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Jackson Page 24

by Lagomarsino, Giulia

  I could see Knight up ahead in the truck, barreling toward me. He wasn’t close enough yet and now Curtis was out of the house and running after me. I spun and fired again, hitting him once in the side, but the fucker didn’t even stop. Something pierced my ass and then I was falling to the ground, watching as Curtis fell just seconds later.

  I stood and hastily hobbled over to the truck. Knight was holding a fucking sniper rifle. “Did you just fucking shoot me in the ass?” I yelled as I yanked the door open and lifted myself inside.

  “You were in my sights. I had a clear shot of Curtis until you stepped right in front of me,” Knight said calmly. “Relax, it was your ass. It’s just muscle. It’s not like I did any major damage.”

  “You fucking shot me! I’m gonna be sitting on a fucking donut for weeks.”

  “Stop being such a fucking baby. It’s the job,” Knight sneered.

  “It’s not the job to shoot your fucking teammate.” I turned to Gabe who was fucking laughing. “See, this is why we shouldn’t have brought Knight with us.”

  “It could have been worse,” Raegan added. “If he hadn’t shot you, Curtis might have gotten you.”

  “You’re on his side?” I said incredulously.

  “I’m not condoning shooting teammates, but he did what he had to in order to get you out of the situation you were in.”

  “Just like he held a gun to your head?”

  “That was actually my idea,” Raegan grinned. “Good plan, huh?”

  “Yeah, until Knight shoots you,” I grumbled.

  “I really think you’re being just a bit dramatic,” Raegan said. “He did you a favor. You should thank him.”

  “That’s it,” I said to all three of them. “None of the women go anywhere near Knight. He’s brainwashed them all.”

  We had been driving for about fifteen minutes when Knight spoke. “Just so you know, you’re going to have to pay for the truck to be detailed.”

  “Why the fuck would I have to pay for it? You’re the one that fucking shot me.”

  “It’s your blood. You clean it.”

  I just stared at him, wanting to fucking shoot him. And that’s just what I did. Before he could do anything, I pulled my gun and shot him right in the ass. The bullet most likely ended up in his seat. Knight quickly pulled his own weapon and we were suddenly in a standoff. Knight was barely watching the road as he pulled over to the side. I kept my weapon on Knight and we just stared at each other, wondering who was going to give in first.

  “What’s going on?” Raegan asked Gabe. “Is this a normal thing that you guys do? Like waxing?”

  “This is new,” Gabe said calmly. “Damn, I wish I had some popcorn. This is better than any tv show.”

  “Should we, I don’t know, lay down tarp or something? I think we passed a hardware store not too far back.”

  “Nah, we’ll just buy the truck. It’s easier that way.”

  Knight’s eyes were wild and dark, just like when I first met him. I knew I was playing with fire, but sometimes you had to stand up against someone that thought he was untouchable. Finally, Knight started to lower his weapon and then set it on the dash. I lowered mine and put it back in the holster. Knight sighed and shifted into drive. “Split the cost?” he asked.




  I limped into the house with Raegan and Gabe trailing. Knight followed a minute later, walking with the same limp I had.

  “What happened?” Cap asked.

  “Knight shot me in the ass.”

  “What happened to you?” he asked Knight.

  “Jackson shot me in the ass.”

  “What the fuck? It’s not bad enough that other people are attacking us, now we’re shooting each other?”

  “Cap, it’s all good.” Knight turned to go, but stopped, tossing him the keys to the truck. “Oh, by the way, the truck needs to be detailed.” He smirked at me before walking away.

  “Gabe, please tell me that between them shooting each other, there was actually something gained from the trip.”

  “Turned out pretty good. I mean, Raegan now has someone else that wants to kill her, but overall, it was a successful mission.”

  “Who wants to kill her now?”

  “Carlos Guerrero. He’s an associate of Agent Curtis. Apparently, Xavier killed his sister and now he wants to kill her. Quite painfully, actually,” Gabe added. “But Knight was able to hack into Curtis’s computer and do his computer shit. He should be able to tell us more after he goes over the information.”

  “This is why I don’t send Knight into the field,” Cap muttered. “Alright, get some sleep and get your ass checked out by Kate. We’ll go over the mission tonight.”

  “Sounds good, Cap.”

  “Uh, maybe go to Rocco. I’m thinking that showing your ass to Kate right now would only get you shot by Knight again.”

  I tapped the side of my head. “Good thinking, Cap.”

  I took Raegan’s hand and dragged her back to our room. After this trip, I was ready for things to be normal for just a little bit with us. I stripped my clothes as soon as we got in the bedroom and laid down on my chest. I was too tired to go find Rocco right now and taking a shower was out of the question until I got some sleep.

  “Hold on there.” I opened my eyes to see Rocco in my room. “Take these before you drift off to la la land.” He held out a bottle of water and some pills. I took them and quickly drank them down while he set out his medical supplies.

  “I hope you gave me the good stuff,” I grumbled.

  “Why, feeling a little butt-hurt at the moment?” he chuckled.

  “Ha ha, you’re so fucking funny.”

  “Come on, you gotta admit, it’s not every day that someone comes back with a bullet in the ass.”

  “Yeah, I’ll be sure to laugh the next time someone shoots you in the ass.”

  “Geez, you spend a few days with Knight and you’ve lost all sense of humor,” Rocco mumbled.

  I watched as he took a needle to numb the area, but I drifted off soon after that. I must have slept for a long time because I felt completely refreshed when I woke up. There was something soft and warm on my ass and it felt really good. It must have been Raegan’s hand.

  “Baby, that feels so good,” I mumbled as she continued to rub my ass. I laid with my eyes closed, just enjoying the massage. She put something on my ass and started smoothing her hand over it. I tried to figure out what it was, but then screamed as something was ripped from my body. It felt like my skin had just been peeled off me.

  My eyes flew open and I lifted off the bed, spinning to face her. Jules was standing next to me with a white strip that had my hair stuck to it and Hunter and Ice were sitting in chairs laughing. Raegan was on the bed next to me, biting her lip to keep from laughing.

  “What the fuck is going on? Are you waxing my ass?”

  “Hey, I just wanted payback,” Jules grinned.

  “For what?”

  “Well, Chris and Ice did it to me. I figured it was only right that I get a turn.”

  I stared at him in disbelief. “But I wasn’t there!”

  He shrugged like he didn’t give a shit, and based on his grin, he really didn’t. I turned over and he held out his hand, blocking him from seeing my junk. “Whoa, man. You might want to cover up. We don’t need to see the whole package.”

  I pulled at the covers, but stopped and stared at my own dick in shock. There was no hair around my dick. My gaze shot to Jules. “You waxed around my dick? You’re fucking sick!”

  “Nope, that was me,” Raegan said cheerily.


  “Well, I wanted to see why you all seemed so fascinated with who was waxed and why this was so entertaining. I get it. This is really a great….bonding experience.”

  “You waxed my dick,” I said slowly. “That’s not….I can’t even…”

  “That’s not all she waxed,” Hunter chuckled.

  I looked over my body as horror swept through me. She had waxed my arms, my legs, my chest. I quickly felt my hair, relieved when at least something was still there. Then I felt my face and started shaking my head.

  “No. No, no, no, no! You waxed my beard?” I shouted. “How could you do that?”

  “Oh, it’s not that bad. You have a cute sort of baby face with all that hair gone.” Raegan patted my cheek as she mumbled baby talk to me.

  “Raegan, what did you do to my eyebrows?” I said hesitantly.

  “Now, that wasn’t my best work. It took a few tries, but I think they’re mostly even now.”

  “Raegan,” I growled. “Hand me a mirror.”

  “I don’t have one.”

  I pulled the sheet from the bed and flung it around my waist, marching off to the bathroom. When I flicked on the light, my mouth dropped open and I was pretty sure tears were in my eyes. There were two thin lines where my eyebrows once were. I shook my head in disbelief and just stared at myself. I didn’t look anything like myself anymore. I walked slowly out of the bathroom and clenched my jaw, trying my best not to yell when I saw not only Ice, Jules, and Hunter in the room, but now every other fucking member of Reed Security.

  Lola snorted, not trying at all to hold in her laugh. “Holy shit. That is not a good look on you.”

  “Dude, you’re all smooth and shit.” Sinner walked over to me, his eyes studying my face and then my arms. “Can I feel it?”

  “Do you want me to break your wrist?”

  “There’s no need to be hostile. You just look so smooth and…”

  “Like a baby’s bottom,” Cazzo laughed.

  “Yeah, exactly,” Sinner nodded. “Lola, go get Ryder so we can compare whose skin is softer.”

  “Don’t you fucking dare,” I growled, but Lola was already out the door. She ran back in the room with Ryder and quickly undressed him, diaper and all. “Keep that fucking kid away from me.”

  “Oh, stop,” Lola waved me off. “I just want to feel.”

  She put her hand on her kid’s bottom and then she was feeling my face. “Wow, that’s amazing. What did you use to get his skin so soft?”

  “Argan oil,” Raegan grinned.

  “Sinner, seriously, you have to feel this.” Lola waved him over, but Cazzo and Burg joined in.

  “Stay back,” I commanded. “No one is feeling anything on me. This shit ends right now. I mean it!”

  Ten minutes later, I was sitting on the edge of the bed as everyone was taking turns petting me and feeling my silky soft skin. I was glaring at Raegan, who just leaned against the wall gleefully. Sometimes I really hated this woman.


  After going through our mission with Cap, we all split up for the night. Despite my nap this afternoon, I was still pretty tired and just wanted to get some shut eye. After taking a shower, I laid down gingerly in bed, sighing when I found a position that was comfortable. Raegan slipped into bed beside me and snuggled up to me.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I’m getting comfortable.”

  “Not on me. Not after that stunt you pulled this afternoon.”

  “Chill, that was funny and you know it.”

  “I look like a fucking woman!”

  “No, you don’t,” she laughed. “So I messed up your eyebrows. Who cares? The rest of you looks fantastic.”

  “The rest of me looks like a newborn baby, only adult-sized.”

  “I still find you sexy.” She ran her hand down my abs and under the covers to my dick. I quickly shoved her hand away.

  “No sex. You made me look like a woman.”

  “I did not. Look at yourself.” She pulled the covers back and slipped her hand around my shaft, slowly stroking me. I watched as my cock hardened in her hand, swelling until it was thick and long. “See? You look so much bigger like this.” She climbed on top of my body and bent over, taking my whole length in her mouth.

  “Holy shit,” I bit out. She swirled her tongue around, licking and sucking as her fingers slowly played with my balls. I groaned as she shoved her mouth all the way down and I felt her throat hitting the tip of my cock.

  I pulled her off me and rolled over so I was laying over her body. She spread her legs, then quickly wrapped them around me, pulling me closer to her.

  “This is new for us,” she smiled. “We’re actually going to have normal sex.”

  “What are you talking about? We have normal sex.”

  “I mean, no one’s chasing us and we’re not about to go do something really dangerous. We have nowhere to be and we can sleep in tomorrow. It’s like we’re a normal couple.”

  “Is that what we are, baby? Are we a couple?”

  “Well, after I shot you, made you kill me, you fucked me in the mud, and I pretended to be homeless for information, I think we’ve worked up to couple status.”

  I kissed her, letting my tongue slip inside her mouth just as I pushed my cock inside her pussy. She sucked in a breath as I hit deep inside her, thrusting into her over and over again. Her fingers combed through my hair and she held my mouth to hers. Her taste and her warmth wrapped around me until all I could think of was her and having her by my side for the rest of my life.

  “We’re not a couple, Raegan. We’re so much more. You’re mine and you always have been. And when we get back home, we’re going to find someplace else for your parents to stay and I’m gonna fuck you every minute that I’m home on every surface of the house.”

  She paused, drawing back from me. “And?”

  I looked at her quizzically. “And what?”

  “Is that it? I’m yours and you’re going to fuck me?”

  “Oh. Did you want more?” I asked with a grin.

  “Well, I think I deserve it. After all, I did make it fifteen miles on foot back to Reed Security. That has to earn me something.”

  “Hmm.” I nodded like I was thinking. “You might have a point. Alright, let’s negotiate. What is it that you want?”

  “Well, first, I need someone to teach me how to use a computer.”


  “Let’s see. If you’re going to be running off all the time playing hero, I want lessons in badassery.”

  “Badassery?” I grinned.

  “Yeah, I want to learn how to properly use a gun. You know, so I don’t shoot you again.”

  “I think that’s a good idea. But let’s keep grenades out of it.”

  “Maggie knows how to use a grenade.”

  “Maggie’s not exactly the best example to follow.”

  Her eyes narrowed in on me and no matter how hard I tried to resist, I just couldn’t say no to those gorgeous blue eyes. “Fine, we’ll put grenades on the table for now, but I have a few requests of my own.”

  “I’m willing to listen.”

  “First, you will never refer to Knight in any way other than that man that is married to Kate. You can’t call him the Black Prince or say how hot he is.”

  “Is this negotiable?” Her eyebrow raised in question and I smoothed it out with my finger.

  “Not at all, baby.”

  “Well, it’ll be a hardship, but I could do it for you.”

  “Good. Second, no more offering to go off and do something that could get you killed. I don’t care how good you are with a gun after I train you.”

  She sighed dramatically, “The things I give up for you.”

  “And third, we need to set a timeline for when we’ll have our own little rugrats.”

  “Are you in a hurry?” she grinned.

  “Well, everyone else is having them, so we have a lot of catching up to do.”

  “Well, if that’s the way it must be, I think we can agree that the sooner we start, the better.”

  “Now all we need to do is sign the contract.”

  I got up and walked over to the desk, pulling out the box that I had hidden in there. I opened it and smirked when I saw the diamond inside. It was exactly what I tho
ught Raegan would like. Pulling it from the box, I walked back over to the bed and laid down between her legs again. Taking her left hand, I slipped the ring on her finger.

  “When did you get this?”

  “Would you believe that I’ve had this since the second week you were at my house?”


  “You’d be right, but I was thinking about it even back then. You have no idea how much shit I had to go through to get Cap agree to let me off the property. So, I hope you like it.”

  She shrugged. “Eh, it’s okay.”

  I slammed my mouth down on hers, rubbing my cock against her entrance again. When I had her good and dizzy, I yanked my lips from her mouth and started kissing down her neck. “Just okay?”


  My tongue slid across her skin, licking her salty flavor and nipping at her breasts when she shoved them toward my mouth. I wrapped my hand around her thigh, pulling her leg up to wrap around me again. The wetness from her pussy leaked down her legs, rubbing against my cock. I couldn’t hold back from her any more. I slammed inside her, ignoring her screams as she gripped my hair and yanked on me, trying to bring me closer to her mouth.

  “Tell me, Raegan.”


  I gripped the headboard and held on tight as I thrust into her harder and harder as I pushed her higher toward bliss. “Tell me,” I huffed between thrusts.


  “Not God, Raegan.” I slipped my hand down to her clit and teased her, taking her just to the edge and then I moved off her, pulling my dick from her warmth. She sat up, her mouth in a pretty little O.

  “What was that?”

  I jerked my cock as I stared at that gorgeous body. “You haven’t told me what I want to hear.”

  “Fine, it’s a nice fucking ring. I love it, but I don’t give a shit about it,” she yelled. “I wanted you. You could give me anything else in the world and it doesn’t mean shit to me if I don’t have you. Hell, I would live in this little room with you for the rest of my life and not care as long as I had you.”

  I grinned. That was the perfect fucking answer. What happened next could only be described as a flurry of sex on every surface of anything we could fuck on or against. My dick had never been in a pussy for so long and I had never had to think of so many different things to distract myself from coming. Every time I pushed into her, I was in danger of blowing my load. By the time I was done fucking her, we were both worn out and didn’t even have the energy to move from our spot on the floor.


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