Chaos: A Reapers MC Boxset

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Chaos: A Reapers MC Boxset Page 66

by Elizabeth Knox

  Dixon, just like anyone else needs to know Sakura is my woman. That I’m the man she’ll wake up beside. That she’s moaning my name in the middle of the night, waitin’ for me to come back from a trip. In this day and age I know men and women have open relationships, but to be frank, I don’t want that. I want her . . . if we occasionally invite another person into our bed I wouldn’t mind, but I want what my parents had with her.

  I can’t stop thinkin’ she could be the perfect ol’ lady, wife, mother, and everything else in between. This might sound fucked up, but she reminds me a bit of my own mom. She has a strong spirit, can hold her own and she’s practically fearless. Even under the most intense of stressors I see her show me unimaginable strength. She may crack down every now and again . . . but she . . . she just calls out to me.

  Before her I never felt any way toward a woman like this. I’d fuck to cleanse my system like every other brother in this club. I’d put a woman in my bed after an intense day just to make myself feel better, but never did I want to be around a specific one.

  Now I do.

  Ever since she came to the club I knew somethin’ was special about her and I knew how much I wanted her in my bed. I stood back in the shadows until I was presented with the right timing. Prowling like a mountain lion going after its prey.

  With my hands planted on her ass, holding her legs up, I know now’s the time. I won’t let her run off like a scared little girl. From the moment I saw her I knew I wanted her and after spending this time with Sakura over the last couple weeks, and these few days apart, fuck. I’m never going to let her go.

  I pull my knife from my jeans and cut off her jersey shorts, presenting her pussy to me like a fuckin’ gift. Unzipping my pants, I yank out my raging hard cock, craving to be inside her more than anything else and bring my head up to her entrance.

  With my eyes pinned on hers, I watch them widen while I thrust, shoving myself into her. She tilts her head back, moaning in the open air. Her arms wrap around my shoulders, pulling me closer to her and not arguing in the least bit. If she would’ve asked me to stop I would’ve, because I cherish her more than anything else. Instead of my worst fear, she’s encouraging me to go on. To do what I fuckin’ want to her body.

  “You’re not in the club life, so I’ll just tell you what this means,” I hiss into her ear, hearing the sounds of the slapping of my flesh against hers. “Me, doing this, fuckin’ you in front of a brother. It means your mine, that you’re my fuckin’ property. The woman I cherish. The woman I’ll fuckin’ die for if need be. It means I’ll protect you in any way I can, that I’m your partner, your provider and everything else you can ever imagine.”

  “F-fuck, Mouser.” She moans, digging her sharp nails into my back.

  From the corner of my eye I spot Dixon chucklin’ like a damn fool and see Cobra ended up walkin’ over to Dixon. Bet they’re talkin’ about what I’m doin’ right now but fuck, I don’t give a damn.

  “Will you be my woman, Sakura, ‘cause fuck I’m tired of playin’ this game with you. I said I’d do it for however long it takes but I can’t. I can’t fuckin’ imagine enduring this torture for more time. I want you to be my woman, my girl, mine. What do you say, Dove?”

  I stare into her dark almond color eyes and see her smile. “Yes, Mouser. I’ll be yours. Please don’t ever leave like that again. I missed you the entire time you were gone.” For the first time since knowing her I can see the vulnerability she hides so well.

  “I’ll do my best to not have to, but I might.” I tell her, biting the bottom of her earlobe.

  “I’m so scared I’ll fuck this up between us,” She admits, choking up a bit near the end.

  “I assure you, Sakura. There isn’t one way you’d ever be able to fuck this up.” I don’t know why she thinks she’d be capable of doing anything to tarnish what we have, but I don’t think she’d ever be able to do it. Her heart is far too pure. It’s one of the things I’m growing to love about her.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  You deserved to be loved and to be missed. You deserve to have someone who notices the emptiness in the air when you’re not around.

  ~ JM Storm


  Mouser fucked me in front of two other people. Dixon was still standing where I left him and Cobra ended up walking right up to Dixon, watching the show Mouser and I were giving them together. If I hadn’t been so in the moment I don’t know if I would’ve let Mouser do that to me. At least, not in front of others anyway.

  Mouser told the other two to skedaddle so I could rush back over to the house without anyone getting an eye’s view of my pussy. It made me laugh at first, because what’s the point. I’m sure they got an eye full when Mouser was fucking me.

  I ran back into the house and Mouser was close behind me. Though, instead of running he was walking. It’s like with each step he was finding peace, relaxing into being back home with me. Maybe my answer gave him some semblance of tranquility.

  “Dove, what did you mean by what you said out there?” Mouser asks after he shuts the front door and locks it.

  “I . . .” Oh here we go, diving deep into my issues. “I think I have a commitment problem.” There’s no other way than to be blunt about it.

  He comes up to me and brushes his hand over my ear to tuck away some strands of hair. “What do you mean by that?”

  “I think growing up in the environment I did, seeing what people would do, giving up everything to be part of the Yakuza. It fucked with my head a bit.” I pull the soft knitted blanket from the back of the couch to cover myself up. It’s still hot because it’s summer, but I’m not a clubwhore. So, I’m not used to having my goods out for anyone to see.

  “I’ll be honest, I don’t know what you mean by what you’re saying.”

  Taking hold of Mouser’s hand, I urge him to walk with me toward the couch. We both fall back onto the plush comfort and I keep his hand in mine, staring deeply into his eyes as I tell him how the Yakuza operates. “Every person that makes up the Yakuza is there because they’ve shown my mother the ultimate commitment. They give up everyone they love to be part of it. Their mothers, fathers, husbands, daughters, sisters, brothers, even children. They . . . eradicate their past and the people in it like they never even existed.”

  “Have you ever been in a relationship?” Mouser asks. For a moment I think his question is a bit odd and has incredibly horrible timing. While I was in some sort of thing with Lucian, it wasn’t more than sleeping together.

  “No, I’ve never been.” I state, shaking my head.

  “You ever think the reasoning behind your decision to avoid being in a relationship is because if your mother asked things of you, or formally wanted you to take over and whatnot, that you’d be forced to lose everyone in your life whom you loved?”

  In one instant I’m completely thrown off guard at how deep Mouser’s mind works. Subconsciously, I was probably doing this without ever even realizing it. “It amazes me how you can analyze any situation and find a reasoning behind it.”

  Mouser chuckles, leaning his head back against the cushions. “Yeah, my mom had a talent for that too, figuring people out and all that.”

  I smile, never hearing him talk about his family too often. It’s sweet, especially since they seem pretty normal compared to mine. “Every time you talk about her I get the sense she had a beautiful soul.”

  He nods, “She did, but it ended up getting her killed. You might hate me for saying this, but I hate it. I hate that her heart was the reason she got killed. All for a man who had been locked up numerous times. She always bailed him out though, every fuckin’ time.”

  “Did she know him?” Not thinking, I ask the question. For someone to help like that they surely would’ve known one another, right?

  He shakes his head, “Nope. His girlfriend was the one who called the company the first time to try to get him bailed out.”

  “She . . . I’m sure she must’ve thought that wouldn�
�t have happened. She wouldn’t have risked her life if she knew there was a possibility of getting taken away from her children. No mother would.”

  “Yeah, well no bondsmen thinks someone who occasionally steals shit is going to pop them. But, this guy, he got deeply involved into drugs and no one knew. Not even the police. He didn’t have one charge on him that was drug related. Hell, if we had known that she might’ve . . . chosen to do things differently that day. Instead, she died, bled to death in a fuckin’ field.” Mouser doesn’t realize it, but I see the way speaking about his mother’s death hurts him. His face is flushed bright red, his eyes are suddenly bloodshot and he seems as if he’s seconds away from crying.

  “You loved her so much,” I say, rubbing my hand over his.

  Instead of answering, he stares at the ceiling. Clearing his throat, he begins again. “I think about how much I loved her, and then I think about us, Dove. I think about the magnitude I will love you one day because every day I grow to love things about you. I’m not in love with you per se, but I’m fallin’ for you. And I just think about . . . I think what if somethin’ like this happened to you, and how it would destroy me,” Finally, Mouser turns his head and stares right at me. “I won’t ever let something like this happen. I won’t ever lose you, Sakura.”

  More and more this man proves to me he isn’t like the rest, and for once in my life I’m grateful I’ve been so cautious and reserved for so long. If I’d opened up sooner, I may have never gotten the opportunity to be with him, to experience the way a relationship should be. We might’ve never crossed paths and . . . we wouldn’t have ever had the opportunity to explore wherever this path is headed for us. I’m just so grateful. I’m grateful for the kami for giving me the strength I needed to stop being a tool for my parents to use whenever they saw fit. I’m grateful to the kami for sending my Uncle Eduardo into my father’s life, and last of all, I’m ever so thankful for being introduced to this amazing man. The only man I’ve ever been able to commit to.

  “You make me so glad I waited for you.” I murmur, hoisting myself over Mouser’s hips. I bring my lips down onto his and kiss him passionately. Heat shoots through my veins, but I don’t want this to be like the rest. I don’t want this to be hot, fueled with fire and primal. I want to show him how sensual I can be. To see how our bodies match up with one another’s in this way.

  “Mmm, me too, Dove. Me too.” Mouser groans, snaking his hand around my back while the other is laying on my upper thigh.

  I slither my hands under his cut and allow it to fall back against the cushions behind him before I pick up his plain black t-shirt and pull it off his body. In hindsight, at least he already cut my shorts off.

  I look over his body, really taking in the details of his tattoos. Mouser has a full chest piece that spans over both shoulder caps and extends into full sleeves. The only color he has is red, while the rest is in black and white, done with incredible shading to show the depth of the objects.

  Here I kneel over his body, taking in every detail that is Mouser, realizing I don’t even know his real name. A little bit of comedic relief, I think. I’ll have to ask him this later. His nose is perfectly shaped, and boy, these eyes of his make me want to drown in them. In all reality, I can’t believe he’s the man who’s captured my heart at this club. He’s a typical pretty boy, the type you want to be with but you’re so fearful he’s a player. Ironic how Mouser is quite the opposite. He’s the settling down type, the one who doesn’t keep a jar of hearts on his bedside table.

  Bringing my lips back down to kiss him, I take my hands down to his jeans and unbutton them. While I’m bringing down his zipper, I feel him smiling against our kiss so I dip my tongue into his mouth, heating everything up just a tad but not too much.

  His cock pops out so I form a circle with my hand, running it up and down the length of his shaft. He moans into our kiss and that only serves to make me feel even better. I’m not trying to make this a hot and heavy fuck, because let’s face it, we know each other’s bodies very well when it comes to that. Now I want to explore his body in a slow and passionate way, granted he’ll give me the opportunity.

  Mouser pulls his lips from mine, “Stop taunting me, Dove. Fuck me like the nasty slut I know you are.”

  I take my head back a bit, taking the hand I was just palming his cock with and I use it to take my shirt off. “I can be a nasty slut but right now I want to make love to your body, Mouser. Let me be slow with you. I want to be with you in this way,” I state, dropping my pussy over his cock. He’s quick to fill me up and I know there’s no way he’s fully inside me. He’s just too big for that.

  “As long as I can unload my cock in your sweet cunt, I’ll do anything for you Dove.”

  Mouser pulls me into an embrace, wrapping his arms around me while I roll my hips over his and he thrusts upward. Together we work in sequence, bringing immeasurable pleasure to the other. “Goodness, I love the way we fuck.” I breathlessly admit, feeling heat generating at my core.

  “Great. I plan on fuckin’ you until you’re pregnant, Dove. I keep thinkin’ about your stomach growin’ all round with my baby inside you. Fuck. I want you so bad. I want all of you.” What he’s said should scare me, yet it doesn’t.

  It shows me that Mouser is just as vulnerable as I am when it comes to this relationship. We have both our hearts on our sleeves and I’m fully confident we can both trust the other to keep them safe.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  She had a weakness for his hand on her neck and his words in her heart. Neither of which did she have the willpower to refuse.

  ~ JM Storm


  It’s hard to believe that over the last week so much has changed between Mouser and I. I went from a woman who was terrified of committing to him, to a person I hardly even recognize, blindly able to trust the man. Honestly, it feels peaceful to be able to not worry about being hurt. I attribute most of the way I’m feeling now because I can be honest with him. I don’t feel scared, or like I need to hold back any thoughts or feelings.

  Over the last few days, I’ve been able to have an in-depth discussion with both Damon and Amara. I needed them to see what the benefits of obtaining a piece of property we could renovate into a brothel off the club’s property would be. Especially, if we want to make this work.

  Damon made it a point to tell me he knows medicine is my passion as is helping people, so once I can get this brothel situation organized completely, he’d like one of the ol’ ladies to take it over as a general manager so to speak while I can find a job in town as a nurse practitioner. Within one conversation I felt my level of trust with him skyrocket. Not only trust, but respect as well.

  I’ve officially brought on two girls from the first round of interviews the other day. Fawn and Yami. Esme, Mirage and Cirque have been helping them get set up in their house and I officially hired two new girls yesterday. Tatiana and Lulu are the newbies.

  Tatiana is a woman of Russian descent and she’s beautiful. Looks like she came straight out of a Disney princess film. Lulu is gorgeous as well. She gave me a bit of background, stating she was in the adult film business through her early twenties until she hit thirty, but at that point she decided to make a career change. Now she’s thirty-one and she wants to get out of her job at the brothel she’s currently at. I can’t blame her. When she said the name I cringed, because in this area they don’t have the best reputation.

  Everything I’ve heard about them only makes me feel like they view their girls as livestock, not as humans. As of right now we have one spot left open, but I’ll leave it open for a while and fill it later in the summer. I want all of our girls to get situated and adapt to the changes.

  Meanwhile, Damon and Amara both gave me a hefty budget to find a property that will suit our needs so I’m going out with an agent to check a couple of the properties I saw online today. We have three to look at, however one is a complete fixer upper. It’s significantly under budget, but
I’m unsure if I want to risk putting a bid in on the place and then going over budget with renovations and fixing things such as the roof, plumbing, and possibly even electricity. It’s been vacant for years, so of course issues always pop up after the offer has been accepted.

  “What’s on the agenda for today?” Mouser asks as he pours hot water into my cup with my tea bag. I don’t know why it makes me smile like a giddy schoolgirl, but I’m starting to love the way he’s doing sweet things for me. Even if it’s as simple as pouring hot water into my cup.

  Picking up the tea bag I douse it in the water a few times while we chat. “I’m going to look at a couple of properties for Damon and Amara.”

  “Oh, I didn’t know you spoke with them about buying a property yet.”

  I nod, “Yeah, a few days back. Since I already hired Yami and Fawn I wanted to get on it. Especially if we’re going to be officially opened within the next month. There’s no point in wasting time.”

  “One of the things I love about you is how you always find some way to stay busy. I’m only wonderin’ what you’ll end up doin’ after you’re done with this brothel bit.”

  “Easy. Damon actually suggested I go back to practicing medicine and that one of the ol’ ladies will end up watching over the brothel. Personally, I think we should have two women for the girls to go to but Damon made it a point to tell me I’d still be the head honcho in charge of it.”

  “Hmm, which two women are you going to suggest help you with it?”

  “I was thinking about Raven. I know she’s the legal guardian of her two little half-sisters, but, she has a good head on her shoulders and I think she wouldn’t let anyone get away with some stupid shit.”


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