The American Truth (The American Truth - September 11th Attacks)

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The American Truth (The American Truth - September 11th Attacks) Page 1

by Nick Shelton

  The American Truth

  A Novel

  The American Truth

  A Novel

  A Nick Shelton Project

  Mill City Press, Inc.

  Copyright © 2007 by Nick Shelton All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems without the permission of the copyright holder, except by a reviewer, who may quote brief passages in review. For more information contact, Mill City Press, Inc., 212 3rd Avenue North, Suite 471, Minneapolis, MN 55401

  or [email protected]

  ISBN 10 : 1-934248-21-5 ISBN 13 : 978-1-934248-21-8

  Library of Congress Control Number: 2007927020 Cover Design copyright © 2007 by Nick Shelton

  The Facts

  Information the U.S. government does not want you to know. The following section portrays proven facts and reliable evidence about the September 11th terrorist attacks. Up to this point, this information has been withheld from the American public.

  Before reading the novel, it will help to read this nonfiction section to better understand the controversies surrounding the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

  Author’s Note: I recommend you read the expanded version of this section on this book’s website (as opposed to following section in this book). The online version has interactive links and a bibliography that allows you to gain additional information. Also, I’m constantly correcting/updating this section online in order to provide the most accurate information possible.


  Percent of Americans according to a recent survey who believe that it is “very likely” or “somewhat likely” that government officials either allowed the 9/11 attacks to be carried out or carried out the attacks themselves.1

  Other polls show: • 28% of Americans believe that the Bush Administration is “mostly lying” about what they knew prior to September 11th in regards to possible terrorist attacks against the U.S. 2

  • 49.3% of New York City residents say that the U.S. government "knew in advance that attacks were planned on or around September 11, 2001, and that they consciously failed to act.” 3

  Thirty-six percent of Americans equals 108,000,000 people. Millions outside of the U.S. also doubt the official story of 9/11. The evidence reported in the following pages explains why these numbers and percentages are so high.

  Controlled Demolition Theory

  Belief held by a growing number of individuals for why the World Trade Center Buildings collapsed on September 11, 2001. Nearly one-fifth of Americans now believe that “secretly planted explosives, not burning airplanes” were the cause of the collapse of the Twin Towers collapse.

  After extensive research, many scholars have speculated that it would be impossible for an aircraft collision and burning jet fuel to take down a massive steel-enforced skyscraper. These experts believe “controlled explosives” were used to weaken the buildings’ foundations, which lead to their collapse.

  Most who believe in the “controlled explosion” theory use this evidence to argue that the U.S. government may have had some involvement or prior knowledge of 9/11.


  Title given to the puffs of smoke that were ejected from lower floors of the Twin Towers just before their collapse.

  Many scholars agree that these “squibs” are signs of explosions from within the towers. Many hypothesize that these explosions were thermite incendiary devices that were detonated to help take down the towers.

  The presence of thermate (a combination of thermite and other compounds used in incendiary materials) has been found in a molecular analysis of the dust from Ground Zero.

  The use of thermite explosives would also explain why molten steel flowed from the tower. It takes around 1500°C to melt structural steel. Hydrocarbon jet fuel burns at a maximium of 825°C. Thermite reactions, on the other hand, occur at 3500°C - 4000°C.

  3 Weeks

  After 9/11 that pools of molten steel were still under the Ground Zero debris. The 3500-4000°C temperature of thermite reactions would have provided enough heat to keep the steel in a molten-hot liquid state for this extended period of time. By looking at the fires’ colors, most scholars speculate the fires in the WTC towers were between 600-700°C. These fires would not have even melted the steel, let alone kept it in a molten state for several weeks.

  Over 50

  Documented reports of NY Firemen and rescue team members who heard or saw what seem to be bomb explosions at the North and South Towers.

  Here are comments from just a few of them: “Then a large explosion took place. In my estimation that was the tower coming down, but at that time I did not know what that was. I thought some type of bomb had gone off.”

  Gregg Hansson -- Lieutenant (F.D.N.Y.) “It actually gave at a lower floor, not the floor where the plane hit, because we originally had thought there was like an internal detonation explosives because it went in succession: boom, boom, boom, boom, and then the tower came down.”

  Frank Campagna -- Firefighter (F.D.N.Y.) [Ladder 11] “It was a frigging noise. At first I thought it was -- do you ever see professional demolition where they set the charges on certain floors and then you hear “Pop, pop, pop, pop, pop”? That’s exactly what -- because I thought it was that. When I heard that frigging noise, that’s when I saw the building coming down.”

  Daniel Rivera -- Paramedic (E.M.S.) [Battalion 31]

  7 Seconds

  Time that it took for World Trade Center Building 7 to collapse. WTC 7 was a 47-story steel-framed skyscraper that was never hit by any plane. However, it fell at 5:20 p.m. on Sept. 11.

  The supposed cause of the collapse was uncontrolled fires that were started by burning debris from the North Tower. Many experts report that it would be impossible for fires to cause a free-fall collapse of a skyscraper. Also, video footage before WTC 7’s collapse shows no visible evidence of fires within the building.

  The building just so happened to house offices for the CIA, FBI, and SEC.

  300 feet

  Distance WTC 7 stood from the WTC complex. WTC 7 was situated in between the Verizon and Post Office skyscrapers across the street from the North Tower.

  The Verizon building actually stood closer to the North Tower, but it only suffered minor damage from falling pieces of debris. The Post Office building was nearly unscathed. Neither the Verizon building, nor the Post Office building caught on fire.

  However, WTC7 somehow caught fire, and these fires supposedly brought down this building that housed valuable government information.

  Steel framed buildings that have collapsed from a fire in all of history. These three are: 1) the North Tower of the WTC, 2) the South Tower of the WTC, and 3) WTC 7.

  The only thing that has consistently brought down steel framed buildings in the past is controlled explosives. Computer hard drives that were recovered from WTC 7 in the Ground Zero cleanup. These computers housed information that proved individuals had profited over $100 million from insider trading during the week of 9/11.

  Thousands of other SEC computers were forever lost. These computers housed thousands of sensitive files that dealt with Enron and suspicious stock trades prior to the 9/11 attacks.

  No one will ever be able to find the information that the CIA, IRS, SEC, and NSA lost when WTC7 building came crashing down, destroying their computers, files, and records.

  $124 Million

  Amount of his own money that Larry Silverstein paid to purchase the World Tra
de Towers six months prior to 9/11. Immediately after the purchase, Silverstein invested in a high-value insurance plan. The buildings were only worth $3.2 billion. He later claimed nearly $5 billion since his insurance plan covered terrorist attacks.

  Also, before the events of 9/11, Silverstein expressed interest in tearing down the towers. The large bulky buildings were becoming a huge expense. They had just undergone a $200 million renovation, plus they still needed to remove asbestos. Since a building of that size and location could not be demolished, the building would have to be taken down floor-by-floor. The estimated cost for doing this was $15 billion.

  But why pay to dissemble the two towers for $15 billion when you could get a “terrorist attack” to take them down and earn $5 billion in insurance claims?


  Number of lives lost in the 9/11 terrorist attacks. However, Larry Silverstein was not one of them. Silverstein just so happened to have a doctor’s appointment that morning and was not in his office on the 88th floor as usual.

  “Pull It”

  Phrase spoken by Larry Silverstein about WTC 7. Many believe that this was an order for a controlled demolition of the building.

  In a later interview on a PBS documentary, Silverstein spoke these words concerning WTC7:

  “We’ve had such terrible loss of life, maybe the smartest thing to do is pull it. And they made that decision to pull and we watched the building collapse.”

  Time on 9/11 when the first flight flew into the North building of the WTC.

  In a later interview, President Bush said he saw the footage of Flight 11 flying into the North Tower before going into an elementary school classroom. “And I was sitting outside the classroom waiting to go in, and I saw an airplane hit the tower--the TV was obviously on, and I used to fly myself, and I said, ‘There’s one terrible pilot.’”

  However, only one video captured the first plane hitting the North Tower, and it was not shown over TV until September 12th. The second plane had not yet hit the second tower when Bush was outside of the classroom.

  Either Bush had access to footage that the rest of the world did not, or he was lying. Most people do not have a hard time believing either is the case.

  Time on 9/11 when President Bush was sitting in the classroom in Sarasota, Florida. At this time, the White House chief of staff whispered in his ear, “A second plane has hit the World Trade Center. America is under attack.”

  Upon hearing the news, Bush sat in his chair showing no expression. The Commander-in-Chief continued to sit in the classroom for another seven to eighteen minutes, reading books with 7-year olds.

  We have all been asked, “Where were you on 9/11?” President Bush was reading “My Pet Goat.” He found it so interesting that he kept reading it for another 15 minutes before responding to the nation’s major crisis.

  In a later interview, Bush made the following statement, “Immediately after the first attack I implemented our government’s response plans.” He did not immediately react to the first attack (or the second attack), but he did react rather quickly in declaring war in the Middle East. Time on 9/11 that a van full of Middle Eastern men pulled up to President Bush’s hotel in Sarasota, Florida. The men demanded an interview with Bush but were turned down for not being on his schedule.

  Thirty minutes later, Bush took a four-mile jog around the resort with only his secret service guards following. What is even more interesting is that 9/11 hijackers Mohamed Atta and Marwan Al-Shehhi traveled to Sarasota on September 7, 2001. The two had dinner at a Holiday Inn only two miles from the hotel Bush stayed during his visit to Sarasota on September 10.

  John P. O’Neill

  Name of a former FBI agent who was an Al-Qaeda expert. In the weeks prior to 9/11, he repeatedly warned the U.S. government of a major terrorist plot.

  Due to “conflicts” he was having in the agency, O’Neill was forced to resign from the FBI. Oddly enough, he was immediately reassigned to be the chief of security at the World Trade Center.

  He started his new job on September 10, 2001. The next day he was among the 2,626 who died in the WTC buildings. Many believe that O’Neill’s death was not a coincidence.

  Daniel Lewin

  One of the victims killed in Flight 11 that hit the North Tower. However, Lewin was not an ordinary passenger. Lewin was part of the Israeli special forces group Sayeret Matkal.

  Sayeret Matkal is an elite and secretive part of the Israeli defense force. Its purpose is to rescue Israeli hostages, gather intelligence, and prevent terrorism. If any one in the world could have stopped the terrorists that day, Lewin would have been that man.

  But what’s more interesting about Lewin is that he cofounded the Internet company Akamai Technologies. Lewin, a mathematical genius, was able to invent systems that improved the performance of large websites. Among Akamai Technologies’ high-profile clients was the U.S. Department of Defense.

  Lewin, the computer genius and secretive Israeli intelligence agent, had access to the Department of Defense’s website and to computers at the Pentagon. If anyone in the world would have known about America’s involvement in 9/11, Lewin would have been that man.

  Mahmoud Ahmad

  Name of the leader of Pakistani Intelligence during 9/11. During the week prior to 9/11, Ahmad had meetings with both Secretary of State Colin Powell and Director of CIA George Tenet. On the morning of 9/11, Ahmad was having breakfast with Bob Graham, chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee.

  Before his meetings with these major players in the U.S. government, Ahmad had ordered $100,000 to be wired to Mohammed Atta, the “lead hijacker” of the 9/11 terrorist attacks.


  Name of the security firm for the WTC buildings during 9/11. On Securacom’s board of directors is Marvin Bush, the brother of George W. Bush.

  Securacom also provided security for Dulles International Airport and United Airlines (two major players in the 9/11 attacks).

  Also worth noting: Securacom is financially-backed by Kuwait-American Corp., a company that has had close ties with the Bush family for years. Kuwait-American Corp. is just one of the many connections that the Bush family has with the Middle East and the oil business.

  September 10, 2001

  Date of the Carlyle Group business conference held in close proximity to the Pentagon. Attendees of the conference include former president George H. W. Bush and Shafig Bin Laden (Osama Bin Laden’s brother).

  After discussing matters at the conference, Shafig quickly left the country after the September 11th attacks (during a time when all flights were cancelled except for a few special cases).

  Also worth noting: the Carlyle Group has large investments in defense companies. Since the start of wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the Carlyle Group has profited in the billions.


  Destination of the steel from Ground Zero. Immediately after the WTC buildings collapsed, Ground Zero cleanup crews were instructed to ship the 350,000 tons of steel from the site to China and India where it could be recycled.

  It is a federal offense to remove evidence from a crime scene. However, the U.S. government had already closed the case 24 hours after the attacks.

  By examining the steel from the towers, experts could have determined if demolition devices were used.

  Over 1 billion

  Number of times the film Pentagon Strike has been viewed on the Internet. The six-minute film highlights evidence that no Boeing 757 hit the Pentagon on 9/11.

  Millions of forwarded emails and a word-of-mouth Internet marketing campaign caused individuals from all over the world to watch the film on sites like Google Video and The movie has been translated into 16 different languages and is gaining more total viewers every day.


  Number of videos that show a Boeing 757 flying into the Pentagon. Any of the surveillance cameras on the Pentagon’s outer wall could have picked up the event, but none show a plane hitting the Pentagon.

bsp; Surveillance cameras from three other sources would have captured the event on tape: 1) the Sheraton Hotel’s rooftop surveillance, 2) a gas station’s exterior surveillance, and 3) the traffic surveillance of Route 27. All three videos were confiscated by the FBI on the day of 9/11 and have never been released to the public.

  Moreover, the Pentagon’s interior is under constant video surveillance. Dozens of these videos could have shown a plane barreling through the Pentagon, but none have ever been released.

  44 feet 6 inches

  Height of the tail of a Boeing 757 airplane. The hole in the Pentagon before it collapsed was about 16 to 20 feet high.

  The damage on the Pentagon’s facade only extended up to the first two floors of the building (approximately 25 feet from the ground). The height of the airplane’s tail would have at least reached the fourth floor.

  1 inch

  Height above the ground that Flight 77 had to fly to damage the first two floors of the Pentagon. Since the plane’s two engines extend five feet below the plane, these engines would have had to been an inch off the ground for the nose of the plane to strike the damage area.

  Considering the bulkiness of the commercial airliner, most experts consider this stunt impossible even for the most advanced U.S. Air Force pilot. In actuality, Hani Hanjour piloted the plane.

  Six weeks prior to 9/11, an airport in Maryland denied Hanjour the ability to rent a one-man airplane because of his poor flying skills. “He could not fly at all,” said a Jet Tech manager, in regards to Hanjour’s pilot skills.


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