by Nick Shelton
“Trust me, no one was more meticulous than Cindy. If something wasn’t right--she would’ve been the one to spot it.” Nathan put the car in park, but made no movement to get out. “What do you think she spotted--what information could she have come across?”
“I don’t know.” Daniel looked toward the door of the house. “I was hoping she may’ve left something here at the house--a computer disk, a note, or some sort evidence.”
The American Truth
The American Truth 7
Chapter 17
211 Fourth Street NE September 16, 2006 12:0 p.m.
Nathan and Daniel searched boxes in the attic where Nathan had saved all of Cindy’s old things. They hoped to come across some kind of clue behind she may’ve left behind.
“So you believe all those not in PNAC who had prior knowledge about 9/11 were somehow killed on 9/11?” asked Nathan, as he searched through a box that contained many photographs.
“Yes. The top perpetrators knew that they had to get rid of any whistleblowers who could later expose the truth. So they plotted to kill anyone who could trace 9/11 back to the government--including me who was supposed die on 9/11 with Cindy and the rest.”
Nathan stopped digging through the box and raised his eyebrow.
Daniel picked up on his unasked question. “They knew I had access to Akamai’s servers and could get into Pentagon files. The night before 9/11, I got a call from a prospective client who requested that I take the first flight out of Boston to LA. To this day, I’ve never found out who made that call.”
“But someone else knew enough to warn you not to take that flight.”
“Yes. Thankfully, I got the call from someone in airport security, warning me to get off the plane immediately. At the time, I had no clue what was going on. But I’m glad I took heed to the warning. I just regret that I was unable to tell the other passengers that something suspicious was going on.” Daniel paused to look at some of the things in the drawer. “I wasn’t the only one who had access to the Pentagon’s computer infrastructure on that flight.”
“How do you know this? Did you know any of the others on the flight?”
“One--Jeff Mladenik. He was president of an IT firm called E-Logic. E-Logic partnered with Akamai to install software and Intranet networks on Pentagon computers. And there were several others I didn’t know who were on that plane because they once had access to Pentagon computers. Christopher Zarba worked for Concord Communications. Concord is a highlyrespected IT firm that frequently does work at the Pentagon. Edmund Glazer, the CFO of MRV Communications, was also murdered for what he had access to. His company provides integrated solutions and fiber optic networks to the Pentagon.”
“They put all of you on the same plane?”
“I’m just getting started,” replied Daniel in a firm tone. “Dozens of other individuals on that flight probably knew something suspicious was going on at the Pentagon. Multiple upper level members from Raytheon, the company that manufactures the Global Hawk aerial vehicles, were on the flight. Several Pentagon employees were scattered across the four hijacked flights. Some of their jobs at the Pentagon were so classified that I’ve been unable to find their official title--I just know they were analysts for top secret affairs. And then there was John O’Neil.”
Nathan’s head turned upon hearing the name he recognized. “The FBI agent, right? The one who was an al-Qaeda expert.”
“If anyone knew al-Qaeda’s involvement in 9/11--it would’ve been him. But because he knew too much, he was fired from the FBI. He was ordered to start a new job with WTC security on the day before 9/11. Conveniently, he died in the South Tower during the attacks.”
“I guess it was a genius plan--PNAC killed everyone who knew the truth about the attacks. Now the only ones left who know what really happened are the PNAC members and top government officials who would only be incriminating themselves if they tried to come out with the truth.”
“I believe there’s someone from the government who’s trying to get the truth out. He’s leaving breadcrumbs for people like me who are seeking for the answers. It’s been like trying to put together a jigsaw puzzle, but I’m just about finished. All that’s left are those two or three pieces in the center.”
For the next three hours, Nathan and Daniel searched through computer disks, post cards, and anything that Cindy could have left behind as evidence. Their search provided no luck. However, during this time, Daniel was able to explain how PNAC was able to carry out the attacks, despite the fact that all the members of “9/11 consulting committee” were killed that day.**
The two eventually took a break to grab a bite to eat. Nathan cooked a pot of soup while Daniel continued to roll out facts and figures from his research.
“Tell me more about how oil and energy was involved,” Nathan said, stirring the pot of soup on the stove.
“Nathan, do you remember what I was telling you earlier
about Bush’s rich friends in Saudi Arabia and Texas?” “That they’re in the oil business?”
“Exactly. ‘Black Gold’ has made them very rich and very
powerful. In many ways, they’re more powerful than the
president. As long as they work together to control the world’s energy supply, these billionaires will have more power and money than you could imagine--enough power and money to
get whatever they want.”
“So you’re saying the oil executives collaborate with each
other to influence politics?”
“Yes. The American and Saudi Arabian oil oligopoly work
together. I call them the ‘oil mob.’ They’re 100 times more
powerful than Al Capone’s boys. Do you know why Bush won
the state of Florida in the 2000 election?”
Nathan stared, obviously waiting.
“Let’s just say his friends in Texas had something to do
with it.”
“Without the help of this ‘oil mafia,’ Bush wouldn’t have
become president?”
Daniel nodded in agreement. “They wanted Bush in the
White House--they’re good friends with him and his father.
Besides, do you think the oil mob would’ve let the globalwarming, anti-oil-consuming Al Gore become president?” Nathan smiled. “I see your point.” He stopped to reflect for
a second. “I understand what you’re saying about the ‘oil mob’
having so much power--but how are they involved in 9/11?” “The oil mafia wasn’t involved in planning or carrying out
the attacks. They just influenced them. They used their power
to get a president--Bush--in the White House who they could
manipulate. In return, Bush used 9/11 to accommodate the oil
mafia’s agenda. I could talk for hours on how 9/11 has helped
the oil businessmen--Dick Cheney and Halliburton, the value
of the dollar, increased profits for every major oil corporation,
Peak oil…”
“And don’t forget the reason why we’re fighting a war in the
Middle East--to gain control of Iraqi oil.”
“Precisely. Oil is the blood of this nation. America could not
live without it. By gaining those oil sources in Iraq, America
will no longer be as dependent on other countries for energy.
PNAC wanted this oil, but they knew the American public
would not go to war to get it.”
“But after the ‘false flag terrorist attack’ and the patriotism
created by 9/11, every American wanted to go to war.” “In theory, Bush made everyone happy by letting 9/11
happen. PNAC got their war in the Middle East. His powerhungry friends in the oil business got even richer and more
powerful by rising oil prices and gaining Iraqi oil. And America
gained enough oil reserves to ensure we’ll have enough fuel to
fill up our 6 miles-per-
gallon SUVs.”
The American Truth 61 Note: For an alternate version of this chapter (the original version was too “edgy” to publish), please visit the book’s website at:
** Also on the website is Nathan and Daniel’s conversation regarding how the 9/11 attacks were executed.
Chapter 18
211 Fourth Street NE
September 16, 2006
:1 p.m.
Over the course of lunch, Daniel explained motive Number 3 of 9/11--the influence on the American and global economies. Many American corporations were able to profit greatly. Most of these businesses had close ties with the oil industry, the financial markets, and/or the government.
Their conversation eventually turned into a discussion of how controlled explosives took down the Twin Towers and World Trade Center 7.
“I’ve come across a lot of websites that suggest the Twin Towers collapsed as a result of a controlled demolition,” said Nathan. “Is this theory true?”
“I’m not a structural engineer, but I believe the scientists and physicists who have hypothesized the ‘controlled demolition theory’ are correct.”
“You don’t think the plane collisions were not enough to take down the Towers?”
“Not at all. The architects of the buildings have said that they built the Towers to withstand the force of a commercial jetliner crashing into them. And you can tell by the way they came down that it was not from structural damage. I’m sure you’ve seen the footage dozens of times.”
Nathan nodded, remembering the video clips that inundated the 9/11 truth websites.
“In the footage, you’ll see that the towers fall straight down,” said Daniel using his hand as a demonstration. “They did not lean--or fall in the direction in which the plane flew in. They fall straight down into their own footprint--just as it’s done in a controlled demolition.”
“I'm assuming controlled demolition crews make the buildings fall straight down to prevent damaging anything in the vicinity.”
Daniel nodded. “Several controlled demolition experts have said that the collapse of 9/11 was a work of art from a demolition perspective.”
Nathan’s face tightened.
“I know, it sounds atrocious to think of it in such a way. But it’s the truth--many demolition crews admit that they couldn’t take down the buildings in the same manner as it happened on 9/11.” Daniel took a bite of his soup. “You also have to look at how fast the Towers came down.”
“The clips on the Internet show the Towers collapsing in 10 seconds.”
“10 seconds--that’s nearly freefall speed,” exclaimed Daniel. “Meaning if I dropped a ball from the top, it’d take 10 seconds for it to reach the ground traveling at the speed of gravity. This fact discredits the government’s latest theory on the collapse.”
“The pancake theory?”
“You’re familiar with it?”
Nathan nodded. He had just covered the theory in his latest report to the media. It was the idea that the areas impacted by the planes collapsed first, then the weight of these floors caused the floor beneath them to collapse, which started a chain reaction all the way down.
“The only problem with the Pancake Theory,” said Daniel, “is that it would’ve taken much longer than 10 seconds for the entire building to collapse. Taking friction and inertia into consideration, scientists have stated it’d take at least half of a second for each floor to collapse. If the building started collapsing on the 90thfloor, it would’ve taken the Towers a minimum of 45 seconds to collapse.”
“There’s another government theory I wrote about--that fires from the jet fuel took down the Towers.”
“Yes, but this is ridiculous. Fire cannot take down a steel framed building. No other steel frame building has collapsed from fire--in all of architectural history! Last year, a fire in the Windsor Tower in Madrid, Spain raged for over fourteen hours, but still the building didn’t collapse. There’s no way a fire on the 80thfloor that only burned for an hour could have taken down a 110-story steel framed skyscraper.”
“I was reading an article that said the fires were not even hot enough to do much damage,” stated Nathan.
“By looking at the fire’s color, firefighters could tell that it was oxygen deprived. They speculate the fires only reached 1200°F. However, we can see molten metal running down the exterior of the Towers just before their collapse. A minimum of 2700°F is needed to melt structural steel. Obviously, there was something else producing this molten metal.”
“Possibly thermite?” asked Nathan, finishing his bowl of soup.
“Yes, thermite as an incendiary agent can reach temperatures up to 6500°F. If explosive material containing thermite was strategically placed in key areas throughout the Towers, it could’ve easily brought down the Towers.”
Nathan tried wrapping his head around the details. “6500°F, inertia, molten steel--you’re starting to sound like a walking encyclopedia again.”
Daniel smiled. “I’m just getting started. I’ve basically memorized the hundreds pages of research I’ve done on the Towers.”
“Well, tell me this…” said Nathan, thinking he’d come upon a flaw in Daniel’s theory. “How were these thermite bombs placed throughout the Towers? Wouldn’t someone be suspicious of crews hauling large explosive devices through their offices?”
“You’ve got a good point. Normally, you couldn’t sneak huge explosives into the building without someone taking notice. However, on the weeks preceding 9/11, the Twin Towers were running evacuation drills. Entire floors had to vacate the building. Not only were they evacuated, but certain floors had their power cut off for extended times.”
“They prevented entire offices from working?”
“Yes, and do you know who ran the security firm that called for these evacuations?”
“Securacom. A company headed by Marvin Bush and Wirt Walker--President Bush’s brother and cousin.
“Another too-random coincidence.” Nathan took his bowl to the dishwasher. “One website I visited showed proof of explosives being set off just before the collapse.”
“Yes--the squibs. Just before the Towers collapsed, plumes of smoke erupted from lower floors. The squibs came out in succession--as if it was a time-delay sequence.” Daniel handed Nathan his bowl to put in the dishwasher. “Not only is there video footage that shows these squibs, but firefighters and eyewitnesses also admit hearing a sequence of explosions. They admit hearing ‘pops’and ‘booms’and seeing bright flashes--all of which are indicative of thermite explosive devices.”
“And the same thing happened for WTC 7, right?”
“WTC 7 is probably the strongest evidence of a controlled demolition. Many people forget that this 47-story building across the street also collapsed. It was never hit by any plane, but it still collapsed.”
“The reports I wrote for the Pentagon said that fires from the Twin Towers took it down.”
“And we’ve already discussed how fires alone could not take down a steel frame building. Plus, you have to take into consideration that WTC 7 wasn’t even the closest building to the Twin Towers. Several other buildings were just as close, and they didn’t collapse.”
“It makes you wonder why WTC 7 collapsed.”
“There’s no question why it collapsed. WTC 7 held offices for the CIA, FBI, SEC, the secret service, and the Pentagon. There was something in these offices that the government wanted to hide.”
“Any idea of what it could be?”
Daniel shook his head. “No clue. I’ve searched and searched but can’t find any of the WTC 7 archives. I’m pretty sure that the SEC computers would’ve shown evidence of the insider trading on Wall Street occurring before 9/11. But I also think there was something else--something that was worth 3,000 lives.”
“What about the Twin Towers--do you think they also held top secret information?”
“No, they were just the ‘New Pearl
Harbor.’They were the perfect candidate. They were two landmarks located in one of the most popular places in the world. Besides, the owner of the Towers--Larry Silverstein--wanted to take them down.”
“If they were popular landmarks, why would Silverstein want to take them down?”
“They cost more money than they were worth. The gigantic Towers were getting old, and they were requiring a lot of maintenance. Silverstein had just completed millions in renovations, and he needed to spend millions more in removing asbestos. He even hired a firm to give him a quote for how much it’d cost to take them down.”
“How much would it cost?”
“Nearly $15 billion. That’s based on taking the building down floor-by-floor. Since it was in a highly-populated area, controlled demolition was not an option.”
“So Silverstein was in on 9/11?”
“Silverstein has plenty of friends in Washington. I’m sure one of the PNAC guys knew his situation, and they made him an offer he could not refuse. Silverstein is a businessman— it’d be foolish of him to spend $15 billion to take down the Towers when he could earn $5 billion in insurance claims from ‘terrorist attacks.’”
“Sounds like a smart move on Silverstein’s part.”
“Silverstein might have business smarts, but he doesn’t have common sense. In an interview after 9/11, he admitted that he ordered to take down WTC 7. His exact words were ‘to pull it,’ which is demolition lingo for a controlled demolition. He later stated that he did not mean ‘pull it’ in a demolition manner. Then what manner did he mean ‘pull it’?” Daniel added, sarcastically. “To use pickup trucks to ‘pull it’ out of the way?”
For the rest of the afternoon, the two discussed more about the collapse of the Twin Towers. At first, it was a little complex for Nathan to understand, but as Daniel explained the logistics, everything fit together like pieces of a puzzle.