by Nick Shelton
Nathan nodded.
“At Akamai, we have thousands of servers set up around the world that hold these cache files for our clients.”
“So, basically Akamai holds these compressed files of information for government agencies.”
“Precisely. Compressed files that I have access to. And we’re not just talking about websites. We’re talking about the intranet networks also, the agencies’ internal sites. Thus allowing me to see what’s going on at the Pentagon and countless other places.”
“Hold on. If you have access to the Pentagon’s network, why did you need me to find the information about the Flight 11’s flight lists?”
“I didn’t--I’ve known that information for years. I just wanted to see if you could find it.”
“I could’ve been arrested!” Nathan’s voice echoed throughout the large warehouse. “I did it for no reason?”
“Consider it practice,” replied Daniel nonchalantly. “And I’d hoped you’d be curious enough to dig deeper, which would give you a chance to learn a little bit about me.”
Nathan did not know if he was standing in front of a mastermind genius or an imposter who was working for the government. Either way, he had inside information on the events of 9/11. “So what else do you know about 9/11?”
“You might want to sit down for this.”
The American Truth
Chapter 12
1227 Ridgeway Ave. September 14, 2006 9:20 p.m.
Daniel eased onto the concrete floor. “Make yourself comfortable,” he said, patting the floor next to him.
Nathan squatted beside him, noticing that the floor and walls were covered in symbols written in chalk. The sight reminded him of several movies he had seen that depicted professors and scientists who wrote their theories and equations on walls and windows. “What’s all this?”
“Some of my research--I like giving myself a visual for the connections of events and people involved. I write everything in Hebrew in case anyone happens to stumble across this place.”
Nathan looked around the warehouse. The room wasn’t much larger than a standard-size high school gym. Other than a few wooden crates scattered haphazardly across the floor, the warehouse was empty. “Is this where you live?”
“No, I stay in the hotel on the corner.”
“How do you pull that off? Have you created a new identity?”
“No. I’m able to hack into the hotel’s computer from my laptop. I look for what rooms are vacant on a given night, and I take my pick. I stole one of the maid’s keycards, so I have access to all the rooms.”
Nathan laughed. “Sounds like you are one smart guy.”
Daniel kept a serious tone without cracking a smile. “I don’t want to sound arrogant, but, yes, I do have a high IQ and exceptional computer skills. But it hasn’t been my brain that’s gotten me this far--it’s been sheer determination to uncover the truth.”
As Nathan’s eyes adjusted to the darkness, he made out a stack of bottled water and food wrappers in a nearby corner. “How long have you lived like this?”
“Here in D.C.? Only a few months. After 9/11, I stayed in Boston with some friends I could trust. I was able to get some cash to live on, but nothing compared to the millions I had in Akamai stock.”
“So you went from living in a mansion to stealing a night’s stay in hotel rooms?”
Daniel waved his hand, dismissing the inconvenience. “Mere creature comforts. The toughest part of living in secrecy has been not being able to see my family.” Daniel rose, gesturing for Nathan to follow.
He led the way to a stack of notebooks and a laptop computer hidden under a crate in a corner. “My research keeps me busy
-I don’t have much time to dwell on the past.”
Nathan's eyes looked up and down the towers of notebooks and files. “All this is 9/11 research?”
“It may look like a lot, but it’s all I have to show for the last five years. After staying in Boston a couple of years, I traveled to New York City and compiled a lot of research on the Twin Towers. I’m now here in Washington to get what I need from the Pentagon.”
“Which is?”
Daniel took a deep breath. “First, let me briefly tell you what I know about 9/11.”
They took a seat on crates, which were only slightly more comfortable than the cold concrete floor. Nathan crossed his legs and leaned forward, hungry now for all the information he could get.
“There are several reasons why 9/11 occurred--four major ones by my count. Number one is political agendas of certain politicians. Number two deals with oil and energy. Number three deals with the American economy and certain corporations that benefited from the catastrophe. And the fourth has to do with top secret information held at the Pentagon.”
Nathan tried to make sense of the four reasons, but words like al-Qaeda, Afghanistan, and bin Laden were echoing in his head. “You said something about politicians--you mean politicians in American or in the Middle East?”
“I’m talking about President Bush and his cabinet members. A select group of them planned the 9/11 attacks. Many of these high-ranking officials also had a hand in Numbers 2, 3, and 4. You’ll need to do some research before you can understand the complex web these radical conservatives constructed out of 9/11. I’ll send you an email later tonight that’ll get you started.”
“I’ll look into it.” Nathan said skeptically. Nathan was not loyal to one political party, but he was suspicious at how Daniel immediately pointed out that ‘conservatives’ were the ones involved. Instead of questioning Daniel’s political views, he tried continuing the conversation. “You talked about oil and energy--I can see your point on how it’s a central motive. All the OSP’s reports concerning the War in Iraq are about oil. It’s basically what the war in the Middle East boils down to.”
“I’m sure your knowledge of the Pentagon’s strategy for Iraq will help me with my research. But there’s a lot more under the surface of the ‘Oil War.’ We’ll get to that later. There’s also a lot going on behind the scenes with the American corporations involved in 9/11. Numbers 2 and 3 are linked in many ways.”
“You mentioned ‘Top Secret Information at the Pentagon.’ What do you mean by that?”
“I’m not exactly sure of what it entails. But whatever it is, the government has shown a great interest in it, and they’re making sure the rest of the world never finds out about it. It’s why I’m here in Washington.”
Nathan thought to himself for some time, trying to make sense of what he was being told. “I just don’t know if I can believe this. Our own government behind an attack on U.S. citizens?”
“Start your research. Look into the motives of the neoconservative political groups before you start making judgments.”
“It’s not just about the corrupt politicians. It’s this whole notion that our government could do such a hideous act.”
“What’s the alternative?” Daniel demanded. “That 19 men hijacked four planes with box cutters, infiltrated the most advanced air defense system in the world, piloted commercial aircrafts even though they couldn’t fly a single-propeller plane, and managed to defy the laws of gravity by taking down two 110-story building in perfect symmetrical fashion?”
Daniel walked over to get a manila folder from his large stack of files. “Maybe this will help.” He took an 8½ x 11 photo out of the folder and handed it Nathan. “What do you see here?”
Nathan studied the black and white picture. It looked like an aerial photo of an airplane sitting in a hangar. “It looks like a small private jet. But, no, it can’t be--it’s wings are too narrow and it’s fuselage is too small to be a passenger jet. What is this?”
“It’s called a Global Hawk aerial vehicle. Global Hawks are unmanned aircraft with highly sophisticated GPS navigation systems. Someone in New York City could pinpoint that thing to hit an archer’s bulls-eye in Los Angeles. They’re normally used for reconnaissance missions, but on 9/11, I believe it was used as a
Nathan glanced up from the picture with a skeptic look. “You think this hit the Pentagon?”
“You tell me. You’re the one that was there that morning. All I know is that there’s no video footage showing a commercial airliner crashing into the Pentagon.”
Nathan studied the picture again. He now spoke in a curious tone. “Would one of these make a whistling noise?”
“Traveling at 400-500 mph—it’d make a high-pitched whistling noise. Quite different than a commercial aircraft. I’m guessing this is what you heard from your office?”
Nathan nodded, unable to speak.
“Mr. Alexander, can I trust that you’ll help me find who is responsible for sending this into the Pentagon?"
Nathan took another long look at the picture. Memories of Cindy flooded his head. “Count me in.”
As soon as he got home, Nathan wasted no time to check his email. Sure enough, a new message awaited him.
Chapter 13
211 Fourth Street NE September 14, 2006 11: p.m.
As soon as he got home, Nathan wasted no time to check his email. Sure enough, a new message awaited him.
Subject: The Political Agendas of 9/11 From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Date: 9/13/06
T.Ruth, Look these up:
•Search for “PNAC”
These are major contributors to 9/11. They had the power and knowledge to plan the attacks.
• Google: Operation Northwoods
See if you can find the connection between this military plan and 9/11.
•Search Wikipedia for “One World Government” See if you find any connections with the other two.
This will give you some background on the neocon agenda and one of the main reasons for 9/11.
Sincerely, D L Nathan started with PNAC. He skimmed through an encyclopedia article entitled
“Project of the New American Century.” He discovered PNAC was a group of “neoconservatives” whose purpose was to plan American global domination. His eyes came to a halt when he read the names of members of this political organization. Paul Wolfiwitz, Dick Cheney, Jeb Bush…
He immediately sent Daniel an email. DL,
We need to talk. I need to tell you what I know about one of the PNAC members.
Daniel’s story was suddenly becoming much more believable.
The American Truth 41
Chapter 14
211 Fourth Street NE September 1, 2006 : a.m.
Nathan woke up before the sun, eager to continue his Internet research.
Nathan started researching where he left off the night before by digging deeper into PNAC. He could not believe there was a formal organization whose purpose was to ensure that America would turn into the greatest superpower in world’s history. Worse, this organization appeared to be comprised of the nation’s top military and political leaders.
Nathan visited Internet forums where hundreds of Americans expressed their concerns for PNAC’s goals. Almost all acknowledged PNAC as a group of power-hungry individuals who’d go to any measure to try to take over the world.
Most believed PNAC’s goals would cause the downfall of the United States. Since its creation in 1997, PNAC had desperately wanted to gain control of Iraq. It wasn’t a stretch for Nathan to believe this--working in the Office of Special Plans, he already knew the War on Terrorism had little to do with terrorism. It was more about oil, power, and money.
After reading the information about PNAC, Nathan Googled “Operation Northwoods.” He learned it was a government plan the Pentagon had submitted to President John F. Kennedy in 1962. It called for the United States to orchestrate a fake terrorist attack against itself to start a war against Cuba. If top
Pentagon officials planned to kill their own citizens in the 60s, what’s stopping them from doing the same thing 50 years later? Politicians and military officials certainly haven’t become more moral or ethical.
This fake terrorist plan was designed to recreate a “new Pearl Harbor.” Nathan remembered reading this line the night before. He Googled PNAC again. There it was: in September 2000, top PNAC members wrote a report that stated a “new Pearl Harbor” was needed to accomplish their goals. PNAC used the exact same words to script their fake terrorist plot.
Nathan searched through his briefcase for the book the professor had given him in front of the Pentagon. He grabbed it and turned it face up-The New Pearl Harbor.
A wave of nausea hit him. Something wicked, unthinkable, unimaginable was going on within the highest level of the U.S. government.
Nathan returned to Wikipedia and typed “One World Government.” Immediately, a page entitled “The New World Order” filled his screen. He scanned the information and quickly learned that the NWO is a theory proposing that the world’s developing society is growing toward a unified world government. The theory suggests that key figures from international government, banking, commerce, and mass media will be involved.
Nathan quickly referenced PNAC’s membership list and examined the occupations of its members. Their titles included:
• the second-highest political figure in the U.S. government – Dick Cheney,
• the president of the World Bank – Paul Wolfowitz,
• the head of the Department of Defense – Donald Rumsfeld
• the U.S. ambassador of Afghanistan and Iraq - Zalmay Khalilzad,
• the director for the International Broadcasting Bureau
- Seth Cropsey
• U.S. representatives for NATO and the U.N.
• top members of the Department of State
• and world-renowned professors from Harvard and Yale.
And that list was just the beginning--dozens of other PNAC members held prestigious occupations in Washington and in foreign relations. PNAC certainly had plenty of key figures from international government, banking, commerce, and mass media.
Nathan stared at the computer screen in disbelief. Can this be? Are the politicians in PNAC trying to start a New World Order. Or worse, did the NWO create PNAC to carry out its plan of achieving a unified global government?
Before going off to work, he wanted to see what else he could find out about Daniel. He typed “Daniel Lewin” into Google, and the search warranted hundreds of results, many of them displaying Daniel’s picture.
Nathan looked through the pictures of Daniel taken before 9/11--there was no doubt that the man from the warehouse was the same man. It looked like he had lost a good amount of weight over the last five years. It also looked like his skin complexion was now a little lighter, probably the result of not spending much time in the sun. But even in the photographs taken before 9/11, Daniel had a fairly light complexion--his skin color looked more like a white American male rather than a man from Israel.
At work, Nathan finished the 9/11 press reports. After emailing them to the list of media outlets, he considered the irony of sending information that he was now beginning to doubt.
After emailing and faxing all the reports, he decided to call a reporter he knew on the professional and personal levels. “Hello, Gary Smith, Time Magazine,” answered the voice on the other end of the line.
“Gary, Nathan Alexander from the Pentagon’s Office of Special Plans. I just emailed you a report on 9/11 that you requested.”
“Sorry I didn’t get it to you sooner, but I needed time to reflect this past week. This time of the year always brings up tough memories.”
“No problem.”
“I’m also calling because I have a question for you about 9/11.”
“Are you familiar with the 9/11 conspiracy theories that have millions of followers on the Internet?”
“I’d be a pretty poor reporter if I didn’t. Have to keep a pulse on the masses--crazy ideas or not.” He hesitated briefly and added tentatively, “You know, some of them
actually have some good points.”
“I agree. So tell me--why haven’t you, not you personally, but you as the mainstream media, not reported these views?”
“Are you kidding? It’d be journalistic suicide.”
“How so?”
“First off, my editor would never approve of something that would hint of government wrongdoing on such a scale. And if it somehow did get printed, I’d be branded as anti-government
-and that’d be the end of my career as a journalist.”
“What makes you think your editor would never approve it? We’re talking the story of the century.”
“Business. Money. It always comes down to those two things. My editor has to report to the corporate executives. And the corporate execs would never print anything that’s associated with being anti-American or anti-American.”
“But what if some of these things are true?”
“It wouldn’t matter. The corporate execs only care about making money. To make money you have to have Uncle Sam and corporate America on your side. So as long as they’re running stories that the government wants, these execs rake in billions.”
“Billions? From Time magazine?"
“Not Time. I’m talking about the execs of AOL Time Warner, the company that owns Time.” Gary took a breath and started talking faster, his tone increasingly angry. “They own AOL, CNN, Sports Illustrated, Warner Bros., People magazine, DC Comics--and dozens of other huge media outlets.”
“Sounds like they have a monopoly of the media.”
“You got that right. And it’s not just Time Warner. Four other conglomerates are a part of the ‘Big Five’ that own American media. They own all the mainstream magazines, television channels, radio stations, book publishers, and Hollywood studios.” Gary took another breath to calm down. “Sorry for going off on a rant. As you can tell, this is an issue I’m concerned about.”