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Chaos: A Reapers MC Boxset

Page 63

by Elizabeth Knox

  “A little bloodshed? I’m game.” Widow cackles, rubbing his hands together. Amara rolls her eyes and the rest of the brothers wait for these two to start a bickering match. Amara and Widow had dated a while back, but they broke up and now he’s with Tania, his ol’ lady who’s in a gang type of thing called the Jackals.

  “Mouser, Widow, Cobra and Chaz. I want you four to ride out with me today. We’re going to go in slow and steady, takin’ this club out in the process.” Damon tells us.

  “What about the rest of us?” Amara barks at her brother, obviously showing her displeasure in having to stay back home.

  “You’ll be watching over the club and makin’ sure we don’t have any surprises. I need you to stay back and watch over the rest of the women and most importantly, the kids.”

  “Noted. Just makin’ sure this isn’t about me bein’ shot.” Amara responds.

  “No it isn’t, but even if it was you’d still follow my order.” Damon smugly replies to her. At the end of the day, none of us will ever question our Prez or his ability to lead us.

  Cobra clears his throat, causing Damon to focus on him just as we all know Amara’s about to erupt like a volcano. “When are we leavin’?”

  “In a couple hours. We have at least a seventeen-hour ride ahead of us. Pack the necessities, and for the love of God, make sure you’re packin’ heat in case we need it.” Damon tells us.

  “If we need it?” Widow laughs.

  “We’re gonna use the slow and steady method for once. It’s not my goal to alert them that we’re there. Make sure you pack extra ammo in case we need it, but it’s my goal to be using our boot knives.” We each have knives hidden in our boots. It’s a thing Damon recently integrated within the Las Vegas charter not too long ago.

  “Not even gonna lie. I’m gonna enjoy this,” Cobra smirks. “It’s been a minute since we’ve gone on a run like this, huh, Widow?”

  “Damn straight. Well overdue.” Widow replies.

  “We leave in two hours. Get yourselves ready.” Damon slams the gavel down on the table and we each start to part ways until Damon clears his throat. “Wait, Amara. I need you to handle something while I’m away.”

  The rest of us take our leave, each heading into our different houses. I go back to Sakura’s and check in on her as soon as I make my way through the door. She’s fast asleep under her knitted ivory blanket and I think about waking her, but I won’t. So, I head into the kitchen and grab the notepad and pen she always keeps next to the basket of fruit and decide to write her a note.


  I’m going out on a run with Damon, Widow, Chaz and Cobra. Should be back in three days. Stay at the club and for fuck’s sake, don’t get in any shit while I’m gone.



  Chapter Fifteen

  Your life isn’t yours if you always care what others think

  ~ Unknown


  I’ve never been the type of person to ever oversleep, but it seems like I’m learning a lot more about myself these days. I ended up sleeping in until eleven in the morning and drowsily walked into the kitchen to make my morning cup of tea. As my kettle was brewing I saw a note left for me by Mouser on the island. It said he was going out with a couple of the guys, that I shouldn’t get into trouble and he’d be back in a few days.

  This is the first time he’s gone on a run and I’m not sure what to expect. Part of me is worried, with a sick, gut-wrenching feeling in the pit of my stomach. Yet another part of me is trying to remind myself it isn’t my job to worry about him. We’re not dating. We’re just . . . whatever this is. I thought I’d be able to have this one-night stand and get the sex that oozes off him like cologne out of my system. Little did I know how hard it would be. Instead I’m falling more into this with him.

  I spend the next hour taking a long, hot bath, blow drying my hair and change. It’s kind of odd being here alone when I’ve had someone practically surrounding me the last few days. I head into the clubhouse and see Amara standing in the corner, staring down at her phone but the moment her eyes land on me she comes walking right up. “You and I need to have a chat, sweetie.”

  “Oh, we do?”

  “Yeah. Eduardo had mentioned you could handle Onyx’s girls and you haven’t done that yet so I’m gonna throw you in the trenches and you can fix everything you’ve been failing to do over the last few weeks.”

  “Wow. You’re not even easing me into it,” I chuckle, rolling my eyes. Amara is definitely an acquired taste, but I like her because she isn’t fake. She doesn’t pretend to be your friend and then pull a one-eighty. Instead, she’s blunt as can be. Others might not like that about her, but I’d rather have the truth.

  “Why should I have to? Your uncle said you could do this. Was he wrong?” Alright, now this is one of those moments where I’m not a fan because she can be a downright bitch.

  “No. I can,” I retort, walking away from her I head toward the door which I just came in a minute or so ago.

  The clicking of heels against the floor below us causes me to turn back, “What’s the matter?”

  “Where are you going?” Amara asks.

  “You wanted me to go handle it, yeah? I’m going to do my job.” I say, shooting her a glare. I’m not pissed that I have to do this but being a madame has never been something I wanted to add to my resume per se. Not waiting to hear whatever it is Amara is going to say I exit the clubhouse and walk towards the house that was built a few hundred feet away. It’s where the clubwhores and the prostitutes live. From what I can remember there were two main bitches Onyx loved, so I’m assuming they’ll be my problem. I need to expect anything, so I approach the house and walk in like I own the place. Confidence and order will ooze out of me like blood from a wound.

  “Anyone home?” I call out, not hearing a sound. I look across the joint from the oversized living room, to the dining room that seems like a laundry funnel and scan across the entire first floor. There’s absolutely no one here, so, I head upstairs. Rooms go to the right and the left of the foyer area so I go right first and the rooms are all empty. Although, they do look like they’ve been lived in at some point.

  Going to the rooms on the left I open the doors and see a man in one with two women. They’re currently pleasuring him, meaning the club’s getting a cut of their cash and so are the girls. I shut the door, not being seen by them and open the rest of the doors, only finding one other girl and she appears to be fast asleep.

  In total, there are three women here. This can’t be right. Where are the rest? I go down to the first floor and ask myself a million questions, when a pink haired chick comes walking down. She has big, bouncy tits, a bob type of hairstyle and a crazy dark smokey eye. “Can I help you with something, sweetheart?” Ah, she already thinks I’m a client.

  “Where are the rest of you?” I ask, demanding an answer.

  She won’t meet her eyes with mine for a minute but struggles to come up with an answer. “Um. They . . . they . . .”

  “They what?” I’m not in the mood for games. It’s evident Amara wants me to fix the things they have going on here, so if I’m going to do that I need to know what and who I’m working with.

  “They left after Onyx . . . you know.”

  Okay, looks like we’re starting from scratch. This should be interesting. “Alright, I’m Sakura, your newfound madame according to Amara.” I tell her. I think for a split second she’s not going to like having a new boss but the exact opposite happens. Her eyes light up like it’s Christmas Day.

  “I’m Mirage,” Is she serious, or is this a stage name? “Esme is still asleep because she was working late, but Cirque was in the room with me.” Okay, another oddball name.

  “It’s just the three of you?” I question, getting a nodding confirmation from Mirage.

  “Alright, it looks like I have a lot of work to do.” I mutter under my breath, looking around at the place. There are at least eight bedrooms in
this joint, which means we should at least have that many girls working . . . and we have three. “How many clients do you have?” I ask as the question surfaces in my mind.

  “Um . . . about fifteen.”

  “And the three of you have been managing all of them?” Obviously, they must’ve . . . but that’s a lot of men for three women.

  “Yes. We haven’t had a choice.”

  “Well, you’re going to have a choice soon. I promise, I’ll work to get some more girls in here to work with you. You three won’t have to carry the brunt of the work for long.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  She’s battling things her smile will never tell you about

  ~Jonny Cox


  Damon made sure instead of staying in Wichita that we were a couple towns over, in the hopes no one would spot us. We laid low at a shitty motel, one of those where you’d swear they’ve had a bed bug infestation. Not exactly my cup of tea.

  The ride ended up taking us around eighteen hours with traffic to get our asses here. We all caught some catnaps and now it’s a little past midnight and we’re all ready to go cause some mayhem at the Lucifer’s Heretics clubhouse. Before we caught some sleep, Damon laid out the plan. We’re going to park a quarter of a mile or so away from the clubhouse, disguising our bikes in the woods and go in on foot.

  When we’re close to the clubhouse we’ll start on the outside of the perimeter and knock the prospects out first before going into the club and slitting some throats. We aren’t supposed to touch women or children, but we never would in the first place. Personally, I doubt there are even any kids around here.

  We’re all in the woods he wanted us to hide our bikes in now, and we’re splitting up in teams of two. I’m with Cobra, meanwhile Damon is with Widow. Chaz on the other hand is off doing what he does best. He’s the stealthiest fucker we have in the club, so no doubt he’s already going up through the woods taking out anyone he can and snooping around the joint. They’re taking the east side and we’re heading toward the west. From the looks of it there’s only one entrance to this place and they don’t even have a fence or any of that shit. Basically, their physical security is seriously lacking. I’m sure many people don’t come out this way, though. I imagine any run in with this group isn’t a positive one.

  Cobra and I walk through the fields until we’re right up against one of the back buildings. I follow his lead as he opens the door and we walk inside it. Not shocked it isn’t locked either, but I’ll refrain from making a sound or any smartass commentary until we’re out of here and are back on the road to Vegas.

  Immediately, my eyes fall on the huge muscle of a man that we saw not too long ago. There’s a woman in bed with him and just as Cobra stands over his body, the woman’s eyes open right up. She starts to scream, but Cobra covers her mouth. “Get your ass out of this bed and run along. I don’t have an issue with you, sweetie.”

  Her hands are shaking but she nods, showing us she understands and quickly gets out of bed. I’m holding in my breath, wondering if her movements will cause Titan to move but he’s snoring away. At least, he’s snoring until Cobra’s sure to clear his throat. At the exact second he takes Titan’s gun off the bedside table.

  Titan’s eyes open and he stares up at the two of us. “Who the fuck are you two?”

  “Don’t recognize me?” Cobra sneers. I wanna ask him what the fuck he’s doing. We’re supposed to slit throats, not have full on discussions with these fuckers. I should’ve known if we found him this would somehow take a personal turn.

  “Why the fuck would I know a coward like you, sneaking in someone’s room in the middle of the night? You can’t even take down your enemy like a real man.” Titan laughs hysterically, shaking his head. “Never did I imagine this is the way I’d go out.”

  “What, in your bed with your throat slit, or killed by your son?” Cobra snarls back at the old bastard.

  Titan’s eyes go wide and he snickers. “Makes sense, you’re a coward just like your fuckin’ whore of a mother.” Cobra picks up his blade and jams it in the center of his father’s throat, pulling it out and slamming it back down. He continuously does this until I feel Titan’s blood splattering against my own face.

  Placing a hand on Cobra’s shoulder, he turns toward me looking much like a war ridden Viking. “Brother, he’s gone.”

  Cobra takes a couple breaths and nods. “You’re right. We need to move on to the others.” I start to walk in front of Cobra but he shoves me out of the way.

  “Oh no, don’t cut in front of me, prospect. You need to learn how shit is done by a seasoned veteran in the club. Watch and follow,” Cobra pulls the door to Titan’s cabin style room open and there stands the blonde woman, clad in lingerie, but she looks different now.

  Before there was fear in her eyes.

  Now I only see a cornered animal, and this animal has a gun in her hand.

  It all happens so fast and I don’t know what to do. Damon told us to not kill any women but she just shot Cobra and he’s bleeding out on the floor. Like a flash before my eyes I fire a shot off and she falls to the grass below her. Meanwhile, boots slam against the grass as they grow closer and I’m trying to help Cobra in whatever way I can.

  There’s so much fucking blood.

  Too much fucking blood.

  “What the fuck happened?!” Widow snarls at me as he approaches. I point to the woman on the ground. “Oh fuck, whore shot Cobra?”

  “Yeah and I can’t figure out where.” I reply. Rounds of bullets ring out from around us, alerting the rest of the Lucifer’s Heretics that we’re here.

  “So much for getting in and out quietly,” Widow snickers, “Not gonna lie, I like the hot and heavy version better.” He pulls out another one of his guns and turns, firing rounds off like he’s in a fuckin’ action movie. I grab onto Cobra’s cut and pull him behind the safety of the walls, continuing to search for wherever he’s been shot.

  That’s when I feel it, the blood’s coming out from his neck and I know this isn’t good. He was shot in one of the worst areas. Fuck! Everything happens in a blur as I take off my shirt and ball it up, applying it to where I feel the blood coming out.

  There’s no time to waste, so I act quickly and call Zane. I hope Damon doesn’t get pissed, but Zane will know if we have any contacts around here. We need a hail fucking Mary and a world full of luck if we’re going to save Cobra’s life.

  Looking at him right now, I don’t even know if he’s still alive.


  Chapter Seventeen

  There is a life and there is death, and there are beauty and melancholy between

  ~Albert Camus


  Shots ring out in the background and yet the only thing that matters to me in this moment is talking to the national charter Prez, Zane. Since Damon is in the middle of a shootout with Widow right now, I don’t have the option to ask him what to do. So, I trusted my gut and I’m applying pressure to Cobra’s neck, praying it’s enough to save him until I can get an order.

  “Mouser, what’s wrong?” It’s odd how he knew this couldn’t have been a leisurely call.

  “Prez, we’re in a fuckin’ shootout right now. Cobra was shot in the neck. I don’t know what the fuck to do. I don’t know if we have any contacts down here.” I shoot my words out faster than the bullets being fired around me.

  “Whoa. Alright, calm down. What city and state are you in?” Zane asks, keeping his tone calm and collected. I don’t even know how the fuck he’s managing that when he must be freaking out too.

  “We’re just outside of Wichita, Kansas. In the Lucifer’s Heretics clubhouse. Prez, Cobra’s lost so much blood. I don’t know what to fuckin’ do.” I’m not a doctor. If I was, I’m sure I could’ve done something to save him right now, but I’ve got nothing.

  “Wichita . . . Wichita . . . fuck, Cheyenne! Alexa, isn’t Cheyenne there?!” I hear Alexa’s voice in the background reply with something but
I’m not able to make it out. But I’m wondering what the fuck Zane is doing with Alexa since she’s Bull’s ol’ lady.

  “Yeah she just moved there last month,” Zane says, “Alexa is calling her right now. Can you send me your location via text? I’ll have Cheyenne get over there straight away.”

  “Yeah, I’ll send it over. Is Cheyenne a doctor, though? We need a doc. I don’t know if a simple nurse will be able to fix it. It’s bad, Zane. It’s so fuckin’ bad.” I mutter, looking down at Cobra in the darkness. I can see his face because there’s a lamp on in the corner of Titan’s room and he seems to be getting paler by the moment. It only makes me even more worried.

  “She’s in route, Mouser, breathe. Cheyenne is a very talented nurse practitioner, just like Sakura. He’ll be in great hands. All you need to do until she gets there is keep him alive. Keep pressure on that wound like your own life depends on it and call me after Cheyenne gets there. Got it?”

  “Yeah Prez, I got it.” I say, hanging up the phone I toss it on the floor next to me and realize the gunfire has slowed down and I don’t hear a thing anymore.

  “How’s our boy doin’?” Widow asks, crouching next to me.

  “I don’t fuckin’ know. Zane has a chick named Cheyenne coming to help us out. She’ll be here soon hopefully.”

  Widow doesn’t respond but I overhear him filling Damon in as he approaches. Women are screaming in the background and Widow is telling them to chill the fuck out.

  “Where the hell are they runnin’ off to like little pussy ass bitches?” Widow asks Damon.


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