Emerald Dreams (The Dream Traveler Series)
Page 28
Trin suggested that I channel a little anger into my speech to keep it running smoothly. She said I should show them the Queen of peace wasn’t passive and would rise to meet any challenge. I liked her idea but wasn't sure if I could do that.
She helped me get into my gown and then laced up the back. It pulled tight and cut off half of my air supply. Once the dress had been cleaned up and altered, it looked stunning.
Once Trin tied the last bow in the back, she had me spin in front of the full-length mirror. The poufy bottom of the dress rose a little, and it looked like the bottom of my dress was a blue cloud.
Normally, I wouldn’t like or wear anything like this, but everyone insisted that it was a perfect fit. It was now looking in the mirror that I could see why.
My hair was in loose curls that framed my face. I was actually wearing makeup! It was a small amount, but still, it was something. I had custom made flats on my feet. It felt like walking in slippers. No annoying heels for me to trip over.
“Violet, it is almost time,” she said.
I could hear the excitement in her voice.
“Axel is outside, ready to escort you down.”
We were all calling each other by our names, not our titles. That was my one request.
“Perfect Trin. Thank you. I wouldn’t look this amazing without your help,” I grabbed her hands and smiled.
She squeezed my hands and let go to wrap me in a hug.
“It is my pleasure. Let’s go get you to your party,” she said.
Trin walked me to the double doors of my room. She knocked on the door, and Axel opened it from the outside.
I would pay a large amount of money to commission a painting if it could perfectly capture the look of love and appreciation on his face.
He looked me over, head to toe. It made me feel like the most beautiful person in the world as he took his time taking in every detail.
“Trin great job. Violet, you look so beautiful. Most importantly, you look like a Queen,” he praised.
“Thank you, Axel,” both Trin and I said at the same time.
Axel linked his arm in mine and communicated to the other knights standing guard. I was escorted down the stairs and through the castle. We made our way outside. Axel escorted me next to the podium that stood in front of the steps of the castle.
In front of me, there was a huge crowd, maybe a thousand people or more.
Axel unlinked his arm from mine, and gracefully walked to the side to let me have my time in the spotlight. Trin stood on the other side of me, wearing a huge grin.
Everyone was cheering and clapping. When the horns blew, they slowly quieted down. The official priest of the church of the goddess walked to me and bowed. Everyone in the crowd bowed down on their knees. Even Axel and Trin placed their knees on the ground. The priest and I were the only two people in sight standing.
The priest gave a ceremonial prayer that I was unable to understand. He then spoke in English for everyone, including myself, to hear.
“It is by my power as the Priest of the Morthlands that I announce Violet Victoria Brown as the new Queen of the Morthlands. Queen Violet, we ask that you, as the second reincarnation of the Goddess, fulfill your duty to bring this land the peace that was promised. All hail Queen Violet,” he shouted.
“All hail Queen Violet,” the crowd echoed.
The priest placed the crown upon my head and escorted me the two steps to the podium. There weren’t microphones here, so I had to make my voice carry.
“Please, everyone stand,” I shouted.
I waited until everyone was back on their feet, then I continued.
“I will bring this suffering land the peace it so rightfully deserves. I understand if any of you are careful at first to trust me, as you should be. You had a corrupt King for far too long. That is over. I feel that you all should be aware that the King had a large supply of the money he robbed from the people he should have been serving. If it is okay with you all, I will skip collecting taxes this year.”
The crowd roared.
“I also want you all to understand I sympathize with the loss that many of you have suffered from the death of a loved one from the pointless war King Eduard had started. I want to let you know that I will be putting together suffrage gifts to each family who lost a knight.”
Once again, the crowd cheered. I couldn’t help but wear a smile as I said my last line, “I want to say that I believe it is an honor to be your Queen. I hope that I will be able to serve you all well.”
I stepped back from the podium as the crowd chanted my name.
Axel came up and linked his arm in mine again, and he escorted me back inside. There was a big dinner planned along with a night of dancing. All of the people that watched me speak were welcomed into the castle for the night for fine dinning.
Many people introduced themselves to me, including the King and Queen of the Kingdom to our North. I had only heard it briefly mentioned once since I had been living in the castle. It rested on a big island about a hundred miles from our northern shores.
Many other people of importance introduced themselves to me. My new family was here too. Wisdom made sure to reach out to Aunt Beetie and her large family. I invited them to live in the castle with us. It was too big to just sit only partially full. I could see some of her younger grandchildren running around in their nicest clothes.
Axel’s mother and sister were living in the castle as well. I knew it was important for him to be with them.
Who would I be to deny him that request?
At the end of the night, I returned to my room. I was prepared to go to bed and wake back up in Arlington when Axel urgently rushed into my room.
“There is someone here. He says he knows you from your other world. I suggest you have him meet you in the throne room,” he said with so much urgency.
“You are joking right?” I asked.
How was it possible that someone from Earth could even get here? They had to have an emerald like mine to get back and forth. I had no idea there was more than one.
“No, I’m not,” he replied.
His face was more than enough proof.
I grabbed a robe and put it on over my nightgown. I slipped on my slippers from earlier and pulled my messy hair back in a ponytail. I quickly glanced in a mirror to make sure I was presentable.
Axel and I hurriedly walked down the hall to the throne room. I had two knights standing behind us, and two more were in front of us. I was surrounded by my armed guards.
If Axel thought this was necessary, then we might be in trouble...
I was barely seated when another knight escorted the visitor into the throne room. I knew the visitor, alright. I had to put forth a lot of effort to keep my jaw from hitting the ground.
How was this possible?
Now I knew why Axel thought the extra guards were needed.
Chapter Thirty Two
The Visitor
I stood there, taking it all in. I came to watch the coronation ceremony of the new Queen of the Morthlands. I wondered who the unfortunate fool was.
I had disguised myself to make sure I wasn't seen or recognized. The rumor is that the Queen's name is Violet. I knew a Violet, and I hated her.
Surely that was an omen for our future relations.
She didn't know it yet, but she was going to learn to hate me. It didn't matter though, I was going to hit her with a proposition she wouldn't be able to ignore. You see, I wanted to merge my kingdom with the Morthlands. There were a few people here that I knew were kept in the secret dungeons under the castle. The captive magic workers were kept in a particular room designed to cancel out all powers. I want access to this room.
One or two of them had to be able to create more precious metals and stones. I could grow my wealth at a faster rate. It was the ultimate plan.
Not to mention, I heard that this Queen was beautiful. She could help heal my bruised ego.
I was trying to think of everything I could do with all of this wide-open land. My Kingdom was smaller and more built up. It just looked like a large modern city from back home.
A small amount of land was set aside to grow crops for the people to eat, but it was all rationed. I could use this land to provide more crops. I could then hold the promise of more food over my subjects' heads if they did my dirty work. This whole thing was brilliant and was going to work out nicely for me.
First, I had to find a way to convince this new Queen to bond with me. Once that happens, I will be the ruler of two kingdoms. I will be unstoppable.
Nothing like this has ever occurred in this world before. None of the five Kingdoms have intermarried to merge their rule.
According to the ancient royal families, it "wasn't proper." So it was banned. I intended to get it unbanned.
You see all I had to do was pay off the other three remaining Kingdoms for them to look the other way. Sadly, it isn't more of a challenge. I love a challenge.
I could hear the horns and saw important people walking out of the castle. I could see armed knights exiting the castle first, along with Eduard's prior advisor. Wonder why he was still around? I saw the priest of the goddess walk out next and stand on the front steps near a podium. Next out was the Queen.
I was in the back of the crowd and could barely make her out. I saw her pale blue dress. It was very elegant, I would give her that much credit. It hugged her curves. She wasn't a tall or curvy woman, she was on the shorter side and skinny looking.
My eyes began to adjust, but I was wondering if they were playing tricks on me.
The Queen looked very similar to someone I know. Her wavy reddish-brown hair flowed down to precisely the same spot that my Violet's hair stopped. She had the same fair skin, and I thought I could make out some freckles. There was no mistaking the bright green of her eyes.
It couldn't be. This was impossible. My mind and eyes were playing tricks on me, but my heart knew the truth.
It grew angry as a bubbling rage threatened to burst out of me like a volcano. This was Violet Brown. This was the one person I despised more than anything.
Instantly I knew my plan to take down this Queen would be all the more gratifying.
I had a score I needed to make even.
Thank you for reading!
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Violet and Axel's story is far from over. Stay tuned for the next book!
Violet Brown is now Queen of the Morthlands, and her troubles are only beginning. Her problems from the her hometown are starting to follow her. Someone attempts to kill her, and she suddenly becomes responsible for much more than she ever anticipated. Along the way she has to navigate her relationships with her new family, those in her hometown, and her boyfriend, Axel. Violet must navigate the new problems that arise while her life and relationships hang in the balance. After all, she’s not done living up to what is expected from her in the prophecy.
The Dream Traverler Series
Emerald Dreams
Emerald Mountains
Book three - to be announced.
About the Author
Nicole Knight is your average 'twenty-something', who before writing averaged reading two to three books a week. When she is not reading or writing, she is ‘human’ to two cats, and likes to garden.
You can follow Nicole and learn more about upcoming books at: www.facebook.com/NicoleKnightBooks.