Silence of the Nine

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Silence of the Nine Page 12

by T. Styles

  Leaf brushed his friends off. Besides, he was never afraid of anybody or anything and he wasn’t about to start now.

  Leaf placed his arm around Chloe’s neck and whispered in her ear just as Keaton came through the cafeteria’s door. Everyone else paused, anticipating his next move.

  Keaton scanned the lunchroom until he found who he was looking for…Chloe.

  “I put something in your coat pocket,” Bops whispered to his friend. “Use it if you have to.”

  Leaf didn’t know what it was but he wasn’t interested in using it anyway. Keaton was a punk with a broken heart and he saw no reason to have to get into gangster shit with him.

  Keaton stomped over toward Chloe and said, “Get your shit and let’s go.” He grabbed her forearm and tried to pull her up but she wouldn’t move. “You’ve gone too far now. Let’s go talk.”

  “Keaton, get your hands off her,” Leaf said, minus the aggression.

  Instead of respecting that Leaf did not punch him in the jaw, his coolness angered Keaton even more. Keaton’s life was crumbling around him and yet Leaf performed as if he didn’t have a care in the world.

  “I don’t have a problem with you conversing with her but you have to ask her nicely,” Leaf responded. “And if she says yes, she’s free to go with you. I’m not holding her hostage.”

  Frustrated, Keaton created a fist and moved to punch Leaf when everyone at the table stood up in his defense. Leaf remained seated, with a smile planted on his face. Seeing that he was outnumbered, Keaton backed up. “Who the fuck you think you are, Leaf?” he asked with tears streaming down his face although he wasn’t sobbing. “You think you can just take a nigga’s bitch and that’s it?”

  “First off, I didn’t take your bitch. Like I said, all you gotta do is ask her to leave,” Leaf said. “What you waiting on?”

  Keaton looked down at Chloe’s beautiful face. He wanted to ask but there was one thing stopping him. What would happen if she said no? So he took a deep breath. “Chloe, I love you,” he said softly. “And we made plans to spend our lives together. There ain’t nothing this nigga can buy you that I can’t,” he said pointing at Leaf. “All I’m asking is that you give me another chance.”

  Chloe was so embarrassed at his softness that her face reddened. She looked back at Leaf and Leaf said, “Don’t be rude, mami. He’s talking to you.”

  She focused back on Keaton.

  “If you want to break up with me, that’s cool, but don’t do it like this,” Keaton continued. “Please. Come with me and let’s talk.”

  Chloe was as cold as an Alaskan glacier. “I’m sorry, Keaton. But I’m chilling right now.”

  Keaton’s face contorted from sadness into rage. His teeth showed and spit hung around the corners of his mouth. He looked like a rabid dog and he was about to pull Chloe apart before Leaf stopped him…verbally.

  “If you touch her, you gonna be paralyzed,” he said smoothly. He didn’t even give him the courtesy of looking his way. Instead he busied himself with the pizza on his plate. “You do enjoy walking,” he took a bite of his pizza, “right?” This time, he looked directly into Keaton’s eyes so that he’d know he was for real.

  There it was. The killer that Keaton knew existed but never saw. “I’m leaving now,” Keaton said eyeing the army that stood behind Leaf. “But I want you to know this, Chloe. His family fucks each other and has kids. You better not get pregnant by this dude. Unless you want a retard for a child.” He rushed out before Leaf ordered the attack.

  Everybody who stood in Leaf’s honor took a seat. “Fuck that nigga talking ‘bout?” Bops asked. “Ole’ jealous ass nigga mad ‘cause his bitch hanging on Leaf’s dick.”

  “I don’t even know, cuz,” Leaf responded.

  He tried to pretend as if Keaton’s words didn’t bring him confusion. What about his family did Keaton know that he wasn’t privy to? When he realized Keaton was just hating, he brushed it off. If this was a prizefight it would be a knock out and he decided to leave it at that.


  Later on that day when class was over, Leaf strutted to his locker. When he opened the door, a letter smelling of sweet perfume dropped out. He smiled and looked around for Chloe. He hoped it was another picture of her pussy because she loved to take them and he loved to look at them. But when he picked it up and read it, there was only a letter inside.

  Dear Leaf,

  I’m so sorry about what Keaton did today in the cafeteria. He doesn’t understand that you and I have something beautiful. Something I’m not willing to give up. So I broke up with him. I told him I love you. I’m ready to spend my life with you if you’ll have me.

  I’ll meet you by your truck later. I can’t wait to see you.

  Love your girlfriend,


  Leaf felt gut punched as he refolded the letter and stuffed it in his locker. Why she had to go so deep? Damn! He wasn’t trying to be in a relationship. He was just fucking her and the fact that she had a nigga who wanted her was part of the appeal. Truth be told, with Keaton out of the picture, she wasn’t as interesting anymore.

  Leaf grabbed his jacket, left everything else in his locker and walked toward his black Escalade parked at the curb. At first he was going to leave without saying bye but Chloe had the sweetest sex he ever had. He owed her an explanation.

  Five minutes later, Chloe came outside. But Leaf also saw Keaton standing on the top of the steps looking at him. He stood out because teenagers zipped around him as if he were a fixture on the building and yet his gaze remained on Leaf. The feeling Leaf felt when he saw the look on his face was the closest he ever came to being afraid. Now he wished he hadn’t sent Bops and Mole on their way.

  His attention was broken momentarily when Chloe rushed toward him wearing a wide smile on her face. “Hey, baby,” she grinned, kissing him on the cheek. “I’ve been waiting to see you all day. Did you get the letter I left in your locker?”

  Leaf looked at Keaton while he spoke to her. He wanted to keep his eyes on him in case he made a move. “Yea, but I can’t see you no more. I’m sorry.”

  She backed up from him and held her belly. “What…what are you talking about?”

  When he saw the flushed look on her face he felt bad but he had to keep it real. “You cool and everything but I’m not feeling you like you feeling me.”

  “Is it because you’re scared of him? Because I can have my father take him out.”

  Leaf took offense and frowned. “I’m not even scared of God.”

  Her lips trembled. “Then what did I do?” she yelled, causing students walking by to look at them. “I fucked you and now you trying to carry me like some stank bitch?”

  “I’m sorry you feel that way but—”

  His sentence was cut off when he saw the gun in her hand. Where did she get it? It didn’t matter because her finger slid on the trigger. He tried to defend himself by knocking her to the ground with a blow to her cheek. The gun flew out of her hand and clanked against the ground, letting off one shot in the air.

  With wide eyes seeing the melee, Keaton rushed toward them.

  And that’s when Leaf remembered. Bops had placed something in his jacket pocket during lunchtime. He stuffed his hand in his leather jacket and pulled out a pocketknife. He hit the button on the handle and it flew open just as Chloe grabbed the gun and prepared to shoot him in the penis.

  Leaf slashed her face with the knife and when she maintained possession of the gun he slit her throat. Blood splattered all over his shoes, clothes and truck. And when he looked up he saw everyone holding their mouths in horror. There he was, standing by his Escalade with a knife in his hand. He just committed murder.

  Keaton, who finally made it down the stairs, dropped to his knees and picked up Chloe’s bleeding body.

  Leaf jumped into his truck and rushed away from the scene.


  After Kerrick heard the entire story, he slammed down on the sofa in the living room. Not only
had killing Chloe caused a problem in Justin’s life, it caused a problem for him too.

  “You’re going to have to stay here until I figure things out,” Kerrick said to his son. “Both of you.” He looked at Leaf. “I’m sure once the media gets a hold of this, it will be crazy.”

  “Can somebody tell me what’s going on?” Leaf asked, having no idea that the man whose home he was in was his grandfather.

  “Leaf, just go to the den with your mother. I’ll explain things when I can.”


  “Just go,” he yelled.

  Defeated, Leaf followed orders.

  “When are you going to tell him that he is my grandson? And that he is a Prophet and not a Lincoln?”

  “Never,” Justin professed. “I don’t like what’s going on in this house. How you encouraged my sisters and brothers to nest. And I will not subject my only son to this family’s secrets.” He paused. “Now if you don’t want to help me, I understand. We’ll just leave and you won’t hear from me for another five years.”

  Kerrick’s age was causing his heart to soften when it came to his family. In the past, he was able to control them. But that was then. His children were adults now. The last thing he wanted was something happening to his favorite kids. “The boy must stay here where my men can protect him. And if you want me to deny who he is to me, I will.”

  Relieved, Justin said, “Thank you, father.” It was the first time he called him father in years.



  “You tread upon my patience.”

  -William Shakespeare

  Nine was standing next to her desk looking at Alice and the strange man she brought with her. As always, when she saw her cousin, her body convulsed and she felt as if she were about to explode.

  Alice’s face was painted as beautifully as ever and her hair was combed back into a neat ponytail. The navy blue cardigan sweater she wore made her look more like a teacher than a predator.

  “Nine, this is my friend Hector.” She locked the door and stepped toward her, holding his hand. “He wanted to say hello.” Alice squeezed his hand and said, “Say hello, Hector. Stop being weird.”

  “Hello,” he said with lust in his eyes as he observed her.

  He looked to be about her same age and his eyebrows were as curly as the nest sitting on top of his head. Although he was attractive, he wasn’t neatly trimmed and tamed. He looked as unraveled as his disposition.

  “Come closer, Nine,” Alice smiled. “Don’t be afraid.”

  Slowly Nine walked toward her until she was as close as she could be. She breathed the expensive perfume that Alice wore that always made her sick. She hoped whatever she was about to do wouldn’t be as bad as the last time, especially since Leaf and his parents were in the house.

  “Turn around, Nine.”

  Nine turned around as slowly as the minute hand on a clock. She wasn’t certain what was about to go down until a white cloth was draped over her head and forced into the center of her mouth. It was so tight it limited circulation to her lips.

  Hector pushed her toward the table and said, “Hands on the desk, Nine.” Hector certainly got comfortable quick.

  Nine placed her hands on the desk and he raised her nightgown and it draped over her hips. She could hear Hector licking his lips in the background as he eyed her thick rear.

  Alice gripped a fair amount of her ass and said, “See, she has good skin. Touch it, baby.”

  Hector ran his hands over Nine’s ass before spreading her legs apart. When he couldn’t take it anymore, he came down on her ass with a metal object. It was a fireplace poker. Where had it come from? The pain was unbearable but Nine didn’t cry. Instead, she winced and her breath felt caught in her chest. Her life was a nightmare.

  “Can I make love to her?” Hector begged Alice. “If you let me, I will be quick.”

  Nine was frozen with fear because although she had been beaten, her virginity had remained intact.

  There was a long moment of silence before Alice slapped Hector so hard in the face he stumbled backwards. “You see how greedy you are?” she yelled. “I give you this pleasure and still you want more. Why can’t this be enough? She’s dirty anyway. I doubt if she takes more than one bath a week. And you talking about having sex?”

  She was right. Once a week, Kerrick allowed her to be bathed outside in the back of the house. If the weather was too cold, she would have to wait until it broke.

  Suddenly, they grew silent. Although Nine could hear soft moans, she couldn’t see what was going on. How she wished they would leave her room. But she was powerless and knew she had no control.

  When their sounds appeared muffled, she slowly turned her head to the right. Now she could see Alice’s dress raised over her head, covering her face, while Hector was on top of her making love. His dick may have been in her body but his eyes were on Nine’s ass.

  They spent an hour having sex while using her as an object in their sick expression. She decided that no matter what, she had to get away from Alice and her games. Even if she had to die to protect herself, she was not going to take it anymore.



  “Past hope. Past cure. Past help.”

  -William Shakespeare

  Nine had a nightmare that shook her out of her sleep. She was hanging in the basement of the mansion, handcuffed to the ceiling and the floor. Nobody had come to beat her, talk to her or feed her. Eventually she died from hunger, thirst and excruciating pain. She was drenched in sweat when she woke up and she rocked herself softly to calm down.

  She was about to doze off again when she felt a presence in the room. Nine’s eyes flew open and she saw Fran sitting on the edge of the bed smoking a cigarette. Nine wiped her wet forehead and said, “I can’t count on you anymore, Fran. To feed me. And to make sure I’m okay. That wasn’t always the case and it hurts my feelings. Why has that changed?”

  Fran placed her cold hand on Nine’s warm thigh. Her breath reeked of alcohol and cigarettes. The light blue uniform she wore was stained with dirt and her graying hair was disheveled. “I’m sorry,” Fran said. “When I leave the mansion, I often forget I’m alive. Until I remember you.”

  Nine eased out of bed and slowly walked to her desk. “I’m tired of apologies. They’re useless.” She sighed as she flipped open the cover to one of her books.

  Fran’s eyes widened because Nine had never spoken to her like that. Although shocked, she was also proud. The fact that she was growing up and speaking out despite her conditions was the first mark of freedom. Fran saw strength brewing at the surface. Nine was almost ready to make an escape.

  Fran eased off of the bed and stood in front of Nine. She looked into her eyes as if she were about to challenge her and Nine didn’t flinch. Fran reached into her pocket and pulled out a 9mm handgun. Nine stumbled into the desk, afraid of what Fran was about to do.

  Fran’s eyes appeared wild. She placed the barrel of the gun in Nine’s face, put her finger on the trigger and pulled.

  Nine closed her eyes, assuming her life was over. She was okay with it anyway because the current life left her loveless, hopeless and hungry. But when she realized she was not dead, she opened her eyelids only to see the gun hanging at Fran’s side.

  “This is a nine millimeter handgun,” Fran said as she handed the weapon to Nine. “Never be afraid of it again.”

  “But…but I thought you were about to shoot me,” Nine said, holding the heavy piece of artillery.

  “Never be afraid of death either. It’s life that causes you struggles.” She paused. “Now come with me. I’m going to show you how to use it.”


  For the next few days Fran, an expert marksman, showed Nine how to load, unload, clean and operate the weapon. Although Fran never used the skill personally, she acquired it after years of running from Kerrick.

  Still, Fran wanted Nine to always be able to protect herself. She could see her int
elligence growing at a steady rate by the way she spoke up.

  A few days later, it was time for another one of Nine’s lessons. She and Fran were out back, on the acres of land behind the mansion. The only other times Nine had been outside was to be bathed on a slab of concrete, so she was always so mesmerized by the feel of the damp grass under her bare feet. They were far away from the property, where gunfire could not be heard at the house.

  On any other day of training, Nine was always focused. Today was different. Lately Leaf had been walking around the house and she found herself crawling through the ducts just to get a look at him. She was drawn to him in a way she couldn’t explain and she didn’t know why. The saddest part of it all was that he didn’t know she existed. She was the girl in the walls. And unless he went snooping in the basement, she doubted he ever would know her.

  When she fired on the left of the target that was stuck on the tree, instead of the middle, Fran snatched the gun out of her hand. “You’ve hit the target better than that in the past. Where is your mind, Nine? Tell me now.”

  She exhaled. “I…I was thinking—”

  “Whenever you hold a gun, the only thing on your mind should be your target and your aim,” she said interrupting her. “If your mind is on anything else it could cost you your life. Am I clear?”

  Nine nodded.

  “Good,” Fran sighed.

  Nine observed Fran. “Can I ask you a question?”

  “Just ask.”

  “Are you teaching me how to shoot so that I can do what you never did? Kill grandfather?”

  Fran’s heart rate increased. Had this been her plan all along and she never knew it? “I’m giving you these skills because I love you. I’m giving you these skills because I want you to protect yourself. Whether your grandfather lives or dies is not in my thought process.” She exhaled. “Anyway, we’re done with weapons training today. Let’s work on your mental skills again. What’s the first rule of seduction?” Fran asked in military fashion.


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