William's Midsummer Dreams

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William's Midsummer Dreams Page 1

by Zilpha Keatley Snyder




  Also by


  And Condors Danced

  Black and Blue Magic

  Blair’s Nightmare

  The Bronze Pen

  Cat Running

  The Changeling

  The Egypt Game

  The Famous Stanley Kidnapping Case

  Fool’s Gold

  The Ghosts of Rathburn Park

  Gib and the Gray Ghost

  Gib Rides Home

  The Gypsy Game

  The Headless Cupid

  Janie’s Private Eyes

  Libby on Wednesday

  The Magic Nation Thing

  The Runaways

  Season of Ponies

  Song of the Gargoyle

  Squeak Saves the Day

  The Treasures of Weatherby

  The Trespassers

  The Truth About Stone Hollow

  The Unseen

  The Velvet Room

  William S. and the Great Escape

  The Witches of Worm


  An imprint of Simon & Schuster Children’s Publishing Division

  1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York, New York 10020


  This book is a work of fiction. Any references to historical events, real people, or real locales are used fictitiously. Other names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination, and any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Copyright © 2011 by Zilpha Keatley Snyder

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  First Edition

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  Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

  Snyder, Zilpha Keatley.

  William’s midsummer dreams / Zilpha Keatley Snyder.—1st ed.

  p. cm.

  Sequel to: William S. and the great escape.

  Summary: Now permanently settled with Aunt Fiona, who has adopted him and his siblings, thirteen-year-old William gets the chance to play Puck in a professional production of A Midsummer Night’s Dream.

  ISBN 978-1-4424-1997-1 (hardcover)

  ISBN 978-1-4424-1999-5 (eBook)

  [1. Brothers and sisters—Fiction. 2. Acting—Fiction. 3. Theater—Fiction. 4. Adoption—Fiction. 5. Family problems—Fiction. 6. Aunts—Fiction.] I. Title.

  PZ7.S68522Whp 2011 [Fic]—dc22 2010036958

  To the Tuesday group who helped William,

  and many more of my characters,

  to find their way home—

  Ella Ellis, Alla Crone Hayden,

  Patsy Garlan, and Gennifer Choldenko


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  About the Author






  It was on a Saturday near the end of September when the doorbell at 971 Eleanor Street rang long and loud, and then rang again. As William hurried to answer it, a sudden memory caused a shiver to slither up the back of his neck—a sneaky reminder of the time when that same doorbell’s impatient ringing turned out to be the first act in a true-to-life tragedy with a cast of three big, angry Baggetts—Big Ed Baggett and two of William’s enormous half brothers. Three of the people who had helped to make William’s life and the lives of his younger brother and sisters miserable, right up until the four of them had finally managed to escape again to Gold Beach to live with their aunt Fiona Hardison.

  Forget it, he told himself. You and Jancy and the kids are legal Hardisons now. Forget the Baggetts. And he pretty much had. Except for sometimes late at night, when something deep inside his sleeping mind insisted on reminding him.

  He shook his head hard. Hard enough, he hoped, to shake away all those persistent memories of his Baggett-haunted past. Then he pulled the door open to reveal … just old Sam Miller, the Gold Beach mailman.

  Pulling out a big red handkerchief, old Sam mopped his forehead and told William that a large package was waiting to be picked up at the post office. Picked up because there was no package delivery at the Gold Beach post office anymore.

  “No use complaining, ’cause that’s just the way it is nowadays,” Mr. Miller said sternly. “Gov’ment’s got no money for delivery vehicles what with this here Depression we’re havin’. So if yer package is too big for poor old Sam to lug around, it’s up to you to come get it. And this one’s a big’un.” Then his scowl turned into a grin. “Think it’s somethin’ for you, kid. Got the name William S. Hardison printed right there next to your auntie’s address. Plain as can be.”

  “Gee,” William said. “For me? Are you sure?” He must have sounded pretty surprised, because Mr. Miller grinned again and added that he’d just happened to notice that it had been mailed in Crownfield, but other than that there was no return address.

  The fact that Mr. Miller had “just happened” to notice so many things about the package wasn’t that much of a surprise. According to Aunt Fiona, Sam Miller’s favorite words were “who,” “what,” and “how much.” “Who” had been getting interesting mail, “what” it might be, and even “how much” it cost. And recently one of Mr. Miller’s special interests seemed to have been the “whos” and “whys” that lay behind the fact that longtime Gold Beach resident Fiona Hardison had quite suddenly acquired a large family.

  Backing up carefully, and swinging the heavy mailbag off his shoulder, solid old Sam settled down on one of Aunt Fiona’s wicker porch chairs, making it sag and creak ominously. “Just gonna rest my bones here a minute or two,” he said, mopping his forehead again. “So you’re not ’spectin’ anything, boy? Didn’t send off for a basketball or something like that? Package looks ’bout that size.”

  William shook his head, “No sir, no basketball. Nothing that I know anything about. Nothing at all.”

  Okay, he’d just had his thirteenth birthday a few days ago, but he’d already received cards from Miss Scott and the Ogdens, and neither of them had said anything about sending a present. The only other people in Crownfield who knew where he was were Baggetts, and the odds against a Baggett sending a present to William S. Hardison were about a zillion to one.

  Actually, it wasn’t the first time he’d gotten something in the mail since he and Jancy and the two little kids had come to live with Aunt Fiona. There had been one letter from Clarice Ogden. The one that Jancy had
made such a fuss about because Clarice had written that she, too, was going to be at Mannsville next summer, and she knew that she and William were going to be very close friends. Which, according to Jancy, proved that Clarice was in love with him.

  Fat chance! Okay, so she did underline “very close friends,” but that didn’t mean anything. And the fact that when the four of them were hiding in her basement, she tried so hard to keep them from leaving didn’t mean anything either—except that she was an only child, and kind of lonely. And that one letter she’d sent him definitely didn’t say anything about sending a package.

  As soon as the mailman finally went down the steps, William went looking for Aunt Fiona so he could quietly tell her about the package and ask if he could go downtown right away to pick it up. Quietly, because if Buddy heard, he’d be sure to insist on going too, and that would change a quick half-mile hike into an expedition that would probably take most of the day.

  At the moment, Aunt Fiona was sitting at the dining room table getting ready for Columbus Day by attaching a big map to a cardboard frame—a map that showed the route taken by the Niña and Pinta and Santa María. All the kids in her class who wrote an essay about Columbus’s voyage were going to get to move their reading group’s ship an inch farther along. Aunt Fiona, who was a fourth-grade teacher, was always doing stuff like that.

  Meanwhile, Buddy was running in and out of the room holding a toy biplane over his head and yelling, “Zoom-zoom-zoom” at the top of his lungs. And the top of that kid’s lungs was right up there with a train’s whistle or a really loud clap of thunder. So it was under the cover of earsplitting zooms that William managed to have a private discussion with Aunt Fiona. “Mr. Miller says there’s a package for me at the post office. I could go pick it up right away. Didn’t you want me to get something at the grocery store?”

  “Oh yes.” Knowing, without being told, why it was important to keep quiet about William’s errand, Aunt Fiona waited for the next flight to zoom through and disappear into the living room before she whispered, “Come with me,” got up, and led the way to the kitchen, where she washed the paste off her hands and, in the brief moments between incoming flights, wrote out a short list and gave William three dollars. “That ought to cover it,” she said. “And you might leave by the back door if you aren’t interested in an air force escort.”

  He liked the subtle way his aunt put things. For instance, saying, “If you aren’t interested in an air force escort” instead of something like, “Better sneak out, or you’ll get stuck with Buddy.” Grinning good-bye, William quietly slid out the back door and, by ducking way down, was able to pass the living room windows without being spotted by his little brother.

  And so he was off—striding rapidly toward downtown Gold Beach, without having to answer a lot of “whys” and “whats” and “how comes.” Not to mention having to wait while four-year-old Buddy came down to earth long enough to squat down and carefully examine anything on the sidewalk that was the least bit disgusting—like dead stinkbugs, squashed snails, or piles of dog poop. Buddy seemed to have a special interest in that sort of thing, especially dog poop, where he usually wanted to discuss how big a dog had done it, and how long ago.

  But now, as William walked rapidly down Eleanor Street with no questions to answer or sidewalk messes to inspect, he was able to let his mind roam on ahead of him. He thought about the package, of course, about what it might be and who could have sent it.

  But after a while he began to think of other things. Like the argument he’d had that morning with Jancy. As a rule he didn’t have arguments with his sister, at least not very serious ones. Not even when she said really stupid things, like insisting that Clarice Ogden was in love with him. But this morning, while they were doing the breakfast dishes, she just seemed to be in a bad mood.

  He didn’t know what could have set her off. All he’d done was to mention something about next summer, when he might be living on a college campus near San Francisco for most of the summer, playing a role in a big professional production of A Midsummer Night’s Dream. He hadn’t said that much about it, like not even mentioning any of the things Miss Scott had said about how famous the Mannsville Shakespeare Festival was, or why she thought he’d be a shoo-in for the part of Puck.

  All he’d mentioned to Jancy was how he was marking off the days on the calendar until the school year was over and he’d be heading for Mannsville. But then Jancy had ducked her head and glanced at him out of the corner of her eye and said, “Yeah. Well, I guess I ought to think it’s swell that you’re going to be away all summer being a famous actor and not having to worry about”—long pause—“anything.”

  But when he’d asked her what she meant, she’d only shrugged and turned her head away, so that her face was hidden behind a thick curtain of curly hair. Jancy did that a lot when she didn’t want you to know what she was thinking.

  He should have known better than to press his luck, but he could see there was some sort of problem, and he really wanted to know what it was.

  So he asked her right out, “Gee whiz, Jancy. Tell me. What’s the matter?”

  “What do you mean?” Jancy said, turning away to put a stack of plates in the cupboard. “Nothing’s the matter. Not a thing.” That was exactly what she said, word for word, but the way she said it made it mean exactly the opposite.

  Afterward, when William had time to give it some more thought, he still didn’t get it. He was pretty sure it wasn’t simply that Jancy was jealous of his good luck. Jancy always had her own way of making decisions, and once they were made she really stuck to them, but she’d never been jealous of good things that happened to other people. At least not William and the little kids. She’d always seemed to be really happy when any of them, Trixie or Buddy or William himself, got to do, or have, something special.

  Take for instance, just a few days ago, when the Gold Beach News did a story about the extra-large first-grade class, and Trixie got to have her picture in the paper. The photographer from the News had looked around the jam-packed first-grade class at Gold Beach Elementary, and then picked Trixie, out of all those kids, to come up and stand beside the blackboard and point to where her teacher had written every first grader’s name. All thirty-three of them.

  Jancy had seemed to be happy about that, even when Trixie cut out the picture and kept insisting that everybody admire it, over and over again. “Don’t I look famous?” she kept saying. “People who get their picture in the paper are famous, aren’t they?” It didn’t take long for Buddy to get fed up and say he was going to look a lot famouser when he was in first grade. But Jancy went on patiently looking at the picture and agreeing that Trixie looked pretty famous.

  It wasn’t just jealousy, William was pretty sure of that. So what was Jancy fretting about? Of course there were always the Baggetts, but he’d asked her more than once if she was still worrying about them showing up again, and she’d said no. What she’d actually said was, “Not really. I mean, they can’t take us back again. I mean not legally. Legally none of us are Baggetts anymore, but …” She’d shrugged and sighed and stopped talking. William got the picture. You could get your name changed, and move a hundred miles away, but that didn’t mean you could get the Baggetts out of your bloodstream, not to mention your nightmares. Particularly your nightmares.

  William had gotten that far wondering about what ailed Jancy, when he reached the post office and got in the line of people waiting to mail or pick up packages. The line wasn’t that long, only three or four people, but the person at the head of it was a kid who was in William’s gym class at Gold Beach Junior High. A kid named Charlie something, who was at the moment grinning at William and giving him a fairly friendly “Hi.”

  But after William returned the “Hi,” the other kid turned around and picked up his package and left, without stopping to say anything more, leaving William to wonder if his “Hi” had been too friendly, or something. Like maybe he wanted too much to be a different
kind of person. Not necessarily the most popular kind, but just someone that everybody knew and liked.

  Of course it had been a lot better starting school here in Gold Beach, where he was just another new kid, and not “one of those good-for-nothing Baggetts.” Which was the reaction he used to get, even after he’d more or less starred in Miss Scott’s production of The Tempest. Being a Hardison in Gold Beach was a big improvement over being a Baggett in Crownfield, even a Baggett who’d done pretty well in a school play.

  And then it was his turn at the counter, and the clerk asked his name and handed him a big box. A really big box, carefully wrapped in brown paper and tied with lots of string. His name and address were printed on it very neatly, and the post office stamp said Crownfield, but there wasn’t any return address. For a moment he considered opening it immediately, but then, supposing it might be something kind of personal, he wrapped his arms around it and took off, heading for the grocery store, and then on home to 971 Eleanor Street.



  Planning to open his mysterious package in the privacy of his room, William went around to the back door and entered as quietly as possible. Why? No particular reason, except that a person who’d just received a large box and hadn’t the slightest idea who might have sent it just might need to get used to whatever it turned out to be before he had to explain it to other people. That’s what he was thinking, anyway, as he snuck across the kitchen.

  But he didn’t make it. He had managed to put the bag of groceries down on the counter, and had gone only a few silent steps across the room when a familiar voice said, “Hi, William. What’s in the box?” When he looked around, no one was there.

  It was a voice he recognized, though. Saying “Trixie?” he looked some more. Then he knew; knew even before she stuck her curly head and baby-doll face out from under the kitchen table. Trixie liked to do something she called “Secret Places,” which in her case seemed to mean finding a place she could hide. She really liked it best when she could drape a sheet over a piece of furniture and crawl under it. But when she didn’t have a sheet, she made do with anything she could get under or behind.


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