Fighting for Control (Against the Cage Book 3)

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Fighting for Control (Against the Cage Book 3) Page 27

by Melynda Price

  Like a starving man, he craved the normalcy she provided in his life. It was comforting, relaxing. Spending time with her was . . . cathartic. Since he’d started seeing her, his head had become clearer, his mind more focused. He was more in control than he had been in years. Sure, his demons still haunted him. He could never fully escape their evil grasp, but now they only visited him in his dreams, someplace where they could never touch his precious Clover. She was safe from the darkness that shadowed his soul, safe from the memories that were his cross to bear. And he would do everything in his power to keep it that way. In order to do that, he must protect her from the truth. She’d never know what evil he had done, or that every night she welcomed a murderer into her bed—into her body.

  Muttering a self-damning oath, he cut the shower and toweled off before wrapping the towel around his waist and walking over to the benches. He grabbed his cell from his bag and checked his messages.

  No worries. Don’t be too late or I’ll have to start this bath without you. Winky-face emoji.

  Don’t you dare! Scowling face.


  Yeah, he wasn’t laughing.

  Hey, there . . .”

  Nikko sat at the bar, nursing his beer, waiting for Easton and Tommy to finish theirs so they could get the hell out of here. He ignored the airy, feminine voice of the woman who had entered into his personal space. Damn, he hated crowds. Uneasiness churned in his gut, souring the beer in his stomach. Unfortunately, the woman who’d slipped between him and Easton wasn’t going to be deterred so easily. Even more unfortunate was that Easton noticed and was watching them with rapt amusement. Her hand fell on Nikko’s shoulder and he flinched, muscles involuntarily protesting the contact.

  “You don’t know who I am, do you?”

  Oh, for shit’s sake. He hadn’t even been here ten minutes and some woman was already pawing at him. Between Easton and Tommy “The Viking,” he thought he’d be in the clear from attracting the cage bangers. But then there were always those women who went for the scarred, damaged type.

  Sighing, he set his beer on the bar, letting the glass rap loudly against the counter, and then turned his head to give her his attention long enough to tell the woman he wasn’t interested. She was pretty—too pretty to be hanging out in clubs and hitting on cage fighters. “Should I?” he answered her question with one of his own.

  Taking one look at his scowling face, her flirty smile faltered. “Dean didn’t tell you I was coming?”

  “No, he didn’t.” Nikko flashed Easton a What the fuck? glower. “Who are you?”

  “I’m Meghan, your new girlfriend,” she announced, presenting her perfectly manicured hand. “Your publicist hired me. Dean thought we should meet before your press interview tomorrow. Probably so you don’t look at me like you are right now when we’re in front of a bunch of cameras.” She laughed nervously, tucking a brunette curl behind her ear.

  Shit . . . he was being a dick. It wasn’t her fault his boss had blindsided him. “It’s nice to meet you, Meghan.” He accepted her hand and forced an obligatory smile. He’d had a long day, and this was so not the way he wanted to end it. Well, at least now he knew why Easton had asked him to come out for a beer—traitorous prick.

  “This is my sparring partner, Tommy, and my trainer, Cole Easton.” Replace with: He shot the man—who was watching the whole thing with an amused smirk on his face—another glare. She stepped behind him, keeping her hand on his back, and shook each guy’s hand before sidling back up to him. “So”—she trailed her fingers up and down his spine—“you want to grab a table somewhere a little more private so we can get to know each other better?”

  Not really. But since he suspected this was why he was here, no was not an option. “Why don’t you grab us a table, and we’ll be along in a minute?”

  As she sauntered away, Easton chuckled, shaking his head. Tommy stood to follow the leggy brunette, but Nikko snagged his arm, pulling him close. “All right, Thorson, listen up,” he growled loud enough to be heard over the band. “You’re my sparring partner, which means you’re my new best friend. Congratulations. So you’re going to take one for the team by clam-jamming that chick over there. You got it? Keep her the fuck off me.”

  Tommy looked at him like he’d lost his ever-loving mind.

  “What’s the matter, Del Toro?” Easton taunted. “You don’t like beautiful women?”

  “I like them just fine, smart-ass. In fact, I’m particularly fond of the one I’ve got waiting for me at home.”

  Easton muttered a curse, looking pretty damn guilty as he scrubbed his hand over the back of his neck. “You’re seeing someone? Shit . . . why didn’t you say something to Dean?”

  “Because I keep my personal life personal.”

  Easton busted out laughing. “Good luck with that. Let me know how it works for you. Katie’s in those rags as much as I am these days.”

  “Well, of course she is. She’s dating Hugh Hefner’s illegitimate son,” he mocked, quoting one of the more outlandish lies printed about Easton in the last year. The guy had become a tabloid favorite, thanks to all the drama surrounding him and Crazy Dan DeGrasse.

  “Shut the fuck up,” Easton growled. “You know that shit’s not true.”

  “Case in point, man.”

  “Well, until you’re willing to go public with your girl, guess she’s going to have to share you. Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but your publicist and Dean have a paparazzo coming here to shoot you and Meghan together. They’re planning on pimping you to the press hard-core since you’re headlining this fight.”

  “You knew they were going to do this when you asked me here. Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “Would you have come if I had?”


  “Case in point.”

  “You’re a dick,” Nikko growled, pushing past him to go find Meghan so they could get this shit over with. If he thought there was a chance in hell he wouldn’t get fired, he’d leave right now, but press time and PR bullshit were a part of his contract, so he was pretty much screwed. “As soon as those cameras go, I’m outta here.”

  Meghan wasn’t difficult to spot. She’d taken a booth not far from the band. It was near the dance floor but not so close that they couldn’t hear each other speak. He took his obligatory seat beside the woman and tried not to look as pissed off as he felt.

  “Dean mentioned you were camera shy,” she said, scooting closer and wrapping her arms around his biceps, squishing her breasts against his arm. “Don’t sweat it, sweetheart. I’m here to make you look good.”

  When a man with a camera showed up a few minutes later, he made a mental note to tell Dean fuck you very much. Nikko didn’t like surprises. Guess he was a lot like Clover in that respect. At the thought of his violet-eyed beauty, a knot of guilt fisted in his gut. He shouldn’t be here—not without Violet. She was the woman he wanted at his side, the woman he wanted plastered against his body. Not this stranger . . .

  This was by far one of the most miserable nights of his life, and he’d had more than a few to boost that bar. As Nikko sat there like a stone statue while some woman hung all over him, brushing her tits on his arm and flashing her cleavage while she smiled for the camera, all he could think about was Clover waiting for him back at her house. It was making him edgy as shit. Tommy wore an amused smirk the whole time. Yeah, his ass was officially getting kicked tomorrow. At least Easton had the decency to look contrite about the whole thing. He knew the score—how hard it was to be in a relationship with someone when you were in this profession, expected to live up to some preconceived image. Would he have run interference with Dean had he known Nikko was seeing someone? Possibly . . .

  For all the shit he gave Nikko, the guy absolutely adored his girl—worshiped the ground she walked on—and he doubted Easton would be complicit in jacking up someone else’s relationship.

  “Are you worried about the upcoming fight with Viper?” the paparazzo asked after sho
oting a few candid pics of him and Meghan.

  “Do I look worried?” He was annoyed as hell, is what he was. He just wanted to get the fuck out of there.

  “Kennedy claims you disqualified yourself from the fight last month because you were afraid to face him in the cage. Do you have any response to his allegations?”

  Like a lit match put to a fuse, Nikko’s temper flared—the short wick sizzling and sparking, burning toward the dynamite inside him just waiting to go off. His vision sharpened, and his muscles tensed. The woman beside him must have felt it, because her grip on his arm grew tenuously tight as she cast Cole and Tommy an anxious glance.

  Cole shot from his seat before Nikko could lunge for the photographer. Tommy was on his heels. They intercepted the paparazzo, putting themselves between Nikko and the guy who was about to eat his camera.

  “Interviews aren’t part of the deal, Walters, you know that,” Easton growled. “You have your shots. Any questions you want answered are going to have to wait for the press conference tomorrow.” He and Tommy escorted the camera-toting douche out of the club.

  Before he could pry himself free of the clinger attached to his arm, a woman stumbled out of the crowd on the dance floor and came to an abrupt halt when her eyes locked on him. It took about two seconds for that bright, friendly smile to transform into a murderous glower.

  Oh, fuck me . . .

  Violet couldn’t seem to crawl out from under the blanket of melancholy weighing her down. She hated keeping secrets from Nikko. There were already enough between them as it was. And what kind of a hypocrite did that make her, expecting Nikko to lay his bare when she kept hers tightly guarded? But nothing good could come from him knowing she’d called Barry today. And if he knew why she’d done it, he would be positively livid.

  He knew about Barry, that he was a cheating, no-good bastard, but Nikko didn’t know everything—the lies, the betrayal, the humiliation . . . He didn’t know she still struggled with mistrust and insecurity. She’d learned to hide it well. It was her job to uncover the masks people wore, so of course she would know how to wear hers the best. But Nikko seemed content to let Vi hide behind hers. Perhaps because of his own, he didn’t feel like he had the right to pry, for fear of quid pro quo.

  She never used to be so untrusting, or insecure, but public humiliation and having your foundation ripped out from under you can do that to a person. Talking to Barry today had opened a lot of old wounds she’d thought had healed—guess she was just as capable of denial as the best of them. Of course, he’d agreed to help her—without hesitation. It was the opportunity he’d been waiting for, his chance to open those doors of communication again. It frustrated her that she’d been reduced to no other option. All it would take was one call to his connection at the Pentagon and Barry would have at his fingertips the secrets she’d been struggling for a month to get.

  Where was Nikko? She glanced at the clock, feeling restless and edgy. It was getting late. The gym had closed two hours ago. Supper was in the oven, which had long ago gotten cold. She’d be lying if she said it didn’t scare her how quickly she’d come to need him.

  She craved the strength and security of his arms. She loved the way he looked into her eyes when he was making love to her—like no one else in the world existed. His eyes said things to her his mouth never would—told her secrets she would never hear confessed from his lips. It was Nikko’s intensity, his rawness, that she had fallen hopelessly in love with. The bedroom had become the place where he came to her free of inhibitions, where he would share himself with her, and she was beginning to crave it like the most addictive drug. Nikko Del Toro was quickly becoming her dangerous obsession, and she needed her fix.

  Nikko was torn between the desire to see Clover and the guilt shredding him from the inside out. He was losing control. Exhaustion rode him hard, loosening the grip on his tightly leashed demons. If he didn’t get out of here now, he was going to make the shit that went down last month look like child’s play. How long could he keep telling himself he was good when tonight just proved it was all a goddamn lie? All it took was one missed night with Violet and his demons were storming the gates of his mind. Looking back, he wondered how he’d managed this long without her. Then again, when he really thought about it, he realized he hadn’t—even then, he was retreating to his memory of her to preserve his sanity.

  He wanted to go to her now, bury himself inside her, and pound away until he purged his soul. But he couldn’t, not like this, not with Meghan’s scent all over him. He didn’t deserve Violet, didn’t deserve her touch, her kiss, or the pleasure she so freely offered him. At least not until he told her the truth about tonight, and God help him, he was scared as hell she wasn’t going to understand.

  She may not talk about it, but he knew her ex had messed with her head. The girl had trust issues, and why wouldn’t she? After what she’d been through, it couldn’t be easy to date a guy who constantly had women throwing themselves at him. He wasn’t arrogant enough to think, for one minute, it was him they actually wanted. No, it was the cage. That metal octagon was 100 percent pure cunt bait.

  Sighing, he yanked open his car door and was about to hop inside when he heard a feminine voice shouting across the parking lot.

  “Nikko . . . !”

  He turned to see a scowling Penelope marching toward him. Well, marching was a generous word; it was more like staggering. If she weren’t careful, she was going to break her ankle in those heels. He crossed his arms over his chest and waited for her to approach. She’d almost made it when her ankle buckled and she stumbled forward, nearly face-planting into his crotch.

  “Whoa . . .” He caught her under her arms and lifted her upright, catching a fruity whiff of alcohol.

  “Don’t touch me!” she snapped, swatting at his arms to let go.

  So he did, watching her teeter there like she was trying to balance on stilts.

  “How could you do it, Nikko?” Before he could respond, she blasted him: “I can’t believe you’re cheating on Vi. She deserves so much better than you!”

  Her words hit home, and the truth stung. “You’re right. She does. But I’m not cheating on Violet.”

  “I know what I saw—”

  “You’re drunk. You don’t know shit. What the hell are you doing getting this shit-faced when you’re out alone, anyway? Do you have any idea how easily some guy could come along and take advantage of you?”

  “Wasn’t supposed to be alone. Vi bailed. To be with you, you dick!”

  Oh, hell no! Clover better not be getting wasted at clubs—at least not without him there to watch over her. “Get in the car, Pen.”

  “Are you crazy? I’m not going anywhere with you!”

  “Get in the car, Penelope. Now! I’m taking you home. I’m not in the mood for this shit.”


  “Would you rather I called Kyle to come get you? Cuz I’m not leaving you here to become a fucking statistic. You got two seconds to get your ass in this car or I’m calling him.”

  “Don’t call Kyle!” She looked panicked by the suggestion, and he wondered what the hell that was all about.

  “Then move!” Nikko was out of patience. Grabbing Pen’s arm, he half hauled, half dragged her around the back of the car. Opening the passenger door, he placed his hand on the top of her head and helped her inside, police style.

  “You stink,” she snapped, no doubt referring to Meghan’s perfume.

  “So do you. I’m gonna catch a buzz just breathing your air,” he shot back, slamming her door. Nikko went around to the back of the car and popped the trunk. Lifting the lid, he grabbed his gym bag out and yanked open the zipper. As he tugged off his shirt, a niggling sense of unease skated down his spine, the kind that told him there were eyes on him—the same damn feeling he used to get right before he was about to step into an ambush.

  Nikko’s head snapped up and he searched the parking lot, but it was dark. A few pods of light filled the area, but the
re were enough shadows to hide prying eyes. A part of him wanted to believe he was just being paranoid, but his instincts had been honed over years of battle, and they didn’t lie. He wouldn’t be alive today without them—someone was out there. The big question was, who was being watched—him or Pen?

  Muttering a curse, he pulled his sweat-soaked T-shirt out of the bag. The damn thing was still damp and smelled like a gym locker. He pulled it on and then slammed the trunk, rounding the driver’s side of the car. Opening the door, he poked his head inside, meeting Pen’s belligerent scowl. Damn, he felt sorry for the guy who lost his heart to this woman. Penelope Cantrel was 100 percent trouble.

  “Stay here,” he ordered. “And lock the door.” Nikko didn’t wait for her to respond before closing the door and heading toward the alley. He ducked left, pressing his back against the wall. Keeping his car in sight, he waited. This was going to end—now.

  Poised to strike, Nikko felt that familiar calm come over him. His senses sharpened, honing in and synching with the steady drum of his pulse. His veins flickered with the hum of restless anticipation as he waited for his target to show himself. The forecasted shadow appeared before his mark did. The seconds passed interminably slow as he waited.

  The moment the figure rounded the corner, Nikko pounced, grabbing his wrist before he could go for a weapon. He twisted the man’s arm behind his back, propelling him forward until he face-planted into the wall. A rush of air exploded from the man’s lungs, followed by a snarled curse. Nikko braced his forearm against the back of the guy’s neck, giving him an up close and personal view of the brick and mortar.

  “Why the fuck are you following me?” he demanded, ticking off the seconds in his mind before conversation time was over.


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