The Cursed Satyroi: Volume One Collection

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The Cursed Satyroi: Volume One Collection Page 43

by Rebekah Lewis

  “Uh...” Ariston didn’t know what to say about that.

  Hermes wasn’t done. “Then he said you shouldn’t get pissy about the bolt because women always spill their feelings when they think people are dying on them, which I’m guessing is the reasoning behind his earlier, ‘You’re welcome.’ Considering what we walked in on, I’d say it worked.”

  Pan keeled over, guffawing, Ariston sputtered. Hadn’t he warned Lily the gods sometimes watched the Satyroi for amusement? It didn’t matter if she admitted feeling something for him because he would have preferred learning she cared about him on her own terms. Not because she thought he was dying.

  However, as the gods laughed their asses off in the living room at his expense, Ariston’s dismay turned to anger. “I can’t do anything else about it, what else does he expect me to do? Walk around with a massive erection? I can’t touch her or I may lose control. I’m a satyr. I’m cursed to this perpetual horny state—”

  “You don’t say? A horny satyr. But of course!” Hermes cackled. “You looked like you were touching her on your own when we arrived. You practically had your face in her—”

  “—with a damned nymph fondling me. Damn all of you!” By the time Ariston finished his outburst, the laughter became contagious, and he found himself sitting back on the floor next to Pan, who had tears in his eyes.

  “Ariston, I’ve missed you so.” Pan reached over and patted his shoulder. “I can’t deal. Zeus zapped you for shucking your corn. If the Puritans had known about this, you’d be a Sunday church lecture.” He wheezed, trying to breathe. “’Tis a sin to masturbate, ye followers of this congregation. Ye palms shall grow as hairy as a satyr’s ankle, and ye shall go blind. Ye shall be smited down, Oh Lord Jesus, if you dare to sin in the shower!’”

  “Hallelujah.” Hermes sprawled across an armchair, howling, “He wanked the one-eyed wonder weasel and got jolted!”

  Even though he was the butt of the teasing, Ariston couldn’t deny the humor in the situation. He’d missed Pan too, more so than he’d admitted to himself. Laughing there beside him, he found something he’d been missing. Adonis hadn’t been a brother to him in a long time, but Pan had been family after the curse. His family had come home, and he had a beautiful woman in his bedroom. Life was looking up.

  Even if he’d gotten smited for milking the beanpole.


  “Lily, wasn’t it?” Kat asked as she took a seat on the bed to wait while Lily dressed herself in jeans and a navy tank top covered in little white seahorses. Kat had brought her clothes. As weird as it was, Lily was grateful. She could only pack so much in her backpack and have room for other necessities. They fit perfectly.

  “Yep. That’s me. Thanks again for the clothes. You really didn’t need to do this.”

  “Sure I did. Staying a week with a satyr and only camp supplies to work with? Admit it, you were ready for some new clothes.”

  She really had been. Kat also brought two casual dresses, another pair of jeans, a sweater, three more tops, and a few bra and panty sets. “You have to let me pay you back for this.” She glimpsed the tag she’d torn off the jeans she’d just put on and cringed at the price. “And how did you know my size?”

  “Hermes can find information faster than the Internet or calling ahead. When he told us about you, and how Ariston found you, I immediately informed Pan I was bringing you clothes. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve roughed it out plenty of times, but I am girly enough to want to be clean in front of an attractive man. Or satyr. Not to mention, Pan tried the whole kidnap the pretty lady bit too. Apparently it’s a thing.” She dismissed with a wave of the hand. “At least Ariston has running water.”

  “I don’t know if that makes me appreciate Hermes more, or if it horrifies me that he could know my underwear size in the blink of an eye.”

  Kat laughed. “Yeah, well, as he would say: he’s a messenger. It’s his job to be able to relay information.”

  Lily tried to relax, and having another woman to talk with helped, but she remained shaken. She’d really been afraid Ariston would die after she’d finally considered attempting a relationship with him—if he wanted her for more than a way to be human again, anyway. The lightning incident had nearly erased Lily’s embarrassment over nearly copulating with him in her sleep. Maybe she did have some weird sex addiction and Donovan hadn’t been overreacting. All part of being a nymph, she supposed.

  Kat smiled warmly at her. “Don’t be upset,” she said knowingly. “Ariston will be fine. Very few things can kill a satyr, and lightning isn’t one of them.”

  Well, I know now.

  “It’s not that. It’s... It’s personal and awkward.”

  “I think I understand.” She nodded.

  Lily shook her head. “How could you? I haven’t even told you what the issue is.”

  “Ariston’s a satyr, and I have some experience in starting a relationship with one of them myself.” Kat rubbed a hand over her very pregnant belly. She had to be in the third trimester by the looks of her, she was ready to pop.

  “When I met Pan, I wanted to push him over a table and jump his bones right then and there. No questions asked. I hadn’t had sex in over a year and was never one to jump into the sack with a guy I hardly knew. It frightened me, and the urge was so strong I had to mentally restrain myself to behave. Of course, I’d been dosed with a bit of Dionysus’ blood against my knowledge, so my libido was on par with that of a nymph—or so I was given to understand. I may not know what it’s like to feel how you do, but I do know how scary it was not being in control of myself. Especially around a satyr who desired me in return, and who didn’t have to hold off until an eclipse.”

  Lily fought back tears, feeling like a total dweeb for being emotional. This woman wouldn’t judge her or call her a slut-bag. This woman, who didn’t even know her, understood.

  “Oh, honey, don’t cry.” Kat pushed herself off the bed—it took a couple wobbly attempts—and pulled Lily into her arms. Kat’s wavy red hair smelled like oranges. Though she appeared to be only a few years older than Lily, she had a very sisterly quality to her. Something Lily had never experienced. Her support system had always been whoever her boyfriend was at the time, and it didn’t work out so well. She didn’t have many female friends, and definitely none she would go to in a time of crisis.

  “I’m sorry,” Lily said as the tears finally fell. “It’s so overwhelming. Last weekend I had a boyfriend I thought loved me. I had a decent freelance gig, and I was normal. Then suddenly I find out I’m a nymph, but not just any nymph. No, I’m supposed to be the nymph that can save a satyr from a curse. I met him mere days ago, and it is way too soon to even consider anything other than a weekend fling. But if I don’t give in, I leave him stuck with his curse, which would be a total bitch thing to do.”

  Kat hugged her tighter and dragged her toward the bed where she made Lily sit next to her. “You shouldn’t do it because you feel obligated. Only do it if you want to do it. Do you? Want to, I mean.”

  Lily trembled. “That’s the part that makes it worse. I do want to, but what if all I am to him is a means to an end? I don’t think I could live with myself if that happened. Sex isn’t meaningless to me.”

  “Oh, honey. You like him, don’t you?”

  “I think I do.” It came out as a mere whisper.

  “Don’t be ashamed of it. This is a good thing.” Kat grasped Lily’s hands and squeezed reassuringly. “I’ve never met Ariston in person, but I witnessed the night of the curse through Pan’s memories.”

  That was even possible? Why did it annoy her that Kat had seen a version of Ariston Lily hadn’t?

  “I know, it’s weird. Like, good-bye sanity, this is my life now. All magic and mayhem, all the time.” The corner of her mouth quirked up. “The Ariston I saw was a very genuine, strong, friendly man. His brother was a bit of an arrogant turd, but Ariston didn’t let it bother him. He’d brought Adonis there to help him get over his split with a goddess.�

  Lily nodded. “I was told about Adonis and Aphrodite.”

  “If I had to choose any of the other satyrs in that clearing Ariston would be one of the best choices. He’s definitely worth keeping.”

  Lily’s eyebrows lifted into her hairline. “One of?”

  “Almost all of them were attractive men. Silenus was yucky, but he’s dead now.” Kat leaned toward her and said in a hushed tone, “Don’t tell Pan I told you this, but the satyr named Melancton is totally hot. I love Pan, I do...but damn. When I met him in person, I felt like I was cheating by gawking at him.”

  “Oh, I’ve met him too, and I agree.”

  She pulled back with surprise. “You’ve met Melancton? Here?”

  Lily gave her the rundown of their encounter with Melancton and Donovan, and the conclusion that Adonis was somewhere nearby.

  “If Adonis is around, it can only mean trouble. He blames Ariston for everything, and as far as Pan knows, they’ve never made up. Promise me, even if you don’t go through with the ritual, you won’t leave Ariston’s side at any cost while you are out here. If Ariston starts acting strange when he’s in human glamour, ask him to show you his horns. Adonis’ don’t curl.”

  So they really were identical then, except for the horns. “Do you really think Adonis would hurt me?”

  “I don’t think he would want to hurt you, no. He seemed harmless enough in the memory, albeit ungrateful and stuck on himself. But I wouldn’t put it past him to lash out. If Ariston cares for you, the best way to hurt him would be through you.”

  Lily nibbled her lip. “I’m gonna have to come up with an answer for Ariston soon. It’s not fair to him to keep wondering if I’m going to... you know.”

  “You always have a choice. It’s your body. If it came down to it, I think Ariston would accept his fate and let you go. I would advise not angling for more from him if you’re not serious about the ritual. It wouldn’t be fair to wait until the next lunar eclipse, and those could be months to a year in between. Ariston really cannot have sex with you at all or he won’t become human again, and unfortunately, the curse demands sex. He wouldn’t remain chaste for you; he’d have no choice. Your first time together has to be under the Satyr Moon, as Apollo said.”

  “I know.” It was one of the things Lily thought about the most. A week wasn’t enough time to make a commitment, at least not for her. She’d known people who could fall in love in a matter of days, but despite her sex drive, she took things slow. If she wanted a chance to be with Ariston, she’d have to go through with the ritual or it wouldn’t be fair to either of them. Lily did want to spend time with him. She wanted to try, but her battered heart was cautious.

  “I woke up on top of Ariston this morning. Naked. With him in my hand, between my legs. I don’t feel like I am in control of my body around him,” she whispered.

  Kat considered her words before saying, “It’s the nature of satyrs to make you want them. They have this allure that their true appearances are supposed to counteract. It’s so overwhelming because it is new. When you adapt to it, you stop noticing it so much. I think it’s hitting you twice as hard because of, pardon my frankness, what you are. Pan tells me nymphs thrive from sex, kind of like satyrs, but to a lesser extent. And, uh, the way we found you guys when we arrived looked like he had the upper hand.”

  “Yeah, because he’d regained consciousness and immediately started putting the moves on me. You know, the first time I saw him, he’d used his flute thing to compel a woman to desire him. He said the melody gives them a choice and ensures they aren’t afraid of him if he’s in satyr form. If he can do that, what’s to say he wouldn’t use it on me?” Lily felt a pang of guilt as she said the words. Did she truly think Ariston would manipulate her? No. But she needed the reassurance from someone who didn’t know Ariston personally.

  Kat’s blue eyes narrowed. “Did he try to use it on you?”

  “He was playing the panpipes when I found him. I followed the melody, and even thought about going back. Nearly did. My curiosity got the best of me though, and I went.”

  “You made the actual decision to follow it, though?”

  “I think so, yeah.”

  “Ariston isn’t the kind of person to lie. I think you’re falling for Ariston, hard. It’s scary, and I can’t blame you. I’ve been there. Your questions are valid—and I would have the same concerns in your place—but the only one who can really put your mind at ease is him. You might be using your fear as a safety net to keep you from feeling the way you want to feel.”

  The voices outside the bedroom increased in volume as peals of laughter ricocheted through the cabin.

  “What in the world?” Lily scrambled to her feet. She marched to the door with Kat on her heels and turned the knob. In the living room, Ariston and Pan were laying in the floor, hugging, and sobbing with laughter. Hermes sat in the armchair, red in the face, cheeks streaked with moisture as he followed suit with the others, holding his sides as he shook with mirth.

  “The hell happened in here?” Lily asked.

  The men made choking noises as they tried to straighten up and quiet themselves. Pan and Ariston separated from their embrace, wearing looks of innocence that were nothing if not transparent.

  “Well?” Kat prodded, placing her hands on her hips. “Maybe we’d like to know what the joke was.”

  Hermes opened his mouth to chime in, but Pan shot him a stern, green-eyed glare which miraculously shut the other god up. Nevertheless, Hermes still snickered at something only he seemed to think was funny.

  Then Pan cleared his throat, took a deep breath, and said in a steady, calm monotone, “Ariston’s electric rod took a hefty charge.”

  All three retained their blank expressions, which lasted about three seconds before the snorting and snickering overtook them.

  Kat turned to Lily and sighed. “They are, like, a zillion years old, yet they show the same level of maturity as frat boys when they group together. It’s terrifying. Two of them are deities. People actually worshipped...this...” She waved a hand toward the tableau in front of them.

  The women shook their heads at the male bonding and retreated to the bedroom. Lily still had so much to ask Kat about satyrs, and it looked like Ariston wouldn’t be able to take anything seriously for some time.

  Chapter Eleven

  “So...what are we going to do about Adonis?” Lily asked as she flopped onto the couch next to Ariston with a steaming mug of hot chocolate clasped in her hands. The sugary aroma was strangely calming, especially when combined with her closeness. She’d never willingly sat so close to him before.

  “I will talk to him,” Ariston replied. He’d be damned if he allowed Adonis anywhere near Lily. The fact he remained didn’t bode well.

  “Are you sure that’s wise?” She offered him the mug after sipping from it.

  “You...would have me drink from your cup?” he asked. What had she and Katerina talked about yesterday? Her whole demeanor changed since last night when Pan and the others left to check into a hotel. The closest one was perhaps forty-five miles away, and unfortunately they hadn’t taken Pegasus with them. The beast had slept inside, acting as a barrier between the living room and bedroom. Throughout the night, Ariston had awoken with a start only to stare into the black depths of Pegasus’ onyx black eyes. Needless to say, he felt like shit after a mostly restless night.

  “Really? Yesterday we woke up with my hand on your dangly bits. Sharing a cup is nowhere near as intimate.” Said bits perked up at the reminder and greedily anticipated a repeat performance, but he stayed as motionless as he could, not to draw attention to it. Yes, confronting Adonis would be a welcome distraction from his urge to toss caution to the wind and remain cursed forever. Pegasus would stay with her while he was away, keeping her safe.

  “If you say so...” Ariston took the heated mug from her hands and turned it. He placed his lips on the slight impression her lip balm had left on the rim. He watched her pupils di
late as she realized what he’d done. Lily didn’t comment, but the hitch in her breathing spoke volumes. He affected her as surely as she did him. When had it happened? Surely it had to have been from the lightning encounter. She’d desired him before, he knew, but something changed. In both of them.

  “Mmm,” he said, and let his tongue dart out to catch a sweet chocolate droplet thinking to escape over the side. He handed it back.

  Lily stared at the cocoa as if it were some peculiar creature she’d never encountered, shrugged, and then took a sip from the same spot as well.

  Thank the gods Pegasus was outside. She handed the mug back to him, and he placed it on the coffee table in order to claim her mouth with his. Lily stiffened, but when he parted her lips with his tongue to savor the remnants of chocolate lingering where she melted against him. Ariston nearly groaned. He pulled her into his lap, and she straddled him. They were both fully dressed, and as long as they remained so, they’d be okay. He’d suffer for that moment of recklessness later, but it was worth every minute of blue balls to have her sweet taste on his tongue and feel her body responding to his.

  “What are we doing?” Lily asked as she broke the kiss. She palmed his cheek and Ariston turned into it, kissing her hand lightly upon the mound of Venus.

  “I would think it’s rather obvious, love. I’m kissing you.”

  “No,” she huffed out a breath, “What’s going on between us? I need to know where we stand.”

  Ariston swallowed, closing his eyes and mourning the loss of her lips against his. He’d pondered the same, many times. “I wasn’t sure if feelings were mutual. I didn’t want to push you.” True, he needed her for the ritual, but if she didn’t want to go through with it, wishing for anything more would lead to misery.

  Lily snorted. “Because ‘hey, I need you to have sex with me during the eclipse’ isn’t pushing at all.”

  “I never said it that way. It’s unfair enough to ask that of you so soon.” Neither commented on the fact he’d done nothing but have sex with nameless women to keep the curse at bay. Ariston had never invited any of them to his home, had never actually known them. He’d never wanted to. With Lily, he wanted everything, the whole package. However, he’d screwed that up from the start.


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