Freedom_A Captivating and consuming contemporary romance

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Freedom_A Captivating and consuming contemporary romance Page 3

by J Grayland

  “I’ve tried and it’s not that easy” I sigh with exasperation. “I lost a lot of good men out there.”

  “Well, not hard enough Nate. You were not responsible for any of those men’s deaths, you were their Captain and you did your job like everyone else. You need to let it go and start living” he says sitting back down in the chair opposite.

  I rub my hand across the back of my neck, breath out and say “Pushy little bastard aren't ya?”

  “Well someone has to be, you’re such a stubborn hard- headed asshole” he smiles. Leaning forward in my chair I say “This will be the last time, I promise.”

  “Just call him up and tell him you're not interested,” he almost yells.

  “I can't, I owe him this one,” I said shaking my head slightly.

  “What do you mean you owe him?” he grates out between his teeth. “There’s something you’re not telling me here right?” The question cause my jaw to tighten and twitch.

  “Remember last year in Tehran?” I ask him and he nods. “Well, the reason we got out of there in one piece is because Peterson pulled some strings to make it happen. He told me then I owed him one….. now he’s calling it in”.

  “Jesus Nate, anyone else but him. He's a shifty, underhanded prick. God knows how the fuck he runs an international medical assist service, for all the illegal shit he's into”.

  “I know, I know,” I say standing and walking around to the front of my desk and leaning against it. “There’s also word on the wire that he's surfing pretty close to trouble at the moment and shit is about to hit the fan. Meanwhile, the bastard’s got innocent people flying in to help our troops.”

  Paxton looks up. “That's not our problem Nate.”

  “It is now,” I growl, arching an eyebrow at him.

  Through narrowed eyes, I watch as Paxton sits on the edge of the leather chair with his elbows resting on his knees, his hands scrubbing through his hair, his mind working overtime then he lets out a reluctant deep sigh, “who are you taking with you?”


  “Well, I guess that's one consolation. If you have to take someone I'm glad it's Jackson.” He sighs.

  “Yeah, well I figure if I don’t officially take him, the asshole will follow me there” Paxton chuckles and stands, but I can see by the look he’s giving me he’s not impressed.

  “Ok let me know what you need and I’ll get things moving for you.” He relents.

  “Thanks,” I say giving him a slap on the back.

  “You can thank me by coming back in one piece.”

  “That’s a promise,” I say giving him an affirmative nod.

  Paxton starts towards the door then turns to face me again “Oh and Nate? This will be the last time”.

  Chapter Five


  Driving along the uneven, dusty dirt road towards the base I feel the blood in my veins starting to pump hard. This was not going to be good and I could feel every bone in my body screaming “ Big mistake”.

  "Fucking Peterson never said anything about a woman" "You will be looking after three civvies Nate, 2 surgeons, and a nurse, and before you ask the nurse is a male from London" Fuccckk! I should have known better than to trust the bastard, he had slipped it into the conversation so fast that I didn't even think about the surgeons being female. He knows how bad it is out here for women, especially a blonde western woman, exactly like the one I was looking at in my rear view mirror sitting in the back seat. I knew as soon as I set eyes on her walking towards us outside the airport, blonde hair tied back and glistening in the hot desert sun, like a red flag saying "look at me." I also noticed a few long wisps of her hair had worked its way loose and was now moist with sweat and sticking to the sides of her face and neck, I could see she was of a slim build under the loose comfortable casual cargo pants she wore until I lifted my eyes up to the loose unbuttoned shirt and saw a black tank top stretched over her ample breasts. I had to turn away from her approaching us and let Jax speak first because I knew if I opened my mouth it would not have been pleasant. I could feel a ball of anger starting to cause a knot to form in the pit of my stomach, and then she spoke. It was like nothing I had ever heard before the musical sound of her accent, the soft tone, and when I turned and looked into her eyes, her perfect fucking big blue eyes that angry knot doubled in size. Anger boiling in my veins, my grip on the steering wheel so hard my knuckles were turning white, I took another glance at her through the rearview mirror. Sitting back against the seat her face slightly turned looking out of the window, she looked incredible, venerable and lost, and those eyes darting around taking in the outside world. Had she known what she was getting herself into? Why would she want to come out here into the middle of a friggin desert for Christ’s sake? And how old is she? Like 25, a bored rich chick looking for some excitement? Breathe Nate breathe and remember why you’re here- she's just a contract. Do the job and get home” I thought and steered the SUV towards the base.

  Chapter Six


  As the military base came into view it was way larger than I had imagined. There were a lot of large green tents around the outside of what looked like a portable hospital base in the center. There were military personnel walking around, jeeps everywhere. It reminded me of MASH, a TV series I had watched as a kid, even though I knew this was not a scene from a movie set this was life complete in high definition, 3D reality. After going through the routine paperwork and vehicle search at the front armed gates the SUV pulled up in front of the portable building. And once it had come to a stop and they got out I opened my own door, slid down onto the ground and stretched my limbs, then I pulled my backpack out and hooked it over one shoulder. The wide door at the front of the building swung open and a tall slim- grey-haired man wearing a uniform came out and down the stairs to where we were standing he thrust out his hand towards me, which I took. “Dr. Tyler? I'm Base Commander Simons. We are so glad to have you here. How was your trip?” he asked as I shook his hand then let it go.

  “It was good thank you,” I said.

  “The other civilian medics arrived yesterday, so if you like we will get you settled in your bunk and then give you a tour”.

  I smiled and nodded and he motioned for me to follow him. Nate and Jackson had pulled out the rest of the luggage from the back of the SUV and followed as well. Commander Simons walked behind the portable building to another portable block that had what looked like several doors along the front of it. Two small steps took us up onto a thin wooden walkway and I followed the Commander down to the end door where he unlocked it, then placed a key into my hand and said: “Always keep it locked even when you're in it ok?”.

  “Sure,” I said looking at Jax questioningly who just shrugged.

  The room was better than I had expected. It was small, just enough room for a single bed, a small wooden desk and chair and a small set of drawers with an electric fan sitting on top of it, a window at the back and a small wash basin sitting on a stand in front of it. I dumped my backpack onto the bed and pulled the scarf off my head and pushed my now sweat soaked hair back into its place. Then I reached into the backpack and pulled out a pen and notepad. Commander Simons placed a binder on the desk and tapped the top. “This has all the rules and regulations of the base. It should answer most of your questions but if not, feel free to ask anyone around.”

  “Thanks, I will look through it later. Now it would be great if I could have a look around and get myself orientated a little before it gets dark,” I said heading for the door to where Nate and Jax leaned against the building. I looked at them both and thrust my hand out towards Nate. “Thanks for driving me in guys. I think I’ll be good now.” Jax looked at Nate, then looked back to me with eyebrows, raised and Nate just stared at my outstretched hand.

  “Umm… We ain't going anywhere sweetheart” Jax drawled.

  “Oh, sorry I thought you just had to drive me here,” I said dropping my hand and pushing them both into my pockets.

  “Nope, we’re here to stay” Jax continued.

  “For how long?” I asked.

  “For the length of the contract mam”.

  “For the whole contract?” I asked shocked.

  “Yes, mam,” Jax said.

  “Um isn’t that a bit of overkill? I don't think I will be needing two bodyguards during my stay.” I gestured to all the armed military personnel walking around.

  Nate stood up straight and leaned down bringing his mouth close to my ear and spoke in a low deep tone. “It’s ok baby, don't flatter yourself, we’re not just here for you we’re contracted for two others as well.”

  Reeling back from him and giving him a look of annoyance, I leaned back towards him .“Tell you what stud, when I get to know my way around this place better I think you might just need to pay me a visit.”

  “Really? And why is that?” he asked. Those succulent lips of his curving into a wicked grin.

  “So I can get you on the operating table and pull that big stick out of your arse”. As I walked around him, following the commander, I could hear Jax as he broke into a loud burst of laughter.

  “Ha ha ha, I like that woman a lot” he mused.

  The base hospital was better equipped than I imagined. It had one area that was used for general medical issues such as minor injuries and illness; another area that was set up as a ward with about five beds but could accommodate more at a squeeze: then there was a small but fully functioning theatre. Outside the hospital, I was taken over to another large building that was the canteen. There was also a communal shower and toilet area, officers accommodation, and a tent set up as a communication area for the soldiers that gave them access to the internet and telephones. I also learned that there were cards that could be purchased and loaded with credit to be used in there. I was told that surgeons are practically on call 24/7 and I was given a small beeper and a list of code numbers that they used to determine the urgency of the call. I would also be scheduled to assist the military doctors and nurses with the health of the military personnel on the base doing vaccinations and routine health checks. Other than that, what time I had left was my own, although I was not allowed to leave the base unescorted, so that meant if I needed to go off base at any time, I had to be escorted by the two beefy bodyguards that had been kindly supplied by IMA.

  Just the thought of being under their constant watch gave me an uncomfortable feeling. I mean I could actually see myself getting along with Jax, he seemed pretty down to earth and friendly. As for the other one, Nate, well he just looked like a barrel of laughs….not. He had a huge chip on his shoulder and I am guessing that he is either really bored with his job or just a chauvinistic pig.

  We ended up seated in the Commander’s office with an older grey haired man who reminded me of one of my old college teachers, Mr. Dickson, although we never called him that- he was always known as Dicko or Dickhead to us. He was a funny, short, stumpy man in his mid 50's but still dressed like he was in the 1970's with his flared tan slacks matching light brown dress shirt and tan tie. He sported a rather severe comb-over hairstyle and every time he would walk under the ceiling fans in the classroom it used to flap around like a limp flag in a breeze. I’m pretty sure that old Dicko played a huge part in global warming because I am convinced he must have gone through a full can of hairspray every day just to try to keep that sucker pinned down. The thought brings a momentary smile onto my face until I remember where I am and concentrate on the sound of Commander Simons voice.

  “Dr. Tyler these are the other two civilian medics joining you from IMA. This is Dr. Andrew Lancer,” He gestured towards Dicko's long lost brother, reaching out my hand to shake his and, yes just as I expected his hand was sticky and sweaty.

  “Nice to meet you Dr. Tyler,” he said.

  “You too Dr. Lancer,” I said slipping my hand discreetly behind my back and into the back pocket of my cargo pants where I proceeded to try and wipe the sticky sweat off into my pocket.

  “Dr. Lancer is an orthopedic surgeon from the UK” Commander Simons continued, “And this is Mike Dawson your Registered Nurse - he’s also from the UK.” Turning toward the other man in the room I was faced with Mike. He was around the same height as me, with short cropped blonde hair and wire-rimmed glasses. He looked pretty young but who knows these days. Mike thrust his hand out into mine and vigorously shook it.

  “How do you do Dr. Tyler,” he said in his crisp British accent and eyes roaming over me.

  “Good thank you, err... nice to meet you both,” I said pulling my once again sweaty palm into my back pocket for another secret wipe.

  “Please everyone take a seat” Commander Simmons gestured with a swipe of his hand to the chairs sitting around a table, in what looked like a meeting room. It had a couple of computers housed on a desk in the corner and a couple of comfy looking armchairs. There was also a refrigerator and a bench that housed a coffee machine, toaster, and jars of what looked like small cookies. There was an American flag pinned up on one side of the wall and a cork board with lots of photos of children, babies and what looked like family members of, I am guessing, some of the medical staff here on base. I found it amazing that such a small space felt so comfortable and homely just by all the little special personal touches that everyone had contributed. Commander Simmons saw me taking in the room.

  “As you can see this is where staff come to try to relax,” he said following my gaze.

  “Yes with a little piece of home,” I said nodding to the photos. He smiled at me then slid a folder across the table to each of us.

  “I know it may seem that you are being inundated with paperwork to read, but these folders contain most of the information you will need. Please take time to read it and study it, it contains our protocols and procedures that we have put in place here to try and help everything run as smoothly as possible. It also contains the rules and regulations. Now I know that you're not military personnel and you are exempt from a lot of them, but for your own safety I advise that you try and stick to them as much as possible.”

  “Not a problem,” I said nodding.

  “Now Dr. Tyler, as for you I implore you to stick with your security team and do not exit the compound without them or an MP. We have a couple of troublesome rogue groups in the area and please excuse me for being blunt but they would kill to get a hold someone like you.”

  I gasp at his words then slowly say. “Okay so…”

  “So please stay in the compound with your security and unless you’re inside, keep your head covered at all times. If they even spot a white woman with blonde hair I'm not sure just how far they would go to get to you.”

  “Get to me?” I questioned now perplexed.

  “Yes, you would make them quite a tidy sum of money on the black market.”

  “Oh! I see” I say, a little taken back by his words, and I see puzzlement in his eyes.

  “I am amazed that IMA didn't explain this all to you before.” He said narrowing his eyes at me.

  “Err…no they didn't mention anything about my gender, skin or hair coloring being problematic.”

  The Commander slowly shakes his head, “it should have been a priority...but we are extremely glad to have you here. Your surgical reputation is outstanding from what I have read in your file so, like I said, just stick to the compound and your security team and all should be well.”

  “Thank you, Sir, I appreciate the heads up,” I said still slightly stunned by the new information I had just learned.

  “Now I will give you all time to settle into your rooms, get some chow in the mess hall and I will see you back here at 0700 hours tomorrow”.

  Chapter Seven


  Eight days, that's how long we have been here and that’s how long I've been watching her....closely, not just as a job but really watching her. I don't know what it is that is drawing me to her, but it was strong right from the minute I looked into that rear view mirror and into that innocent face... that innoce
nt beautiful face. With its soft delicate skin, perfectly shaped mouth and the most unusual colored pair of blue eyes, I have ever seen. No not blue, more Azure, that color that you get in the sky at dusk as the sun is meeting the moon and the two colors are just touching, fucking amazing. I watch her from the minute she gets up at the break of day and goes for a run around the compound, black leggings that mold to her slim legs and usually a t-shirt that hugs to every curve of her chest. I watch as that shirt becomes moist with sweat the more she runs, earbuds in her ears and an iPod strapped to her bicep, her long silky blonde hair always pulled into a ponytail that swings as she moves. I watch her as she walks into the medical building, always dressed in loose-fitting scrubs, and I imagine what's under them. I watch her before she goes to bed. She always comes out of her room and looks out into the night sky before she retires for the night. Her face shows innocence but her eyes show something different.....pain, sadness, and I need to know what it is. She has taken to this place like a duck to water, fitting in with everything and everyone around her. Jax chats and jokes with her but I try to say as little as possible to her. When we speak I need to keep that little bit of aloofness with her and honestly, I'm afraid if I do I will become lost in her completely and that’s something I don’t do. I don't get involved or attached to women. I just fuck em that's all, no connection, no promises, just sex. I can’t give them anything more and I don't want to. So I will keep my distance, finish the job and forget her."

  Taking the bottle of water that Jax hands to me I take off the lid and bring it to my mouth chugging it back until it’s empty, then tossing it into the rubbish bin, and my gaze catches sight of Casey. She’s in what looks like a deep conversation with the British male nurse Mike. But the conversation they’re having seems to be animated and strained, and she looks trapped. Jax follows my gaze “What's up bud?” he asked.


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