Harlequin Superromance January 2014 - Bundle 2 of 2: A Ranch for His FamilyCowgirl in High HeelsA Man to Believe In

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Harlequin Superromance January 2014 - Bundle 2 of 2: A Ranch for His FamilyCowgirl in High HeelsA Man to Believe In Page 69

by Hope Navarre





  A cyclone of emotions filled her as Peter captured her mouth and kissed her as if she were the air he breathed. Gentle, strong. Deep, tender. Possessing her simply by encircling her in his arms. Oh, God. He was doing it again. Sending her spiraling into a world of sensations. No thought. Only touch. Taste. Emotion in connection. Body language. Words unspoken, spoken in volumes.

  They broke the kiss together, both breathless and staring at each other. Cassie touched her own lips. “Peter, your kisses.”

  He shook his head. “Don’t you understand? I’ve never reacted to a kiss as I do to yours.” He tapped her chest, then his. “You and me. We do this to each other.”

  “Why now?” She hated the petulance in her voice.

  Peter smiled. “Do you think love carries a calendar? Do you think I drove into town thinking I was going to end up in the arms of an angel within days of my arrival?”

  She chuckled. “Or crash your car?”

  “Love crashed my car.”

  They grew silent. Peter stretched out on the couch, pulling Cassie against him. She didn’t mind at all. Right now, she could fall asleep in his arms. He felt so safe. So right. She didn’t want to think. Too much going on. Too fast.

  Peter insisted, “You said you weren’t going to look back, Cassie.”

  Within his arms, she felt sanctuary. She traced the line of his jaw. “I was young but I saw how my mom’s illness damaged her and Dad.”

  “Cassie, we’re nurses. We know how to deal with disease.”

  She pressed her lips together. “Sometimes you’re not as strong as you think.”

  He lifted her face to meet his gaze. “The problem here is that you haven’t known me long enough. Trust me.”

  “I told you I would.”

  “But you’re reneging.”

  She winced. “Bad form. I know.”

  “You can’t deny our chemistry.”

  She laughed. “No, sweet man. There is no denying. I was attracted to you when I laid eyes on you. I love your touch. I can honestly say I could make love with you right here. Right now.”

  “I already have designs on this couch for us.” He pulled her tighter and moaned. “And I have to be at work in twenty minutes.”

  Cassie smiled. She loved his humor. “I have an idea. Come with me Friday night to meet my friends.”

  “Where are you going?”

  “Dave’s Grill. Dave and Jackie are having a preseason opening for the locals before they officially open.”

  He gave her a sideways glance. “Are you sure?”

  No, she was feeling skittish before from her conflicting emotions. In his arms now, she felt the power of being with him and wanted more. Yes, she’d take this roller-coaster ride with Peter. One day at a time. It was all she could promise.

  She swallowed. “Yes.”

  He watched her as if coming to a conclusion. He nodded once. “Okay. I’ll take that.”

  “Hold me a little longer?”


  Cassie nuzzled into his chest. The sigh she released was bone-deep. “Between the ibuprofen and the painkiller at the hospital, I think I’m ready for a nap.”

  He smoothed her hair. “So, I get to return the favor.”

  “How so?”

  “I get to hold you until you sleep. I’ll lock the door behind me after I go.”

  “What about the tea?”

  “Do you want some?”

  She grinned. “Later. Kiss me once more?”

  “That, sweet Cassie, I can do.”

  * * *

  PERSPIRING, CASSIE PULLED the throw blanket from her shoulders. Sun streaming in the bay window splashed light and heat on her. She’d slept soundly. Peter must have covered her with the blanket before he left. A glance at her dive watch said it all. She’d slept for four solid hours. The drugs were the culprit for her deep sleep. If the sun hadn’t baked her, she probably would have slept longer. She sat up, stretched. Foolish to waste a day off with sleep.

  The injection site of her lymph node ached. Her fingers found the bandage. Sore. Manageable. Otherwise, she felt fine.


  A flood of warmth washed over her at the thought of him holding her while she slept. He had coaxed her back to explore what was growing between them. Every ounce of logic demanded she walk away now, but no. Honestly, she was grateful Peter insisted on standing by her. It’s what friends did for each other. He was absolutely correct in claiming that she simply hadn’t known him long enough yet to count on him. She’d already trusted her instinct to go as far as she’d gone with him. Instinct would be what she relied on now.

  Taking him to Dave’s Grill on Friday would be interesting. Since Doc and Mom knew about them, she’d take a chance introducing Peter to her friends as her new love interest. Given how protective her crowd was, Peter would be scrutinized like he’d never known.

  Should she warn him?

  She chuckled. Maybe she’d drop a hint.

  The tea had gone cold. She poured it down the sink and reset the pot to boil once more. A note lay on the table from her mom.

  Call me when you wake up.

  Mom’s car was in the driveway. She must have checked on her while she was asleep.

  Tea mug in hand, she entered through Beth’s kitchen door. Empty. “Mom?”

  “Cassie, child, we’re in here. Beth has pins in her mouth. She can’t answer.”

  Grandma Mica. Cassie found them in the living room. Her grandma stood on a step stool while Mom pinned the hem of a lovely peach, form-fitting, cap-sleeved cocktail dress that made sixty-something-year-old Grandma look sexy as hell. “Wow! Where is Grandpa taking you for your anniversary?”

  Mica smiled. “We’re taking the ferry to Block Island for the weekend.”

  “You look amazing, Grandma.”

  She grinned. “Not bad for forty-four years of marriage, eh?”

  Cassie rolled her eyes. “I should look so good at your age.”

  Her paternal grandmother, Mica, was taller than Cassie and Beth. Her dark hair had turned completely silver, and she wore it long and twisted into a braid over one shoulder. A holdover hippie from Woodstock days, Mica’s free spirit practiced exercise and holistic living to get her family through the years. The results showed in her vitality.

  A happy light filled her blue eyes. “Grandpa has a special night planned. I thought I’d surprise him with this new dress.” She pointed to the three-inch heels matching the soft peach color. “I only hope he doesn’t expect me to walk far from the dinner table!”

  Cassie laughed. “With the way you’ll look, I’ll be surprised if you make it out the hotel room door.”

  Grandma winked. “Now you’re talking, kiddo.”

  Beth pinned the last inch. “That should do it, Mica.” She helped her mother-in-law step off the stool. “Bobby should be back by the time you two return. We’ll celebrate with you when you get home.”

  Mica turned to Cassie. “How are you feeling, honey?”

  Cassie shrugged. “Fine. Little discomfort, but I’m golden.”

  “Beth tells me that handsome man you brought into the pancake house is your new boyfriend.”

  “I was trying to keep it quiet. Peter had other ideas.”

  Beth laughed. “After the little display in Doc’s office this morning, I think your cover is blown.”

  “You like him, yes?” Mica asked as she stepped down from the stool.

  Cassie hugged her grandmother. “Yeah, I do. Only, it’s tricky because he’s my new coworker.”

  Beth unzipped the dress for Mica. She slipped out of the garment and into the purple Indian caftan draped over the
wing chair.

  “Doc must love that.”

  Cassie laughed. “In my defense, I was attracted to him when I first saw him driving into town. Had no idea he was the new hire, but what a surprise.”

  “He’s quite a hunk, Mica. Don’t you think?” Beth asked.

  “Really, Mom? You think so?”

  “Absolutely. I like him, too. He has a solid way about him.”

  “I’m taking him to Dave’s on Friday.”

  Beth’s raised brows said it all. “Going to break him in so soon?”

  She pointed to her bandage. “Given recent developments, why waste time?”

  The thought sat on her chest like a boulder. She had plenty of time for now—and would deal with any other developments once she learned what they were. No reason jumping to conclusions. Worry wasted precious time. She’d go with the flow, as Peter had suggested. Made good sense. Besides, lying next to him this morning on the couch only increased her desire to spend more time with him.

  “Did you tell Bobby about your biopsy?” Mica asked.

  Cassie shook her head. “I asked Mom not to say anything over the radio. I’d rather tell Dad in person.”

  She didn’t miss the concern that passed between Mica and Beth. “Wait. Mom, you didn’t tell him, did you?”

  Beth shook her head. “No. I was hoping we’d get the pathology report back before he gets home. Wouldn’t it be great if instead of alarming him we can give him negative results?”

  Cassie sipped her tea. Yeah. Dad hadn’t handled Beth’s cancer well. Nothing would make Beth happier than to avoid reliving the tension that had plagued her and Bobby twenty years ago.

  Cassie waved a careless hand. “Don’t worry, Mom. The results will come back clean. We won’t have to tell Dad at all.”

  She kissed each woman on the cheek. “Happy anniversary, Grandma. I hope you rock Grandpa’s weekend.”

  Cassie barely exited the kitchen door before bursting into tears. If the report returned positive, chances were good that Bobby and Beth would have a rough time in the next few weeks. She swiped at a tear. If she had cancer, the fight would be difficult enough. Opening old wounds for her mother and father might tip Cassie over the edge.

  * * *

  ON FRIDAY EVENING, her pulse quickened at the sound of Peter’s truck pulling up the driveway. Wow. Good news—and not-so-good news. Good in that she really was excited to spend time with him. Bad because, damn it all, she was all aflutter!

  Beth opened her kitchen door to wave to him. Interesting. Mom had been nice to her other boyfriends since Kyle, but never quite went out of her way to greet them. Cassie stepped away from the window, smiling to herself. Peter had that effect on people. Genuine. Charming. Drop-dead gorgeous. Too good to be true?

  Only time would tell.

  She rushed to the hallway mirror to check her image one more time. He was already knocking. As she reached for the door, her insides tingled. She couldn’t wait to see him. The past three days at the hospital had been a blur. It had been busy, and they had been working opposite shifts so they had barely seen each other. A little relief from the emotionally stormy three days since her biopsy in the form of one Peter Chapman would finish her Friday perfectly.

  Oh, Lord. His grin made her knees weak. Pulling her into his arms and kissing her without saying a word sent a thrill up her spine. She wound her arms around his neck, inviting him to kiss her longer. He smelled wonderful. Soap. Salt air. A sigh rose in her throat. How did he know physical contact was exactly what she needed?

  He captured her face with his hands and kicked the door closed with his foot. His mouth on hers, he steered away from the windows, hoisting her onto the kitchen counter. He held her against him, still kissing her, a moan rising in his throat. Despite her dress, she managed to wrap her legs around his waist, all control slipping because of the powerhouse descending on her. Peter tapped every ounce of her primal, sexual arousal with a mere look. When he touched her, kissed her, any inhibitions exploded into thin air and left her senses raw.

  Suddenly going out seemed like a ridiculous idea.

  Reality hit. Beth was home and would know they hadn’t left. She broke the kiss.


  He caressed her cheek with the back of his fingers, his eyes betraying his desire. “Sorry. You look gorgeous. I couldn’t help myself.”

  She chuckled. “This is the nicest greeting I’ve ever had. Feel free to repeat it.”

  He kissed the bandage at the base of her neck with the utmost tenderness. His voice low, he asked, “How are you this evening?”

  She released a sigh, realizing she hadn’t taken a long, deep, cleansing breath in a while. Peter’s comfort in her personal space seemed so familiar, as if they’d known each other for a lifetime. The sensation niggled at her mind that this man made her feel safe. She pushed the thought away. Steady as she goes.

  “Good. How was work?”

  He raised a brow. “Nothing crucial. I missed you these past few days.”

  “You look surprised I asked.”

  “It’s been a long time since someone has. Thank you.”

  Could it be true? This attractive, wonderful man led a lonely life? “My goodness. You are easy to please.”

  “Oh, no. You please me, Cassie. That’s what makes it easy.” He helped her from the counter. “Let me look at you. That dress is perfect.”

  She ran a hand down the form-fitting, cream-colored crochet-knit dress with sleeves a little too long over her wrists. She’d accented her look with a turquoise necklace, silver hoops and a pair of designer shoes that matched the dress. She’d dressed to kill but would never admit it.

  “Oh, this old thing?”

  The desire rising in his gaze floored her. “I could make love to you all night long.”

  Her insides reacted immediately, that magnetic pull tightening. What was it about him? She’d never felt such a strong attraction to get physical with a man the way she did with Peter. A mischievous grin tugged at her mouth. “I know the feeling, Peter. They’d find our bones because we’d forget to eat.”

  He laughed. “Oh, we’re going to get along just fine.”

  She stepped back to get a full look at him. A black, thin cabled sweater that curved the plane of his chest topped a pair of black, fitted jeans as only Peter could wear them. Seasoned cowboy boots that looked like they’d been made for him, slightly long, sun-lightened hair and intense, dark eyes gave him the air of a rock star. The bruising from his accident was gone. The suture scar practically invisible. Now a mere reminder of how they met. She swallowed the lump rising in her throat. “Wow. You sure are a beautiful sight. And to think, I know what you look like naked.”

  “Keep talking like that and we won’t make it past the kitchen table.”

  Grinning, she opened the door. “I may have to hold you to that someday.”

  * * *

  PETER REACHED FOR Cassie’s hand as they headed into Dave’s Grill. “Do you mind?”

  Her chest tightened despite the fact she’d already decided to present Peter as a love interest to her friends. “I don’t mind. We might cause a stir because you and I as an item is happening pretty fast.”

  He kissed the back of her hand. “The good part is that it’s happening.”

  When he said simple things like that, her heart opened a little more. She watched his profile as they walked until he looked at her again, his smile like a sunrise after a too-long night. Peter spoke his mind, expressing his desire for her in simple, honest terms. He said out loud what most men would guard. His honesty felt as good as his arms wrapped around her—or the gentle and comforting strength of his hand holding hers. Wow. How was she going to handle her deepening feelings for him?

  He opened the door for her, and one of the owners, Jackie, greete
d Cassie with a hug and did little to hide her curiosity about Peter.

  “Jackie, meet Peter. New to Montauk. New to the E.R.”

  She offered him her hand. “Welcome to town, Peter.” Still grasping his hand, she stage-whispered to Cassie, “I’m suddenly feeling a medical emergency coming on.”

  Cassie laughed. “He’s a great addition to the team. He has a wonderful beside manner.”

  Jackie’s smile reached her eyes. “Oh, why am I not surprised?”

  Peter grabbed Cassie’s hand once more as if to establish his intent toward Cassie. “Luckily, you look like you’re in perfect health, Jackie.”

  She laughed. “Would you two like a table?”

  “Maybe later. We’re headed for the bar. We might eat there,” Cassie said.

  Brian had already spotted them and waved them over to two seats along the bar. When they approached, he glanced pointedly at their held hands. He said, “Is it Friday already?”

  Cassie reached over to kiss Brian on the cheek. The guys launched into exchanging surf stories while behind the bar, Brian prepared their drinks. Peter’s thigh brushed hers, causing them both to look at each other. He reached for her hand. Brian had stepped away to serve another customer.

  He brushed her ear with his lips. “You smell great. All I want to do is touch you.”

  Cassie’s heart skipped a beat. He just said what she was thinking but once again, he had uttered the words out loud.

  She whispered, “And when you touch me, I have trouble thinking.”

  He grinned. “That’s very good.”

  She sipped her drink, her gaze drifting from Peter to the docks through the open patio. Her attention was caught by a trawler heading in through the stone jetties protecting the harbor, the broad white hull and outriggers making her alert.

  A flush of excitement filled her. She stood. “Look! Here comes the Lady Beth!”


  PETER WATCHED CASSIE as she greeted the trawler approaching the dock. She looked sexy as hell in that dress, her blond hair curling right down to the sweet dip in her spine where her waist narrowed. She’d stepped out of her shoes to negotiate the dock better. In her bare feet, he could imagine her as a princess greeting her clan coming back from sea. His insides twisted with pride that he’d found this woman. The more time he spent in her company, the more he craved to do whatever it took to keep her in his sights.


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