Have Me_A mafia romance

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Have Me_A mafia romance Page 19

by LP Lovell

I sigh. “Rafe…”

  “Patience, avecita.”

  Taking my hand, he leads me out the front door and around the side of the house. There, on the lawn, is a helicopter.

  I smile. “You can’t just be normal and have a car?”

  “I could…”

  He helps me into the passenger seat, and even though he’s smiling, he seems tense. He gets inside and fires up the engines, lifting the chopper off the ground. We stay low, flying over the scorched desert. And when we land, I know exactly where we are. I catch sight of the lake over the ridge, just before he lowers us to the ground.

  “Is this a date?” I ask on a smile.

  He lifts a brow. “Something like that.”

  I open the door, and my feet touch the hot sand. Rafael rounds the front of the chopper and holds a piece of material up in front of me.

  I eye it. “What is that?”

  “A blindfold.”

  I fold my arms over my chest. “Really?”

  “Don’t you trust me, baby?” he grins.

  “Fine.” I roll my eyes and turn around.

  He places the material over my eyes and fastens it, before sweeping me off my feet. I squeak as a moment of weightlessness takes over, before I land against his solid chest.


  He laughs. “Patience.”

  I feel him navigate the steep path that runs down to the lake. I hold onto him tightly, knowing how hazardous the descent can be. He finally puts me down and steps back. Reaching behind my head, I untie the blindfold, blinking spots away from my eyes in the suddenly bright sunlight. When I can finally see again, Rafael is in front of me, on one knee.

  I frown at him. “What are you doing?”

  He holds something up in front of him, and I squint at it. A ring. “Avecita, marry me.”


  He smiles. “I’m not taking no for an answer, so I suggest you say yes.”

  Holy shit, he’s serious. “Yes?”

  He pushes to his feet, huffing out a laugh. “Don’t sound too sure.” He takes my hand and slides the ring onto my finger.

  “I’m surprised you even asked.”

  He shrugs. “Formality.” Grabbing my shoulders, he turns me around. “We’re getting married either way. Everyone’s already here.”

  Literally. Everyone. Rows of seats are lined up near the edge of the lake, and at the water’s edge, a tiny archway of flowers stands, with Carlos in front of it. Una, Nero, Samuel, Lucas, Bella, Violet…they’re all here. All the people we care about. In our place.

  “To have and to hold?”

  “Ride or die?”

  I smile. “Always.”

  Our story hasn’t been pretty, but didn’t anyone ever tell you? You can’t see the stars without the dark.


  Kill Me

  Have you read Una and Nero’s story? Available on Kindle Unlimited here.


  To many, I am little more than a myth. The Kiss of Death, a hired killer, revered by some of the greatest criminal organisations in the world. Trained by the bratva themselves, without conscience, without mercy, the perfect soldier. I'll kill anyone... for a price. Death doesn't discriminate, she sells to the highest bidder, but even I have a weakness.


  I want one thing--power. But power is merely a game of strategy. The pieces are on the chess board. Death is my queen, and also my pawn. She'll paint this city red in exchange for the one thing she wants. Now all I have to do is watch it all play out. She's nothing more than a weapon, and yet, I find myself wanting to dance with death, to possess her. And I always get what I want.

  A game of power. A risk that could cost her everything. An obsession that would see the world burn at their feet. A bloodied king. A broken queen.

  Kill me or kiss me?

  Loathe Me

  Sasha’s story, Loathe Me, is coming soon.

  If you’d like to receive an alert when it is available for pre-order, please sign up here.


  Behind every book is a team of people who helped bring it to life. There are so many people to thank for helping me with Hold Me.

  First off, Kerry Fletcher. Girl, you put up with so much. You’re like, part PA, part mother and part super hero. I love you!

  And on that note, Kerry, Jen and Autumn, you are the best betas ever. Thank you!

  Max Ellis...my boo, my designer. You get me. Thanks for another boss cover.

  Robert St Laurent, thank you for being Rafael, and to my bestie Caitlin, thanks for shooting this last cover…whilst horribly hungover I might add.

  Claire Allmendinger of Bare Naked Words, thank you for your vigilant editing. Autumn Jones, thank you for your eagle eyed proof reading.

  Emily Smith-Kidman of Social Butterfly PR, thank you for all that you do.

  Stevie...what can I say? I love you, whore.

  There are so many blogs and individuals who have helped me along the way and you are all hugely appreciated, but I have to acknowledge one in particular.

  Give Me Books and One-Click Addicts, I love you girls!

  There are so, so many people who have helped me, and you know who you are.

  I hope I haven’t missed anyone. Just know that anyone who has ever written a review, posted a teaser, or read any of my books...Thank you. Your ongoing support means the world.

  About the Author

  Sign up to LP Lovell and Stevie J. Cole’s newsletter and stay up to date: Join the Mailing List

  Lauren Lovell is a ginger from England. She suffers from a total lack of brain to mouth filter and is the friend you have to explain before you introduce her to anyone, and

  apologise for afterwards. She's a self-confessed shameless pervert, who may be

  suffering from slight peen envy.

  Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lplovellauthor

  Twitter: @Authorlplovell

  Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/7850247.LP_L ovell

  Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/LP- Lovell/e/B00NDZ61P

  Other books

  Collateral Series:

  Hate Me, Hold Me, Have Me

  She Who Dares series:

  Besieged #1 Conquered #2 Surrendered #3 Ruined #4

  Wrong Series:

  Wrong, Wrath, Wire, War

  Kiss of Death Series:

  Make Me, Kill Me, Kiss Me,

  War Series:

  War Poppy, War Hope

  Bad Series:

  Bad, Dirty


  Absolution, High, The Game, Tiger Shark




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