Chaos: A Reapers MC Boxset

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Chaos: A Reapers MC Boxset Page 58

by Elizabeth Knox

  As a follower of the Shinto religion we are some of the most optimistic people. It is said that as people, we are naturally good. However, all evil in this world comes from evil spirits. I must admit, over the last six months or so my faith has been lessening. I know I’m supposed to be positive, and to believe that people are good . . . but are my parents under the influence of evil spirits, or is this simply who they are?

  I respect my religion and love my Shinto faith. Although, in my heart I know my parents aren’t under the influence of evil spirits. This is simply who they are and knowing that only hurts even more.

  “I will be heading back to Mexico tomorrow, but Damon requested a meeting with me before I leave.” My uncle tells me, finishing the last of his tea.

  “Oh?” I question, cocking a brow but I try to not seem overly inquisitive.

  “Yes, I think he wants to go over more of how we can help one another. Especially with our plan starting to go in motion over the border.” He tells me.

  “Makes sense. I know working with him isn’t something you wanted, but I’d be lying if I said I’m not grateful that the two of you put your own warpath to the side and figured out what was actually happening. It shows what great leaders you are.” A while back, my uncle and Damon, the Prez of this charter of the Reapers MC trusted the wrong person. Her name was Onyx and she was trying to double cross them with the other, making them appear like enemies to the other when that wasn’t the case.

  They figured it out and arranged a meeting, ending up taking Onyx down. Although, it wasn’t the easiest feat. A newborn baby was stolen and the Reapers ended up taking down their longest reigning enemy. Thankfully, they were able to get the newborn back as well and now he’s safely with his parents and his twin sister here at the club.

  Onyx wasn’t just a random woman, though. She had been in charge of the clubwhores and the prostitution business. You see, she had managed her own sort of prostitution ring before she began working with the club. Since she’s out of the picture it was suggested I handle the group of women. I know it was only suggested because I was privy of watching my mother handle her Shirabyōshi.

  Shirabyōshi are women who practice the arts, who also operate as prostitutes. They’ve been doing this since the early 12th century. They’re commonly mistaken as geishas. Geishas are in no way, shape or form any way associated with prostitution. They are but the highest-level entertainment in all of Japan and they should be treated as such.

  “How sweet you are, Sakura. Yes, well, we do have a bit of business to discuss. Francisco has given me an offer for the Reapers to handle some issues on this side of the border. In a sense, they’d offer security. They’d also act as . . . enforcers of people who want to keep doing the grimy shit they are.”

  “So, the Reapers would be peacekeepers in a sense?”

  “Yes, though they can use as much force as necessary to get the message across to those who wish Mexico stay in the same drastic state it’s currently in.” He rises from the bar and takes his glass over to the dishwasher, placing it in the top rack.

  “Ah, I understand.”

  “I’m glad you do, because I’m unsure if they’ll want to get mixed in our politics.” He states, turning around to face me, leaning his body against the countertop.

  “It’s not my place to say, although I can see why they’d have some reservations. Mixing in other people’s business has been proven to not be in the best interests for anyone.”

  My uncle chuckles lightly, nodding. “Yes, I have to agree with you there. But, we aren’t here to cause problems for the Reapers. It’s quite the contrary, they’ll be handling our problems and in turn they’ll be paid a hefty penny for their services.”

  “Well, I hope you’re able to contract them. Clubs like this will never say no to easy money.”

  “Yes, well, we won’t know until I ask. Speaking of jobs, have you started running the whores yet?”

  I scoff, letting a breath out. “Do you have to call them whores?”

  “They fuck for money, yes? They’re whores.”

  Rolling my eyes I decide not to argue with him. It won’t get me anywhere and he’s the type who can argue until his face turns blood red. “No, I haven’t started officially working with them yet. After Onyx was killed, they kind of just . . . decided to be sole proprietors.”

  “And you allowed them?” He questions, showing me in his overall tone just how much he disapproves.

  “Considering their former boss was just murdered for being a two-timing piece of shit, I decided to give them a bit of time.”

  He begins to walk toward me and places his hands on my shoulders, looking me sternly in the eyes. “No, my dear. What you did was give them the perfect reason to riot against you. In any business, that is what will happen if you don’t demand respect and make your position as their leader known. Now, well, I’m afraid you’ll have one hell of a time trying to get them to be on your side.”

  “They don’t need to be on my side. They just need to do their fucking job.” I hiss back my reply.

  He chuckles, wrapping his arms around me while he kisses me on the cheek. “This is exactly why you will have a problem. Call me if you need my help. I’m afraid I must get to my meeting with Damon.”

  “Alright. I’ll go over and check in on Ivy. She’s been great so far, but every time I get a chance to go over she has about twenty questions prepared on what she should or shouldn’t be doing. She’s so afraid she’s doing something wrong. Always so nervous and whatnot.”

  “Isn’t that what they say about first time mothers? How they are so fearful?”

  I nod, “Yes, it’s true.”

  “Ah. I’ve never had a woman who wanted to give me a child. I thought one day I would experience it for myself, but it seems life didn’t work out for me in that way. But I do thank God every day that he brought me you, mi amor.”

  “Go, you’re going to be late.” I gently remind him, feeling thankful that even if I can’t stand my own parents, the kami sent me my godfather.

  Chapter Three

  Four wheels move the body. Two wheels move the soul

  ~ Unknown


  The club chatter is louder than usual. Not that it’s ever quiet in here, but lately we haven’t had much going wrong. I suppose I should knock on some wood or some shit before I jinx our asses, but I’d need to be a superstitious fucker to do that. I pick up my chilled bottle of beer and bring the tip to my mouth, taking a hefty sip.

  It’s hotter than Hades’ asshole here today and to top it all off, half of the air conditioning units are busted. Meaning, we’re all sweating our bloody assholes off. Okay, not all of us. Kade and Ivy have two units up and running in their trailer to keep the babies comfortable. Plus, Hawk and Raven have two units in theirs for Raven’s little sisters who they have custody of. Kids always come first in this club. They always have and they always will.

  In the meantime, the rest of us will be slowly roasting to death. I may have to convince Damon and Amara to let me borrow one of the trucks. If they say yes, I wouldn’t have any problem running down to a home improvement store and grabbing a couple of window units. It should fix everything until we can get someone out here to fix the units that’re down.

  The door to the club comes busting open and I see Eduardo Diaz in all of his rich Mexican glory. Even on the hottest day, he looks like this shit doesn’t even phase him. His salt and pepper hair is perfectly slicked back while the diamond earring in his left ear glistens in the light. He even has his three or four gold chains hanging around his neck, over his white shirt. As I stare, I realize he isn’t even drenched in sweat like the rest of us. Fuck, what the hell is his secret?

  “Where is your Prez?” He stops directly in front of me and asks.

  I lift my head and motion toward Damon’s office. “In there, but let me escort you. Damon doesn’t like surprises.” He and Amara did go in his office fifteen minutes ago, so they must be talking business.<
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  “Yes, well, we have a meeting. I’m a bit late if I’m not mistaken.” There’s only one thing Damon hates more than surprises . . . and that’s inconsiderate fucks who waste his time. Not saying Eduardo is inconsiderate, but he should know better than to keep a powerful man waiting.

  I rise from my seat and make sure to pick up my bottle of beer. Walking ahead, I take Eduardo back to Damon’s office and knock on the door lightly. “Prez, Eduardo’s here to see you.”

  I haven’t even finished speaking when the door is opened and Amara greets us on the other side. She’s healed up pretty well since she got shot. Every now and again she complains about her range of motion, but I think she’s doing good. I’m not a doc or anything. She has been seeing Sakura every week just to make sure everything is going smoothly. Since she’s a woman and we all toy with her about being anxious and emotional, but I can see she is having a lot of anxiety about her recovery. While I’ve been sure not to poke the bear, others haven’t followed in my footsteps.

  I move out of Eduardo’s way so he can enter Damon’s office and start to head back to my seat when I hear a throat being cleared. “Did I say you were dismissed, Prospect?” Damon’s voice growls.

  “No, Prez. You didn’t.” I respond, looking back to my commander.

  “Glad you understand, now get your ass in here. Being present in a meeting like this will give you some good life lessons.” Following my order, I walk in through the doorway and shut the door behind me, leaning up against the back wall while Eduardo moves forward to shake hands with Damon and Amara.

  “It’s good to see you both.” Eduardo states, extending his hand to Damon and then Amara.

  “Likewise. It’s been a while if I’m not mistaken.” Damon replies.

  “That it has. Things have been very busy across the border. I was just explaining everything to Sakura. It never stops.”

  “Nothing ever does,” Damon states, sitting down behind his desk while Amara and Eduardo follow suit. I take this moment to sip on my beer again. If I have to be here I might as well be comfortable, doing as I was before, enjoying my fucking drink.

  “I’ll cut to the chase. We were both shocked to hear you wanted a meeting with us, and considering we all have busy schedules, how about we move this along.” Amara states in an authoritative tone, adding a smile at the end to soften it up a bit. Actually, she probably smiled as a way to say, ‘I have shit to do, motherfucker’.

  Eduardo bursts into laughter. “Ah, how much I like you. You’re a spicy one.”

  “Of course, I am. I’m Latina,” Amara rolls her eyes.

  Eduardo cocks his brow, “Oh, you are?”

  She nods, “Yes, half-Mexican, half-Irish.”

  “Mmmm, that explains the tone of your skin. It’s a bit lighter than I’m used to seeing.”

  “I might look pale now but give me a week and I’ll be as dark as you.”

  “You are a taunting one. Shit, if I were twenty years younger I may make a play at you.”

  Amara giggles lowly, “I’m sure you’d try.”

  Damon clears his throat, “What is it you wanted to meet for, Eduardo?”

  Eduardo breaks the intense gaze he has on Amara and looks back to Damon. “My cousin and I have a business proposition for your club. One that I’m hoping you’ll consider.”

  “I consider everything, friend. I just don’t accept what isn’t smart for my people.”

  “As I’m sure you know, Francisco is running for office in Mexico. His campaign will start soon and I will be handling all of his . . . businesses which he doesn’t want to be affiliated with during his campaign. That being said, I’ll be forced to spend most of my time in Mexico starting in August. I’m hopeful we can reach an agreement where your club will . . . put an end to certain individuals who’d like to riot up against my family and the great changes we’re trying to bring to Mexico.”

  Damon is silent for a few moments before he shares a look with Amara. He clasps his hands on top of his desk, “Eduardo, you know I like you, but I don’t get involved in politics.”

  “All due respect, I’m not asking you to.”

  Damon brings his brows together, “Then what are you asking?”

  “I’m asking you, to be my iron fist. You see, I am not a naïve man, Damon. My problem is not solely in Mexico. We have smaller cartels on this side of the border that want the corruption to continue in our great country. They smuggle drugs, guns and much more under our noses, trying to undercut our business. But it’s not just about the money, it’s the morals of what they’re doing. The Lopez Cartel is the only cartel in Mexico. Everyone else is a mediocre wannabe who will face penance for their crimes against not only my family, but our great country.”

  Damon stands up, indicating the meeting is coming to a close. “Eduardo, we are allies but this sounds like politics to me and we don’t mix with that shit.”

  Now Eduardo sounds off, “Let me be clear, we want you to be our enforcers to those who wish to fuck with us both. You know as well as I do that they don’t just cause issues on my side of the border. They fuck with your shit too, and I’m willing to pay you handsomely for eradicating them. I could just leave it the way it is and wait until they’re a bigger problem for you.”

  Damon looks to his sister again, digging his hands into the pockets of his jeans and nods his head a couple of times. “A little extra cash wouldn’t hurt around here. We won’t be your army, Eduardo. I hope you understand that.”

  “Yes, I do. I want you to focus on what you’ve been doing and keep my darling Sakura safe. I’ll simply reach out whenever I’ve been made aware of a potential threat that messes with us both.”

  Amara cranes her neck around at Eduardo. “Alright, you need to cut the shit. Are you sleeping with her?” Damon rolls his eyes at his sister’s ridiculous question.

  “Who, Sakura?” Eduardo asks.

  “No, Thumbelina. Of course, I mean Sakura. You keep calling her your darling and it’s weird.”

  “She’s my goddaughter, I wouldn’t sleep with her. Plus, I’m not interested in little girls . . .” Eduardo says with a devilish smirk. The sick bastard is playing dirty the way Amara does. Instead of responding she smirks, catching what he did there. Something tells me Eduardo is going to be Amara’s next conquest.

  Chapter Four

  You are the greatest project you will ever work on

  ~ Unknown


  I stood against the wall and have been listening to Amara and Eduardo flirt with each other for the last ten minutes. That is, until Damon just snapped at the two of them that our meeting is over. However, he told me to stay put because we have a few things to discuss.

  “Wait, before I go. I need to make you aware of something, especially if Sakura is going to continue to be under your protection.”

  “She is,” Damon confirms, crossing his arms.

  The way Eduardo is talking makes me believe Sakura is hiding something from us. We aren’t exactly too keen on people who keep secrets. “I’m not sure how many of you are aware, but Sakura had been . . . seeing a man named Lucian. He’s employed by the Steele brothers and also owns a multi-million-dollar private internet security firm. Although, he’s more of an established hacker if you will. While those are the two ventures he’s the most known for, he’s also a developer. Meaning, he created a software that will mask faces of specific people. He’s been testing the software out on Sakura, but he took her out of it. It was her price for the favor she asked in saving the child. Essentially, she traded her own life for his.”

  “Yes, I know about the software and we’re aware she was removed.” Damon is quick to respond. I pay close attention to what’s transpiring between the two of them because right now something feels off.

  “She was just removed.” Eduardo states. Fuck, this is confusing. I thought Lucian removed her months ago?

  “I don’t understand. She called Lucian weeks ago. Why is he just now removing her from his masking
program?” Damon asks.

  “He may have held onto the hope they could’ve had a relationship. I’m not sure. I only know what I do now, and that being said, it means her parents will find her and you need to be prepared for that. I do not want her going anywhere alone. It’s too risky. Her mother has probably already sent some of her children here to look for her.”

  “Children?” I ask, confused on what her mother is teaching.

  “Yes. Before someone is inducted into the Yakuza they must study with masters of their arts, who in turn treat them with a child and parent relationship. The people Sora has sent, or will send are called, kobun. I don’t believe she would have sent any kumicho.”

  “Kumicho?” We don’t understand jack shit about the Yakuza and I sure as fuck don’t know Japanese, so Eduardo better fill us in.

  “Eh, they’re like generals. Her right-hand men and women. While Sakura is an important issue to deal with . . . knowing Sora, I believe she would’ve sent those who wish to be inducted into the Yakuza family.”

  “Family? What are you talking about?” Now Damon is the one asking questions.

  “Do you not understand anything about the Yakuza?” Eduardo asks the two of us, making sure to shift his eyes between us both.

  “No, we don’t know much.” I answer.

  “The Yakuza may be an organized crime structure in a sense, similar to a mafia although they have different viewpoints. They also view others in the Yakuza as their family, which makes sense based on the child-parent relationship I just told you both about. You need to understand that these are some of the most dangerous people in the world. The reason they’re dangerous is because of the structure, of how they could potentially disappoint Sora or their kumicho. If they don’t deliver on an assignment they could lose a finger, hand, or their life.”


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