Cyber Viking 1

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Cyber Viking 1 Page 27

by Marcus Sloss

  “Torrez gets admin overrides from Perci. Which is fantastic to see those in action, by the way. We ping the area looking to find out who these two are. Spoiler, they did not have their Gpads on to avoid the tracking of the constant back and forth from the supply section to the woods. Honestly, I am at fault here. I have been daydreaming about Dalila not expecting to be robbed. The rest is on you, King Eric. You have been taking Torrez to meetings and battle.”

  I smacked him upside the head with my real hand, and gently. Dalila chuckled at my banter.

  “I know I deserve worse. Anyway, things are starting to add up in my mind. We have missing items. Two people without Gpads using an old cover. When they return, Torrez races in a big arc and finds the mother lode. It is right over here,” Felix said while shining a flashlight through the woods. We walked for only three minutes or so into the trees before arriving at a clearing. “Imagine our surprise when we find this.”

  “Why did you bring Dalila?” I asked with a raised brow.

  Felix opened his mouth, then closed it, opened it, looked at Dalila, smiled fakely and closed it again. Eventually, he shrugged with his hands up.

  “That is two in one day. Do you see Willow or Perci here?”

  “No, Cap. Uh… Dalila, sorry I got you involved,” Felix said, rubbing the back of his neck.

  “It is okay. I am not dumb. These are vital supplies. I am a big girl, Cap.”

  The con artist’s name was Jacklyn, but I doubted it was her real name. She was fidgeting while I looked over the supplies. MREs, sanitizer, medicine, weapons, and all the toilet paper. I gave a tsk-tsk to the woman.

  “What was your plan, Jacklyn?”

  “We were going to help, I swear -”

  Her Gpad indicated she was lying. I clutched her neck with my metal hand. When her feet flicked off the ground unable to find traction her eyes bulged. I saw Felix go to comfort Dalila. She swatted him away while crossing her arm. I returned my gaze to Jacklyn. Bonnet arrived with Eddy, Torrez, and the other half of the con in tow.

  “Hey boss, she can’t breathe,” Eddy said while gasping at the sight of the stolen goods. I set the woman down. “This is bad.”

  “You think, Eddy? You should probably leave,” I said and he shook his head no. He was sad but stoic. “Alright, Jacklyn, I will give you a moment to catch your breath. This is your one chance only. Everything is the truth or we kill you, and probably use your bodies as alien bait. Do we have salt?”

  “When we get the salting truck, probably, but the deep freeze has room. We are scared to store stuff in there in case we need room for food suddenly,” Torrez said with a sad voice. He knew. I think the only people in denial were the cons.

  Jacklyn coughed, looked at the man, and then said, “It was all his idea. See, my Gpad reads it as true. We started off conning an old man near death. We told him we were his lost children. He had money to spare. We used that con to survive. With UBI, we got used to a nice life. We played the same con for the last two years. Finally -”

  “Not another word, Charlo-”

  Crack! The gunshot sent the birds nesting in the trees scattering. My ears rang from the proximity of the discharge.

  The man crumpled as he fell over, dead. Bonnet placed her rifle over his body until the muzzle was inches above his skull. Crack! Not that he needed the second shot. I turned to the shocked Charlotte. Yea probably Charlotte.

  “Continue please. You have earned the right to continue speaking. Torrez, please inform Perci the man made a move for Bonnet’s gun and had to be put down.”

  Dalila scoffed and said, “You actually going to lie to her?”

  “Huh, oh heavens no. I will come clean to both the girls. This is so she has something to put out that we can all cover with. Imagine if we go back with five different stories. He went for Bonnet’s gun. As if. Still, you get the point.”

  “Eddy are you okay?” I asked as the man turned green.

  He used a tree to brace himself, dry heaved for a moment, and then chunks of steak spewed into the underbrush. I cringed, scrunching my nose. I pulled out a weapons cleaning rag and handed it over to him.

  “Smells like CLP,” Eddy said as he recovered. He sniffed the rag further. “Definitely CLP”

  I rolled my eyes when he tried to hand the rag back. Bonnet snatched the rag while continuing the motion to fling it into the woods.

  “Charlotte, now is your time to finish your story. Best case, we send you away with banishment. Worst case, I snap your neck. Now woo me, girl, I believe in your conning abilities,” I said with a sadistic smirk.

  “Fuck you!” She screamed loudly.

  My hand darted out, crushing her windpipe. She collapsed with a thud against the leafy mat. I kneeled beside her, watching her try to live. Desperate to breathe.

  Her eyes wished for another lungful of air. Torrez bent over her body and jammed a metal straw through her chest with precision. I frowned at him for saving her.

  “Now what do we do? Give her a chance at redemption? She will have to be guarded at all times. I thought we didn’t want prisoners?” I said with disdain. Torrez gave me weak, sad eyes. “Fine, she is your problem. Torrez, look at me. Now, look at me as if you needed to protect your family. Better. She would steal from us so we starve, and I believe she would run over anyone… anyone in her way. She is best off as alien food.”

  “I will take her on. She has the ability to convert and change. With your permission, of course,” Torrez said confidently.

  “Okay, build a team as a side project. Charlotte, you have been given a second chance. Your story is you tried to escape, ran into a tree, and crushed your windpipe. Torrez, consider your crazy idea approved. With modern medicine, you should heal nicely in a week. Do not screw this up. Apparently, we are a softer group willing to help. Ensure her neck is covered in a wrap to hide the finger marks.”

  I rose from her side. She was nodding a lot in thanks. I grabbed arms full of toilet paper to haul back. My smile was so big at finding the hidden stash, it was contagious. Dalila grabbed as much as she could, with Felix following suit. Bonnet comforted Eddy, while Torrez carried Charlotte back.

  One thing about carrying stuff in the dark. People could instantly make out toilet paper. My Gpad pinged an alert, which probably summarized the situation to be skewed in our favor. The glory of controlling the news was you dictated it to reflect what you wanted. When eager citizens rushed for the glorious white toilet paper, I was thanked profusely over and over. I smiled and waved. When the little handoff was over I pointed to where more supplies needed to be brought back.

  I snuck away from the growing crowd to duck into Jevon’s cybernetic truck. I had never driven one of these. Four engines, one per wheel. Innovative solar for every window. Steel alloy frame sturdy enough you could run over trees with it. In this case, I was only going to pull them out. I saw the back seat folded down and a long chain resting in the covered truck bed. Perfect. A knock on the window halted my retreat. Jevon stood with a raised brow. I smiled guiltily and unlocked the door. Perci hopped in shotgun while Jevon got in the back. A knock on the window and Jevon scooted over to a fresh scented Willow with loose hair. I watched her working a braid in the rearview. She caught my attention and flashed a toothy smile.

  We drove in silence. A quick pause let the people flooding to get the supplies in the woods to create a break for us to part through. We left them for the section of trees being dragged to make a road to the cave. I paused us short of the trucks hauling trees to stay out of the way.

  Willow tapped my shoulder. I glanced at her in the back seat. “So, we were robbed?”

  “Yeah, professional drifters. She was a hooker, he was a con artist. He fed her a good life off the street. Honestly, I felt bad for her,” I said softly, gripping the wheel.

  “But not him?” Perci asked.

  Jevon chuckled. “Eric is my brother. The con man conning us never was going to live. Sorry girls, at most he would have turned his back as someone
else did the deed. I read her real file too. We can maybe save her. The bonus is we have toilet paper for a few days. I was getting sick of cleaning a rag with brown stains on it.”

  “Ew…” Perci said, shuddering at the visual reference. “You boys are brutes. I want you to understand that I understand. The people wanting to stick their heads in the sand will believe the cover. Those who doubt the story will see it for what it is. Someone tried to steal from us. They died for their sins.”

  “I am not a fan of capital punishment, which leads to deciding who dies and lives. That was also a thought process for when we had a civilized society without facing all the desperation we will now. Was the food stolen?” Willow asked.

  “And vital survival gear. Here is the photo,” I said and sent it to her. “Willow, Tina stole toilet paper. Derek made a report of it and returned it. What happened to Tina?”

  “No idea. I saw her with Derek, Norm, and that Sammy Slister girl working with the woodworking team. She seemed happy.”

  “Get the point. People are going to grab an extra meal or some shit paper. Okay, I got a problem when it compiles or adds up. I do not have a one-off problem or minor issues. These two saw an opening to rob us to the point where a thousand people could die. I have no sympathy for that.”

  “I do not disagree. Oh hey, I got a long message from Tina. Oh… That makes sense, did she already -”

  “Yes, that conversation leads into this one. Since we four are the king, queens, and highest duke — or are you a prince?”

  “Duke Deluxe works. Oh… DD, yes I like it,” Jevon said with a smooth tone.

  “This latest snafu will help our cause with this next cementing of power. We need a council. To deliberate disputes, and to disseminate punishments. I assumed - without having to verify - that Tina was not in an open relationship. Norm was not, so I never bothered digging into Tina’s relationship dynamics. However, I wanted her to come clean to Derek. Turns out she never needed to. They like the male female male (mfm) fun. Nothing wrong with that, and I am not judging. Merely saying the old me would have never taken the time to find that out. I would have banished, while moving the unit forward. A council will handle that stuff, and give some people purpose. Maybe vote for them to get on the seats… Or split - vote, appoint.”

  “Good idea, let me talk with the other Mother Hens as we call ourselves and get the paperwork organized. We were thinking of a noble council but this lets the people feel more empowered. I like it. I assume you have a final say?” Perci asked while Jevon snickered. I couldn’t see him, but knew the man was bobbing his head. “Alright, return us girls if you want to yank these poor trees out of the ground, root and all.”

  “I am getting out, do not violate my car with deviant acts. Let me pop its cherry.”

  The man was out of the truck before I could give a witty reply. I groaned at missing the opportunity. Even in the encased truck, I could hear him laughing.

  “When are you coming to bed?” Willow said with dancing eyebrows and a lusty glare. “I missed you. Like I missed you because you’re sweet... and missed your big cock!”

  “Ugh, I was so sore today. I will watch this time. Has to be the shower though. We have Bonnet and Nancy slated in our bed for the other half. Unless they find bed partners,” Perci said.

  “Bonnet will probably drag someone into our side to test me… No with Willow and Nancy, she might get her thrills of using men elsewhere,” I said, thinking it over. I slowly crept the truck into a casual ride. “Taking it easy so we have time together. Even my Gpad is not pinging.”

  “Are you happy, Eric?” Willow asked, causing Perci’s eyebrows to raise.

  “With you two, the happiest I have ever been. I feel again. I am not all the way there but my compassion and empathy are returning. Almost too much,” I said uncomfortably. “I still have some darkness lingering. Why do you ask?”

  “Nancy spent the four-hour mission gabbing about how amazing you were. About how you had countless opportunities to be a player and never once indulged. Even Jevon cratered to Bonnet sometimes, O’Hara too. I just -”

  “I wonder how O'Hara is. She was coming from Florida,” I said, letting the words trail.

  “Not going through Denver based on Nancy’s report. I was hoping more of the unit would arrive. We are up to ninety-plus making it safely. And the last ones were -”

  “Sorry to interrupt but we tend to veer our conversations we’re already here. Nancy loves you, not as much as Perci or the same way. More like a fanboy way. She mentioned some old game she learned at college. Kill, marry, or bang. Not my thing, but as you can surmise, Eric is a bang and marry on a lot of lists. Reliable, comforting, patient, and super sexy. Which leads me to this: You should not comfort her as you did before,” Willow blurted. She covered her mouth at saying too much.

  “Willow, you can always be honest with me. If that is what you want -”

  “I am worried she will try to sleep with you. You can add powerful to that list now. You go on missions without us. Look, I have my own set of issues. If I did not hear how honest and trustworthy you were, I would be freaking the fuck out. I fear she will cross a line if you lead her on.”

  “Nancy has come onto me and crossed the friend line, Willow, like a half dozen times. Most were playful and harmless. Hell, with Slister, closer to a dozen. Horny women will find excuses to wake you up when you're sleeping and they are half naked. There was a time before Nancy hooked up with Slister. She came to me once already dripping from self-pleasure, completely naked,” I said and Willow's eyes shot open. I bobbed my head to emphasize my point. “There is a lot to our trip home you do not know. I promise, when we find time, I will explain it all to you. Now, with that shocking revelation, let me tell you about those times. I would kiss their foreheads. Tell them they were beautiful and desired. However, I was saving myself for marriage. They never believed me. Not one bit but -”

  “They got more from those sweet lasting words than what their impulses required. No wonder she is a fangirl,” Perci said with a huff. She looked at me and then down. Then back at me sadly. “If I was there?”

  “Well, we were deployment married, so lots of sex and -”

  “Perfect answer, Eric Yang. Alright, Willow, we both know Lavaun is gorgeous. If our man can turn her aside when she comes boobs out - dripping wet - then I think we can trust him. We need to have a girl talk with Nancy. She is the troublemaker here. Do not let her good looks and pouty lips fool you. One more before I steal you to make this council.”

  “One more question?” Willow asked and we both gave her thumbs-up. “Oh, I get one more. What are your plans with Nancy? As in, do you want to add her to our throuple? She mentioned kings had harems.”

  I huffed and said, “I will be there for her as her boss and her friend. As for the harem, I am good. I prefer your curves to hers, Willow, and Perci I prefer tight sexy bodies with actual love. I hope she gets back with Slister… But that is not going to happen.”

  “Huh, why?”

  “Norm will pick Tina and Derek over Nancy,” I said with certainty.

  “Smh. As if… Wait your face is dead set on that statement. Why?”

  I tapped Perci’s leg. She bound her shoulders with palms up. Guess I did know Slister and Nancy better than them.

  “Norm loves sex. So does Slister. Those two are swinging fanatics. Nancy is not, she is a once a day at most kind of gal. Trust me, I know without actually knowing. You compare two college kids eager to fuck like rabbits to an emotional Nancy…” I said with a sad deflated sigh. My hands came up and slapped my thighs in frustration. “Norm is the pants wearer. He tells Slister what he wants and she does not fight him. Did Nancy and Slister have love? Absolutely. Was that love doomed when they came home? Again, absolutely. She mentioned this when we were debriefing. She knew they were swingers and was not okay with that. I said I would be there for her, and never needed to be until now. Probably would have avoided her anyway while I was at DU.”

nbsp; “Oh,” Willow said meekly.

  “Hey Willow, you are my queen and inspiration. I never imagined having two wonderful women to lean on, ever. Especially in a time like this. So thank you Perci,” I said, kissing her softly. I then twisted to kiss a conflicted Willow. “Thank you, Willow. I will try to be the best man I can for both of you. I realize being comforting to Nancy could be seen as sexual affection and will halt my -”

  “Ugh, no. She needs her friend. I want to sleep between you two though. I will try to comfort her too in her hour of need,” Willow said, coming to a resolution.

  “Awesome, I hope she patches things up with Norm, and Slister. If not she is a beautiful woman,” Perci said while puckering her lips for another kiss. “Beautiful women tend to get what they want. Which I hope ends up being some single man she can toy with.”

  I kissed her goodbye. Then a long passionate kiss to Willow. The door closed with a thud and I watched them walk inside arm in arm. I was truly the luckiest man. I went to drive for the trees to help build the cave road when I saw Nancy racing across the field, fleeing from Slister. I gave a disgruntled sigh.

  When I caught the two, they were hugging. I rolled down the tinted window. When they saw it was me, I waved them closer.

  “Get in the back. You girls can talk while I work.” They piled into the truck. I put on some Gpad light classical music to the front speakers as they bickered, fought, and cried.


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