by Ann Powers
Allison, Jerry, 132
Aloma of the South Seas (film), 54
Altamont (festival), 196
“amalgamation waltz,” 6
American Bandstand (television show), 140, 145, 150
American Heartland (1950–1960). see also Little Richard
events leading to rock and roll, 111–113
fans as “teenage queens,” 135–148
gospel “mothers” and “queens,” 85–90, 93
male gospel quartets as sex symbols, 93–100
“nonsense” lyrics of doo-wop and, 114–123
rockabilly popularity and, 123–135
spirituality and, 75–76 (see also gospel)
white and black Southern gospel singers, 103–109
American Horror Story (television show), 19
Amos, Tori, 296
“Anaconda” (Minaj), 336, 347
Anderson, Chester, 177
Anderson, Queen C., 86, 102
Andre 3000, 26
Andrew, Sam, 185
Andrews, Inez, 85, 89
androgyny chic, 216–229
Angel, Lee (Audrey Robinson), 131, 147
anima, xvi
“Anticipation” (Simon), 234
Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1986, 290
apache dances, 55–59, 63
Apollo (New York club), 133, 243
Arias, Joey, 224
Arista Records, 267
Arm, Mark, 294
Armstrong, Louis, 26–27, 46
Arnold, Gina, 286
Arnstein, Jules “Nicky,” 64
Aronowitz, Al, 193
Arthur Godfrey’s Talent Scouts (television show), 105
Art of Sensual Massage, The (book), 233
Asbury, Herbert, 33
Ashe, Thomas, 5
Aslakson, Kenneth, 11
“A-Tisket, A-Tasket” (Fitzgerald), 122
“Atomic Telephone” (Spirit of Memphis), 104
Auslander, Philip, 217, 219
Auto-Tune program, 326
Avalon, Frankie, 143, 146
Awakening, The (Chopin), 47
Azerrad, Michael, 288
“Baby, Get Lost” (Washington), 112
“Baby, Let’s Play House” (Presley), 126
“. . .Baby One More Time” (Spears), 302, 303, 306
Backstreet Boys, 303, 305
“Bad” (Jackson), 278
Baez, Joan, 168
Bag, Alice, 261, 263
Baker, Josephine, 26, 27, 67–68
Baker, Susan, 274
“Bald Headed Daddy” (Darling), 100
“Ballad of a Teenage Queen” (Cash), 142
Ballard, Florence, 161
ballet-pantomime, 33
balls. see also dance; New Orleans (1800–1900)
masked balls, 13–15
overview, 3–10
“quadroon” balls, 10–13
Baltimore Sun, 70
bamboula (drum), 22
Bangs, Lester, 213
barnstorming tours, 95
Bators, Stiv, 257–258
Battelle, Phyllis, 137–138
“Battle of the Blues” (Turner, Harris), 112
Bayou Ballads (Schindler, Monroe), 24
“Beat It” (Jackson), 278
Beatles, 130, 136–137, 148, 152–154, 160
Bechet, Omar, 34–35
Bechet, Sidney, 25–26, 34–35, 39
Bee Gees, 242
“Believe” (Cher), 329
belly roll (dance), 43–45
Beloved (film), 93
Belvin, Jesse, 118
Bennett, Barbara, 56
Berlin, Cole, 225
Berlin, Irving, 42, 53, 63, 68
Bernstein, Elizabeth, 332
Berry, Chuck, 132, 142–144, 153
Berry, James, 55
Berry, Richard, 118
Beyoncé (Knowles), 321–326. see also Knowles, Beyoncé
Biafra, Jello, 286
“Bibi” (Cable), 32
Bieber, Justin, xx
Big Bank Hank, 284
Big Brother, 183–184, 185, 186
Big Freedia, 37
Bikini Kill, 294–295
“Billie Jean” (Jackson), 278
Bingenheimer, Rodney, 202, 212
Birkin, Jane, 241
Birmingham (Alabama), gospel in, 90, 93–96, 105
Birmingham Jubilee Singers, 95
“Birthday Cake” (Rihanna, Brown), 335
Black, Bill, 126
Blackbirds of 1926 (play), 68
Black Bottom (dance), 53–54
Black Flag, 285, 286
Black Lives Matter, 344–346, 349
Black Manhattan (Johnson), 69
Blackout (Spears), 311
Black Panthers, 179
Blackwell, Bumps, 128–129
Blackwood, Cecil, 104–109
Blackwood, Doyle, 105
Blackwood, James, 104–109
Blackwood, R. W., 104–109
Blackwood Brothers, 104–109
Blake, Eubie, 67
Bland, Bobby “Blue,” 243
Bledsoe, Jet, 97
Blond Ambition Tour (Madonna), 272
Blondie, 261
Bloom, Sol, 43, 48
Blow, Kurtis, 285
gospel and, 81
queens (1900–1929), 71–74
“Blurred Lines” (Williams, Thicke), 337–341
Bogan, Lucille, 71
“Boobs a Lot” (Fugs), 170
Born Digital (Palfrey, Gasser), 316, 332–333
“Born This Way” (Lady Gaga), 336
Boston Women’s Health Book Collective, 233
Boswell Sisters, 114
bounce (music, dance), 36
“bounded authenticity,” 332–333, 334–337
Bowie, Angie, 200, 238–239
Bowie, David
“Changes,” 225–226
disco and, 238–239
in early 1970s, 199–202
Lady Gaga compared to, 319
Prince influenced by, 276
sexual identity of, 218–219, 222, 224
Spiders from Mars, 202, 219, 223, 276
Young Americans, 243–244
Ziggy Stardust, 200
“Boy Blue” (Lauper), 252–254
Boyer, Horace Clarence, 91
Bradford, Alex, 88, 89
Bradford, Perry, 48, 71
Brandt, Jerry, 224–225
Bras-Coupé (Cable character), 33–35
Bread, 233–234
Breakfast Club (Madonna’s Group), 268
Breedlove, Lynn, 288
Brewster, W. Herbert, 89, 102
Brewsteraires, 102
Brice, Fannie, 62–66, 73
Broadnax, Willmer “Little Ax,” 97, 100
Brooks, Louise, 55–56
Brooks, Shelton, 49–50
Brown, Chris, 335
Brown, David, 250
Brown, Foxy, 291
Brown, Helen Gurley, 156
Brown, James, 26, 90, 91, 179
Brown, Michael, 344
Brown, Miquel, 255
Brown, Myra (Lewis Williams), 145–146
Brown, Norman O., 194
Brown, Ruth, 112, 136
Brownlee, Archie, 98, 105
Bruce, Michael, 205
Buffalo Springfield, 262
“buffet flats,” 78
Burgoyne, Martin, 271, 272
Buried Alive (Friedman), 183
Burnett, J. C., 81
“Burning Up” (Madonna), 269
Burretti, Freddie, 239
Burton, Wayne “Buzzin’,” 78
Bush, George H. W., 278
Bush, Kate, 267
Butterbeans and Susie, 60
Byer, Steve, 237–238
Byrne, David, 264
Cable, George Washington, 14, 18–19, 28–29, 32–35
Caffey, Lillian, 92
Calinda (dance), 22
r /> call-and-response singing, xvi, 313. see also gospel
Callen, Michael, 252, 253
Cammeron, Dwight, 91, 92
Campbell, Luther “Uncle Luke,” 328
“Camp Meeting Blues” (Oliver), 26–27
can-can dancers, 43–44
as male rock/soul inspiration, 25–26
overview, 21–27
Tucker as, 55
Cantor, Eddie, 63
Cantor, Louis, 103
Captain and Tennille, 234–235, 237
Caramanica, Jon, 328
Caravans, 91
Carpenter, Karen, 234
Carpenters (band), 234
Carter, Jimmy, 247
Carter Family, 113
Caruso, Nick, 213
Caserta, Peggy, 191
Cash, Johnny, 142
Castile, Philando, 346
Castle, Irene, 50, 61, 67, 68
Castle, Vernon, 50, 61
“Cathy’s Clown” (Everly Brothers), 150, 152
“Caught with the Meat in Your Mouth” (Dead Boys), 257–258
Cavett, Dick, 189
CBGB (club), 257–258
Century (magazine), 29
Cervenka, Exene, 261
Chalmers, Robert, 147
Chambers, Marilyn, 206
Chambers Brothers, 169
Chandler, Chas, 174, 175
“Changes” (Bowie), 225–226
Chaplin, Charlie, 55–56, 68
Chaplin, Julia, 328–329
Charles, Ray, 92, 95, 101
Charley’s Aunt (play), 77
Chasen, Roseann, 122–123
Chatroulette, 317
Cheap Thrills (Big Brother), 186
Cher, 329
Cherry, Ava, 243
“Chevy Van” (Johns), 237
Disco Demolition Night (1979), 242, 245–246
gospel and, 78, 79, 81, 82, 88, 89, 102
World’s Fair (1893), 43
Childers, Leee Black, 199–200
“Children and Their Secret Closet, The” (Heilbut), 89
Chopin, Kate, 15–17, 28, 33, 47
Chords, 119
Chow, Tina, 251
Christensen, Axel, 47
Christian, Charlie, 112
Chrome, Cheetah, 259
Chuck D, 293
Church, Jimmy, 173
Circus (magazine), 204, 214–215
City Lights (film), 56
Clapton, Eric, 176
Clark, Andy, 308, 316
Clark, Dick, 139, 150
Clark, Emily, 11
Clark, Robin, 243
Clarke, Grant, 49–50
Cleftones, 143
Clement, Frank, 105
Clement, Jack, 125
Cleveland, James, 88, 91
Clinton, Bill, 278
Clinton, George, 227–228
Coates, Carl, 92
Coates, Dorothy, 90–93, 106
Cobain, Kurt, 294–295, 297–298
Cochran, Eddie, 139–141
Cockettes (performance troupe), 191, 218, 226–227
cocottes (Creole archetype), 21–27
Code Noir, 31
code-switching, by Hendrix, 174
Cole, Richard, 215
Coleman, Lisa, 276
Columbia Records, 74, 132
Combs, Sean “Puffy,” 283
Comentale, Edward P., 126
Comfort, Alex, 232–233
“Coming Across the Future” (Plant), 301
Congo Square
Creole musical expression and, 27–32
illustration of, 1
legends and written accounts of, 32–37
modern-day comparison, xxi–xxii
Shimmy influence by, 54
Continentals, 173
Control (Jackson), 307
Cooke, Sam, 84, 90–91, 94–96, 99, 142
Coon Alphabet, A (Kemble), 29
Cooper, Alice, 212, 217–218, 220, 222
Corigliano, John, 254
cosmetic surgery, popularity of, 300
Costello, Elvis, 263
Cotton Club (New York), 55
country music
early popularity of, 112–113
soft rock and, 231, 235
Southern gospel and, 104
County, Jayne (Wayne), 199–200, 288–289
“coupling,” xxiv–xxv
Cowley, Patrick, 242–243, 252, 254
Cox, Alex, 262
Crawdaddy (magazine), 230
“Crazy Blues” (Bradford), 58, 71
Crazy House (short film), 54
Creem (magazine), 213, 219–220, 223, 227
Creole Heritage Center, 17
“Creole Love Call” (Ellington), 26–27, 122
cocotte and candio archetypes, 21–27
Congo Square and musical expression of, 27–32 (see also Congo Square)
Creole song tradition, 15–21
defined, 4–5
terminology controversy, 18
Creolettes, 117
Crewe, Bob, 229
Crickets, 132, 135
crime and violence
cybercrime threats, 316–318, 348–349
depiction of, in apache dances, 55–59, 63
domestic violence, 261–263, 335
feminist rock (1990s) about, 296
gangs, 121, 283
rape, 143–144, 170–171, 212, 215, 288, 292, 296, 347–349
underage groupies and, 202–206, 211–216
Crosby, Bing, 96, 112
Cross, Charles R., 174
Crows, 113–115, 117, 119
Crumb, R., 186, 213
“culture of eroticism,” 43
Curtis, James M., 106
cyberglove, 314
cyberspace, 299–341
“Blurred Lines” (Williams, Thicke) and, 337–341
“bounded authenticity” of, 332–333, 334–337
cybercrime threats, 316–318, 348–349
Knowles as avatar in, 312–316
online lifestyles and, 326–328
overview, 299–301
peer-to-peer systems and issues of, 326–327, 333–334
social media compared to pornography, xix–xx
Spears as cyborg in, 299, 301–312
strip-club culture and, 328–332
“Cyborg Manifesto, A” (Haraway), 300–301
Cyrus, Billy Ray, xxi
Cyrus, Miley, xx–xxi, 36, 346
Dahl, Steve, 245–246
Daly, Carson, 305
Damaged (Black Flag), 286
dance. see also New Orleans (1800–1900); New York (1900–1929)
apache dances, 55–59, 63
ballroom dancing, 3–15
disco and, 238–244, 245–246
early partner dancing, 58–62
as exercise, 50
free love and, 163–169
Hi-NRG (electronic music), 254–255
Little Egypt (dance character), 44
music and sexual openness, early twentieth century, 39–42
quadrille dance, xxii–xxiii, 8, 10, 15
shimmy, 43–55
strip-club dancers in music videos, 328–329
Virginia jig, 12
“Dance in Place Congo, The” (Cable, Kemble), 1, 28–29
Dance of the Seven Veils, 49
“Dance of the Temptress, The” (Eis), 52
Dance Precisions, 317
Dardanella (dance), 62
Darling, Elizabeth, 100
“Darling Nikki” (Prince), 274, 275
Dash, Sarah, 227–228
Dass, Ram, 166
Davies, Ray, 219, 222
Davis, Bill, 114
Davis, Clive, 267
Day, Bobby, 118
“Dazed and Confused” (Led Zeppelin), 208, 210
Dead Boys, 257–258, 259
Dead Kennedys, 286
Dean, Hazell, 2
Dean, Terrance, 290
Dearly, Max, 57, 63
Deep Throat (film), 202, 206–207, 213
de la Mahautière, Duvivier, 21–22
DeLynn, Jane, 232
de Mendelssohn, Jane, 179
Des Barres, Pamela, 193, 204–205, 208, 211, 215, 216
Destiny’s Child, 312
Dibbell, Carola, 261
Dickerson, Dez, 276
Dictators, 260
Diddley, Bo, 149
Diefenbach, William “Dirk,” 249–250
Diggers, 170–171, 177
“Digital Get Down” (Backstreet Boys), 306
digital music, file sharing of, 326–327, 333–334
“digital natives,” 316–317
Digital Underground, 291
DiMucci, Dion, 150
Dirty Mind (Prince), 274
“Dirty South,” 327
Diefenbach and, 249–250
Disco Demolition Night, 242, 245–246
electronic music transition from, 254–255
overview, 238–244
rap music transition from, 282
Dixie Hummingbirds, 98
Djemille, Fatima, 44
Do Adolescents Need Parents? (Taylor), 151
Dr. Dre, 283, 290
Dodson, Betty, 229, 232
Doggett, Peter, 243
Dolphin’s (Los Angeles record store), 115, 119
Domino, Fats, 137
Dominoes (group), 127
“domino theory of sex,” 41
Dunham Jubilee Singers, 81
“Don’t Ask Me to Forget” (Ford), 40
Doors, 168, 187, 190, 194–195. see also Morrison, Jim
doo-wop, 114–123
Dorsey, Nettie, 79, 82–85
Dorsey, Thomas A.
as “Father of Gospel,” 77–85
as “Georgia Tom,” 79–80
performance style of, 85–87, 89
“Precious Lord,” xxii, 84–85, 92, 107, 108
Douglas, Susan J., 136–137
“doxxing,” 348
Dozier, Lamont, 161
Dragon, Daryl, 237
Dranes, Arizona, 80–81
Drifters, 120, 127
AIDS epidemic and intravenous drug use, 275
for AIDS management, 299
crack and heroin use in 1980s, 284, 290
free love and, 162–169
LSD, 162–169, 172, 239–240
for male potency, 300
psychedelic drugs and sensory confusion, 177
“Drum Is a Woman, A” (Ellington), 34
“Drunk in Love” (Knowles), 323
DuBois, John, 23
Dunaway, Dennis, 218
Duncan, Gary, 162
Duritz, Adam, 337
Dworkin, Richard, 252
Dylan, Bob, 6, 168, 174, 219
Early, Gerald, 160
“Earth Angel” (Hodge), 119
East Trigg Avenue Baptist Church (Memphis), 102–105
Easy Rider (film), 194
Eazy-E (Eric Wright), 290
Ebenezer Baptist Church, 82
Ebony (magazine), 159
Echols, Alice, 164, 191
Edmond’s Cellar (Harlem, New York), 73
Edwards, Jodie, 60
Eggebraaten, Lorri, 139–140
Ehrenreich, Barbara, 136–137