Freedom_A Captivating and consuming contemporary romance

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Freedom_A Captivating and consuming contemporary romance Page 19

by J Grayland

  That night in bed after we had made love and he was completely naked, I made it my mission to explore his wonderful tattoos. On his back was a man crouching with his hands covering his face and he had a large pair of wings that kind of drooped around his body. Under his feet was a scroll that had the letters USMC. Running my hands over his back as I straddle his naked butt, “When did you get this one?” I asked him. He had his arms folded underneath his head and his face turned to the side. “That one about 15 years, got it as soon as I enlisted.” Leaning back I ran a hand along the back of his calf muscle where a skeleton wrapped in an American flag, holding a rifle and wearing a helmet was, and before I asked he said, “That one and the ones on my side, about 6 months after the first.” Moving my fingers up to the words that ran down the side of his chest, they read “Death is only one breath away,” Sliding onto the bed, I urged him to turn over so I could look at his other tattoos. On one shoulder he had a collection of skulls in different sizes that ran down and over his huge bicep, that also included the words “Semper fi, never forget the fallen.” On the other shoulder, he had a tribal pattern that covered his shoulder and a small part of his chest on that side. It’s intricate swirls and pattern moved down his arm, covering it in a sleeve. With my fingers tracing along it, I looked at him with arched eyebrows. “That’s been a work in progress I started it about 10 years ago and kept adding to it.”

  “And this?” I touched the tattoo on his right forearm. It was an old-fashioned hourglass and etched in the sand running through it were the words “Mom & Dad.” “This one is beautiful, I can see you and Paxton loved both your parents very much.

  “Yeah, we did,” he said wistfully.

  I curl into his side and he wraps an arm around me, running his fingers up and down my back. “Your turn,” he said, tapping a finger on my own back tattoo.“I got that about 10 years ago. I guess I was in a dark place at the time, and the old dark tree kind of emulated how I was feeling.”

  “And how was that?” he asked.

  “I don’t know….. empty, alone…abandoned. I added the dead leaves turning into black birds flying away later on.” Lifting my hand and turning it over he ran his thumb over the tattooed word on my wrist that said, “Breath” “And this?” he said placing a kiss on the space where his thumb was stroking.

  “Same thing I guess with the anxiety I was suffering from it was my reminder.”

  “Well,” he breathed out, “I can’t ask you about anymore because I have been over every inch of that body and I know that you don’t have any.”

  “Nope, that’s it, what you see is what you get”.

  The next few days passed quicker than I expected and before I knew it I was getting ready for the celebration party that was being held downstairs. I had piled my hair in a knot at the back of my head and left a few wisps of hair to dangle free. I had chosen a white loose-fitting summer dress, as I was told to dress for comfort, not style. I had just applied some cherry lip gloss to my lips when I heard Nate shout up the stairs. “Casey, Paxton and Lynda are here.”

  “Coming,” I answered, and slipped my feet into a flat pair of sandals and headed down the stairs. Looking at Lynda in a pretty light blue summer dress, and the guys in jeans and t-shirts, I felt relieved that I hadn’t overdressed. As soon as I hit the bottom stair Lynda’s smile made me feel instantly relaxed I think I had been doing some over- thinking about this party. I’ve never been big on socializing, I’ve always been a loner out of habit I guess, but since Nate broke into my life I am seeing another side to it that includes family and friendship.

  Once we were in the elevator, Paxton pushed the button for the ground floor Nate stood next to me and I felt his hand snake around my waist and pull me closer into his side. Leaning down close to my ear he whispered, “You look beautiful.” Looking up, I smiled. “Thanks, so do you.”

  The corner of his mouth turned up a little, “Not sure I’ve ever had a woman say that to me before.”

  “I bet you haven’t,” I rolled my eyes at him. The elevator opened and we all walked down to the club room, pushing through the huge wooden doors into an equally huge ballroom, it had tables and chairs set around the perimeter of a dance floor. Along one of the side walls was a long table full of what looked like finger foods and desserts, and at the back wall was a fully functioning bar. Nate told me last night that the club room was usually rented out for weddings and parties. The ceiling of the room had what looked like black and white lengths of silk stretched from one side of the room to the other in an alternating pattern, with large crystal chandeliers hanging under the silk. The walls were white and the floor looked like shiny black marble. It was a stunning room Nate ushered me over to a table and pulled out a chair for me to sit, then sat in the chair next to me, placing his arm around the back of my chair. Paxton seated Lynda, then headed over to the bar, returning a few minutes later with two beers for himself and Nate, a glass of water for Lynda and a glass of white sparkling wine for me.

  As we sat, chatted and munched on an assortment of tasty finger food, I glanced around the room taking in King’s employees. They all looked happy and relaxed. Every so often someone would stop by our table and talk to Nate and Paxton. It was good to see such content looking staff who obviously had a lot of respect for their boss’s and vice versa. The music that had been playing in the background suddenly stopped and an older looking man with a bald head, wearing jeans and a polo shirt started walking towards our table holding a microphone then speaking into it. “Ok, can I have everyone’s attention please.” The bustle of noise and talking grew silent and he continued looking between Nate and Paxton as he spoke. “I just want to say on behalf of your employees, we thank you for appreciating us.” Paxton and Nate both laughed and in unison said: “You’re welcome.”

  “So if everyone will raise their glasses in the air and let’s toast two of the most honorable men in the business.” The bald man said holding up his glass and voices sounded out all through the room in appreciation, then the microphone was passed to Nate. Taking it he stood and cleared his throat.

  “Thank you, everyone, for all your hard work. Without it, we wouldn’t have scored the contract for one of the biggest banks in the country.” Nate paused momentarily and the room was filled with clapping and whooping sounds from the crowd. “So, enjoy the food and the open bar, but not too much because we’ll expect you back at work early Monday morning.” The crowd let out a groan and then the background music grew louder as the lights dimmed slightly and people started to gather on the dance floor.

  Nate leaned in toward me. “I’m just going to go and talk with some of the employees will you be ok?” he asked “Sure. You go mingle I’m fine.” He brought my hand up to his mouth and planted a kiss on my palm, causing my cheeks to warm slightly. He tilted his chin up to Paxton motioning for him to join him, Paxton gave Lynda a kiss on the cheek and left with Nate then Lynda turned to me.

  “They’re like a pair of bookends.”

  “I know but It’s good to see they get along so well,” I said.

  “They certainly do, I guess it came from only having each other for a while.”

  “Yes, Nate told me about his parents, did you ever get to meet them?” I asked her.

  “No, they had passed away before I met Paxton, but from what I know they were very close-knit, I wish I would have met them they both sounded like wonderful, loving parents.” I nodded at her response then asked.“So how did you and Paxton meet?”

  A warm smile spread across her face at my question. “He came into a gallery exhibition where I was one of the featured artists. He was interested in buying one of my paintings, we started talking, followed by dinner and that’s all it took.”

  “Must have been love at first sight then huh?” I said.

  “Something like that.” She smiled.

  “That’s wonderful, you make a beautiful couple.”

  “So do you and Nate,” she said lifting a brow.

  “I’m no
t sure we’re a couple exactly,” I said hesitantly.

  “Really? Are you blind? he is awestruck by you Casey. I have never seen him so…so comfortable and at ease with a woman like he is with you, not that I’ve met many of his lady friends, but occasionally we would meet up for dinner with him and he would bring a date, but that would be it, we would never see them again.” “So no long-term relationships then?” I asked curiously.

  “Never. He spent so many years in the Marines, I don’t think he liked to get too close to people, you know? He lost a lot of good buddies over the years from what little Paxton has told me, so he was always very guarded, but with you he’s…different.”

  “Yeah, but you’re forgetting I’m living in his Penthouse at the moment, so he doesn’t have much choice but to see me.”

  She placed a hand on my arm. “Believe me it’s different. Remember I’m here on the outside looking in and I can see plenty. Now, if you’ll excuse me for a moment, this baby needs a trip to the powder room.” She smiled and rubbed her protruding belly, stood and headed to the back hall next to the bar. Bringing my glass up to my mouth to take a sip of my wine, I looked up and saw someone walking towards me that I didn’t particularly want to see tonight, Charlie, slithering towards me like a snake in her skin- tight little black dress and spiked heels, right down to the way her tongue slipped out of her mouth and over her bottom lip, I’m pretty sure I could hear the hiss from here.

  Helping herself to a chair at the table next to me, she sat elegantly crossing her legs. I took another sip of my wine and placed the glass on the table. “And what do I owe the pleasure of your company, Charlie?” I asked, giving her a sideways glance. She looked around the room, then brought her head back to face me.

  “Nothing, I just thought I’d be sociable.” She said sweetly.

  “Really,” I sighed. “That’s very considerate of you but I’m sure there are plenty of other’s here who would love your company, I’m just not one of them.”

  “Now don’t be like that I just figured we both have something in common.”

  “And what would that be?”

  “Nate,” she said, nodding in the direction to where Nate was talking to a couple of people next to the bar.

  “That would be Mr. King to you, wouldn’t it?” I said with a bite, and the sweet smile she had been displaying the whole time she had been sitting here faltered a little.

  “Let’s just say it’s Mr. King in the office, but Nate in all the other places.” She said grinning.

  “Huh huh” I sighed out, now bored with her innuendo’s. She moves a little closer to me and lowers her voice.

  “Come on now, don’t tell me you think you’re the only one he’s fucking.”

  NOW, she had my whole attention. “Funny, I didn’t see anyone else in bed with us last night…or this morning, come to think of it” I chuckled, and she snapped out her hand and gripped my arm. Looking down at where her long pink nails were just starting to make indentations in my skin, then looking up at the somewhat psychotic look on her face, I calmly say, “You have about 2 seconds to get your hand off me before I break every bone in it.” Instantly pulling her hand away she snarled. “You are one of many. You’re disposable, you’re a temporary toy for him to play with until he gets bored with you.”

  “And what makes you think he’ll get bored?” I said.

  She paused for a moment then stared straight into my eyes, when she said, “You see, what I’m sure you haven’t figured out yet, is that Nathanial King is dominant in the bedroom. He has very particular sexual needs, he likes to fuck hard and rough and he doesn’t care who he hurts in the process, and I know all about your sexual hang-ups, about your broken past and how he pursued you until he got you into bed. Even you’re smart enough to realize you were a challenge to him and he loves the pursuit.”

  I am temporarily stunned by her words, but I quickly recover, because there is no way I am going to let her see that she has shocked me. Looking at her, I press my hand against my mouth and fake a yawn. “You’re boring me Charlie, and aren’t you late for your night time shift, you know the one where you stand on the street corner and swing your purse to attract the customers?” The anger that spread over her face made me think for a moment that I might have to duck from her girly slap, but we were interrupted by Lynda coming back to the table. As she sat down, Charlie stood up and quickly walked away. Lynda looks at me questioningly, “She’s a bitch,” I shrug, and we both laugh.

  A few minutes later Paxton circled back around to the table and sat next to Lynda, placing an arm around the back of her chair, leaning in and kissing the corner of her mouth. “How you doing honey?” he said to her with such love and concern it made me smile.

  “I’m getting tired and uncomfortable,” she sighed.

  “Ok, then it’s time for me to take you home,” he said kissing her again.

  “You’re not driving home this late are you?” I asked Paxton.

  “Sure, it’s all good, we’re used to the long commute.”

  “Why don’t you just spend the night up at the Penthouse in the other guest room? I’m sure Nate would agree.” I said.

  Paxton looked at Lynda. “I am pretty tired but it’s up to you babe and Nate.” She said placing a hand on his thigh.

  “Casey’s right, Nate would insist I’m sorry honey I didn’t realize we would be here this long. I should have thought it out better.” Paxton said.

  Lynda cupped the side of his face. “It’s fine babe.”

  “Ok, I’ll just let Nate know and I’ll take you up.” Paxton stood.

  “It’s ok babe, I can get in an elevator by myself and put myself to bed. You stay and enjoy some chill time with your brother.” Seeing the look of hesitation on Paxton’s face, I jumped in, “I’ll take her up and get her settled Paxton. I’m pretty tired myself.” Paxton looked back at Lynda.

  “Are you sure?” he asked her again.

  “Yeah babe, go, I’ll be fine.” Kissing her cheek, he said, “Ok, but I’ll be up soon.”

  “Just let Nate know where I’ve gone, ok,” I said to Paxton standing.

  “Sure thing and thanks, Casey.” He smiled.

  “Not a problem”.

  After settling Lynda in the guest room I took a shower and slid in between the cool soft sheets of the bed but when I closed my eyes all that was going through my head was what Charlie had said.“I know about your sexual hang-ups and your broken past.” How would she know anything personal about me? And how the hell does she know so much about Nate’s sex life? He told me that he had never slept with Charlie but she sure seemed to know a lot about him, something just doesn’t add up, and the more I mull it around in my brain the angrier it’s making me. Logically I know that she is a manipulative bitch who wants Nate. I’m pretty sure there is no level low enough that she wouldn’t go to, to have him, but still how would she know anything about my sexual past unless she had heard it from someone.”You can’t give him what he wants, he likes to fuck hard and rough.” Did he? Every time we had made love he was always gentle and patient, was he doing that for me? Was I denying him something? My stomach rolled with anxiety and I could hear my heart starting to beat loud in my chest, working its way up into the thumping in my head. Taking some deep calming breaths in through my nose and out through my mouth, I eventually relax enough to fall asleep.

  Chapter Twenty-eight


  Looking over at the table where Casey and Lynda had been sitting, it was now empty and Paxton was heading towards me. “Where are the girls,” I asked.

  “Lynda was tired and I think Casey had had enough so they went upstairs. Sorry bro, it looks like you have house guests for the night.”

  Waving away his apology with concern, I asked, “Is Lynda ok?”

  “Yeah, it doesn’t take much to exhaust her these days.” Paxton slapped me on the back. “All’s good, this should be winding down soon, drink your beer and relax.” Giving Paxton a nod, I tilted the neck of
the bottle to my mouth and drained it of what was left of the amber liquid.

  Paxton was right and not too long after people started to slowly drizzle out of the club room. We headed up to the Penthouse. It was quiet with only the light from the standing lamp that stood in the foyer lighting the stairs. After saying goodnight to Paxton as he entered the guest room, I quietly opened the door to Casey’s room. For the past week I hadn’t slept in my own bed at all and truthfully, I didn’t miss it. I was getting used to Casey’s hot little body snuggled up to me all night and I had the added benefit of morning sex- not to mention sex through the night. Moving to the side of the bed, I could make out the outline of her curves under the sheet. She was facing away from me and her blonde hair spilled out over the pillow behind her and, through the silence of the room, I could hear her breathing, heavy and deep. Not wanting to disturb her, I slipped off my jeans and shirt and pulling back the sheet and slowly slid into bed behind her. As I placed my arm around her waist she flinched slightly but relaxed back into me, and the warmth of her body instantly made my own body relax and before I knew it, I had drifted off.

  Waking up, I had to squint against the glare of the light that was coming in around the edge of the blind on the window. Of all the places on my body it could zero in on, it managed to find my left eye. Groaning, I rolled over onto my side and run a hand over the now empty space next to me. “So much for my morning sex, sorry boy looks like you’ll have to wait,” I said, looking down at the erection that was now tenting the sheet. Sitting up on the edge of the bed I pulled last night’s jeans on and went into my own room, took a quick shower and changed into a clean pair of sweats and a t-shirt and headed down the stairs I came to a stop halfway down at the sight of Casey, dressed in a loose-fitting white shirt and a pair of shorts, standing at my stove stirring what looked like scrambled eggs in a pan. Lynda and Paxton both sat on stools at the kitchen island that separated them from Casey. Lowering myself to sit on the stair, I leaned my elbows on my knees and watched her move around the kitchen efficiently and freely. How can someone look so elegant and sensual cooking breakfast? She looked so carefree and comfortable right now, and I wanted to just sit here and watch her for the rest of the day. That’s when it hit me right in the gut like a sucker punch, I wanted to watch her cook in my kitchen every day, every month of every year from now on. I couldn’t let her go. Just the thought of her not being here gave me an ache right in the middle of my chest and damn if I was letting her go…not now…not ever…she is mine.


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