Freedom_A Captivating and consuming contemporary romance

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Freedom_A Captivating and consuming contemporary romance Page 26

by J Grayland

  Nodding, he said, “Yeah, I’m better now we’re at the hospital I had visions of something happening before we even got her here.”

  “Do you want us to wait with you?” Nate asked.

  “No man, it could be hours, you two go home, get some food and I’ll text you with updates.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yeah, I’m good, thanks Nate for everything.”

  “You’re welcome, now go back in there and be with your wife, she’ll need someone to swear at.” Nate grinned and Paxton came and took me in what I can only describe as a bear hug and said, “Thanks, Casey, you’re a gem.”

  “My pleasure, glad I could help”. We watched Paxton push through the doors to the maternity ward. Nate took hold of my hand as we headed out to the car and back to the Penthouse.

  Chapter Thirty-six


  Back at the Penthouse, we sat on the couch watching a movie while we tucked into a pizza that we had grabbed on the way back. I sat my cell phone on the coffee table and we relaxed and waited. After cleaning up the remains of the pizza, I lay stretched out on the couch with Casey snuggly in front of me. I felt the instant her body relaxed and her breathing fell into a deeper pattern, and I knew she had dozed off. It had been a long and stressful day, but knowing that soon my little brother would become a father, made it all worth it. It’s pretty amazing to realize that it has been just me and Paxton for so long, and now there was going to be a new generation of the King family. How much had our lives changed over the past year, first Paxton and Lynda getting married and the pregnancy, and this woman laying snug in my arms that had been almost thrust into my life and she’s made such a difference, made me think about a relationship……and forever, this woman just blew me out of the water.

  When the phone buzzed with an incoming text, I reached across and grabbed it. It was Paxton. Lynda is in full labor, the baby should be here soon. Running my fingers across the letters, I asked if he wanted us back in the waiting room and his quick reply of a smiley face told me that he did. Leaning down and brushing small kisses along Casey’s jawline until her eyes flickered open, I said, “We’ve got to go baby.” Rubbing her eyes and sitting up, she said, “I’ll just grab a jacket”.

  When we were back sitting in the waiting room she leaned her head against my shoulder and once again we waited and waited until we were startled by the doors opening and Paxton walking through. He looked tired and haggard and elated with pride and joy. The beam of his smile was so illuminating, his face told me everything. “It’s a beautiful baby girl,” he exhaled. Casey wrapped her arms around him.

  “Congratulations, that’s wonderful, how is Lynda?” she asked him.

  “She’s a champion, I can’t believe she did that, I am so amazed.” Taking my brother in a bear hug, I said: “I am so proud of you.”

  “Well come on in and meet the new King in the family”.

  Following Paxton and taking Casey’s hand, we walked down the hall and into the room where Lynda lay cradling a small bundle. Leaning down I placed a kiss on her forehead. “Hey momma, how you doing.”

  “Tired but fantastic” she beamed.

  I looked down at the little pink cherub face amongst the folds of the blanket and looked back to Lynda. “She’s beautiful,” I said. Casey gave Lynda a kiss on the cheek and looked down at the baby. “Oh, Lynda she is so precious.” Lynda looked up at Paxton. “Here babe you take her so uncle Nate can have a hold.”

  “Sure honey,” Paxton said, slowly taking the baby and turning to me.

  “Paxton I don’t think…” I said with trepidation.

  “That’s right, don’t think, just hold.” Placing the tiny warm bundle against my chest and moving my hands to where they needed to be, I looked down into her tiny face and just basked in her beauty. Looking up at Paxton now standing next to the hospital bed, holding Lynda’s hand, I asked: “Have you thought of a name yet?”

  “We thought Emily Jean,” Paxton said, and a small pang of pain hit my chest.

  “After mom?” I breathed out.

  “Yeah, what do you think?” Paxton asked me. Looking back down at this beautiful little girl I said, “Hi, Emily Jean, I’m your Uncle Nate.” She felt so small in my arms; all I could do was stare at her tiny features.

  After a while, Paxton said, “Ok, Uncle Nate, let Casey have a hold now.” Turning towards where Casey was sitting in a chair in the corner, I made my way over to her and placed little Emily in her arms. She stared up at me wide-eyed then down at Emily. I watched as her fingers gently brushed against the fine dark hair on Emily’s head then along the tight little fist that she had shoved into her mouth. “Look at you,” she softly cooed .“You are so beautiful.” When Casey’s eyes moved up to where mine were watching her, I saw tears brimming in her beautiful blue eyes. I also saw a deep pain and sadness in them. Standing, Casey handed Emily back to Lynda. “I think she may be hungry the way she’s attacking that little fist of hers. She is absolutely gorgeous guys.”

  “Thanks, Casey,” Lynda said.

  Saying our goodbyes and giving them both some privacy so Lynda could feed Emily, I took Casey by the hand and back to the car. She was quiet on the drive back. I glanced quickly at her several times, but I could tell her shutters were back up in full force. Once we were in the elevator I broke the silence. “Are you Ok?” “Yes fine, I’m just so tired.” Nodding at her response, although not completely happy with her excuse, I needed to let it go for tonight and give her space and some sleep.

  Opening my eyes to what sounded like a wounded animal in pain, for just a second I had to think if I was having a nightmare. Sometimes I have, on occasion had flashback memories from my time in the military but as I turn my head, I see Casey moving her head back and forth on the pillow, her face twisted into a painful grimace and covered in perspiration making her hairline look damp. Her hands fisted into the sheets at her sides. Leaning up on one elbow and running my fingers across her cheek, I speak in a low tone, trying not to wake her up too abruptly. “Casey, it’s ok baby, I’m here, you’re ok.” Her eyes flick open fast as she gasps in a breath. Pulling her into my arms and stroking my hand along her back I soothed into the hair on top of her head, “Shhh, I got you.” After several moments, her breathing changed from panting to a steady pattern. Pulling away from me she sat up on the side of the bed.

  “Sorry I didn’t mean to…” her words trailed off as she rubbed her palms against her eyes.

  “No, don’t be. Was it a bad dream?” Shaking her head and standing, she said, “Something like that. You go back to sleep. I’m going to go down and get a cool drink.” As she walked towards the door, I got up and pulled a pair of sleep pants on that were on the floor next to the bed and followed her. She turned and placed her hand on my chest. “I’m ok, go back to bed”

  “Nope.” Already knowing me so well, she sighed, turned, and went down to the kitchen. Pulling out two glasses she poured us both a glass of juice.

  Watching her sip juice from the glass, I said: “Talk to me.”

  Looking down at the glass in her hand, she said “Just a bad dream.”

  “Wonder what brought it on?” I said to myself. but she heard me and shrugged her shoulders. Looking up at her, I asked: “Was it the baby?” She stared at me momentarily, then shrugged her shoulders again, I knew I had to tread carefully with whatever I said next, but I needed to. “I remember once you said that you couldn’t get pregnant, you just never said why.” I watched as she bent her head to the side and rubbed at her neck.

  “The scars, I told you I had an accident,” she said.

  “And you were told what? That it’s impossible?”

  “Not impossible, but improbable…. A million to one chance they said,” she said in a low tone.

  “I’m sorry Doc, I can see how today would have stirred up some emotions for you.”

  “Yeah, I guess.” Draining the last of her juice she took both empty glasses, rinsed them and put them into the dish
washer, her body language letting me know this was a subject she didn’t want to get into and I have learned the hard way to not push too hard. “Coming back to bed?” she said.

  Looking at her and grinning, I said, “Hey you never have to ask me that question twice.”

  “I mean to sleep you pervert, you have to get up for work in a few hours.” Pulling her into my arms and placing a soft kiss on her lips and smiling. I said. “I know, doesn’t stop me from trying though.” Taking her face in my hands, I rubbed both thumbs along her cheeks, tilting her face up so I could look into her eyes. “You know you can talk to me about anything right?” She nodded, and I brushed my lips against hers once more, before we went back upstairs and got into bed.

  Within the next few days Paxton had taken Lynda and his beautiful daughter home, and he was taking some time off from work to stay with them both. Casey’s low mood had disappeared and we made plans to go down to the beach house over the weekend and spend time with Paxton, Lynda, and Emily. When I had first mentioned it, Casey thought that maybe they would like to spend some alone time getting to know their new baby, that was until Paxton rang and insisted that we come and spend the weekend and how they would feel more confident knowing there was a doctor in the house. Casey had laughed and told him that she was not a pediatrician or an expert on babies, but as far as he was concerned a doctor was a doctor and so when I finished work late Friday afternoon, we packed the SUV and headed down to the beach house.

  Chapter Thirty-seven


  Friday night Paxton and Nate manned the BBQ, while Lynda and I sat and talked babies, not my most favorite subject but looking at the beaming face of a new mother, I couldn’t help but share in her happiness too it was quite infectious. I loved being here at the beach house, it was a whole world away from the bustle of the city. The constant smell of the salty breeze, the sound of the ocean waves crashing over the sand, and the calmness of the house. It was a wonderful place.

  After dinner, Nate tried his hand at holding Emily again. I couldn’t help but smile watching his awkward big hands moving gently around her and the intense, frightened look he had on his face the whole time he held her. He was so focused, I watched as he gently stroked his fingers across her dark fine, wispy hair, how her little hand gripped onto his finger and how he spoke softly to her, telling her how beautiful she was. I almost went into a trance-like state watching and admiring him, and I felt a slight pang in the middle of my chest as I realized how much of a loving father he would make someday and how I may not be able to provide him with that child. Every time I think about the relationship between us it always points to the same conclusion. Logically I don’t know if I can give him a fulfilling life with a perfect ending, and I’m not sure if the feelings and chemistry we have for each other will be enough to get us through either.

  On feeling the sting of tears starting to well behind my eyes, I excuse myself to the bathroom, where I sit and compose my thoughts and try to deal with the tug of war my head and my heart keep having. Sometimes I just wish I didn’t have to think so deep into things and just take life as it comes, warts and all. What I needed was to find the right moment to talk with Nate, tell him all my thoughts and fears about everything, just simply communicate and absorb his strength. Satisfied with that thought and deciding that if I stay in the bathroom any longer it would cause Nate to seek me out, I felt calmer and relaxed enough to go back out.

  Seeing that Lynda had taken Emily into the bedroom to nurse her, and with no signs of Nate or Paxton, I headed out to the back porch and stretched out on a sun lounger and let the cool breeze drift over my skin. It was so relaxing and serene that I must have dozed off because I awoke to the low sound of Nate’s voice against my ear. “You look so sexy when you’re sleeping.”

  “Wow I didn’t mean to fall asleep,” I said with a yawn.

  “Come on,” he said holding out his hands to me.“Let’s go to bed.” Pulling me up to my feet, he wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me snuggly into his body. “I intend to do wicked things to you,” he growled.

  “Really? In your brother’s house? What if he hears us?” I whisper to him, and he presses an open mouth kiss against the side of my neck.

  “Then I might have to gag you unless you can achieve a silent orgasm.”

  ”Hmm not sure I can be that silent,” I smile up at him.

  “Then a gag it is,” he chuckles as he pulls me inside of the house, bolting the door behind him.

  Waking the next morning snuggled up to Nate’s warm body, my face pressed against his chest and my leg over the top of his, I smile to myself as I remember what we did when we got to bed last night. He didn’t use a gag, but he did cover my mouth with his hand at one stage when he had me losing all of my senses as he drove me to the edge of madness and back repeatedly for at least three hours. I could see through the small gap in the curtains that it was light outside but decide I would much rather be exactly where I was right at this moment, I snuggled in deeper, closed my eyes and went back to sleep.

  It was a perfect weekend of swimming, walking on the beach, and for the first time in my life, I actually felt like part of a family. The feelings that were coursing through my body were unexplainable like my body, mind and soul were clean and all the years of scars were healing. I felt elated, euphoric, I felt…, and it had been given to me by this perfect man that had somehow taught me to trust and have confidence and power to take control of my thoughts and feelings. I know that I can lean on Nate’s big muscular shoulders if I need to. I know this and I feel it, now I just need to convince my brain to have as much confidence in me as my heart does and rid myself of these feelings that chain me to my past. It’s time to cut them off and get rid of the weight once and for all.

  Leaving the beach house late Sunday afternoon, we drove back to the city and got back to the Penthouse just as it was going dark. Nate dropped the bags at the entrance and headed for his home office, while I scoured the fridge looking for something quick and easy for dinner. Pulling out some leftover lasagna, I slid it into the oven and set the timer. Then I headed upstairs to take a long soak in the bath, my muscles were aching from all the weekend swimming and walking. Turning on the water and pulling off my clothes, I leisurely slid into the warm water and revelled in the depth of the tub, leaning my head back and closing my eyes blissfully.

  The bathroom was warm, steamy and quiet but I heard him when he entered and felt him when his naked body slipped in behind mine, adjusting my body so I was cradled in between his legs.“Mmm, you feel so good,” he groaned into the side of my neck.

  “You don’t feel too bad yourself,” I whispered back to him. Taking the soap in his hands he rubbed it into a lather, then dropped it into the water. His soapy strong hands slowly moved up my arms and to my breasts, taking them in his hands and rubbing in circles covering them with small soapy bubbles, and when his fingers touch my already hard, puckered nipples, I let out a small gasp of pleasure .“Your nipples are so sensitive,” he almost moans against my cheek and slowly starts to gently suck and kiss from the back of my ear down my neck.

  “And your sensitive part is pressing hard against my back.” I moan as he keeps soaping my breasts, then his hands glide down my stomach and disappear under the water to my sex, then to the inside of my thighs. Moving them open and up until they are now draped over his own thighs.

  “You feel so fucking good,” he breathes as he rubs his fingers over and through the sensitive area between my legs. I close my eyes and lean my head back into him, turning my head so his wandering lips are closer to my own, his tongue skims over my bottom lip before his mouth takes mine in a deep passionate kiss. With tongues dancing and lust heating between us, his hands slip back under the water to my ass and he lifts me slightly up and places himself at my entrance. “Open up for me baby,” his voice now sounding low and urgent. I open my legs as wide as possible in the limited space of the tub and feel him as he pushes into me, my inner muscles stretc
hing to accommodate him.

  “Oh fuck,” I let out as he buries deep inside of me, right down to the base.

  “Mmm, that’s exactly what I am going to do to you.” He rasps. With his hands spread on the inside of my thighs, holding them open, I start to move in circles against him, the sensation of pleasure sparking up my spine. I run one of my hands under the water to where his balls are and I cup them into my palm and give them a gentle squeeze that makes him buck up into me with a moan. Sliding my fingers up, I can feel where we are joined and he is moving in and out. I stroke his shaft as he comes out and moves back inside of me. “Jesus baby, what the fuck are you doing to me.” Moving my fingers just that little bit higher to the nub of my sex, I run my fingers back and forth against it, sending more shivers through my body. Nate slips his hands further under my ass until he is lifting me up and down on his hard throbbing shaft, driving himself deeper into my body and I feel my orgasm beginning to rise and my legs start to spasm. “That’s it, baby, give me everything,” he grunts into my ear. Pushing myself harder down onto him as I climb that hill of ecstasy and with the sound of water splashing over the side of the bath and onto the floor and the groans cutting through the steam of the room, I reach the pinnacle that I am reaching for and what I need. Tingle's flickering over my wet skin, I tremble as I scream out his name and he follows me with his own primal groan and fills me with his heat.

  Both panting and trembling with pleasure after our frenzied water play, he strokes his hands over my arms soothingly as we both come back down to earth. Once the water started losing its warmth we were out and dry and slipping in between the soft sheets of the bed. I was encased in his arms, my cheek against his chest, just where it loves to be, as we both fell into sleep.

  Over the next few days, it kind of felt like we were getting into a domestic routine. Nate went into work and because I didn’t have to be so enclosed in such tight security any longer, I spent a lot of the day exploring the city and taking it all in. And at night, Nate and I would either go out and take in the nightlife or better still, just stay in, cook a meal together and laze on the couch, which was always followed by lovemaking sessions somewhere in the Penthouse. Paxton came back to work, calling me down to his office one morning so I could go through some papers that he needed me to read through and fill out so he could start the ball rolling on my H-1B visa so I could hopefully find some employment while I was here. There was also the messiness of applying to the United States Medical Licensing Board if I planned on practicing here as well. I left his office with all the papers promising that I would spend the day going through them and getting them all back to him ASAP. The thought of Nate financially supporting me was not on my agenda, and I felt some relief in knowing that my bank account was still healthy enough for my needs for the foreseeable future.


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