien boxy constructs. The missiles peeled off the satellites and ignited accelerant. They burst forward with increasing speed. Their target had zero reaction. A cascading explosion seemed to be building as the missiles landed against the alien structure cruising for Earth. For the briefest of moments, it looked like the object was imploding. Nope; it exited the fireball without a scratch and proceeded to cascade flames of burning atmosphere as it dove for our planet with increased speed. The timer in the corner went from two hours and forty minutes to one hour and twenty. Beams of condensed power tore into the NSF satellites until they were shreds of their former selves. Things grew worse when nine more objects were fired from the big ship. A silence settled in the newsroom and in our living room.

  “We are going to read Jasmine to sleep. I will be combat geared before that timer hits zero,” Torrez said as he left with his family.

  When they were gone, I let my shoulders slump. Increased objects coming to Earth was not a good sign. I had no way to spin this revelation. The worst part was, now that there was a timer, humanity was going to go ballistic. At least Linda Growlen was letting Gnews broadcast. I bet some countries had gone dark to isolate the panic.

  Becca cleared her throat, breaking the tension. She elbowed Jevon lightly and said, “Third floor has two suites. How about I show you the one above us?”

  Jevon gave his charming smile and said, “I would be honored. We will be in battle gear when that timer hits zero. And Cap, we will be monitoring if the timer drops. Somehow, I doubt it will. Who would be stupid enough to increase our demise?”

  We exchanged waves as they bounded up the stairwell quickly. Perci clapped, grabbing our attention. She held a gleam in her eye.

  “Hot tub!” Perci shouted for joy and raced for the other stairwell.

  Willow and I chased after her. When we reached the room, Perci held the door open for us. I opened the first door to find an entry closet for coats. I slammed that door for the next handle. Perfect, the shower room had two entrances with a ten-foot long and five foot wide walk in shower. The other door opened and in popped Perci.

  “I need to pee!” She said and I shrugged, not seeing a toilet.

  “Found it, oh, there are two. There is a bidet Frenchy thing. Oh gosh, I just have to pee…” Willow said and I chuckled while flipping on the shower.

  “Eric started the shower. Use the regular toilet.”

  I was still wearing my combat gear and stripped rapidly. My pile of clothing and armor were piled in a spot far from the walk-in shower’s splash. The girls went into hushed whispering while I entered the warming water. I shrugged at the old half bar of soap someone had left behind. A few rotations in my hand produced a shiny bar. I peed in the shower while getting the grime off my legs. Then I realized something. A swift motion returned the bar of soap to its holder. There were two eager ladies wanting to scrub me down. I was not alone anymore. The warm cascading water felt fantastic as I awaited the dual boob reveal of the girls undressing.

  I grew excited, literally. My penis was hardening when I heard the giggling from around the corner. The girls were already naked while rushing into the shower. The bouncy goodness was awesome for all of a second until I was regulated to the cold confines of no hot water. Victory was mine when I saw another shower handle behind me. I spun the nozzle while dodging the icy water that splashed off the ground.

  The distraction allowed Perci to clasp my swinging cock and yank me forward. Yes! Was this the fated flawless victory? Before I could savor the moment, I glanced at the countdown. It had not sped up. My fist shot i
nto the air with a hootin holler.

  “Excited much!” Willow said, while eying my hard body.

  I grabbed her quickly with a forceful tug. Her body smacked into mine with a splash of shower water. Perci teased the soap while dramatically having it plop out of her hand.

  “Oh no, I can’t find the soap, Willow. I bet we will have better luck finding it on our knees,” Perci said, play-acting.

  “Oh neat! This was a scene in the King Dickemdown on Gporn. Never acted out porn before,” Willow said cheerfully.

  I couldn’t help it. I chuckled at their levity. The mock shocked expressions of the found soap was priceless. I stepped back into the other shower rain to inspect them both.

  Willow’s blue eyes, pouty lips, and drenched pink hair were delightful. Not as amazing as her swollen big double-D tits. The water flowed down her smooth tummy to widening hips. A thin thigh gap revealed a small shaven pussy. The woman was curvy with a fantastic hourglass body.

  Perci picked up on what I was doing and teasingly ran her hands down her toned body. Her firm c sized breasts were perfectly crafted and suited to her frame. They were not too big, and added to her tight figure. When I drank in the sight of her hazel eyes locked to me, she pushed the soap forward and went to crawl across the tile seductively.

  “Ouch, that hurts my knees. Fuck that. Get over here or we’re going -”

  A single fast lunge closed the distance. I yanked her hair back forcefully. She whimpered for the tiniest of moments, uncertain of what I intended. She smiled when my cock dove into her open mouth. My hand was swatted off her hair.

  “Vhokee Vee,” Perci said while she devoured my dick. Willow looked to me for a translation and I shrugged. She plopped my cock out of her mouth. “Choke me, lightly. No hair pulling for me, please. I am super into the dominant thing, but if you start smacking my face, we are going to have problems.”

  “Oh, safe stuff, this is probably a good time to go over it, Master,” Willow said, while pushing Perci back to giving me a blowjob. “You are my first Master, so take it slow, please. ‘Rainbow Farts’ is my safe word. Figure that will pull us right out of the whole BDSM thing. No blood, and fuck yes, yank my hair, smack my ass or cheek, and choke your dirty little slut. Now, with that out of the way: How may I please you, Master?”


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