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Jackson Page 20

by Lagomarsino, Giulia

  “The Broker has to know that we know who he is. My money is on him. He’s too powerful to leave loose ends,” Sinner said.

  “But Agent Finley was killed when we found out he was part of the ring. The way those guys moved in the alley, the gear they wore,” Derek added, “it was the same as the men that attacked us at Reed Security. If the ring sends a team to wipe us out and they don’t succeed, I would guess they’d keep coming after us until we’re taken care of.”

  “Fuck, we’re just going around in circles here,” Knight snapped. “We need something more than our fucking guesses.”

  “Maybe these guys can help us out with that.” We all turned to see Florrie and Alec standing in the doorway with Craig and Storm.

  Cap pressed a button on the phone and Becky came over the line. “Becky, will you please join us in the conference room?”

  “Is it alright if we come in or are we also traitors because we went to get Craig?” Alec asked. He looked calm and collected on the outside, but Alec was known to really lose his shit when he got pissed. You never quite knew when he would snap. In fact, he kind of reminded me of Knight, and based on the way they were staring each other down, I would guess that they were more alike than I had ever realized.

  “Take a seat,” Cap said without any preamble.

  They all walked in the room, nobody saying anything as they took their seats, but the anger in room was bordering on a lit fuse. Becky walked in with her laptop, sensing the tension and immediately took a seat. It got uncomfortably quiet as we all sat around the table, waiting for someone to say something.

  Sinner stood and all eyes went to him. “Look, I’m just gonna put it out there. I have an issue with one of you in this room.” Craig visibly tensed and Storm looked like he was ready to bolt. “Now, I don’t want to name names, but one of you took my box of Wheaties out of the break room back home. Now, since the building has now burned to the ground, I can’t do any fingerprint analysis, but I know who you are. Crumbs don’t lie.” He pointed his finger around the room at all of us. “Watch your back.”

  The tension broke and Cap walked behind Sinner, slapping him across the back of the head. “Let’s get back to work. Storm, The Broker went radio silent. Any idea where he would go if he didn’t want to be found?”

  “If he’s not at one of his properties, I don’t have a fucking clue. The guy never said anything when he came to the club. However, I do have some information you may want.” He tilted his head to the side and eyed Cap as he spoke. “That is, if Sinner doesn’t decide to accuse me of stealing his Kit Kat.”

  Sinner jumped to his feet, slamming his fist on the table. “I knew that was you!”

  Cap gave a slight nod to Storm and he continued. “I was on my way to Reed Security the day of the attack, hoping you had information on Morgan. The building was already on fire and I could see it from down the road. For some reason, I pulled over to the side of the road. Something just felt off. Anyway, I pulled out my scope and saw vehicles all around the building and they weren’t ones I had seen before. I saw Craig being dragged out of the building and hauled into a vehicle. I got the plates and took off before they could see me.”

  “Why did you leave the day before?” Cap asked.

  “I had a contact that I wanted to get in touch with. He was in New York, so I met him halfway.”

  “Care to share any more about that meeting?” Chris asked, looking up at Storm from under his cowboy hat.

  “Let’s just say that he works in intelligence now. He’s got some pretty lofty contacts, but it’ll take him a while to get back to me. He has to tread lightly while he’s digging.”

  “How did you find Craig?” I asked.

  “A friend of a friend.”

  “You have a lot of friends,” Alec pointed out.

  “Yeah, well, I was in the military too. I just so happen to have friends that made some interesting career choices after they left the service. Anyway, he was able to track the vehicle to an abandoned property close to the Ohio border. They had too many men surrounding the building, so I couldn’t get him out on my own. I called the hospital to find out about how many men were brought in with injuries and it was pretty clear that there really weren’t that many of you that were battle ready. I called up some men I served with to help me, but it took a few days to get everyone together.”

  “What did they want with you?” Cap asked Craig.

  “They wanted to know what Finley told us.”

  “He didn’t tell us anything,” Cazzo said. “In fact, he was pretty adamant that he didn’t even know who Chief was.”

  “They all say shit like that,” I pointed out.

  “I’m not so sure,” Cazzo shook his head. “The look on this guy’s face was pretty convincing. I’m not sure that he was lying to us.”

  “We may never know now,” Cap sighed. “All the evidence says that he was involved. What else did they say?”

  “Not a whole lot. It was different ways of asking the same question. The last thing the guy said to me was something about praying at the altar. And then he tried scaring me with the whole….” Craig drew a line across his neck, like someone was cutting off his head.

  “Bossman, that’s not a whole lot to go on.” Becky was looking over her notes, tapping her fingers on her keyboard. “I’m not sure what exactly you want me to look for.”

  “I might have something that will help.” Storm slid his cell phone across the table to Becky. “There are pictures on there of the dead men. Maybe we can identify them and we’ll get lucky.”

  “Alright. I’ll download the photos and get to work on identifications.”

  “That’s it for now,” Cap said. “Rocco, check Craig out. Make sure he doesn’t need any medical care.”

  “I’m fine.” Craig was still pissed and it didn’t look like he was going to let that go any time soon. Cap just stared him down, but finally gave in and nodded.

  “I want everyone that’s healthy enough down in the gym and training. We’re weak enough as it is. Knight, you’re in charge. Also, talk with your wife and see what she needs for PT.”

  The meeting was over and I started to head over to Craig, but Alec and Florrie immediately formed a barrier by him and glared at all of us. The message was clear, they weren’t ready to let anyone near their teammate right now.



  I had been waiting for Jackson to say those words to me for days. I knew that he loved me and that he didn’t mean anything that happened when he thought Gabe was dead. Still, making him sweat just a little wouldn’t hurt anything. I had continued to avoid him since our run-in, mostly because I wanted to know if that was a fluke declaration or if he really felt that way. I didn’t think I could take anymore wobbling from him.

  I had been wandering the house the whole morning and I hadn’t really seen any of the guys. I actually thought they left the house until I wandered down a set of stairs and heard grunting. At first I thought someone was having sex, but then I heard multiple voices and figured that if someone was having sex, there was a massive orgy going on, and who didn’t want to see that?

  But when I rounded the corner, I saw a long hallway that led to an open gym area. There was a basketball court where a few of the guys were shooting hoops. Then there was an area with weights, but nobody was over there at the moment. Around the entire gym was a track. That was where Jackson was and damn, did he look hot. He was wearing just a pair of black gym shorts and sweat was glistening down his chest.

  I pushed back against the wall so no one would see me and stared unabashedly at the man that took over all my fantasies. I licked my lips as I watched almost in slow motion. The muscles in his legs were strong and flexed teasingly with each stride. The sweat that ran down his face dripped to his chest and slowly slid down his rigid abs until slipping into the waistband of his pants. And then he slowed to a walk and ran one hand through his hair. Good God, even his armpit hair was sexy. I remembere
d laying in bed with him and it tickling me.

  I checked out the tattoos that wrapped around his biceps and seemed to flow right down his back and around his rib cage. I hadn’t really checked those out yet, but I really wanted to. I just had to get him alone and pounce. He shook out his leg, then bent over giving me a nice shot of that ass. He ran his hands up and down his injured leg, pressing his thumbs into the muscles. If he needed a massage, I would gladly give it.

  He stood and spun toward me. I pushed back against the wall and moved into the shadows, hoping he hadn’t seen me. I held my breath as I waited, counting to twenty, figuring he had probably moved on by now. I slowly walked back to my earlier position and was sad to see that he had in fact moved on. I decided to just go back upstairs, but then he quickly came around the corner, caging me against the wall.

  “Were you watching me, baby?”

  “I…uh…” I couldn’t think with him so close to me. After watching the way he moved and his body dripping with sweat, all I could think about was getting him upstairs and into my bed.

  “I really need a shower and you happen to be very good at cleaning me. Care to join me?”

  I bit my lip to keep from jumping up and down with my hand in the air, begging him to take me back with him, even though he had just asked me. I didn’t want to seem desperate. In fact, I wanted to seem like a sex kitten. I let my hand slide down the front of his chest and then gripped his waistband, pulling him as I moved out of his arms and down the hall to a door I had seen.

  Pushing it open, I was relieved to see it was a locker room with showers. Perfect. After he fucked me, I could take him to the shower for a second round. I hopped up on a massage table and pulled him in between my knees. “What do you say we skip the shower and get right to the fucking?”

  He didn’t need another invitation as he slammed his mouth against mine and climbed up on the table, pushing me down with his body. I spread my legs wide, wanting to feel his body as close to mine as possible. My hands slid across his sweaty back down to his shorts. I slipped my hands inside and squeezed his ass, thinking I would feel some fat, but instead it was all hard muscle.

  “Holy shit,” I breathed against his mouth as he ground his cock against my pussy. He did it again and again, my juices flooding my panties until it seemed almost pointless to be wearing anything at all. My heart was thumping harder and harder and my breathing was so ragged that my throat had gone dry. I moaned and started pushing down his boxers and shorts, needing to get his cock inside me now. He took the hint and yanked the pants from my body, then ripped my shirt over my head.

  I laid naked on the table, spread bare for him, but not feeling at all self-conscious. The way he looked at me made me feel like the most gorgeous and tempting woman he had ever seen. But right now, he was staring at my breasts, which were still enclosed in my bra.

  “Have you ever been tit fucked?”

  I shook my head no, my eyes widening with wonder and need. He quickly removed my bra and then he was pushing inside me, fucking me hard, fucking me to the end of the table. I was so close, but then he pulled out and climbed up my body until he was straddling my stomach. He pushed my breasts together and gave me a wicked grin.

  “Open your mouth, baby.”

  I did as he asked and watched in fascination as he slid his dick in between my breasts. The tip of his cock slid into my mouth, but I wanted more. I lifted my head off the table, straining forward to take as much of him into my mouth as possible.

  “God, that’s so fucking sexy. Hold your tits, baby.”

  I did as he asked, holding my tits in place as he continued to fuck me. Then I felt his fingers on my pussy, shoving inside me and playing with my clit. I moaned as he shoved inside my mouth again and something flashed in his eyes. Suddenly, as if a wild beast had been unleashed, he was fucking my tits fast and hard. His fingers strummed my clit until I was screaming with my release. I thought he would come in my mouth or on my chest, but instead he pulled back and slapped the side of my hip.

  “Roll over, baby. Stick that ass in the air for me.”

  In a flash, I was on my stomach, pushing to my knees. His hand ran up my spine until he was pushing down on the back of my neck as he slid inside me. That was the last time he took things slowly with me. His hips started pistoning against my ass as he slammed into me over and over. I held onto the table for dear life as his cock hit me so deep that I thought I would go flying off the table. Then his hand was in my hair, fisting it into a tight ball as he held me once again.

  It was brutal and rough and I had never been so turned on in my life. The table started screeching across the floor with the force of his thrusts, making me worry that he was going to send the whole table crashing to the ground. His fingers found my clit again and worked me until the sensations were so blindingly magnificent that my whole body clenched and spots were flying in front of me in a dizzying haze. I felt him slam into me two more times, but it barely registered in the midst of my bliss.

  I felt the weight of him pressing down on me and then he was pulling me up, his cock still lodged firmly inside me. His hands massaged my legs and up to my breasts. Kisses flowed across my shoulder and up my neck as his hand lovingly caressed my breasts slowly.

  “I love you so fucking much,” he whispered in my ear.

  “It’s about time you said it right,” I panted.

  “Because I didn’t say maybe?”

  “Nah, throwing fucking in there just makes it seem like you really mean it.”

  “I fucking love everything about you. I fucking love fucking you. And you can bet you’re never fucking leaving me.”

  “See? So much more believable.”

  A throat cleared and I jerked in Jackson’s arms, but he was already covering me up with his large hands. I peeked around Jackson to see Gabe, Burg, Sinner, Derek, and Cazzo were all standing just inside the door.

  “Not that we’re not all enjoying the show,” Sinner smiled, “especially Gabe, but we were kind of hoping to use the showers today.”

  “Go use your own fucking showers,” Jackson growled.

  “I think we should just hang out here,” Gabe said, leaning against the wall with a grin. “They’ll have to get up from that table eventually. Could be quite a show.”

  “If anyone looks at my woman’s pussy, you’ll wish you were dead.”

  “Ah, sorry,” Cazzo said teasingly. “We already got a pretty good showing. I’m not usually into porno flicks. I saw one before with my sister and I wasn’t really into it. But this was interesting.”

  “You watched your sister in a porno?” I screeched. Cazzo flushed red, shaking his head no.

  “It wasn’t like that. Gabe was fucking my sister while they watched a porno. I walked in on them. It practically blinded me.”

  “Believe me,” Gabe grumbled, “it wasn’t exactly my favorite sexual experience either.”

  “I’m sure it wasn’t nearly as embarrassing as when Derek got caught fucking Claire in his Superman costume,” Burg joked.

  “At least I don’t fuck sheep,” Derek shot back.

  “Hey, you know that’s not fucking true.”

  “Oh, right. You just take men home to fuck.”

  Burg lunged for Derek, but Cazzo held him back with the help of Sinner. Meanwhile, I was still sitting, wrapped in Jackson’s arms and if I moved even a little, everyone was going to get a show.

  “Hey!” Jackson yelled. “Get the fuck out so Raegan can get some fucking clothes on.”

  “Not a chance in hell,” Gabe grinned.

  “Baby,” Jackson whispered in my ear. “Turn slowly around in the other direction until you can straddle me. I’ll make sure no one sees you.”

  I nodded and did as he said, blushing furiously when I felt his cum sliding out of my body. He managed to get down from the table with me wrapped around him like a monkey, and then shoved right past the guys and walked down the hallway with me. Stark naked.

  “What the hell are you doing?

  “Getting you to your room.”

  “Everyone’s going to see my ass!”

  “Baby, they’ll see a whole lot more if we go back.”

  “I am so going to kill you for this.”

  “Nah, you fucking love me too much.”

  And it was true. I did fucking love him.


  It became my routine over the next few days to sneak down and watch the guys work out. However, today was different. When I got down to the gym, several of the other ladies were already there. Only, they weren’t hiding like I chose to. No, they were sitting against the far wall and blatantly staring at the men. Well, if they were going to do it, so was I.

  Claire patted a spot next to her and I willingly took it, also taking the popsicle that she offered. She had a cooler sitting next to her and from the looks of it, she was planning on a horde of women coming in here or she would be here for a while.

  “Why is everyone down here today? I thought I was the only one that came here to watch.”

  “We were getting bored and Sinner told Cara what he walked in on in the locker room. We figured maybe we would have some fun too.”

  “Not all at once, right?”

  Claire chuckled as she shook her head. “I may like role playing, but I’m not into orgies.”

  “What a shame, and here I was thinking my very first orgy would take place with my new found friends at a secret hideout where dirty things happen that no one talks about.”

  “Ooh, that actually sounds kind of fun,” Claire said excitedly. She turned to me, pulling her legs into a crisscross shape in front of her. “We could have a theme night where everyone dresses up like it’s a masked ball and we pretend we’re all strangers. And then the men could take us back to our rooms and do dirty, nasty stuff to us.”

  “Yeah, that definitely sounds like a good idea. We’ll all wear masks and then someone will go to a room, not realizing that they’re with the wrong spouse until they start making out or fondling each other. Then the guys would start a huge fight and the girls would-”


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