The Dukedom

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The Dukedom Page 6

by Dagny Aldan

  “On my count, you will come Isabel. You will come in front of everyone and be laid bare before them,” he rumbled. “Four… three… two… ONE!”

  He shoved his four fingers into her again and Isabel stopped trying to hold her orgasm back. It crashed through her with such a force she bowed her back and ass off the chair, shaking the chair as her walls tightened around his hand so hard it hurt. Isabel could not breathe, she was overtaken, possessed. Pain and pleasure had no distinction, she was just sensation. All she could do was let it consume her. Her vision went white, then black and she slipped away into nothing.

  It might have been minutes, it might have been hours, but suddenly her lungs remembered how to work and she drew in a deep, gasping breath, and with that breath her body switched from painfully tense to boneless limpness. She melted into the chair beneath her and was aware of Ahmed pulling his fingers from her body. It provoked smaller orgasms that had her whimpering and trembling helplessly.

  Benjamin was no longer holding her head, but Isabel felt disconnected from her own body, as if she did not have a head anymore, or legs, or anything else. Someone was talking above her, and she tried to make sense of the words,

  “-complete. Now begins the true instruction.”

  Isabel wiggled her fingers and was gratified to feel them at the ends of her arms. Someone had untied her wrists, her hands were at her sides. She opened her eyes, blinking slowly as she tried to remember where she was. A man, Ahmed, was standing over her. He was holding something black and silver.

  As Isabel watched him she felt something slick and stiff push against her asshole, breaching it and slipping in. She groaned as small ripples of orgasm rocked through her again. Ahmed chuckled over her and then he was encasing her hips in cool leather.

  “You will wear this chastity belt when you are not being used by the Dukes and Duchesses of this Dukedom. It will remind you of your place here. You are now a slave to us, and will submit to all we say. Do you understand Isabel?”

  Isabel nodded. Ahmed reached up and pulled the crop from her mouth.

  “Answer me.”

  It took her a moment to remember how to speak.

  “Yes Grand Duke, I understand.”

  Ahmed smiled down at her then unstrapped her legs and used the rope harness around her breasts to pull her to her feet. Isabel’s legs felt like jelly and she sagged to the left, only just managing to catch herself. Ahmed held her by the rope pressing into her sternum.

  “I think it’s time for dinner. Justin, take Isabel and show her the ropes, so to speak.”

  “Yes Grand Duke,” said Justin, striding over with the leash in his hand. Isabel blinked hard and then sank gratefully to her knees. It was safer to be closer to the ground right now. The plug in her ass gave a soft pulse and she guessed it was one of those special self-lubricating and expanding ones Lena had. It would stretch her ass and lubricate it so it was as easy to fuck as her pussy.

  Isabel remembered that Hans had been the first one to use it on her and she felt a wave of pain emanate from her chest. However it was gone in an instant and Justin was tugging on her leash to make her follow him, so she did, still riding the high of her orgasm.

  Chapter Eight –Lena

  Lena was beaming as she approached Grand Duke Ahmed. Isabel had performed beautifully, and she was sure Ahmed would have many complimentary things to say to her. The other Dukes and Duchesses had already showered her with praise for Isabel’s automatic orgasm control, and had been entranced when she had climaxed, which had been both lovely and almost frightening.

  Ahmed was talking to Luke, who had his two slaves kneeling on either side. Both princes looked uncomfortable, no doubt feeling the tightness of their cock rings after watching Isabel. Luke was playing with Adrian’s hair absentmindedly as he talked easily to Ahmed. Lena felt a stab of jealousy, Luke had always seemed so familiar with Ahmed, they seemed more like old friends than anything else. They might have been, Lena had no idea what their history was, but it still annoyed her that despite her best efforts she had never been able to get that same intimacy with Ahmed. Even when Ahmed had trained her in dominance and submission.

  “Grand Duke!” she gushed when the two men paused in their conversation, “I hope you were pleased with Isabel.”

  Ahmed turned his dark eyes to Lena and smiled slightly,

  “I was very pleased with her Lena, though she struggled at the start.”

  Lena shrugged, as if she had not felt her heart pounding in her chest when Isabel had nearly protested having her legs pulled apart.

  “Isabel’s not used to exposure, not on this scale, but she will adapt quickly. She’s learned everything else quickly.”

  “Indeed,” said Luke, his free hand moving to Sander’s mouth and pushing two fingers in. Sander sucked eagerly as Luke continued, “I was just telling Ahmed that I am a bit concerned with the speed with which you moved. Training takes time, and Isabel has had less than any other slave.”

  “Well, I hope this evening’s introduction put those concerns at ease,” said Lena, trying to smile around her gritted teeth.

  “Not yet, I’d like to have a session with her myself before I’m really satisfied,” said Luke, looking at Ahmed who nodded.

  “I think that’s a good idea. I plan on spending some time with her when the other slaves have retired for the night.”

  Lena’s heart leapt in her chest with either delight or apprehension, she was not sure.


  “Yes, Isabel went more off script than any of the other heirs, I want to find out why.”

  Lena swallowed and glanced at Luke who nodded,

  “I too would love to know that.”

  Lena forced herself to laugh,

  “Oh Luke, you’re not still jealous that I got Isabel instead of you?”

  Neither Luke nor Ahmed laughed and both Sander and Adrian shifted where they knelt.

  “Nothing of the sort,” said Luke stiffly. “I just want to be sure we can understand her thinking better. Neither Sander, nor Adrian were able to find out why she left when they paid her a visit, did you boys?”

  Both men shivered slightly, heads bowed,

  “No Duke Luke,” they mumbled in unison. Lena, who had seen Luke’s recordings of their punishments for that, licked her lips. In truth she would have preferred to get a man like Prince Sander, but she had ultimately gotten the better heir.

  “More than that, nothing in Isabel’s psychiatric analyses suggested that she would enter the military.”

  Sander shifted on the spot and then bent forward, resting his head on the floor.

  “Yes Sander?”

  “Isabel always talked about joining the military to us when we were in school.”

  “She did?” asked Ahmed, sounding surprised.

  “Yes Grand Duke, but I don’t know if she ever said it to the teachers. I think she was afraid they would tell her it would never happen.”

  “Interesting…” said Ahmed quietly. Lena looked at him curiously. “Did she explain herself when you met her after she was taken out of the military?”

  “She just said it was something she had to do. She seemed to feel if she didn’t she would be letting someone down.”

  “Did you pursue this?” asked Ahmed.

  “No Grand Duke, we did not. We were more focused on our feeling of abandonment.”

  “And yet you dominated her,” said Luke curtly. “You dominated her, forgetting the one great rule. That the submissive must be the focus.”

  Sander nodded against the floor, his back had soft red marks from a whip and Lena wondered how old they were. Luke turned to Lena,

  “Did you pursue the reason?”

  “No,” admitted Lena, “I was more interested in her training, and helping her move past the… pothole that was Hans.”

  Adrian shifted and Lena saw his eyes flick up and then down. Luke ignored it.

  “Is that what we’re calling your slave falling in love with her body

  “It wasn’t love, not real love,” Lena scoffed, “She was infatuated with him, and he was fixated on her. It wouldn’t have lasted much longer anyway.”

  Both men gave her a look that made it clear they didn’t believe her. Lena suppressed the urge to roll her eyes in irritation. She did not want Ahmed to disapprove of her in any way.

  “We have all the time in the world to get to the bottom of that girl’s strange anxieties,” she said dismissively, “Isn’t that why she’s here? Why they’re all here? So they will be able to do their duty to their countries?”

  Luke nodded, while Ahmed simply inclined his head. Lena looked down at the princes kneeling at Luke’s feet and decided to move the subject forward.

  “Luke, could I borrow Adrian? As fun as Isabel is, I have missed dominating a man.”

  Luke arched an eyebrow, then nodded his assent.

  “Adrian, go with Lena,” he ordered.

  “Yes Duke Luke,” murmured Adrian, walking on his knees to be at Lena’s feet instead. Luke’s hand moved to Sander’s hair and played with it instead. Sander relaxed against his Duke’s leg at once. Lena touched Adrian’s shoulder, feeling his strong muscles and biting her lip in anticipation. She would have to wait until after dinner of course.

  Justin came back, Isabel at his heels, her hair pulled back into a braid, the rope harness was missing.

  “Dinner is ready,” he called, turning around and walking back into the dining room. Isabel scurried to keep up with him. Lena watched her go with amusement and some fondness.

  “Come along,” she beckoned to Adrian, and he followed her into the dining room. It was a grand room, like all the rooms in the Dukedom, with a long dark table for the Dukes and Duchesses, separated by gender. Similarly the slaves were separated by gender, the men behind the Duchesses and the women behind the Dukes. The Esquires were standing at the end of the table, waiting for the leaders to sit so they could serve the dinner. The slaves’ food was already served, the bowls of soft food waiting in neat rows on the floor. Lena watched as Justin pulled Isabel to the table and hid a grin. Tomorrow Isabel would join the other slaves, but tonight, she would have to be on display, something she knew Isabel really hated.

  Justin had Isabel climb onto the table and crawl into the centre, where her bowl was waiting. Right in the middle of the table were restraints, hand gloves and straps for her legs. Justin secured her into them so she was on hands and knees like a dog, then nudged her bowl closer. Lena sat right next to her, able to see her face. Isabel was blushing crimson and she glanced nervously at Lena who grinned at her. She wished she could have one of the slaves, Benjamin perhaps, fucking Isabel through the meal, but she supposed she would have to wait for another day.

  Ahmed sat at the head of the table and the food was served. It was all quiet, most people were watching Isabel as she glanced over at the slaves who were eating without the use of their hands. Isabel swallowed and bent down, starting to eat her food. She had to be starving now, they had not eaten much on the flight. Still Lena was pleased to see she was trying to be neat and tidy about it.

  The Dukes and Duchesses chatted among themselves, enjoying their food and the company. Lena noticed that Ahmed, usually talkative, was spending most of his time staring at Isabel, who had finished her meal and straightened up, trying to lick her face clean. She looked tired, her eyes still roaming when she thought no one would notice, and her cheeks still red with embarrassment. When the plates were cleared away, Justin came back to Isabel carry two small weights attached to clamps. He reached up and pinched Isabel’s nipple, making her yelp in surprise. The clamp was fixed on it and the weight was allowed to swing free.

  Isabel scrunched up her face to keep quiet as Justin walked around the table and did the same to her other nipple. He set the weights to swinging, and Isabel grunted and squirmed her shoulders, the only part of her body she could really move. She looked at Lena with anxious eyes, clearly worried she had displeased them and this was a punishment. Lena reached out and thumbed her lower lip,

  “This is for our pleasure, not your punishment. We like to watch you squirm.”

  Isabel’s eyes relaxed, though as Justin played with the wire holding the weights she moaned and bit her lip. Lena had no doubt she would be wet as ever under the chastity belt. Ahmed stood up abruptly and everyone looked at him in surprise. Dessert had not yet been served. Ahmed’s nostrils flared as he stared at Isabel, who dropped her eyes to the table. He looked angry but Lena could not fathom why.

  Ahmed seemed to come to himself, he cleared his throat and said,

  “Don’t look so worried. You’d think a man had never gone to the bathroom before.”

  Everyone laughed and Ahmed walked out. Luke, who was sitting opposite Lena, rested his forearm on the table and reached out with his other hand, playing with the weights and forcing little noises out of Isabel. Luke watched her face with fond amusement.

  “You like pain, don’t you Isabel?”

  Isabel nodded,

  “Yes sir,” she replied quietly.

  “Duke Luke,” Luke corrected.

  “D-Duke Luke,” Isabel amended. Lena thought she was peering at Luke curiously but it was hard to tell.

  “You know who I am Isabel?” asked Luke.

  “A-are you Adrian and Sander’s handler?” she asked.

  “I am. You’re very fond of my boys, aren’t you?”

  Isabel blushed then winced as Luke made the left weight swing hard, pulling on her sore nipple.

  “They’re my friends, I… I missed them.”

  “I know they missed you,” said Luke gently, “But it was very bold of them to dominate you the way they did. That is our job.”

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t know,” said Isabel, bowing her head.

  “I know you didn’t. But they did. I had to punish them very severely,” drawled Luke, reaching up and fondling her breast. Isabel’s mouth fell open and she moaned. Luke’s eyes caught Lena’s and she thought she saw a taunt within them. Annoyed, Lena reached up and started fondling the other breast, reminding Isabel that she was there. Isabel arched her back, making the weights swing, a look of pained pleasure on her face. Her hips rolled a little and Lena wondered if they could make her climax like this. Since she had already come once, she would be more inclined to come again.

  A hand landed on Lena’s shoulder and she jumped, looking up. Ahmed had returned and he smiled stiffly at her,

  “Now Lena, I don’t want Isabel worn out before I’ve had my time with her tonight.”

  A thrill of fear that she had never felt before cut through Lena and she let go of Isabel as if she had burned her hand.

  “Sorry Ahmed, just having fun with the new slave,” said Luke calmly, but he too had let Isabel go. Isabel dropped her head so her braid fell forward, panting softly. No one touched her again for the rest of the meal, which was unusual. Normally teasing the new slave was an important part of the first day.

  Lena picked at her dessert, her eyes flicking to Ahmed every now and then. He was watching Isabel again.

  Chapter Nine -Isabel

  Isabel’s mind was fixated on the moment when they would remove the nipple clamps. It was going to hurt more than they did now as the blood flow returned and she was dreading it. Or anticipating it, she wasn’t sure anymore.

  Every time she chanced a look up her eyes locked with Ahmed’s and a bolt of nerves and heat coursed through her. The way he had talked about ‘taking her’ was making her head spin. Was this really what she had agreed to? Being handed between people to be used? The obvious answer was Yes, because she had agreed to be a slave, a sex slave. Surely this was the whole point. But it was only now that she really understood what she had agreed to.

  And she was starting to doubt her decision.

  “I think that’s long enough.”

  Justin had come back and he was reaching for the clamps with a small grin on his face. He knew it was going to hurt. Isabel grit her teeth and brac
ed herself. The clamp on her left nipple was released and blood rushed into the nub. Isabel cried out, she could not stop herself. It hurt!

  The Dukes and Duchesses chuckled around her and her face began to burn. Isabel lifted her gaze and locked eyes with Ahmed, who was watching her over his wine glass. Justin rubbed her nipple to help ease the pain, then moved around the long table to the other side. Isabel whimpered as the second clamp was released, and sighed in relief when Justin rubbed it too.

  The Dukes and Duchesses were standing up and collecting their slaves. Isabel saw Lena approach Adrian and a flash of what she might be doing with him in minutes rolled through her mind. Justin freed her from the restraints and helped her get off the table. Isabel wanted to lie down and go to sleep, she felt so tired. Justin must have sensed her feelings because he nudged her with his knee.

  “Come on Isabel, Ahmed wants you brought to his rooms.”

  It took four flights of stairs to get there, and Isabel watched as slaves followed their owners behind doors.

  “A lot of the slaves will be partnered with someone for the night, if you aren’t you’ll be sleeping down in the slave quarters,” Justin explained. “You’ll be with Grand Duke Ahmed tonight. This is a high honour, Ahmed rarely takes a slave from the start. He usually waits until you’re trained in.”

  Isabel’s anxiety spiked a bit. Ahmed was already intimidating without knowing that this moment was special. Justin brought her through a door into a large room. It was a bedroom, the bed was big enough for five people, with soft colours that she was surprised by. She had expected a lot of red and black. It made her think of a really expensive hotel room, but there were no signs of any sex toys.

  “Ahmed has a particular role play for you to perform with him, so let’s get you prepped,” said Justin, already unpacking a soft white garment. Isabel was allowed to stand up and the garment was pulled over her head. It was a simple tunic with a tie around the middle. It made Isabel think of Grecian or Roman clothing. Justin spent some time pulling the front around her breasts so they weren’t flattened.


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