Broken Pieces (The Broken Series Book 4)

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Broken Pieces (The Broken Series Book 4) Page 16

by Heather D'Agostino

  “A while,” I gasped when one traced right over my center. The truth was I’d been thinking about this since I’d left Carsen’s house this morning, but I hadn’t been sure that Joey would still want me.

  “A while, huh? Do you need me to fuck you?” His voice was tight, and I could feel his body vibrating. He was barely holding on.

  “Un huh,” I nodded my head as I swallowed. His finger slid farther, finally sinking into me, and I moaned as my body began to relax against him. I needed this so bad. It had been over a month since I’d had a release. I’d denied myself the pleasure while I tried to figure out what I wanted, and now that I had, I needed it more than air.

  “Let’s see if we can fix that,” he murmured as he removed his hands and spun me around to face him. He backed me up to the bed before quickly removing his shirt and tossing it behind him. “I need to be in that sweet little body right now.” His eyes darkened as he advanced, causing me to move, finally feeling the mattress at the back of knees. I sat down and inched to the center as he loosened his pants and shoved them, along with his boxers, down to his ankles. His cock sprang up, pointing right at me, begging me to touch it.

  “Mmm,” I moaned as I watched it. We’d only been together one time, and I really didn’t get a good look at him then. Before he could climb up on the bed, I scrambled to the side and placed my hands on his hips, halting him. He looked down slightly confused before all the pieces clicked together.

  “Ally, no. We can do that later.” He tried to move, but I shook my head, leaned forward, and encased him in my mouth. His hips jerked when I applied suction, and as I raked my teeth over him, he groaned.

  It had been a while since I’d done this for anyone, but based on Joey’s reaction, I still had it. I swirled my tongue around the tip before sinking back down and swallowing.

  “Ah fuck,” he grunted as his hips jerked. “You’re really…good…at this,” he panted. I glanced up to see his eyes roll closed as his hands gripped my head. His fingers threaded through my hair as I wound my arms around him and grabbed his ass. I held him in place as I bobbed a few more times, but he used force to pry me away.

  “Hey!” I pouted. “I wasn’t done yet.” I frowned as I looked up at him.

  “You can do that all you want later, but right now,” he pushed me back, causing me to slide back some, and he climbed over me. “I need to be in there,” he pointed between my legs as he lowered his body down on mine, pressing me into the mattress.

  I could feel every ripple of his toned chest as he held himself over me. He was still supporting his weight, but he was close enough that I could feel all of him. His nose trailed up the column of my neck as his hands slid everywhere they could reach. When his lips brushed over my ear, he whispered, “Give me one sec,” before he started to pull back.

  “Wait,” I reached for him, and tugged him back down. I threaded my fingers through the hair on the sides of his head before looking right into his eyes. “Are you clean? Have you been with anyone since me?” My eyes searched his. I didn’t really want to have this talk right now, but I also didn’t want to stop.

  He nodded as he watched me. “Contrary to what you may think, I’m not my brother. I don’t do this often, and when I do, I’m always protected.” His eyes looked a little sad. It was almost like he was upset that I would even ask.

  “I haven’t gone without since I got pregnant with Caleb. I’m on the pill.” I pulled his head down to mine before pressing a kiss to his lips. “It’s ok if you want to. We’re ok,” I mumbled before he shifted, and I felt him nudging against my center.

  “Are you sure?” he whispered.

  “Yeah,” I sighed as his knees pressed my legs farther apart and his hips rocked forward. He moved so slow it was almost painful. My entire insides were quivering with need, and all I wanted was to feel all of him.

  “Give me a sec.” His voice was tight. “I’ve never done it like this before.” His head dropped to the bed right beside my head as he inched forward, finally seating himself all the way to the hilt. “Fuck, you feel good,” he groaned.

  I squeezed him as I tightened around him, and he hissed. “I’m not gonna last long if you keep that up,” he mumbled against my neck.

  “We’ve got all night,” I giggled as I did it again. He growled before he lifted his head and connected our mouths. As the kiss grew more powerful, his hips began to thrust faster. Our breath was coming in pants between kisses as he rolled his hips, and his movements got more frantic.

  “Fuck!” he grunted as he reached down and hooked his arm under my knee. He pulled it up spreading me wider as he rotated his hips. His pubic bone rubbed against my clit, sending wild sensations right to my core.

  “Oh god,” I gasped as he did it again. “Joey,” I squealed as my eyes rolled shut. I could feel it. It was rushing to the surface faster than I was prepared for, and as he twisted his hips one last time, we fell over the edge together.

  “Shit!” he panted as he tried to catch his breath. “I didn’t mean for it to happen that fast, but you… you feel so good, and I’ve just never…”

  I placed my hand over his mouth cutting him off. “We’ve got all night,” I smiled as I placed a quick peck on his cheek.

  “I need some recovery time after that,” he chuckled as he rolled off me. He turned on his back and then reached for me, pulling me into his side.

  As I snuggled next to him, I slowly began placing kisses to his neck and chest. “It’s ok. We can take all the time you need,” I mumbled between kisses. When I connected with his mouth, I slowed the kisses to long leisurely ones. His tongue dipped in, and I pulled back to suck his lower lip into my mouth. He groaned as I threw my leg over his hips and climbed on top. I leaned over and whispered in his ear as I lifted my hips to sink back down on him., “I think you’re underestimating my power over you.” I rocked my hips as his hands reached up to grip them.

  “No, I think you’re just planning to break me,” he chuckled.

  “So what if I am?” I giggled which soon turned into a moan as he flipped us and took control once more.

  We stayed up most of the night making love. We moved into the shower the next day and even my kitchen. We talked about what we wanted from the future, and how we would make this work.

  My mom kept Caleb until evening the next day, and when we picked him up, I introduced Joey to my mother. She smiled before giving him hug, and I heard her whisper in his ear. “So you’re the glue?” He pulled back and wrinkled his forehead before she clarified. “You’re gonna hold all the broken pieces together.”

  Joey nodded as we left that day, accepting his new role in my life. My mom was right; he was the glue, and he would hold us together. And this time, I did not intend to break us apart.


  6 Months Later…


  It had been a long day at the office, and all I wanted to do was shower and climb into bed. I’d performed three surgeries, which was a lot for me to do in one afternoon. As I was finishing the last one, Mrs. Thompson came rushing in the door. Her dog had gotten off his leash and run into traffic when they were out for their daily walk. She tried but couldn’t get him out of the way before a truck rushing down the street and clipped him. The truck had gone one way, and Max had gone the other.

  She was frantically bouncing around by the front desk as she explained to Jo what had happened. Hannah had already left for the day, leaving me as the only doctor there to help. When I saw the panic on her face, I forgot all about being tired and jumped into action.

  I asked Jo to text Cole and let him know I’d be late again and to eat without me before rushing out behind Mrs. Thompson to get Max. She opened the back of her SUV, and I gasped at the mangled mess that was Max’s back leg. It was so twisted that I wasn’t sure I’d be able to save it. “Come on,” I motioned before leaning over and scooping the dog into my arms. He whimpered before resting his head against me. “Have a seat in the waiting area. I’ll let you k
now as soon as I get a look at this.” I motioned with my head as I carried Max back to the OR.

  It took me three hours to piece together Max’s leg, and after casting it and putting him in a recovery crate, I went to talk to Mrs. Thompson. “He’s gonna be ok.” I smiled at her as I lowered myself onto the seat beside her. “I had to put a couple of pins in his knee, and it might take him a while before he feels like using it, but it should heal nicely.”

  “Thank you,” she sniffed as she wiped at her eyes.

  “You’re welcome. Would you like to see him before you leave?” I touched her shoulder to offer her some comfort.

  “Yes,” she nodded.

  “Jo, can you take Mrs. Thompson back to see Max? I need to get cleaned up and out of here.” I stood and waited for Jo to come back out where we were sitting.

  “Sure thing, boss. See you tomorrow.” Jo smiled as I rushed down the hall and toward my office. I had an extra scrub top in there somewhere, and as I yanked the dirty one over my head and tossed it to the side, I grabbed my phone and sent Cole another text.

  Maddie: On my way. Sorry. L

  I grabbed the clean top and put it on, flung my purse up on my shoulder, and rushed outside. As I made my way to my car, I took a deep breath. The weather was much warmer than normal, but summer evenings were my favorite. The sun had set long ago, but with the city lights, it was still fairly easy to see. This was my favorite part of the day, and as I slipped into my car, exhaustion finally began to catch up with me.

  When I got home, I sat for a second just letting my brain catch up with me. I’d avoided talking to Cole all day for the simple fact that I wasn’t sure how he would take the news. I glanced over at the brown paper bag that was sitting on the passenger seat. The little white stick inside had turned blue when I used it on my lunch break. I bit my lip as I placed my palm over my flat stomach. “You’re the reason I feel like I’m sleep walking,” I murmured to myself. I swallowed a few times and took a several deep breaths before opening my door and climbing out.

  When I finally reached the door to mine and Cole’s apartment, I slowly inched in. I was so nervous about telling him this that I didn’t even pick up on the smell coming from the kitchen. “Hey, babe?” he called from around the corner. “I held dinner for you. Why don’t you go change and meet me at the table?” He leaned around to face me, and that’s when the smell hit. Fish. He was cooking fish, and it smelled like the entire aquarium was in our kitchen.

  “Hi.” I tried to swallow back the feeling, but I couldn’t. It was coming at me like a freight train, and my body was revolting. “I’m sorry.” I clamped a hand over my mouth as I flung my purse to the side. I rushed down the hallway and into the bathroom, falling to my knees in one motion. Right as I leaned over the toilet and began violently emptying my stomach, I felt his hand on my back.

  “Are you ok?” His concern was sweet, and I remembered why I loved him so much. I nodded as I closed my eyes and took a few deep breaths. I was hoping that the worst of it was over, but when he wrapped his arms around me, and I smelled the fishy smell on his shirt, it started all over again.

  “You smell,” I coughed and gaged as sweat beaded on my forehead.

  “Shit! I’m sorry.” He reached behind his head and grabbed the collar of his t-shirt before yanking it over his head and tossing it out the door. “I showered when I got home.” He looked confused, like he didn’t know why it would bother me. He lifted an arm and sniffed, and the action caused me to laugh.

  I was so tired; all I really wanted to do was shower and go to bed. I had no desire to ever smell or eat any kind of seafood ever again. The longer I sat there, the more my stomach calmed, until I was able to stand up and sit on the closed toilet.

  “Are you coming down with something?” Cole watched me as if I was going to start blowing chunks again at any minute.

  “I’m fine. Can you just put whatever that is out there somewhere that I can’t smell it?” I offered a weak smile.

  “Sure.” He nodded as he stepped back. “Are you sure you’re ok?”

  “Yeah. I’m just gonna take a quick shower.” I tipped my head in the direction of the shower before slowly standing.

  “Are you not going to eat tonight?” Cole scratched his head.

  “A sandwich would be nice.” I began undressing before reaching in to turn on the water.

  “Coming right up.” He winked and left me there as the water warmed.

  It didn’t take me long to shower, and when I stepped out, the apartment was dark. I shuffled into the bedroom to find Cole sitting on the bed with a plate on his lap. His brows furrowed as he watched me. I tossed my wet towel in the hamper, grabbed a pair of panties and a tank top, and climbed onto the bed with him.

  “Are you sure you’re ok?” He stared at me as I hungrily ate the ham sandwich he’d made me. My nausea had disappeared, and I was starving.

  “I’m fine,” I mumbled around a bite before swallowing and placing the plate to the side. I reached for his hands and moved closer as I stared at his face. I could tell he was worried about me, and it hurt to know that, but I was so lost in my own head that I didn’t realize what it looked like to him. “I’m fine, Cole.” I squeezed his hands. “We’re both fine.”

  “I know I’m fine,” he grumbled. “I’m concerned with you here. You’re the one that just got sick in the bathroom and is now eating like her life depends on it.” He rolled his eyes, and I couldn’t help but laugh.

  It started quietly but quickly turned into a giggle as I let go of all the worry I’d been holding onto. This is why I loved this man. He always thought of me first, and despite all the demons he’d faced over the years, I’m still his number one concern.

  “That’s not what I meant.” I laughed again as he scowled. “We’re fine,” I stressed the words as I placed his palm against my belly.

  “Wait, are you?” His mouth dropped open. “Is this why you’ve been so tired?” His eyes stared at my stomach as his mouth continued to hang open.

  “Yes.” I nodded as the tears came. My emotions were all over the place today.

  “A baby?” His eyes went from my stomach to my eyes and back again. “We’re gonna have a baby?” His mouth curved into a smile as he watched me.

  “Yes.” The tears came faster as I absorbed the moment. He was grinning like a little boy on Christmas morning. Cole never really showed his emotions. He’d lost his childhood to his father. He’d always had to be the protector. He played the role of parent to his sister despite the fact that both his parents were there. He’s always had to be the brave one, the one who took the brunt of whatever burden was coming his way. He’d protected me and loved me like a man should, and now I was going to get to see that love projected onto our child.

  He wiped at his eyes as he started to get up. “I was going to wait until this weekend when we were gonna be at the beach, but I guess tonight’s as good as any,” he muttered as he shuffled into the closet.

  “What are you talking about?” I turned to face where he’d disappeared. When he came back out, he was holding something behind his back.

  “If you don’t like it, I can get you another one,” he murmured as he sank down in front of me. He removed his arm from behind his back as he held up a vintage diamond ring in front of me. “This was my grandmother’s. It’s the only thing I have of hers.” He smiled as he swallowed a few times. “Madison Kennedy, I love you more than the stars and the heavens above. You are everything that’s right in this world, and I’d love to make a future with you and our child. Will you marry me?” He stayed there watching me as the tears streamed down my face. “Is that a yes?”

  “Yes!” I nodded vigorously. “Yes, yes, yes, I’ll marry you!” He slid the ring on my finger as I leaped into his arms, causing us to tumble backward onto the floor. “It’s beautiful Cole, just like you,” I cried.

  “Way to make me sound like a girl, Mads,” he groaned.

  “You have a beautiful soul, Cole Walker, and
I can’t wait to be your wife.” I giggled as I pressed my lips to his. Cole had saved me in so many ways that I’d lost count over the years. He’d found me at my lowest and built me up to see that I was worth loving. He’d fought through the darkness of his own life to bring light to mine, and now that light had created another little person— a person that I’m sure is going to challenge us in every way imaginable, but I’m ready and so is he.


  10 years later…


  “If you two don’t hurry up, I’m gonna leave without you!” I shouted as I stood by the door waiting for Angel and Riley. I had to go to the gym today, and they had been insisting that I take them too. Angel had been pretty tired lately, and I was surprised that she wanted to join me, but I think she was hoping to get a visit in with Ally too.

  “I think I’m gonna stay home,” she called from the top of the steps. “I called Ally. We’re gonna try to do something another day. I just wanna rest.” She yawned before reaching down to rub her swollen belly. She was eight months pregnant with our first child. We’d put off having a baby for a long time since we had Riley, but as she’d grown up, I’d yearned for a baby with Angel. When we finally started trying, it took a while; three years to be exact, but now I was getting a son.

  “Do you want me to stay?” I could tell by looking at her that she was dead on her feet, but she shook her head at me.

  “Na, you go ahead. Take Riley with you. She really wants to go into the city, and I could use the quiet.” She sighed as she started to turn away from me.

  “Mom,” Riley groaned as she pushed past Angel. “I can’t get by. You’re taking up the entire hallway.” She rolled her eyes in typical eleven-year-old fashion before dramatically making her way down the stairs.

  “I’m gonna remember this in twenty years when you’re pregnant,” Angel muttered as she shuffled back to our bedroom.


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