The Platinum Triangle

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The Platinum Triangle Page 20

by T V Hartwell

  “Are you ready, pussy boy?”

  “Oh, yeah, Satana. Tap my ass, baby. Come on, I know you want it. I’m ready for you,” Jake said as he continued to twerk in a slow, salacious motion.

  Satana didn’t expect Jake to turn the tables on her, and she was a bit caught off guard by his sexy talk. Damn, you’re fucking hot, she said to herself as her skin tingled and her sex became wet at the sight of Jake’s physical magnificence. She was a professional, but also human, and she wanted to lick every inch of him. If she could’ve had her way, she would’ve been the one bent over so that Jake could tap her from behind. But that’s not what the terms of the contract called for.

  Before she could lay into him with her board, Will ran over and got up behind Jake and started to bump up against him to simulate anal sex. The alcohol was kicking in with him too as he felt propelled to jump in randomly to enjoy the fun. “Ride ’em, cowboy,” Pax yelled as the other guys hollered and laughed hysterically. Although Jake still had the blindfold around his eyes, he could tell by the commotion that Will was the one behind him, bumping up against him. He raised himself up and pressed himself against Will to push him off, but then he changed course and started encouraging Will to grab on to him and to keep pumping. He started talking dirty to him and they hammed it up, bumping and grinding back and forth into each other.

  Kirby had been watching and laughing along with the rest of them until this scene unfolded. Seeing Jake in his underwear like that, in submission, made his stick hard even though he had seen him that way a million times when it was just the two of them alone. He was more familiar with Jake’s body than anyone in that room and he had seen, touched, and tasted every part of it from head to toe. Jake’s body belonged to him and nobody else had the right to see it, let alone touch it but him. He could handle sharing Jake with Amanda, but no one else, especially another guy. Seeing Satana touch Jake was just a performance, and he could live with that. Besides, she wasn’t Jake’s type. But Will? No fucking way. Kirby wanted to go over and slap him silly for putting his hands on his boy, but he knew that wouldn’t be the kosher thing to do.

  Satana eventually pushed Will out of the way. “Wait your turn, honey. I’ll leave some for you. Don’t worry.”

  As she began to paddle Jake, he was the one who started to issue commands.


  “That’s it. Again,” Jake said.


  “You like that, pussy boy?”

  “Yeah, bitch. Now put some muscle into it.”


  “How’s that?”





  “Aaah!” Jake cried. “Oh yeah, baby. Right there.”


  “Shit, baby. You’re going to make me come,” Jake yelled, laughing at himself and making everyone else in the room laugh along with him. Even Satana had to stop herself, pulling the paddle up to her mouth to conceal her giggle.

  Jake was getting under Satana’s skin in a hormonal kind of way. The more he teased and taunted her, the hotter she became for his sex. When she ordered him to stand up she could see that the bulge in his undies had grown. He wasn’t fully erect, but swollen enough to whet her appetite and to make her mouth salivate with lust. But she had been given strict instructions not to do anything overtly sexual to him. Jake had told the guys beforehand that if they hired strippers, as he expected they would, that he didn’t want to be put in a compromising situation.

  Since Satana couldn’t grab his cock, let alone suck on it, she concluded that there was only one other way to get a parting taste of this fine specimen of a man. She and her assistants pulled out cans of whipped cream, which they began to spray all over Jake’s torso from his belly button to the top of his chest. Together the three of them licked him clean. Satana took extra care and time on his nipples, which became hard and perky in response to the sensation of her biting and licking.

  They finally sprayed the cream on his face. And just as they started to lick it off from his cheeks first, Will trotted over yet again, and this time he took a big bite out of the cream that was covering Jake’s nose. “Yum, you taste so good, Jakey,” Will teased.

  “What?” Jake said, not expecting to hear a male voice so close to his face.

  Satana pulled the blindfold from Jake’s eyes to reveal Will right in front of him.

  “Oh, Willy, it’s you,” Jake said in a sissified tone as his eyes circled the room in search of Kirby. There. He found him. Kirby was looking straight at him, his face blank. Indeed, Kirby was seething inside and Jake could tell. He knew that if he wanted to pay Kirby back for his indiscretion the night before with the two chicks he hooked up with, the best way to do it was to show affection for another man. Will was the perfect candidate. Even though Will was totally straight and there had never been any romance or homoerotic experimentation between them of any kind, Jake knew that Kirby was jealous of their relationship. Will had become very close to Jake during their time together at Stanford and he was now very much a part of Jake’s inner circle. Even Amanda was closer to Will than she was to Kirby. She knew Will first since they were all at Stanford together while Kirby was at USC.

  Will kept licking Jake’s nose and commenting on how good he tasted. When Satana started to unlock the shackle and cuffs to remove them from Jake’s body, Will stepped back momentarily as she did so, but he and Jake continued to laugh and tease with one another the whole time. Jake still had whipped cream around his mouth and chin. He was trying to lick it off himself but was not entirely succeeding. So when Jake’s hands became free he reached out and pulled Will toward him and tightly pressed his mouth to his, lips to lips, smearing the cream on Will’s face in over the top, dramatic fashion as they held on to each other in a full blown body to body hug, moaning and groaning like cows in heat. It was a picture perfect, hilarious moment for everyone in the room as they pulled out their cell phones to capture what nobody perceived to be anything other than two close friends acting like clowns and having a good ole time together. With each a ladies man in college and both engaged to women that everyone in the room personally knew, nobody assumed that either was gay. Not by a long shot. However, Kirby had a different reaction.

  He quietly slipped away from the room in the midst of the hoopla and found his way to a bathroom. The sight of Jake and Will together embracing and kissing was too much for him to take. He stared into the mirror intently for a moment before the flood gates broke. His anger had turned into deep hurt. He felt wounded and began to weep like never before. His moans were so audible that he tried to muffle them with a towel pressed to his face. It was the first time he had ever felt betrayed by a lover. Now he knew how it felt, and it stung.

  Chapter 31 Lead Me Not Into Temptation

  By Sunday morning as everyone was heading back to LA, Kirby had managed to regain his composure and integrate himself back with the group. He did his best to put on his jovial, happy-go-lucky self with most everyone. However, he steered clear of Jake to the degree possible as the mood between the two of them was as frosty as ever. Nobody wanted to endure a three and a half to four hour trek back to LA on a bus in the heavy traffic that typically ensues when people fill out of Vegas after partying there over the weekend. So everyone had purchased one way flights back on Southwest. By the time the limo had dropped everyone off at the airport, Jake and Kirby hadn’t even acknowledged each other. It wasn’t until they were in line going through security check that they finally looked at one another in the face. It was more of a glare really. Their eyes locked for about five seconds before Jake finally nodded his head subtly. If his intent was to break the ice, his gesture was too cryptic to make out as Kirby looked away without returning so much as a nod or wink of his own. By looking away, he was trying to convey a steely insouciance and total indifference to what he had witnessed a few hours before. Will’s your new BFF? Fuck it. That’s cool with me, kind of attitude. However, Jake knew tha
t look all too well. He had experienced it often enough over the years to recognize that whenever Kirby acted distant and aloof, it was a cover he employed to hide what he was truly feeling but was too proud to acknowledge. Although Kirby thought he appeared cold-blooded and strong in his stare down with Jake, the softness of his eyes betrayed him, and Jake could tell that he was hurt.

  When they landed at LAX, Jake and Kirby could not continue their avoidance of one another. After all, they were roommates and they had arranged for car service to take them back home together. As everyone was saying their goodbyes and discussing their next planned rendezvous, the rehearsal dinner at the Los Angeles Country Club in a little less than two weeks, Jake approached Kirby to point out that their driver was waiting for them.

  The two sat in silence half the way home, checking and replying to messages and texting God knows whom. Communicating with anyone else even if electronically was far more easy than having to address the head games they were playing and the rift that was driving them apart. The silence eventually became too much for Jake to bear. There was already a lot of drama going on in his world and to which he would be returning now that the bachelor party was over. The last thing he needed was escalating tension between himself and the person he trusted more than anyone, in some cases even more than Amanda.

  Each had misappropriated his affections for another. Kirby punched first by having a threesome with a couple of strangers and Jake counterpunched by acting as if he also had a bromance going with Will, someone Kirby already viewed as a rival. The blow was successfully delivered and Jake made his point. Now it was time to move on. What happened in Vegas, needed to stay in Vegas.

  “Thanks for an awesome weekend, Kirby. I really had a good time and I know the rest of the guys did too.”

  “No need to thank me, dude. It was fun for me too,” Kirby lied.

  “No, but really, I know you took the lead in planning everything. Arranging for us to have the party bus and the limos to take us everywhere. And the Kingpin Suite. Now that was really cool. You couldn’t have picked a better place.”

  “Yeah, it was pretty cool, I must say so myself,” Kirby said as he stared at his phone, pretending to be multitasking.

  “I really appreciate you, Kirby. I hope you know that,” Jake said as he reached over and squeezed the small of Kirby’s thigh.

  Kirby snickered underneath his breath and pulled his leg away in a gentle but deliberate manner as he turned his head to look out the window of the car.

  Jake knew that they weren’t going to get anywhere unless he addressed head-on the elephant that was in the room or, in this particular case, the car.

  Jake leaned in closer to Kirby and spoke low so that the driver could not fully comprehend what was being said. “Look, I wanted to apologize for overreacting yesterday about you and those two chicks and for calling you a dumbass. I don’t know what came over me. I felt violated. I probably shouldn’t have felt that way, but I did. I guess I was just caught up in the emotion of what we’ve been going through and hearing you talk about being with someone else really got to me.”

  “What about you?” Kirby said, turning to look at Jake. “So are you Will’s new bitch or have you been giving up your booty to him for a while now and I just didn’t know about it?”

  “Neither is the case,” Jake said firmly.

  “Yeah, right,” Kirby said as he shook his head and turned away to look back out the window.

  “You know better than that.”

  “No, I don’t know. All I know is what I saw, man.”

  “We were playing.”

  “So I am supposed to believe that when you kissed Will and let him grind up against your ass like that, that you weren’t really into it? If that’s the case, then you are one hell of an actor. You should consider changing careers. Seriously.”

  “Oh my God. I can’t believe you really think I’ve got a boner in my pants for Will.”

  It looked pretty convincing to me, Kirby thought as he almost lost it again. The hurt he felt the night before when he locked himself in the bathroom started to rush back as the image of Jake and Will grinding up against one another and then kissing while locked in a tight, full body embrace flashed before his mind’s eye. He let out a small screech as he turned to look out the window again to hide the disappointment in his face and to stop himself from losing control of his emotions as he was on the brink of screaming at Jake hysterically.

  “Kirby,” Jake said, his voice now pained as he reached out to touch Kirby’s arm in an attempt to console and reassure him of his fidelity to their bond.

  Kirby was unmoved. “So would you smooch all over Vince like that and allow him to grind on your ass too?”

  “No,” Jake said simply as if the answer was obvious and apparent.

  “Exactly,” Kirby retorted. “Because he’s fat and ugly. But you looked like you were ready to take it up the ass for Will…”

  “Shush,” Jake interrupted, trying to get Kirby to lower his voice and rolling his eyes in exasperation at their dispute.

  “So don’t tell me you weren’t feeling it,” Kirby continued in a lowered tone. “I know what I saw and it didn’t look like you were just ‘playing,’” Kirby said, using his hands to gesture quotation marks. “That shit looked awfully real to me.”

  Jake sighed heavily as he pulled away from Kirby and flapped his hands on his lap in frustration at their impasse.


  When they were dropped off at their bungalow Jake and Kirby were back in silence mode. When they walked into the house, each went straight to his bedroom to unpack without uttering a word to the other. Kirby eventually slammed his door shut. He was in a drama queen mood and he didn’t mind showing it. Even though he was still burning with resentment and hurt about seeing Jake all lovey-dovey with Will, deep down he believed Jake when he told him in the car that there was nothing going on between them. But that wasn’t good enough for him. Jake’s body and affections belonged to him and he offered them up to another guy—no matter how playfully he’d done it.

  Jake knew that Kirby felt a certain ownership and possessiveness of him that was sort of endearing at best and completely irrational at worst, but always void of any self-awareness of the irony of it all. Jake was aware of the irony and of Kirby’s double standard, but trying to argue with reason regarding matters of the heart is never easy, which is why he went for the payback option in the first place.

  After closing himself up in his room, Kirby opened his door a few minutes later and emerged dressed in his workout clothes.

  “You headed to the gym?” Jake said just as Kirby grabbed his keys, about to leave.

  “Yep. I need to work off some steam. You know what I mean, bro?”

  “Kirby, when I heard you talking about how you hooked up with those two girls, I had this jealous reaction and I felt like I needed to pay you back and make you feel what I felt. I was just trying to get back at you. I know that wasn’t the right way to handle things and I’m sorry for hurting you, but I swear to God there is nothing going on between me and Will. We’re just good friends and that’s the way it’s always been. Nothing more.”

  Kirby leaned back against the front door and sighed as if a heavy burden had just been lifted off his chest. “Just seeing you and Will touching each other like that. It’s going to take me a while to erase that from my memory. You know how I feel about you, Jake. Those girls mean nothing to me, but I know that Will means something to you and that he’s an important part of your life. To me it looked like the chemistry between you two was genuine. As real as it is between the two of us, and I always thought that that was something only we shared together.”

  Jake walked closer to Kirby and placed his hands on top of Kirby’s shoulders and looked him straight in the eyes. “It is something only we share together. You’re the only guy I’ve ever been with. My first, only, and last. Like I told you before, if I were to be in a committed relationship with another guy, it would be with you a
nd only you.”

  “I don’t know, Jake,” Kirby said, looking down shaking his head, not fully believing. “It looks like if Will wanted to be in a relationship with you as much as I do, I would have some stiff competition.”

  “Kirby, I love you,” Jake said, placing his hands on Kirby’s face, slightly trembling with emotion.

  Kirby’s eyes began to well up. “You love me, Jake?”

  “Yes, I do. I love you.”

  “Show me you love me. Show me you love me, Jake,” Kirby said again as he pulled himself up from leaning against the door.

  Jake pulled his hands from Kirby’s face and turned his head away to ponder his words, his next move. In the past, whenever their love or fidelity to one another had been challenged or questioned by the other, they settled the score one simple way. Physical intimacy. But Jake was trying to take their relationship in a new direction.

  “Aren’t my words enough for you by now?”

  Kirby turned his nose up at Jake, looking him up and down as he turned his back to open the front door to leave the house.

  Jake quickly reached from behind to push the door shut before Kirby could fully pull it open. “Please don’t do this,” Jake said, as he grabbed and held on to Kirby from behind, leaning his head against the back of Kirby’s. “Don’t walk away.”

  Kirby broke Jake’s embrace and turned himself around to face him. He grabbed and held on to Jake’s face tightly as it filled with surrender to the emotional power and hold Kirby had on him. “Then let me love you. Just let me love you. That’s all I want to do. You’re all I want,” Kirby said before he kissed Jake softly on the lips.


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