Freedom_A Captivating and consuming contemporary romance

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Freedom_A Captivating and consuming contemporary romance Page 22

by J Grayland

  “Did the woman say anything?”

  “She looked too scared to say anything, he had her pulled into him close like he was forcing her to walk the same way.”

  “That’s great Louise, did you see which way they went?”

  “No sir, I only saw them leave through this door and down the alley.”

  “That’s great, thank you for your help”.

  Heading back towards the car, my phone buzzed. Answering it I said, “Paxton, tell me you have something?”

  “Ok, well the tracker shows her leaving the back of the Safeway, down the alley and left on to 14th Avenue then down to Johnston Street, where the signal was lost.”


  “I know, I’ve notified the local police and I pulled in some of our own guys. They’re down there now going over everything. Oh! And Jackson’s heading your way. He’s bringing a detailed map of the area.” Closing my eyes and taking in a deep breath, I had to keep a lid on the rage that was coursing through every inch of my body, I needed to channel it into finding Casey, instead of thinking about what I was going to do with the mother fucker who was behind this. Paxton’s voice broke into my thoughts.


  “Yeah, I’m still here,” I answered.

  “We’ll find her, Ok?”

  “Just keep me posted. I want to know as soon as anyone knows anything and I want to know when the tracker on her phone comes back on.”

  “Absolutely, now go do what you’re good at and find her”.

  Minutes turned into hours. We went over every inch of ground, following the different paths that we thought she may have been taken, figuring she was on foot then changing tactics for if she was taken by vehicle. The local cops had roadblocks checking cars and trucks, but nothing, it was like looking for a needle in a haystack, with the small amount of information we had. I hung on to hope that Casey still had her phone and she would turn it on again if she could… “Fuck” I cursed, sitting down on a bench. I took out my phone and pressed her number for the hundredth time tonight, only to get her message bank service. Putting my head into my hands and rubbing my face. “Where the hell are you?” I asked into the darkness of the night.

  “That’s exactly what I want to know too,” a gruff voice answered. Looking up, I see Jax amble up and sit next to me on the bench.

  “How the fuck did this happen?” his voice was low and tinged with irritation.

  “Someone grabbed her at the grocery store,” I said.

  “She was supposed to have someone with her 24/7 Nate.”

  “She had Nick with her.”

  “And he didn’t see it coming?” he almost spat the words out.

  “No, he said she made him wait outside,” I said.

  “What the fuck? And he listened to her? What the fuck is wrong with him?”

  Nodding in agreement, I said through gritted teeth.“That’s what I want to know.” Jax stood up shoving his hands into the front of his jeans.

  “You know if something happens to her this whole thing was for nothing, right?” he said, arms outstretched. Standing up to face him, my rage now coming to the surface again, I got in his face.

  “You don’t think I know that you asshole? Nick fucked up but I’ll deal with him later, right now Casey is more important.”

  “If anything happens to her…” I cut him off in mid-sentence.

  “Don’t even think about any other alternative but finding her?” I said through gritted teeth. Jax blew out a breath and my phone buzzed in my pocket. Pulling it out I saw Paxton’s name on the screen, shoving it against my ear and answering “Paxton, tell me you have something.”

  “Phone came back on about 3 minutes ago, the tracker is showing it’s at Oaks Amusement Park.”

  “Got it, we’re on our way”.

  Chapter Thirty-one


  Why I had convinced Nick to wait outside the store while I ran in and grabbed a few things was beyond me. How could I have been so stupid? Because this whole situation is beyond believable, that’s why this stuff only happens in the movies, not in real life. That’s it, I must have fallen asleep while watching a movie, but that doesn’t explain the wetness soaking through my jeans right now or the stinging of the graze on my cheek, or the burning sensation in my lungs either.

  Images flicked back and forth through my mind, making a storyboard. Nick looking pissed as I left him leaning against the SUV, grabbing a basket instead of a cart at the entrance, placing some bananas and apples in the basket, reaching up onto a shelf for a jar of honey, turning and running into a brick wall of a man, his arm wrapping around my waist, his fingers pinching hard into my skin. Something hard pressed into my ribs, then he leaned down and in a low voice said: “I have a gun, put the basket on the floor and come with me, make a scene and I will shoot anyone in here who gets in my way, you got that?” I tried to speak but the words were stuck in my throat somewhere so I just nodded and placed the basket down onto the floor. “Give me your phone.

  “What?” I stammered out.

  “Your phone, now” he growled. Reaching into the pocket of my jeans and pulling out my phone, I slapped it into his hand. He flicked off the power switch on the side and shoved it into his own pocket, walking briskly towards the back of the store and through an opening that read STAFF ONLY across the top of it. Confronted by an older woman, I tried to warn her with a look that this was not someone to be starting an argument with. Once we hit the alley I dragged my feet on account of this guy is so big, he had a lot of weight behind him and he was using it to force me to walk forward at a fast pace.

  When we got to the end of the alley he stopped, breathing hard and looking around, he let out a curse, the gun that he was pressing into my side moved and he shoved it behind his back and into his pants, then he pulled out a phone and pressed a number. “Where the fuck are you? Well, hurry up.” He grumbled into the phone. This was my chance, he had to put the gun away because he couldn’t hold it and me and use the phone to find out why his ride wasn’t where it was supposed to be. Pulling all my strength together, I struggled to break his hold on my wrist. His grip was like steel. He pushed me against the wall, my cheek scraping against the brick, but I struggled and turned to face him. Bringing up my knee I thrust it forward with every bit of energy I had, and I swear I heard his balls make a cracking sound as my knee made contact. Letting go of my wrist, he bent over clutching his junk, moaning. I gave him one big shove and he toppled over onto the floor. Reaching down and shoving my hand into his pocket, I grabbed my phone and I ran. I had no idea where I was going, I only knew I had to get as far away as possible from him before he got up.

  Staying out on the main streets, I ran up one street to another taking turns and side streets, my mind was coursing with fear and my body with adrenaline. I had no idea what I was doing, the only thing going through my mind was to get somewhere safe. The sun was starting to go down, it would be dark soon. Running into a small park, I saw what looked like amusement rides. Looking around I couldn’t see anyone and everything was in darkness, slipping through the gate I jogged over towards a small white building, pushing through the door and collapsing onto the concrete floor I pulled myself into a corner. The floor was wet and cold and there was a stench of urine in the air that made me heave as I tried to gulp air into my burning lungs. I felt like I had been hit by a freight train full of emotions and it had just smashed into my body, exhaustion, terror, and trepidation flooded through me and it’s so dark in here, so fucking dark. Wiping the damp hair off my face, I rubbed my eyes trying to clean the sweat out of them so I could focus. After a few moments my eyes adjusted to the darkness and I took in where I was, with two doors and a sink in the corner, I had come into a public bathroom.

  Standing up I turned the water on in the sink and scooped some into my hands bringing it up to my mouth and greedily drinking, then I splashed some onto my face. The sting of cold water hitting my skin helped me to sober to my situation and clear my f
ogginess of anxiety. Sliding my hand into my back pocket, I pulled out the phone and turned on the power switch, waiting for it to boot up and give me just a glimmer of the light that I was so desperately craving right now. Flipping to the contacts, I pressed Nate’s number, ringing twice he answered “Casey?”

  “Nate” I breathed out in relief.

  “Are you ok?” his voice was full of concern and haste.

  “Yes...I’m in some kind of amusement park, but it’s dark,” I told him.

  “Hold tight baby we’re on our way, just stay with me on the phone ok?” I moved into the corner again and crouched down.

  “I’m sorry….I was so, so stupid” I sobbed.

  “Shhh,” he soothed, “It’s ok, it’s not your fault.”

  “I should have listened, but this is just so…crazy.”

  “I know baby, I know.” The soothing sound of his voice brought some warmth into my body.

  “I see lights Nate” panic riddles my words.

  “It’s ok that’s me and Jax pulling up out the front, just stay where you are and we’ll come to you ok?”


  Hearing the slamming of car doors and the crunch of boots on the gravel brought me some relief but when the door pushed open and I heard his voice, I felt my fear deflate like a balloon. “Casey.” Nate’s voice was low and calming as he came over to where I was crouching in the corner. Bending down and placing one strong arm around my waist and hooking the other arm under my knees he scooped me up into his arms and against his body. I wrapped my arms around his neck and burrowed my face into his shoulder. He carried me back to the car with ease and soothing words. Once we were back at the car, I felt the warmth of a blanket being wrapped around me, and I heard Jax say, “Thank fucking Christ.” A door opened and Nate bent and slid into the back seat with me still in his arms, adjusting me and the blanket on his knees.

  With the movement of the car, I pressed in harder to Nate’s hard chest. I could feel his heart beating against my cheek, his warmth calming as he pressed a kiss to the top of my head. When the car stopped he got out with me still in his arms, his astonishing strength never wavering. Keeping my eyes tightly closed, I felt the ascending of the elevator, then out and up the stairs to the bathroom. Letting my legs slide down to a standing position, holding onto my arms until he was sure I had my balance, he turned the water on in the bathtub and steam started to fill the room. Turning to me and without saying a word, he peeled off my clothes, piece by piece, and while he held my hand he motioned for me to step into the steamy water, sliding into the warmth and comfort that made me shiver. Sitting on the side of the bathtub he picked up a washcloth, dipped it into the water and brought it up to my sore cheek, gently pressing it against the raw skin. “I just want to clean the dirt out of it ok?” Nodding I let him take care of me, watching as he rubbed soap on the washcloth and this time ran it over my arms, pausing and cursing under his breath when he saw the dark finger mark bruises on my wrists and arms. His eyes flickered back and forth from my skin to my eyes, a mixture of emotions so pure and raw that I had to look away.

  “I’ll go down and make you something to eat, you must be starving?” he said in a low voice, I gave him a nod. “Will you be ok on your own?” Another nod of my head and he stood and left me to wash my hair and let the warmth of the water seep into my skin and slowly bring my body back to life.

  After drying myself off, I looked in the mirror at the deep red scrape on my cheek and winced. Wrapping myself in a bathrobe I headed for the stairs to the low sound of voices. Nate, Paxton, and Jax were deep in conversation and as I hit the bottom stair they all stopped and turned to look at me. Nate walked over, took my hand, and led me to sit on the couch. On the table in front of me was a steaming hot mug of coffee and a plate with a sandwich on it. “Eat something baby,” Nate soothed. Picking up the sandwich and taking a bite of it, I swear it was the best thing I have ever tasted, and when it hit the pit of my empty stomach, it agreed.

  They all stood and watched me first eat the sandwich, then take a mouthful of coffee “Guys please sit down. You’re making me feel really uncomfortable here.” I said looking up at them. Nate took a seat on the couch next to me, Paxton sat on the couch across from us and Jax just stood with his hands shoved into his pockets. “I think you should go to the hospital and get checked out,” Nate said.

  “I’m ok apart from what you’ve already seen,” I said gesturing to my cheek.

  “He’s right, better to be safe than sorry,” Jax said.

  “I’m fine. I would know if I needed any medical treatment because us doctors kind of know these things,” I said, with a slight grin trying to make a joke and lighten the mood in the room, but looking at the serious looks on their faces they were not amused. “Look, I’m sorry I convinced Nick to wait outside. It was stupid and I’m sorry for causing so much trouble and wasting your time.”

  “Stop” Nate ordered. “ Yes, what you did was foolish and reckless, but don’t ever think that you’re trouble or a waste of time. We were all worried and frantic. I’ve had almost every person and cop out looking for you and before you think it, not because you’re a client, but because we care about you.” Looking up and taking in the somber looks on all three of their faces, I let out a sigh.

  “I’m sorry, it was my own fault.”

  “I think we need to share some of the blame as well,” Jax said. “I think we thought after Nate’s visit to Peterson the threat of anything happening was significantly lower than what it was.”

  “Looks like he’ll be getting another visit very soon,” Nate said tipping his chin at Jax.

  “But do we know if it had anything to do with him?” I ask, and Jax shakes his head, “Not a hundred percent but I wouldn’t put anything past him”.

  Nate looked at Jax then turned his gaze to me “Are you ready to go through what happened?” I nod and sink back into the couch, then starting at the beginning I go through everything that had happened pausing here and there trying to recall all the details that I could. “Yep, I’d say that’s Peterson, he’s the only asshole that would pull such a second class shoddy stunt” Jax drawled, standing Nate ran his hand over his face, then he turned to Paxton.

  “I need you to take Casey to the beach house Ok?”

  “Sure thing” Paxton nodded. Nate then turned to me “We need to get you dressed and pack you a bag for a few days ok?”

  “Err, no it’s not okay,” I said jumping up from where I was sitting.

  “Doc” Nate started but I cut him off.

  “No Nate I’m staying right here” now standing in front of me he ran his hands calmly up and down my arms.

  “Babe, don’t fight me on this, I need you to go with Paxton just for a few days, I want to be able to sort this out and know that you’re safe.”

  “Look, I would rather stay here and take my chances than drag this shit down to Paxton’s beach house and put his pregnant wife in any danger, I will not do that to either of them.”

  Paxton jolted up from his seat “Casey, he’s right the beach house is safe and secluded and it’s fitted with one of the best high tech security systems, plus I’ll take a couple of our own guys down there.”

  “Paxton no, Lynda doesn’t need this type of stress at this stage of her pregnancy” I argued.

  “Casey, she will be more stressed by you being here I promise you, I wouldn’t take any unnecessary risks with the safety of my wife and baby” sitting back down on the couch I dropped my head into my hands this all felt so wrong and so surreal, what I really wanted to do was get into bed and sleep then wake up to find out this was all a bad dream, but looking up and seeing the look on all three faces of these intelligent, strong men and the potent over powering testosterone in the air, it brought me back to reality, standing I threw my hands up in defeat “Fine, you win” I said heading up the stairs to my room.

  Dressing in a pair of jeans, a tank and pulling on an oversized sweatshirt of Nate’s that I had borr
owed out of his wardrobe one night I slipped into my sneakers and hastily shoved some clothes and toiletries into my backpack, picking up my iPod and phone on the way downstairs “Ok, let’s go” I called out. Nate walked across the room until he stood right in front of me “Paxton will take you to the beach house and I’ll follow you there in a couple of hours ok?” giving him a slanted look I asked, “Why?”

  “Jax and I have some business to take care of first” Looking between Nate and Jax I watched as they gave each other a knowing look then looked away from each other. “You’re going to see Peterson aren’t you?” neither one of them answered me Nate just placed his hands on my shoulders and kissed the top of my head “Go with Paxton I’ll be right behind you” looking up at his face those gray eyes of his searched mine and I saw unease, I also saw a restrained fury.

  “Nate, please” I pleaded.

  “Everything will be fine, I promise” he lightly brushed his lips against mine and the next minute Paxton and I were standing in the elevator heading down to the garage.

  Chapter Thirty-two


  Pacing back and forth in front of Jax, I was relieved that Casey had actually done what I had asked without too much argument and gone to the beach house with Paxton, I knew she would be protected there and after the events of the day, the ocean brought her so much calmness and comfort and I needed for her to feel safe, my thoughts were interrupted by Jax. “Geez, man stand still you're making me feel tired here just watching you” stopping and rubbing my hand along the back of my neck I looked at him.

  “I think better when I pace.”

  “There’s nothing much to think about, let’s just pay the bastard a visit and knock him the fuck out!”


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