Mastering Their Mate_a Sci-Fi Alien Dark Romance

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Mastering Their Mate_a Sci-Fi Alien Dark Romance Page 11

by Kallista Dane

  “Yes!” she screamed. “Yes please yes. I want it all. I want your tongue there, your fingers spreading me and then your hot hard cock filling my ass.”

  “Are you ready to become our Tharan mate? Be taken by both of us at once?”

  “Yes, my lord. I’m aching to feel your cocks inside me at last. To belong to you.” Her voice dropped to a whisper. “To have you… make love to me.” The simple truth was harder to admit than any wicked desires. “That’s my ultimate fantasy. Not a nasty or dirty one. It’s to have you take me in your arms and make love to me. Both of you. I’ve had sex, but I’ve never had anyone make love to me. I never wanted that – before you,” she added.

  “Then be our mate.” Keir slid over her on the bed, took her in his arms, and kissed her. His lips were soft, gentle. A tremor of fear shot through her. Though she said she wanted to make love, it was more terrifying to open to him, to make herself emotionally vulnerable, than it had ever been when Doud abused her body.

  “Stay with us.” He broke the kiss long enough to murmur in her ear. “I know it will be hard for you, but don’t check out. I swear we’ll never hurt you. We love you.”

  “And you love us. Trust us, Saige.” She felt Khaun’s body, the hard-muscled length of him, slide onto the bed next to her. His arms wrapped around her as he swept her hair away and ran his lips down the side of her neck. “Let us make love to you.”

  They knew her. Knew how to read the slightest change in her body. They’d picked up her fear instantly and cared enough to put their own needs on hold so they could back off and reassure her. Saige melted into the embrace of her warriors, allowing herself to accept their tenderness as openly as she’d accepted their wild passion.

  Keir deepened the kiss, sliding his cock between her legs. She dug her heels into the bed and arched her hips up to take him in. He gave a low laugh, more of a rumble deep in his throat. “Oh no, little human. You still don’t get to take over.” He raised himself over her, his powerful forearms planted on either side of her body, and slid in, one tantalizing inch at a time.

  Sweet Goddess! Why didn’t he just ram it all the way in and end this torment? She’d never wanted anything more in her life. But she forced herself to stay open, to submit to his mastery. He stopped to give her a lingering kiss, teasing her with his tongue even as his cock surged deeper.

  She squeezed her muscles around his hot length and was rewarded with a groan. “By the Sacred Ones, you will test my control, won’t you?” He reached up, grabbed both her wrists and pinned them to the mattress above her head.

  This time the shiver coursing through her was one of raw need. The twinge of fear at her helplessness added fuel to the fire raging inside her. She gasped as he kept on. Stretching her, filling her with his massive cock. He pumped his hips, starting a slow rhythm. She rocked with him, allowing him to lead her in the dance, even as her fever grew.

  He took her up slowly, ever so slowly. Kissing her while he fucked her with long steady strokes. Beside them, Khaun caressed her, running his hands over her bare skin until her entire body sizzled with the heat of his gyron.

  “Come now, Saige. Come for us,” Keir murmured. He gave a powerful thrust, burying himself deep inside, claiming her body as he plundered her mouth with his kiss.

  Her pussy clenched, and the orgasm swept over her, one long, shuddering wave. Keir shifted, rolling over and pulling her on top of him, and deepened the kiss. She moaned as he pumped up, seating himself even deeper inside her.

  He grabbed her hips and picked up the rhythm, rocking her back and forth, rubbing her throbbing clit against his hard body with each stroke. She never came down. Another wave followed the first, and then another, each more powerful than the last. Her scream was muffled by his mouth crushing hers. He fucked her hard, demanding her body respond, until she exploded again, mindless and frantic.

  She was still quivering when she felt Khaun’s hands spreading the cheeks of her bottom. He’d risen to his knees behind her.

  “Now, Saige. Now you will truly be our mate.” He reached for a bottle of oil and uncorked it. She caught a subtle, sensuous fragrance. He coated his hand with it and began teasing her tight sphincter with one finger. “Open for me.”

  She pressed back against him eagerly, her body humming, and whimpered as he slid it into her. Keir hadn’t come, and his cock was still hard and hot inside her pussy. He grabbed her head with both hands and kissed her again. No longer sweet or gentle, this time with a savage need. She kissed him back, her own desire ramping up again.

  Khaun replaced one finger with two. Probing her, stretching her. Sending his hot gyron coursing into her back channel. He slid them in and out slowly, building her desire until she quivered with need.

  Saige moaned when he pulled them out, feeling suddenly empty. But she froze when she felt the head of his cock pressing against her bottom hole.

  She pulled away from Keir’s kiss. “No, I can’t. It’s too big you’ll—”

  Khaun’s firm smack on her bottom cut off her protests. “You can and you will. Surrender to us, Saige.” He dug his fingers into her stinging bottom, holding her in place, and slid the head in.

  Oooh! His cock was hot. So much hotter than his fingers. He slid in another inch, and she moaned. His tight grip on her rear cheeks awakened the stinging burn from their spankings. Pain became pleasure and sent her soaring. Their gyron sizzled through her, fueling her dark desires. She pressed back against him, desperate for more. He eased out instead, as Keir rocked his hips, thrusting back in.

  The twins moved together, one sliding in as his brother eased away. They took their cues from her breathless moans. Pumping harder, taking her higher with every stroke. Pinned between them, she had no choice but to surrender. Surrender her body, surrender her will to theirs.

  She closed her eyes. Opened her body and her heart to her mates. Let the waves of passion build, each one carrying her higher. Let her mates rock her body. Fill her. Fuck her. Love her.

  Keir picked up the pace. His whole body tensed. He let out a wild cry as he thrust deep, and she felt his cum spurting inside her. She responded instantly to his potent gyron, soaring away as the climax sent her skyrocketing.

  Soft murmurs, gentle caresses brought her drifting back to reality. They’d collapsed in a tangle of arms and legs, intertwined around each other, but she discovered she could pick up the subtle differences in their gyron to know it was Khaun's hand stroking her back and Keir’s thigh idly rubbing against her still-swollen clitoris.

  She opened her eyes to Keir’s satisfied smile. “Hello, Mate.”

  “Hello, my love,” he replied, bending his head to give her a soft kiss.

  She twisted to her side, facing Khaun. “We’re mates now, but I haven’t kissed you yet.”

  “Ah, but I’ve kissed you,” he said, grinning. “Kissed your neck, kissed your pussy many times. I even kissed your ass quite thoroughly a little while ago.”

  She blushed, and he cupped her face delicately in one huge palm. “How delightful! Do you see this, Brother? Her cheeks turn a lovely shade of pink, just like her ass when we spank it. We have so much to learn about our little human. I’m going to enjoy every lesson.”

  “As for you, Saige my love, you’re right. I haven’t kissed you properly – yet. It’s time I did.”

  He rolled her toward him and slid his body over hers. Pressing against her, skin to skin. The heat of his gyron flowed into her, and she gasped as she felt his cock, still hot and hard.

  “Hello, little mate,” he said, then lowered his lips to hers.

  There was nothing tender about his kiss. He captured her mouth hungrily, as though starved for the taste of her. She moaned, carried away by the dark intensity of his attack. With one powerful lunge, he buried himself inside her and started pounding. Saige wrapped her legs around his waist, dug her heels into his ass, and met each thrust eagerly.

  “Now.” His voice was rough. “Come for me. Now.”

  Her pussy spas
med, clenching around his cock as another orgasm swept over her. Khaun exploded, his cock pulsing inside her as he spent his seed.

  “Oh, sweet Goddess! How did you do that?” she gasped. “I thought I was through after the last one, but I’ve never come harder in my life.”

  His smile was one of pure masculine satisfaction. “That is the Tharan way. We mingle our seed inside you, and you experience the ultimate pleasure. Then, when we create new life together, it carries the essence of both of us.”

  She stared up at him, stunned. She’d spent plenty of time daydreaming about having sex with them. But she’d never carried the idea of being their mates any further than that.

  “New life? But we’re different species. I’m not sure that’s possible.”

  He smiled and kissed her again, tenderly this time. “The Sacred Ones brought you to us from a far-off galaxy. The one female in all the Universe destined to be our mate. Who are we to say what is possible and what is not?”

  She kissed him back, stretching out one arm to draw Keir into the embrace. Creating new life. What if Khaun was right? What if it was possible?

  A whole new series of fairy tales poured into her mind. She pictured a once-lonely orphan living on the exotic world of Tharon, surrounded by a brand new family. Loved and adored by her mates. Cradling a pair of tiny warriors, their bald heads nestled against her breasts. Or perhaps a little girl, with wispy golden-brown curls framing her sweet face. She’d tell her bedtime stories of how her mama was rescued by two fierce alien warriors and fell hopelessly in love with them.

  Saige sighed happily.

  Ever after, added the little voice in her head.

  The end

  Ready for another hot alien warrior? Here’s a peek at my newest Sci-Fi romance

  His to Possess

  Alien Masters Book 6

  By Kallista Dane


  Star Portals have existed since the beginning of time. Doorways between worlds in this galaxy – and others. They are found on Earth at the convergence of ley lines, those invisible electromagnetic paths crisscrossing our globe. Our ancestors discovered them thousands of years ago and used them to travel to the farthest reaches of the Universe.

  Flourishing ancient civilizations didn’t die out. The people of Atlantis, the Anasazi Indians, the Mayans – when tragedy struck their homelands, they simply migrated through the Portals to places where fresh water flowed, crops grew abundantly, and the climate was nearly perfect.

  Human beings descended from our common ancestors are alive today on planets thousands of light years away. Islands of stability in the Universe where vast quantities of natural resources and rare minerals abound.

  Neodyma. Iridia. Gadolinium. And the world ruled by the lost Thracian tribe – Thulium.

  Chapter One

  Dear heaven, what was that foul odor?

  She opened her eyes then slammed them shut with a groan. She had a huge ax embedded in her skull. That had to be it. Nothing else would explain the crippling pain in her head.

  Trying not to breathe in the horrible stench, she lay still with her eyes closed tight and took stock of her situation. She was face up on a hard surface. No light penetrated her eyelids, so wherever she was, it was dark here or dimly lit.

  She wiggled her fingers then stretched. Flexed her toes.

  Everything seemed to be in working order, but even those slight movements took effort. Whatever she was lying on felt scratchy, and she suspected it was the source of the horrible stench. She started to roll onto her side and was hit with a wave of nausea. She wasn’t sure if it was from the odor or the pain. Either way, she decided to wait a bit before risking movement again.

  She sagged back and tried to concentrate. Why does my head feel like it’s been cleaved in two? And where the hell am I?

  In a pig sty, judging from the awful smell. She lifted one hand and ran it tentatively over her head, afraid of what she might feel there. No murder weapon protruding from her forehead. No sticky wetness, so no blood pouring out of her head. Only a tender lump under her hair, just above her right temple. She normally pulled the unruly mop of curls around her face into two plump braids fastened together at the back of her head, with the rest of her hair tumbling halfway down her back underneath them. The thick braid on that side of her head must have absorbed the worst of whatever blow she’d suffered.

  A cold draft brought fresh air with it, and she breathed in gratefully. It carried the unmistakable scent of the ocean. Am I on vacation at the seaside? Wait – was I in a shipwreck?

  She tried desperately to think. What’s the last thing I remember? The noise. That was it. The noise woke her out of a sound sleep. She wasn’t one to panic, but this was frightening. The shouting, the screaming. Someone banging at her door. Then she was running full out. Panting for breath, heart pounding, with her hand clasped in another, bigger one. A blast of pain – and darkness.

  It could have been a shipwreck. Maybe she was remembering the screams and shouts of passengers panicking. Had she jumped overboard, hit her head on the railing? If I was in a shipwreck, I’d be all wet. She ran a hand over her body to see if her clothes were damp – and gasped. No long silk gown. Not even the filmy, lace-trimmed shift she normally slept in. Only some sort of cloth tied in a knot around one hip, barely long enough to reach mid-thigh. The fabric felt rough and cheap.

  Her hands moved up and touched bare skin. From the waist up, she was apparently naked. She felt for the gold locket she always wore on a chain around her neck and let out a strangled scream. It was gone – replaced by what felt for all the world like an iron collar.

  She heard a door open then the thud of heavy boots on a wooden floor. A blast of cold air hit her, and she felt her nipples pucker.

  “So – you’re finally awake.”

  The masculine voice was low and so deep it sent a little shiver through her. Or maybe it was just the sudden chill in the air.

  She opened her eyes a crack. Over her head, a low ceiling of hand-hewn beams with patches of bark still on them. Holding it up, rough plaster walls that were once white, now overlaid with years of grime. She was lying on a thin mattress filled with straw placed directly on a bare wood floor. Stuffing probably hasn’t been changed in years. No wonder it stinks so bad.

  The thought of the unsavory creatures that might be burrowing around underneath her made her bolt upright. Another wave of dizzying pain and nausea washed over her. She bent forward on the mattress, groaning, with one hand on her forehead and the other over her mouth.

  “Oh God. I’m going to be sick.”

  The thuds came closer, along with the deep voice. A broad palm supported her back, and she felt a rough hand grip her shoulder, steadying her.

  “Breathe. Slow and deep. You took a nasty blow to the head. It’s going to hurt like a devil dog for a while, but trust me. The sooner you’re up and moving, the sooner it will pass.”

  “Never believe the next words from the mouth of a man who says ‘Trust me.’ That’s what my father used to say,” she muttered.

  “Your father was a wise man. But, in this case, you’ll find I’m right. You need fluids and fresh air. And you need to be upright. Come on.”

  The hand on her back moved to her upper arm and hoisted her to her feet. She swayed and grabbed for him. He was huge. Though she was a tall woman, her head barely reached his shoulders. Her hands came in contact with a linen shirt covering a broad chest packed with muscle. She wrapped her arms around his waist and held on tight until the room quit spinning.

  He put an arm around her shoulders and stood there, solid as a tree, while she hung onto him as though she’d be swept away if she let go. He brushed the tangled mass of curls aside and ran his palm up and down her back. Calming her, soothing her with the contact of his skin against hers. She sighed and sagged against him then blushed, remembering her half-naked state. When her fingers finally unclutched from the fabric of his shirt, he reached down with his other hand and tipped
her chin up.

  Piercing blue eyes with a few wrinkles around them. Wavy dark hair in need of a trim, with a hint of gray at the temples. He had a lean face with the rugged tan of an outdoorsman. Not an ounce of fleshy padding from rich food and lazy living like most of the men she knew. A thin scar ran along his left cheek from the corner of his ear to just above the jawbone. She couldn’t help wondering how his opponent had fared.

  His face wasn’t pretty. But it had character. The face of a man who’d seen the best and the worst of the world – and survived both with his honor intact. A face you’d never forget.

  She had no idea who he was.

  His to Possess: Alien Masters Book 6

  The rude barbarian claims she belongs to him – a slave he bought long ago, with the iron collar around her neck to prove it. But his firm mastery stirs wickedly arousing sensations she’s certain she never felt before.

  Mellie wakes up half naked, with a splitting headache, on the floor of a rough wayfarer’s inn. She’s shocked to hear the rugged woodsman sharing the room with her call himself her master. When she refuses to kneel and serve his dinner in the tavern downstairs, he drags her across his lap for a stern and humiliating bare-bottom public spanking.

  Aurik takes her home to an isolated mountain cabin, where she’s commanded to follow his orders or face swift and stern punishment. Mellie discovers she has no idea how to cook over a woodstove or darn his clothes. He insists she lost her memory when she took a bad fall.

  Her master begins showing her how to do simple chores, but every lesson seems to end with her draped across his firm muscular body and his hands roaming her hot stinging bottom, leaving her breathless and aching for more intimate contact.


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