Payton's Passion

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Payton's Passion Page 11

by Ruby Storm

  “That’s what I wanted him to see, Payton—that I’m the one person who can make you totally happy. I wanted him to know that only I can make you come like that.” Lovingly, he kissed her open mouth. “I love being the only one who can completely control your emotions. I love you.”

  A soft smile touched her lips. Payton swiped at a tear. “I love you too,” she whispered. “Only you.” As she laid her head on his shoulder, she glanced across the veranda. Only she and Andy were left to enjoy the beautiful gardens.

  Chapter 17: The Sultan’s Concubine

  Andy pushed the door open with the flat of his left hand. The fingers of his right hand clasped his wife’s gently as he led her into a dimly lit room. Earlier, the two pored over the different selections of sexual fantasy rooms and had decided to go with the Sultan’s Palace.

  Payton stood on her tiptoes and peered over his shoulder. “Holy cow…” A shiver of anticipation ran up her spine as her gaze moved around the room.

  Even with the lights turned down low, multi-colored satin pillows shimmered around the room. A thin raised bed of sorts was placed in the center of the floor. Against the wall was a flat cushioned panel with fur-lined handcuffs attached on chains near the top and two more shackles near the floor. A quick glance at Andy revealed his lascivious grin.

  Velvet entered behind the couple with a covered tray in her hands. She set it on a nearby table and lifted the cover.

  “You’ll find quite an assortment here of cold foods to enjoy. If you would like anything else, just give the operator a call and I’ll have it delivered.”

  Payton and Andy silently followed her further into the room when she motioned them forward. Their host melted into the lush surroundings with her flowing red robe and exotic persona. She turned with a smile touching her full scarlet lips.

  “I think you made a good choice. Role-playing in a room like this is always exciting. Sex & Love simply supplies various experiences for fantasy, but that surely doesn’t mean you can’t come up with something on your own once you leave here or even while you are here.”

  She rose, crossed to a chest and opened the heavy lid. “In here, you’ll find clothes and various other objects that will help you ‘get in the mood’ so to speak.” She lifted two thin leather-bound books from the interior. “Each of these manuals denotes if they are for a man or a woman. Take a few minutes to look through them. Each outlines role-playing ideas. You can try them or create your own scenario.” She placed the books back inside the chest. “I’ve never had a customer that wasn’t pleased with any of our fantasy rooms. Stay as long as you want. When you decide that you are finished here, feel free to check out the list on the hallway table and experience some other special offers from Sex & Love.”

  Velvet was about to leave, but hesitated a moment longer. She turned, clasped her hands lightly, and smiled wider. “There is one thing I’d like to mention. We have staff counselors if you’d like to set up an appointment. The choice is yours. I thought I’d mention it out loud again because, up to now, you haven’t requested any sessions.”

  “Is it a required that we do?” Andy returned.

  “Oh, no. Some couples need the outside help and some don’t. I just want the two of you to get everything you need out of this weekend. Communication is a big part of a happy relationship.”

  Andy rested an arm across Payton’s shoulders. “I think we’ll just take your tips regarding the room and enjoy the rest of the afternoon. Payton and I have been talking,” he squeezed her shoulder gently, “among other things.”

  Velvet nodded, crossed the room with her robe rustling around her ankles, and closed the door behind her as she left.

  Andy immediately pulled Payton into his arms. He pressed his lips softly against hers and was surprised when she slanted her head and opened her mouth hungrily. The tender embrace quickly turned hot as she molded herself against his body.

  Andy grabbed her ass and pulled her even closer. “Hell,” he mumbled against her mouth, “I should have brought you here a long time ago. You know, I didn’t ask you if you wanted to see one of the offered professionals. What do you think?”

  “I can’t get enough of you,” she murmured back. “I’m not even embarrassed anymore in front of Velvet. We don’t need anyone to tell us if there is a problem, because there isn’t. I just wanted her to get the hell out so we could be alone.”

  Andy burst out laughing, but sobered quickly when his wife wiggled her hand between them and massaged his burgeoning erection. “You keep that up—pardon the pun—and we’ll never even get to the manuals.”

  Payton floated from his arms with a wicked smile on her lips and crossed to the chest. “Just priming the pump, honey.”

  He hurried to her side and playfully swatted her on the ass. “You’ve become a horrible tease.”

  Payton handed him the bound manual. “Are you complaining?”

  “Hell, no. I’m just wondering if I’m going to be able to keep up with you from here on out.”

  Payton turned to pull costumes from the chest. “I’ll just have to find some young stud then to take care of my needs,” she teased, and then yelped when he swatted her across the butt a little harder than the first time.

  She spun back around and placed one fist on her hip. “If that didn’t turn me on so much, I’d smack you back. Can’t wait to start, big guy?”

  Andy’s eyebrows danced. “That’s half the anticipation.”

  His wife shoved an armful of silky material into his waiting hands and nodded her head at an ornate hinged panel. “Go behind that screen and get dressed.”

  “Are you really going to make us put on costumes?”

  “You’re damned right. Look at this.” She held up a cotton gauze, see-through robe. “I want to see what your reaction is when I put this on!”

  “Ooo, my harem girl. I’ll be right back.” He scooted behind the screen. “This better not be a joke, Payton. When I come out, you’d better have that outfit on.”

  She was already pulling her shirt over her head and heading for another corner of the room that was screened off.

  A few minutes later, Andy stepped from behind the privacy panel. He wore a long flowing sheik’s robe, complete with headgear. “I can’t believe I’m doing this.” He glanced around until he saw her clothes hanging over the top of her dressing area. “Payton, you almost done back there?”

  A rustle of material preceded her as she floated into the room.

  A rush of air whistled across Andy’s teeth as he stared at his wife who had suddenly transformed herself into an Arabic concubine.

  She was stunning to say the least.

  A silver band wrapped around her head just above her eyebrows. Matching silver hoops bounced from her delicate earlobes as she raised her chin a notch to let him view the sweet length of her slender neck. Payton had pulled her long blonde tresses into a swirling mass at the top of her head. Springing curls draped their way around her neck, making him want to reach out to feel their softness.

  That need, however, didn’t match the desire he felt to gather her body into his arms to assure himself she was real. The filmy gauze floated along the sensuous curves of her breasts and thighs. Her pubic hair was barely discernable beneath the white threads, and Andy knew the joy he would find just beneath the curly mound.

  Payton’s nipples immediately hardened when his heated gaze raked her from head to toe. Slender hands reached up to caress the muted pink nipples draped by the material. She brushed her fingers down past her hips, around to the apex of her legs, and back up to rest gently on her trim hips. “Do you like what you see?”

  He nodded.

  “It opens in the front. In just one little flick of your finger, you could be inside my robe.”

  He took a step forward, but she raised a palm to halt his approach.

  “Not yet, though. I love the feel of this material against my skin. I want to stay dressed for awhile.”

  “You have nothing underneath it.
It’s pretty clear to me that all I’d have to do is lift up the hem and you’d be mine before you knew it. I don’t need to open anything. I’ve got a hard-on that hurts just looking at you.”

  A satisfied smile turned up the corners of Payton’s mouth. That’s exactly the reaction she had gone for, but she was going to make him wait. Like he said; the anticipation was half the game.

  Payton sank to a pillow and patted the one across from her. “Here, sit so we can talk. I took a quick glimpse at the manual. We’re supposed to communicate orally first.”

  “You want oral communication? I’ll give you oral communication.”

  “That’s not what I’m talking about and you know it. But…I’ll remember you said that.”

  His jaw clenched, but he sat across from her as ordered.

  “You look handsome in that robe, Andy. With your dark masculine physique, you could easily be sitting in an Arabian tent with a camel waiting for you outside.”

  “I feel a little silly.”

  “Don’t—the sight of you turns me on. It helps my fantasy along.”

  “Which is…?”

  “In due time,” she answered cheekily. “My manual gave me a few ideas, but it also asked me a question.” The smile left her face as she reflected inwardly for a moment. “I’m supposed to discuss with you the exact moment when I knew you and I would make a life together—when I was absolutely sure you would always be by my side.”

  “Did something come to mind?”

  “Yes—it did.”


  Payton leaned back against a larger pillow and stared at him. A soft, mellow love rested in her blue gaze. “At the hospital—after Tyler was born.”

  Surprise widened her husband’s eyes. “I thought you’d pick some great sexual experience—like maybe a time when we connected more so than any other.”

  Her head shook slightly. “I heard you in the hallway talking to my parents after he was born. You’re words warmed me and gave me security like nothing else ever has.”

  “I can’t remember what you’re talking about.” He tilted his head, then shook it with uncertainty furrowing his brow. “A conversation with your parents?”

  “Yes. I don’t think I was listening to the first part of the discussion. I did hear, however, your voice charged with emotion—that’s what caught my attention.”

  As she spoke, an emotion of protectiveness warmed his blood. He was beginning to remember now exactly what she was talking about.

  “What did they say to you that made you respond the way you did? You told them that they were making a huge mistake.”

  Andy squirmed. It was a conversation he had buried, planning to never let Payton know how her parents were ready to throw her away. If it weren’t for him, they would have walked out of her life after the wedding. But, numerous calls when Payton wasn’t around had guilted them into visiting occasionally or to at least call her on the phone to see how the pregnancy was progressing.

  “Andy? Was the mistake that…they had decided they didn’t want me in their life anymore?” A lump formed in her throat. Payton was amazed that after all the wonderful years she created with Andy, her family still had the power to break her heart. She hadn’t seen her brothers since the day of her wedding. “My parents aren’t the kind of grandparents I thought they would be. The kids don’t even know them. What did you tell them?”

  He studied her beautiful features. Did he really want all this brought up now? It might put a damper on their weekend—especially when they’d had so much fun thus far. But, wasn’t communication the reason they were here? “All right. I told them they were fools to put such stock in one mistake. I asked them to think about all the years you worked hard alongside them—to think about your high academic honors and how you never caused them an ounce of trouble your entire life. Those things had to count for something. I also told them you were still their daughter, even though you were beginning your own family.”

  “And why did you tell them that?”

  Andy sighed. “Because they said that you and Tyler were now my responsibility. Their duty was done and they felt they failed. It was easier for them in their square little world to just dismiss you and go about their days.”

  An instant tear trickled its way down Payton’s cheek.

  “Christ, Payton. Talking about this does nothing but upset you. Fuck them. You’ve got me, the kids, and my parents, who love you deeply. Why are we talking about this anyway?”

  She dabbed at the tear with the gauzy hem of her robe, then took a deep breath. “Because of the manual and its question to me.” She leaned forward, held out her arm, and waited for his fingers to touch hers. It always amazed her how his warm touch seemed to make things right when her world became rocky. “I didn’t hear that entire conversation that night. What I did hear was you speaking with love and emotion in your voice. You stated how much you loved me and, no matter what, you would never leave my side—that Tyler wasn’t a burden or a mistake—that he was your son. You said you’d die for both of us before letting anything hurt us again.”

  “I meant it. You’re my life, Payton. Love isn’t even a big enough word to explain how I feel about you.”

  Suddenly, the weight of her parents’ refusal to be a part of her life anymore lifted from her shoulders. Andy was completely right. She hadn’t done anything to deserve their complete dismissal. What she had now, most women would die for.

  To hell with them. Andy was her life now.

  Payton rose and pulled Andy up with her. “You know, Mr. Sheik, all of a sudden I’m rather horny. I think I need to do something about that.” Her gaze flitted about the room, and then returned to his slightly whiskered face. “Want to hear my fantasy?”

  “Want to hear mine?” His eyes bored through the gauzy material.

  “Later. I’m first. Let’s see,” she pondered as she urged him across the room. “Normally, a sheik is in charge of his kingdom. But, I’m the smart, intimidating woman that has overtaken the empire that the overbearing sheik has created. It’s all mine now—and you have become my slave.” Her slender hands shoved him against the padded wall.

  Chapter 18: The Sultan’s Kingdom

  Andy smiled. “If I overtake you right now, I suppose your guards will take me down and make me pay for it?” He enjoyed the scenario she created and would play along.

  “Oh, yes. You would be beaten and thrown into the dungeon. But,“ her finger traced a pattern across his chest, “I’ve decided that you would be better as a love slave rather than sending you to the fields to work out your days in the hot sun.”

  “I didn’t know deserts had fields.”

  She grinned at his smart-assed comment. “It’s my fantasy. I can have anything I want—and I think I want you.”

  Before he knew it, she grabbed his wrist, dragged his arm upward, and linked a handcuff around it. “If you fight me, remember the guards will be here instantly. You might not get to experience what the queen has decided.” She clicked the handcuff shut.

  Andy’s breaths became heavier. “Your wish is my command.”

  “Lift your other arm up so that it can be bound.”

  He did and was rewarded with another click of the opposite handcuff.

  The material of his robe rested over his erection. Payton eyed the area and whisked her fingers across it. “I see that you are a fine specimen. Big, long, and hard. Hmmmm. Remember, if you come too soon, I’ll have you returned to the fields, never to have a woman interested in you again.” She sank to her knees. “Now spread your feet wide enough so I can secure your ankles.”

  Andy spread his stance. Payton quickly wrapped the ankle ties around him and made certain they were fastened. Her sheik was totally immobilized. Rising to her feet, she smiled up at him. Andy licked his lips. Being completely at her disposal caused his cock to throb. He wondered what she had planned.

  Payton dragged a three-tier stool closer to the wall where Andy was chained, and then returned to t
he chest. Withdrawing a soft feather whip, she turned to face him. Her head tipped to the side as she studied his body clamped to the wall.

  “You are not to say a word unless spoken to. Only then, can you utter anything. If you do, I might have to use my whip on you. You are just a man with no power now. Only I have the power.”

  Andy was never so excited in his life.

  She strolled across to him, reached out and caressed his balls gently through the silken material. The intake of his breath echoed in the room, but he remained silent.

  “Very good. You obey rather well. We’ll see how long it lasts. Nod your head if you’re comfortable.” A quick nod assured her that her sheik was at ease with the position he was in.

  Dragging the wide stepstool closer, Payton placed it before him. A quick kick of her satin slippers and she was barefoot. She stepped regally up the three tiers. Her chest was eye-level with Andy’s face.

  He watched her closely, his eyes dark with lust.

  Reaching a hand ever so slowly into the front of her gown, Payton massaged her breast before pushing aside the material to expose it to his view.

  “I love having my nipples sucked, and I’ve decided to see if you are worthy enough to continue on with my desires. If not, I’ll find someone else to take your place.”

  She leaned slightly forward and whisked her nipple past his open mouth, and then quickly pulled back just out of his reach.

  A low growl erupted from Andy’s throat.

  In response, Payton undid the clasps at the top of her shoulders. The gauzy bodice material drifted down to the sash tied around her waist. She fondled both exposed breasts that were mere inches from his mouth. “I don’t know what I was thinking. How could I tell if you’re good at sucking nipples when I only offered you one?” Raising her arms, she placed her hands against the padded wall above his head and brushed the tips of her breasts across his face.


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