Chaos: A Reapers MC Boxset

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Chaos: A Reapers MC Boxset Page 61

by Elizabeth Knox

  “Damon said he had a chat with you,” I start off saying, waiting to see what sort of information she’ll give me. While I understand a small bit about Sakura, there’s so much I’ve yet to discover. I wouldn’t mind getting to know her a bit more, though, and her fuckin’ body. I’m not done drilling myself into her. She’s a fuckin’ vixen, kept my cock hard all night long. I don’t think we fell asleep until four or five this morning.

  Sakura rolls her eyes, “Yeah. He has such a brilliant plan.”

  “I love the sarcasm, you really sold it.” I say, smirking as I pop off the caps to our bottles.


  “What’s buggin’ you about it?” I ask, somehow getting the feeling something is driving her mad.

  “He wants to somehow get Lucian to put me back in his system. That’s all great and dandy, but you don’t know the man like I do. He’ll want something, and I don’t think he’ll want something you can give him.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” I ask, handing her the fruit punch one while I keep the grape.

  I take a sip while I wait for her response. “He’ll want something only I can offer.”

  I think about what she’s saying, and I believe she’s insinuating something, but I don’t like playing mind reading games like this. “Wanna break that down for me?”

  “Knowing Lucian, I would bet my life on the fact he’ll want to sleep with me one last time.” Don’t know the fucker but can’t say I blame him. Sakura is a good lay, but man does it boil somethin’ in my blood imagining her with another man.

  “Do you want to, fuck him that is?”

  “If I wanted to, I wouldn’t have stopped our little rendezvous. And not that it’s any of your business, but if I wanted to be with him, I would’ve run to him, not my godfather.” Sakura rolls her eyes, taking a sip of the fruit punch drink. Obviously. I’ve struck a nerve.

  “Just checking. Wanna make sure you’re saving all of this for me,” I grumble, slipping my hand under the table I make sure to glide my finger up her thigh until I’m directly over her pussy, running it back and forth a couple of times.

  “I’m not yours.”

  “Not yet.”

  “I won’t ever be, Mouser. I’m not interested in a relationship.”

  “You say that now, but at some point I’ll change your mind, even if it kills me.”

  “Why would you say something like that? You’re not in love with me. It doesn’t make sense.”

  I chuckle. She wouldn’t understand. “No, I don’t love you. I’m in lust with you. Something about you has made my cock hard for weeks. I want to chase after you like a dog chases sheep. Love isn’t something that just happens, Dove. It’s forged over time, sometimes with flaming hot moments, others with sad. Between it all lies the normal ones.”

  “You want to be in a relationship with me?”

  I shake my head, “Not now, but I have a strong feelin’ like sooner or later my mind is gonna change, and there won’t be anything that will stop me from having you, Sakura. Not even some sourpuss of an ex-fuck who wants your cunt. And mark my words, if he so much as tries to touch you, I’m going to break his fuckin’ jaw.”

  Chapter Ten

  Love isn’t about being sexually attracted. That’s lust. It’s about actually caring about someone



  All I can do right now is blankly stare at the man sitting across the table from me, trying to understand what’s going through his mind. He full on just admitted he isn’t in love with me, but lusts after me. Honestly, it sounds like he’s some player on the prowl. Or at least, that’s what I thought at first. Mouser made it a point to be transparent with me and tell me what he thinks is going to end up happening.

  I don’t know how that makes me feel.

  Honestly, I just feel numb. Not excited. Not freaked out. I’m just a woman, sitting across from a man who essentially vomited his future plans on me and I’m . . . just here.

  All my life I knew I was not the type to be in a relationship. I’m not the type of woman who commits herself to a man only to get hurt or be used. After thinking about it, I realize why I’ve always felt that way. On my eighteenth birthday I remember I was called into my father’s office after dinner. It was the first day we ever drank sake afterwards and he had me sit on the couch across from my mother and he, while he went on to tell me I’d need to start thinking about the well-being of our family. I didn’t understand him then, but he made sure I grasped the idea that I would be like any other daughter of a powerful family. I would be married off to the son of someone just as powerful, used as a tool in yet another way.

  This is why I don’t like the idea of commitment, because of my fucking family problems. Family issues. Whatever you want to call it. I roll my eyes as the memory resurfaces and my stomach turns at the thought of feeling a small semblance of what I felt that evening.

  “You alright?” Mouser asks, reaching his hand across the table to grab mine. With each action I’m not sure what to make of him. If he was just lusting after me like he said, he wouldn’t have made it a point to try and offer me comfort, right?

  “Um, yeah. I’m a bit taken aback by what you just confessed. I don’t understand it.”

  “You don’t understand what?” He questions, drawing his brows together while his expression shifts. Now he’s confused.

  “Why me? What is it about me that has you wanting me this way, or in the way you think you might?”

  Mouser chuckles, and somehow his laugh feels like a breath of fresh air. With my hand in his, he rubs his thumb over the back of mine and looks at me with those delicate eyes of his. Eyes that hold so much strength but are the key to his kind heart. “You don’t have any idea just how much of a gem you are. Sakura, you’re smart. You’re sweet. You gave up the one thing that could keep you safe to save a baby. The honor you have is . . . a rarity at best. It doesn’t hurt that you’re gorgeous as all hell. In my eyes, you’re the whole package and I can tell you have high walls. I’m not a man who’s in a rush and I don’t mean to scare you, but I’m gonna break them down bit by bit until you feel comfortable with the idea of being with me.”

  “Whoa. I thought you said you felt like you might? Not that you did.”

  Mouser laughs yet again, “Why in God’s name would I give up the whole package?”

  “Ugh, I need a drink.” I grumble, wishing this fruity soda was sake instead. Mouser might not know this, but he’s a complete mindfuck. I thought I knew what he was getting at earlier, but now I’m even more confused.

  Mouser’s cell phone begins vibrating from the corner of the table. He’s quick to pick it up and looks at the screen. “It’s Damon. Reed reached out to Jordan Steele, who’s handling the darker parts of their family business these days. He’s assured us Lucian will be putting you back in the masking program within the hour.”

  I’m sure the Reapers believe this is a good thing, but I’ve already been taken out of it, meaning my parents could’ve already discovered my whereabouts. Although, Mouser has a grim look on his face. “What’s wrong, you don’t seem relieved.”

  “Gathering what I can about your family, I figure they’re relentless. You and I can probably agree they have people behind computers looking into facial recognition software for even a glimpse of you. That being said, they’ve probably figured something out by now.”

  “I thought I’d be the only one who’d be a pessimist.”

  He shrugs, “I can be on occasion. I know how families can be, so . . .”

  “I doubt your family can be as horrid as mine.”

  “They aren’t that bad, but we have our issues.” Mouser states, looking through the window to avoid meeting his eyes with mine.

  “You know everything about my life from what I can tell. Might as well share a bit about yours so we’re even.”

  Mouser looks back at me, closes his eyes and chuckles while he shakes his head. “I should’ve known you’d pull
some shit like this. You are a woman after all. Alright, whatever you want Dove. Ask and you shall receive.”

  “Are you an only child?”

  “No, I have two sisters. Lennox and Farrah. Lennox is ballsy as all hell and it scares the fuck out of me. I’m worried she’s gonna get killed one day. Farrah, well, Farrah is . . . she’s the bratty little princess of our family. I love her to death, and my father and I spoil her rotten.”

  “It must be nice to have siblings. I’m an only child now. As a kid, I hated the age gap my sister and I had but now . . . I think it’s better. It gave me insight to everything, really. What about your parents?”

  “My dad’s name is Bow, and he used to be a Reaper years ago. He left the MC to be with my mom. After that they got jobs working with my Aunt Betti, who opened up a bail bondsmen company. My dad always liked kickin’ people’s asses, so the job suited him. Bet he never expected mom to get into the business.”

  “I bet your parents are thrilled you came back to your father’s roots.”

  “Dad is, in a sense. Don’t know how Mom would feel.”


  “She was killed on the job. Trusted a fugitive who was looking for an out, and she was shot. She was left for dead in a field, died by her damn self and . . . fuck, just . . .” I’m now the one squeezing Mouser’s hand, trying to offer him some comfort.

  “I apologize. If I had known I wouldn’t have asked about something so heart wrenching.”

  “Nah, don’t do that. It’s alright. You have to learn shit about me anyway, right? In six weeks we’ll be getting married and—”


  Mouser bursts into laughter.

  “I don’t like it when you try to joke with me like that. It’s not funny.”

  “On my end it is. You looked like you were having a stroke, Dove.” He barely gets the words out before he cracks up again.

  I’m left here shaking my head at his shenanigans while a waitress brings our food up to our table. I’ve never been so thankful to see food in my life. Maybe it’ll distract Mouser for a bit and he’ll give me a break on the teasing.

  Chapter Eleven

  It’s your road and yours alone. Others may walk it with you, but no one can walk it for you

  ~ Rumi


  “Mouser, I need you to go on a run with Cobra.” Damon tells me while he approaches where I’m sitting on the couch in the clubhouse. I peek behind him and see Sakura is over in the far corner chatting with Ivy and even his wife, Kat. For some reason I didn’t think Sakura and Kat got along, but obviously I’m mistaken.

  “Aren’t I supposed to be watching Sakura?” I ask Damon, making sure he knows I’m not keen on leaving Sakura.

  “Yeah, well, you seem to be watching her ass. Figured you could take a break and someone else can take over.”

  “Excuse me?” I growl. No brother in here better think he can stare at her ass. If they do, I’ll do the same to them as I will to Lucian if he dares to fuck with her.

  Damon raises his eyebrows, “You will take your ass wherever the fuck I tell you to. Hell, maybe I’m rethinking this assignment with Sakura. Who’d you suggest I put with her instead, Chaz or Dixon?” Chaz or Dixon? Is he serious? They’ll work their way into her pussy and use her like a whore.

  “I’m sorry. I . . .” I go quiet for a moment while I divert my eyes over to the woman, “I have a thing for her, Prez, and all due respect. I don’t want anyone touching her. If they do, I might be liable to rip their hand off.”

  “You claiming her, Mouser?” He asks lowly, planting his arms on the arm of the couch.

  “Officially, not yet? Unofficially, anyone who touches her will have to deal with me. You catch me?”

  “I got you. I’ll make sure the brothers know not to fuck with her. It’s not often a man claims a woman before he’s patched in.”

  “I’m not an average man,” I gently remind him.

  “True. Get your ass out on this run with Cobra. He saw something that was concerning and we need eyes out on the road.”

  “You got it,” I say, rising from the couch. Cobra’s leaning directly next to the clubhouse door so I head over his way. “Heard we need to take a ride,”

  “Damn straight. You need any ammo?”

  “We gonna need it?” I ask Cobra.

  He snickers and shrugs, “Depends how I’m feelin’.”

  Shit. He’s the craziest fucker in this club, that’s for damn sure. The two of us walk out and get on our bikes. I assumed Cobra was gonna tell me where we were going, or what we were doing but his ass decided to speed off ahead of me. What a bastard.

  Cobra and I head up the interstate until we’re just north of Coyote Springs and we hit a long stretch of desert. He makes a sharp left and I follow him down a gravel road until he stops and turns off his bike. I follow his lead, shut my ignition off and prop my kickstand, following him while he walks down the slight slope. However, I notice he’s crouching and almost ask until I see a group of motorcycles heading this way.

  We’re elevated up a bit, so I look below us and see there’s a fire burning with a man standing a few feet away from it. He looks familiar and I swear I’ve seen him before. Fuck, I can’t remember where. I’m sure something will jog my memory soon.

  “Wanna tell me what we’re doing?” I whisper to Cobra, kneeling down close to the ground so we’re not spotted.

  “We’re just observing these fucks and seeing what my old man is up to.” He replies, pulling something from his pocket. It looks like a satellite dish hooked up to some earbuds and Cobra slides one into his ear and offers me the other. I take it, place it in my ear and listen.

  Boots crunching on the stone below us can be heard like it’s happening right in front of our eyes. The reality is it’s a good hundred or so feet away, but the greetings between the men are heard clearly as well. Shit, where has Cobra been hiding a device like this.

  “Wait. Did you say old man? Your father’s in a club?” I question, finally putting the pieces together.

  Cobra gives a curt nod, “More like sperm donor, but yes. The big sack of shit is my father.” I shift my eyes from the smaller guys and see someone who reminds me of the Mountain from Game of Thrones. Holy fuck.

  “What are they doing in our territory?” I question, obviously able to tell these guys are trouble. They give me some serious vibes that they’re up to no good.

  “Not sure, but if you shut up maybe we can find out.” Cobra snaps.

  “Heard you have information for us, fella.” Cobra’s father chuckles in a sadistic way.

  The man standing in front of the fire takes a step forward. “You’re right, Titan. I have some good shit for you.”

  “This better be good. I drove a fuck of a long way to hear this face-to-face like you wanted. Now spit it out and give me what I’ll be takin’ back to my Prez.” Titan sneers.

  “One of my boys gets hired to track people down. You know that club in Vegas, the one who’s claimed the territory since the Demons of Hell were eradicated? They have someone. Someone important.”

  “I don’t know why the fuck you’re shuttin’ your trap. Keep talkin’.”

  “I would Titan but money is what talks to me. My guy hasn’t taken the job yet or alerted the family we found what precious thing has been lost to them. They’re offering to pay a heavy fee to anyone who brings her back alive. I’m simply letting you know because you’re a businessman, aren’t you Titan? I figured you’d appreciate the opportunity to take this job before my guy does. Imagine what the money could do for your club.”

  “Hmm. What do you want for the information?”

  “As I said, money talks. You give me a finder’s fee and I’ll tell you whatever you want to know.” The guy tells Titan.

  Titan raises his hand and one of the guys behind him comes walking up with a duffel bag. He takes it from who I’m going to assume is a prospect and looks back to the guy selling him information. “Will this suffi

  “Yes.” Titan tosses the bag to the man across from him and he throws it behind him to one of his armed guards while the other sticks right there with him.

  “Spill it.”

  “The Reapers MC have Sakura Kobayashi.”

  “Okay, they have some Chinese chick. What the fuck does that mean to us? Give me my money back.”

  The man across from Titan chuckles, “No, no. She’s Japanese.”

  “I won’t even waste my breath any longer,” Titan yells, obviously displeased. He begins to charge toward the guy selling him information and his man behind him points his gun at Titan’s head.

  “She’s the daughter of the Emperor, and rumored Yakuza leader. They’re offering five million to anyone who brings her back. Rumor has it she ran from them and they’re desperate to get her back.”

  Titan grabs the man by his collar and then stops, immediately releasing him. “You said she’s with the Reapers?”

  “Yes, I did. I figured that information would be very important to you.”

  “Fuck, that piece of shit is Vinny.” Cobra hisses out. Vinny is a guy the club had some business with a while back. He hooked the club up with fake passports and shit, but I thought that’s all he was doing. Seems like the fucker has a lot of other side businesses.

  “We need to get back to Damon. He needs to know this shit, soon.”

  “Normally I don’t agree with people below me like you, but yeah, you’re right. We just need to wait for these guys to get lost first and then we’ll head back to the club.” Yep, Cobra’s the biggest dick in this club. Fuckin’ pisses me off how he treats me like shit just because I’m a prospect.


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