Mastering Their Mate_a Sci-Fi Alien Dark Romance

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Mastering Their Mate_a Sci-Fi Alien Dark Romance Page 2

by Kallista Dane

  The gyron coursing through his veins made it hard to think of anything but how soft her full white breasts would feel. What shape and color her nipples would be. Were they light and smooth like her skin or dark little buds the color of her gown?

  Well, he couldn’t say they hadn’t been warned.

  “The first thing you’ll notice is her scent,” Commander Jax told them during their preparation for the mission. “Human females have an aroma we Tharans find very seductive. You’ll know you’re getting close before you even see her.” Jax glanced at his twin for confirmation.

  Jynn nodded his head emphatically. “It’s even more compelling if she’s a potential mate for you. Then I swear it will drive you wild – especially when she gets aroused. The aroma of a wet human pussy…” He closed his eyes and breathed in, as though his mate Kyra was spread-eagled naked right in front of him. “Your gyron will be pumping so hard and fast, you’ll think your heart – and your cock – are going to explode.” He grinned. “Fortunately, when our pheromone mix is a perfect match with theirs, Earther females respond to us just as powerfully. If you’re lucky, she’ll be begging both of you to fuck her before she even gets your names straight.”

  Keir laughed at the time, the automatic response of a member of the military to an attempt at humor by someone who outranked him, whether the lower-ranking soldier found it funny or not.

  He hadn’t thought it was funny then. And he certainly didn’t think it was funny now. He found his body’s erotic response to the woman kneeling in front of him an unwelcome distraction. Jynn and Jax had been right about the aroma of human females. He’d noticed the scent of their mate, Lieutenant Kyra Banks, right away when he served with her on the Luna. He and Khaun both thought it was appealing, though certainly not irresistible.

  The human female in front of him was a different story. Smelling the juices of her arousal filled his brain with dark fantasies. Seeing her there on her knees between them made it nearly impossible to drive those images away.

  He took another sip from her goblet then gently unwound his arm from hers. “Tell us a little about yourself, Saige.”

  She laughed, a totally artificial tinkle with no hint of humor beneath it. “I’m just a girl from Earth, a boring little planet far from your world.”

  She put her goblet down and touched his knee. He gritted his teeth as a hot current of lust shot straight to his groin.

  “I’d much rather learn all about you.” Her focus shifted to include Khaun. “Both of you. I’ve heard how strong and virile Tharan warriors are. Now I can hear the tales of your exploits firsthand. And there are two of you! I’ve never met twins before.” Her voice dropped, and she gave them a seductive smile. “I’m especially fascinated by your Tharan sexual practices. Please, tell me what you enjoy most, so I’ll know just how to please you tonight. Do you do everything together?”

  Keir smiled back. Either Saige was a natural at this game, or she’d learned quickly since coming to the Rapture Dome. Despite her flattery, it was obvious she knew nothing about Tharan warriors or she wouldn’t have been surprised to find he and his brother came as a pair.

  We’ll be engaged in a war of wits tonight, he predicted. This little human thinks she’s going to control us, starting with the conversation.

  Maybe it’s time to put things on a proper footing, Khaun shot back. Jax warned us we might have to do it right up front. Giving her a taste of our gyron is the best way to assure her cooperation. He put his goblet down.

  “Yes, Saige. We do everything together,” he replied. “Including mastering our females. You want to hear tales of our sexual practices? I’d rather demonstrate them.”

  He watched her eyes widen as he reached for her.


  He wrapped his hand around her arm and dragged her facedown over his lap before she had time to protest. Saige struggled to get away but one huge paw on the small of her back held her easily in place.

  “On Tharon, every male creature is born a twin. We share everything as one. Our thoughts, our feelings, even our sexual encounters. When we give and take pleasure with a female, we do it together. When we choose a mate, we both Bond with her. It is the way of our people.”

  As he spoke, his other hand slid over the skirt of her gown, leisurely tracing the curves of her upturned bottom, moving down to the backs of her thighs, then her calves. With her body pressed against his, all she could think about was how hot the hard bulge in his groin felt, even through the clothes they both wore. She forced herself to concentrate on his words.

  “Our planet can be a harsh and dangerous place,” he went on, “and we are trained to be mindful of that at all times. Our forefathers learned the best way to keep their female safe was to assure she immediately obeyed any order from her mates. A single moment spent questioning or arguing could spell disaster. As our species evolved, that basic rule developed for survival became custom then law. On Tharon, all males are dominant and females are submissive.”

  His hand reached the hem of her skirt, and his palm made contact with her bare ankle. Tiny bursts of heat, like electrical shocks, erupted everywhere he touched, making her skin tingle. She shivered uncontrollably.

  “We expect obedience from our females, and we enforce our dominance over them with swift and firm punishment when they do not comply with our orders.”

  Khaun’s hand traveled back up her calf, sliding her skirt with it. Spreading the heat from his palm over her skin, sending that shocking tingle dancing along ahead of it. Up the inside of her thighs.

  “Over the centuries, we’ve found that beginning a relationship by giving the female a sample of what is in store for her if she does not submit to our authority makes it much easier to assure her obedience in the future.”

  Beginning a relationship? Why would he refer to spending one night with a pleasure slave as a relationship? She’d barely processed the words when his hand reached the top of her thigh. He slid her skirt up to her waist, and she shuddered as cool air met the sizzling heat of his palm on the curve of her bare bottom.

  He stopped talking. A loud smack echoed in the sudden stillness of the room – followed by a hot flame licking her bottom then a blast of pain.

  “Aaah!” She jerked convulsively, struggling to get away.

  He held her down easily and smacked her again, his huge palm striking both her rear cheeks at once.

  “Stop it! Let me go!” Her clawed hands raked over his legs. The sleek fabric of his pants rendered her attack worthless, and she began beating on his thighs with her fists. It was like hammering on a block of wood.

  His hand cracked down again. The vicious sting took her breath away.

  “Hush. This will not be a harsh punishment, unless you continue to fight me. It is only a demonstration of what you will face if you do not submit to our will in all things. Tonight – and every night we come to you.”

  Saige had taken her share of blows in combat training, but she’d never been spanked before. Physical punishment had been outlawed long ago on Earth. She was shocked that those hard smacks on her naked bottom could feel so awful.

  It wasn’t only the stinging burn. She hated being helpless. Hated the embarrassment of being held facedown over his hard thighs as he bared her body and ran his hands all over her. What’s worse, it sounded as though these two were already planning to come back again. There was no way they’d be satisfied with squeezing her tits and maybe getting a hand job.

  He stopped spanking and began tracing soothing circles over her inflamed backside. She gasped as the touch of his palm on her bare skin ignited a different kind of heat. He kept rubbing her stinging bottom, driving the sizzling heat deep into her core. Making her hunger for more intimate attention. She stopped struggling, found herself spreading her legs a little, hoping his hand would slide between them.

  Saige froze, appalled. This alien just assaulted her, and suddenly she ached to feel his fingers fondling her pussy. What the hell was wrong with her?

  Khaun seemed to sense her turmoil. “Do not be surprised if you find this punishment becomes sexually stimulating. What you’re experiencing is perfectly natural. Tharan males give off a substance called gyron, a potent mix of male pheromones and other naturally produced chemicals. It’s unique in the galaxy. Our women find it irresistible – and somewhat intoxicating. It has an even stronger effect on human females, especially when the gyron is delivered through physical contact. Apparently, the scent of it awakens the primitive center of your brain, causing pleasurable sensations. Every set of male twins has a slightly different blend of pheromones, and females react differently to them, depending on their own body chemistry. Sometimes, the effect is one of extreme arousal.”

  Saige breathed a sigh of relief as his words sank in. She wasn’t going mad, after all. The aliens’ potent male pheromones were making her want to fuck them instead of fight them.

  “You also give off an essence we can detect,” he went on. “We find it highly erotic. Our primal urges are heightened by the aroma of your pussy when it becomes wet, as it does when you are exposed to our gyron.”

  His fingers moved lower, parting her cheeks then dipping between her thighs to stroke the dripping folds of her sex. Sizzling bursts of heat everywhere he touched awakened sensations she’d thought long dead. Cravings she’d never thought to feel. Saige sighed, closed her eyes, and spread her legs wider, allowing herself to be carried away by his seductive stroking, his deep, hypnotic voice.

  “Our species and yours evolved similar ways to assure life would go on. For us, the urge to claim you is nearly irresistible. Even in the short time we’ve been together, my brother and I have had to restrain ourselves from letting you see how wildly attracted we are to you.”

  As he spoke, the bulge in his groin seemed to grow even hotter, pressing against her mound. “We would very much like to pleasure you together. But we do not want to take advantage of your position here.”

  She was so lost in the wild sensations, it took a moment to register when he removed his hand and slid her dress back down.

  “My brother and I really do want to get to know you first, Saige.” He wrapped his hands around her arms and lifted her off his lap. Depositing her on the banquette between them, he picked up his goblet and brought it to her lips. “We have hours and hours to spend together. Please, have another drink and tell us how you ended up here at the Rapture Dome.”

  Chapter Three


  He watched her face. Her eyes. Saw the glazed look of lust disappear, replaced by confusion. Knew she’d completed the transition from warm passionate female to unfeeling slave when she took a sip and then stared back at him over the rim of the goblet. She gave him a bright smile, but her eyes were cold.

  Nice work, Brother. You’ve turned her back into an android.

  He bristled at the tone of condemnation in Keir’s words. We’re not here for seduction. We need information. Now we know we can use sex to assure her cooperation. But it destroys my concentration – and yours, too. So let’s get on with the interrogation. We’ll have plenty of time to enjoy her afterward if we decide to sample those human charms.

  If? Who are you kidding? After draping her over your lap and spanking her bare ass, your cock is so hard right now, it’s making my balls ache.

  Shut up and let me get to work.

  Khaun lifted the goblet to his own lips, leaned back on the cushions ,and took a long drink from it. “When we heard the Rapture Dome had a human consort, we just had to meet you, Saige. You’re quite a celebrity. As children, we were taught there were likely to be sentient beings on planets we had yet to discover but it’s still surprising how much like us you are. You call your world Earth, don’t you? I believe it’s on the other side of the galaxy. How did you end up here?”

  She began a tale he suspected she’d rehearsed over and over, choosing her words to excite and arouse her male customers. “It was so horrible! I was navigator on a cruiser called the Luna, on a mission from Earth to explore this part of the galaxy. A vicious band of space pirates tricked us into letting them board our ship and took us captive. They were thrilled to find out we were an all-female crew. Their leader Magnus threated to have his crew rape and then kill us one by one until our commanding officer agreed to show them how to operate all the high-tech equipment on board.”

  Her voice broke. She bowed her head, and one hand strayed to the bodice of her gown, adjusting it slightly as though reliving the moment, with him as the pirate and her an innocent maiden trying to cover herself from his lecherous gaze. He realized it was all part of an act when she peeked up to make sure he noticed when her fussing bared the upper edge of one nipple.

  Dark pink. Not quite the color of a ganiberry but very nice. I wonder how it tastes. Keir’s voice came as an unwelcome intrusion in his head.

  He shot his twin a warning look. It was hard enough to concentrate without the added distraction. “You must have been very frightened,” he said, making sure Saige caught his gaze traveling to its intended target. “What happened next? They didn’t rape you, did they?” He pretended to be eager for salacious details.

  She shook her head. “No. Cass – our commander – did as they asked. She had no choice. Once they had control of the ship, they traveled from one planet to another, raiding small villages. Kidnapping female aliens, dragging them back to the Luna. They killed any males who tried to stop them. We went to your home. To Tharon. That’s where Cass managed to escape.” She glanced up at him. “Were you there when Magnus raided your world?”

  “They attacked Tharon?” He hoped his voice held the proper note of surprise mixed with outrage. He turned to Keir. “It must have been after we were gone, Brother. By the Sacred Ones, I hope our warriors rained fire down on their heads.”

  She shook her head. “They always struck at night. Bands of five or six pirates hitting small settlements all at the same time while the occupants were asleep. They’d be long gone before an alarm could be sounded. They murdered many of your Tharan males and kidnapped a dozen females,” she added.

  “Stole Tharan females? What happened to them? Are the monsters who took them still at large?” Keir looked ready to dash out of the room after them.

  “They’ve been caught,” she replied. “I heard one of your warships tracked them down. Killed Magnus and captured the others. As for the females, one of them ended up here with me. Magnus sold us to the Rapture Dome not long after he raided Tharon. I don’t know what happened to the others.” She regarded him suspiciously. “I’m surprised you didn’t hear about it.”

  Keir stuck to the cover story they’d concocted. “We’ve been… out of touch.” He grinned. “My brother and I spent some time with a lovely Tharan female a while back. She was the mate of twins who were minor government officials. They caught us with her, and a fight broke out. We won that skirmish, but it turned out their fathers were major government officials. We were found guilty of half a dozen fictional charges, stripped of our warrior rank, and sent away. When we got out a couple of weeks ago, we came here.” He shrugged. “We weren’t exactly welcome back home. It’s tough to find work after you’ve done a stint on Pelonius. We’d heard Girra Sola’s management isn’t fussy about who it hires. Turns out time spent there is a plus when you apply for a job as overseer for a mining crew.”

  Khaun saw her eyes grow wide at the mention of the infamous prison asteroid. Rumor had it half the inmates sent there never made it back alive. Even the toughest miners refused to go up against someone who’d survived incarceration on Pelonius.

  Great job, Brother. Now she’ll be motivated to follow our orders by fear instead of lust.

  You’ll thank me later when she’s begging to suck your cock, Keir assured him. I don’t care what planet they’re from, all females secretly love bad boys.

  Khaun took her hand. “Kidnapped by pirates then sold as a pleasure consort. How awful for you. How long have you been at the Rapture Dome?”

br />   Too long, she wanted to scream. “About three months.”

  He bent his head and kissed her hand. The warmth of his lips on her skin sent a wild shiver through her. It’s that gyron he mentioned, she told herself. Only the gyron. Purely a physical reaction.

  “It pains me to hear that. Beauty such as yours is wasted on the scum who work at the mines,” he said. “All the miners we’ve met are lowlifes or criminals. Most of them wouldn’t know how to treat a female properly. I hope you haven’t been subjected to any… harsh treatment.”

  She glanced up at him through lowered lashes. Yeah, they’re lowlifes and criminals. Just like you and your brother, even if you pretend to be gentlemen. Harsh treatment? Is that supposed to be my cue? You’re hoping I’ll tell you lurid tales of all the dirty things I’ve been forced to do. Get your cocks even harder than they already are. You’re sick perverts – just like all the others.

  “On the contrary, my lords,” she replied. “It has been my honor to bring pleasure to my patrons. Now, enough about me.” She lowered her voice to a seductive purr. “Please, tell me all the ways you’d like me to serve you tonight.”

  “I heard any fantasy we could ever imagine is available at the Rapture Dome,” Keir piped up. He glanced around, waved a hand at the plush bed covered with white satin sheets, the gleaming metal liquor cabinet. “This is a pleasant room with an inviting bed, but it’s rather tame. Tell us about the other accommodations available here. We might want to request a different room. My brother and I have a whole rotation cycle with you. We’d like to spend it exploring our darkest desires – and yours.”


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