The Undead the Second Week Compilation Edition Days 8-14

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The Undead the Second Week Compilation Edition Days 8-14 Page 151

by RR Haywood

  ‘No mate,’ the man repeats, ‘sorry.’

  ‘You leaving town then?’ He asks the man.

  ‘Yeah, you heard about the fort?’

  ‘The fort? No,’ he shakes his head, ‘what’s that?’

  ‘We met someone yesterday, well Steve did anyway,’ the man nods at another man who steps forward, ‘said they got a fort down on the coast, thousands living there…’

  ‘Oh right, yes I figured they might get used.’

  ‘So you just go round shooting them with arrows?’ The second man asks.

  ‘Yes, I figured the less there were of them, the safer I would be…so…er…yeah.’

  ‘I’m James, this is Steve…’

  ‘Roy,’ he says shaking hands after swapping the bow to his left.

  ‘We’re going for the fort,’ James says, ‘this bloke told Steve they got police there, security and some army blokes that go out and keep the things away…Mr Howie? You heard of him?’

  ‘No,’ Roy shakes his head, thinking he doesn't like people so the fort holds no appeal to him.

  ‘Ere Steve,’ one of the women calls out, ‘you said that bloke said they had doctors and all sorts at that fort.’

  ‘Bloody hell, yeah he did say that,’ Steve points quickly at Roy, ‘sorry mate, got freaked out with you wearing them things on your head.’

  ‘Oh crumbs, sorry,’ Roy pushes his goggles up and rubs his eyes, ‘forgot I had them on…you said they’ve got doctors at the fort?’

  ‘Yeah, well this bloke did anyway, he said they had doctors, an hospital, shops and all sorts, like a proper town but in a fort with big walls and…’

  ‘You said doctors?’ Roy asks, emphasising the “s”, ‘as in more than one doctor?’

  Steve shrugs as though what does it matter.

  ‘Where is it?’ Roy asks quickly.

  ‘Dunno, on the coast before you get to Portsmouth, can’t be that hard to find, must be on the tourist maps if we can find one.’

  ‘We will,’ James answers confidently, ‘is it just you Roy?’ He asks.

  ‘What?’ Roy replies startled out of his dreaming of having access to doctors, ‘er yeah, just me.’

  ‘You can come with us if you want? We got plenty of space.’

  ‘Me?! Gosh no, thank you but I got all my gear to sort out but thanks…I will definitely go but I’ll have to sort my stuff out first.’

  ‘Fair enough mate, make sure you pass it on if you see anyone else.’

  ‘Of course, er…this hospital? Does it have equipment like normal hospitals?’

  Steve and James exchange a quick puzzled look, both of them shrugging.

  ‘No okay, don’t worry…I’ll er…get myself ready and see you there I guess…so you don’t know where all the zombies have gone?’

  Both men shake their heads, ‘no, not seen ‘em all day, figured they ran out of food or something so buggered off elsewhere,’ James replies.

  ‘Yeah right,’ Roy nods, ‘not likely though is it.’

  ‘Eh?’ James blanches at the slightly rude tone.

  ‘Well they don’t eat food do they, just people and that’s only so they can make them into zombies.’

  ‘Must have run out of people then,’ James replies abruptly.

  ‘Hmmm,’ Roy stares round, ‘but we’re still here…’

  ‘Maybe they got pissed off with you shooting them all the time,’ Steve suggests helpfully.

  ‘Hmmm, maybe,’ Roy nods, ‘well, nice meeting you and have a safe journey.’ He turns to walk off, striding into the night.

  ‘You just going then?’ James calls out.

  ‘Yes, I just said I was didn’t I?’

  ‘Okay,’ James says slowly, ‘you going to the fort then?’

  ‘I already said I was,’ Roy calls back then walks off.

  ‘Rude bloke,’ James mutters to Steve who nods as they both stare at the shadowy form disappearing from view.


  ‘Listen in, we got a lot to talk about,’ Maddox shouts clearly into the air. The youths start gathering in front of him, instantly responding to his voice. Surprisingly they didn’t show that much surprise when they walked in and saw the mess. A few raised eyebrows here and there but the young adapt quickly and they’ve certainly seen enough carnage by now.

  ‘We’re gonna get this place cleaned up, Lenski and Sierra will be in those rooms over there, that’s where the police worked from and where everything was organised. We gotta get these bodies moved out to where the others were stacked when we first came in, but we also need security at the front and back, outside and on the top wall. Skyla, your crew take the back. Stay at that gate and don’t let anyone come in or out. It stays closed all the time. Mohammed, your crew is out front. Liam, you’re on the inside here and Ryland, you’re up top. Everyone else starts shifting bodies and get this place cleaned up. We’ll swap round every hour and make sure you drink water. They got an armoury here with proper weapons,’ a few cheers sound out, ‘but, we don’t use them until we’ve been shown by Mr Howie and his crew, got it?’

  A chorus of “Yes Maddox” sounds out, the youths hang on every word he says.

  I step forward to speak while their attention is on us, ‘If anyone turns up outside they do not come in until we’ve got a few things set up. No one comes into the fort unless they are checked over for bites and we can see their eyes. You all know what you are doing, that is very clear, but if something does happen then listen out for my team, the only reason is that we’ve got very powerful weapons and you might need to get down or move to the side or something. We have got a lot to do but I’m glad you’re all here.’ It feels hard not to talk down to them and despite the hard faces most of them have, they still look young.

  ‘Mr Howie, he in charge here,’ Lenski takes over, ‘he agree with Maddox that we still in charge of you, but he in charge of here. If he say to do something then you should do it yes?’

  Again another wide response of “yes Lenski” and I can see the youths are already stood in set groups gathered round one older youth that must be the crew chiefs as they call them.

  Maddox says another few words and then they burst to action. One group going straight to the back, another finding their way to the ramp and up to the wall while yet another group start organising themselves at the main gate.

  The remainder walk off towards the bodies, chatting noisily and making jokes amongst themselves.

  ‘There goes the neighbourhood,’ Nick mutters to a snort from Cookey and Blowers.

  ‘Nick you take the digger again…’

  ‘Oi,’ Clarence says with an offended glance at me.

  ‘No offence mate but…well Nick you take the digger. Cookey and Blowers I want you moving between the two gates and keeping an eye on the front.’

  ‘Who is going up top?’ Dave asks.

  ‘None of us.’

  ‘The Saxon has got loads of weapons inside, those kids could get them easily,’ he replies.

  ‘They could also get into the armoury easily but we’ve got to trust them, they came to us…go up there with Lani if it makes you feel better but I wanted Lani to work with Lenski and that other girl…’

  ‘Why?’ Lani asks, ‘all the girls together doing the paperwork yeah?’

  ‘No,’ I sigh, ‘but you know the fort and you’re switched on so you can guide them as they go and I’ll be around too.’

  ‘I was joking,’ Lani smiles, ‘it does make sense, but that means Dave has to stay with me…and Meredith too.’

  ‘Yes it does. Lads,’ I turn to Blowers and Cookey, ‘feel free to walk about and stroll up the top, get to know the er…crews I guess we should call them but keep an eye on the front.’

  ‘Got it,’ Blowers nods.

  We split up, moving off with Nick and Clarence heading for the digger, the lads going for the front and Dave, Lani and me walking over to the offices, stepping in to see the four older leaders chatting quietly.

  ‘Everything alright?�
� I ask, heading towards the gas stove.

  ‘This place is huge,’ Darius grins, ‘you got loads of space.’

  ‘It is mate, you all up for a brew?’

  ‘Mr Howie,’ Lani gets my attention, ‘Sergeant Hopewell had some forms they used when new people arrived, okay if I try and find them to show Lenski and Sierra?’

  ‘Yeah of course.’

  ‘You call him Mr Howie?’ Lenski asks, ‘he your boyfriend no? Why you call him mister?’

  Lani blanches slightly at the direct question, ‘er…we just agreed that’s what we’d do in front of the others.’

  ‘You can call me Mr Maddox then from now on,’ Maddox grins.

  ‘I not call you this,’ Lenski replies quickly with a deadpan tone.

  ‘And you can think again,’ Sierra cuts Darius down with a glare as goes to say something.

  ‘I never wanted to be called Mr Howie, Dave started that off,’ I add.

  ‘It suits you,’ Lani replies quickly with a smile, ‘and Dave is right, you should be Mr Howie, everyone calls you that. Can I show you what they did when new people arrived?’ She turns to Lenski and Sierra. They follow her down to the end of the room where she starts leafing through the sheets re-stacked tidily by Marcy and her horde.

  ‘What do you think then?’ I ask Maddox and Darius.

  ‘Like Darius said; it’s a big place,’ Maddox replies, ‘did you say you had people turning up here every day?’

  ‘Yeah we did, bloody queues of them sometimes too, I think word spread that it’s here and most of them were turning up expecting shops and hospitals and a proper police force.’

  ‘What you gonna do with all the bodies?’ Darius asks.

  ‘Burn them mate, or at least that’s what we keep trying to do anyway.’

  Coffee is made and I notice Maddox is the only one not to drink it, sticking with water from a bottle. We chat and slowly break the ice as they explain how they were getting things set up at their compound.

  Before long we’re outside, leaving a disgruntled Dave staying with Lani and the two women while the rest of us start helping to pile the bodies up. Already there is a distinct difference with so many people working hard.

  Bodies get stacked ready for Nick to scoop up and dump in the lorry. They work with a determined efficiency and it doesn't take long to spot the crew chiefs, those being the ones who get asked questions and direct the smaller groups. Maddox has an easy air of authority with them, laughing and joking and working alongside them.

  The youths are wary of me and Clarence and avoid conversation with us, apart from the odd comment about Clarence being “hench as fuck”. His natural strength wins them over as they marvel in awe at the apparent ease he moves the bodies with. Then the braver ones start asking questions, can you lift a car? Can you push a bus? How much can you bench? What’s the heaviest thing you ever lifted?

  He takes it well and in good humour. Standing back for a minute I glance down to see Blowers and Cookey doing what they do best, bantering with the lads at the front, laughing and joking while managing to look like professional soldiers. The way they hold their assault rifles relaxed but ready. The semi wide stance they take on their feet, keen eyes and friendly manners and I can see they’re already winning some of the kids over.

  They stroll up to the top and do the same with the crew up there, speaking to them individually while making sure they can see out the front.

  Once the lorry is emptied and returned we keep going, steadily clearing the bodies away. The ground is covered in blood and bits of gore which is dealt with by Maddox ordering a crew to start picking the bits of shit up. And they do it without complaint, just another task that needs to be completed.

  I join in helping them, bent over as we scoop brain matter and god knows what else up from the sticky grass. Stiff brushes are found and slowly the area starts getting cleaned.

  The digger moves back and forth, scooping and loading. One of the older lads says he would love to have a go and at a nod from me, Nick shows him how to do it. The boy takes a few minutes to get the hang of it which causes some good humoured joking about but like Nick, he takes to it quickly.

  The lorry gets loaded and taken out to be emptied. With the ruined tents all pulled down and stacked up it does start looking a hell of a lot better. With all the debris getting cleared away I can see the central cooking area where we had the meal with Marcy last night and it quickly sours the uplifting mood I was beginning to feel.

  ‘Blowers to Mr Howie,’ the radio warbles on my belt.

  ‘Go ahead Blowers.’

  ‘Got a van coming down the road towards us, it’s going slow.’

  ‘Just one?’

  ‘Yes, just one Mr Howie.’

  ‘Lani did you hear that?’

  ‘Yeah I heard it, do you want us out there recording details?’

  ‘Yes please, I’ll see you out there.’

  ‘We’ll have to get our radios on the same frequency,’ I say to Maddox stood nearby listening.

  ‘Alright if I come down too?’ He asks.

  ‘Of course mate, you don’t need to ask.’

  Clarence puts his radio back on his belt and gives me a thumbs up, checking if I want him to come along. I motion for him to keep an eye open but stay there.

  Cookey jogs across the front, heading for the ramp and the Saxon on the top wall.

  The small group from the offices are ahead of me, walking in a trio and chatting happily with Dave bringing up the rear. He must be bored stiff but until we know what to do about Lani we can’t take any risk with her.

  Reaching the front, Maddox and I step through the outer gate to see Blowers stood just slightly ahead of the crew positioned there. The crew chief taking position next to Blowers with the rest staggered out in a line.

  With all of Maddox’s vehicles still stacked up the van driver clearly doesn't know whether to stop at the end or come round them until Blowers steps out and waves them forward.

  ‘Eyes on,’ I call out, ‘nice and relaxed, don’t point guns at them and if we start shooting then move back quickly so we can use the big gun up there.’

  ‘Lani, me and you will take the lead on this one if that’s okay with everyone else?’ This diplomacy stuff is quite good fun really. Lenski and Sierra both nod, clearly excited at the formal way things are being done. Maddox stays close and watches intently.

  Blowers waves the van down and does us proud by holding back with his rifle at the ready but smiling nicely.

  ‘Hold there please,’ he calls out, ‘how many you got in there?’ Words exchanged before he turns to me. ‘They got nine Mr Howie, six adults and three kids, no sign of any weapons in the front.’

  ‘Cheers mate, Hi! Sorry about the security but obviously we have to be careful,’ I greet the nervous looking man sat behind the wheel who nods back with very tired looking eyes.

  ‘Do you have any weapons in the vehicle?’

  ‘No guns,’ he says quickly, ‘knives and things but no guns.’

  ‘Okay that’s great and have any of you been bitten or scratched?’

  ‘No Sir,’ he replies just as quickly.

  ‘Okay, you can get out and stretch your legs,’ the rear doors spring open as soon I finish speaking with a loud groan coming from the back.

  ‘Oh my poor back, cramped up in there for hours and hot too, hotter than hell,’ a very large built black woman comes into view and seeing us she smiles a huge grin and walks over, ‘so this is the fort is it? Oh my word we’re glad to be here, why you got all them children with guns? We thought you had police and army here…’

  ‘And shops and a hospital,’ someone else says as they clamber from the back.

  ‘We did have,’ I reply seriously, ‘not shops but…’I wait until they all walk into view, six adults as Blowers said and three children. Clearly not one family but several different couples or small groups banded together.

  ‘We’re glad you’re here,’ I say looking at each of the adult
s in turn, ‘but we’ve had some er…issues,’ they look back with a mixture of alarm and worry. I go through what happened, the abridged and short version and re-assure them that the place is now secure and safe but is still being cleared up.

  The big lady acts as the group spokesperson, nodding her head as she listens intently.

  ‘We can help,’ she offers instantly, ‘tell us what you need doing young man.’

  ‘Howie, my name is Howie, sorry I should have introduced myself before.’

  ‘Mr Howie?’ The woman asks with a broad grin, ‘we heard a lot about you young man.’

  ‘Oh god not that again,’ I groan as the others start looking at me with renewed interest, then round me to Dave.

  ‘Is that Dave?’ One of them asks.

  ‘Yes, yes it is…’

  ‘Well, we’re hungry and dirty and we need a wash, and these children need food, and those children look like they could do with a decent meal too,’ the big lady interrupts me, speaking very loud she bursts with confidence. ‘Do you have food here?’

  ‘Our stores are very well stocked,’ Lani steps forward, ‘Hi, I’m Lani, this is Lenski and…’ Lani gives each name politely.

  ‘Agnes,’ the big woman replies, not bothering to introduce her party, ‘so where are these stores then?’

  ‘Ah,’ Lani says politely, ‘thing is Agnes, is that we don’t let anyone in unless they’ve been checked over.’

  ‘So how did they get in yesterday?’ One of the men asks.

  ‘We weren’t here,’ Lani replies quickly with a firm voice, ‘trust me, it wouldn’t have happened if we had been here,’ which is maybe not the most accurate of statements but it does well to give confidence.

  ‘That’s fine, we’ve got nothing to hide,’ Agnes more or less shouts, ‘have you got a private area? I will not be getting undressed out here, that’s for sure,’ she laughs with a surprisingly light voice.

  ‘Give me five minutes I’ll get something set up,’ I say to Lani and start heading back.

  ‘I need to take all your names and what skills you have…’ Lani starts explaining. Taking Maddox and Blowers with me we head through the inner gate into the wide alley and stare at the medical tents. Hearing Lani say that about taking names and skills sends a conflicting feeling through me. Sadness that we gave refuge to so many who then lost their lives after trusting us to keep them safe, but also hope, hope that we can start again and build up.


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