Shot at Love

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Shot at Love Page 8

by Melody Heck Gatto

  “She’s the blonde, the one who’s waving now. See?” Torin answered. He leaned over to Luc and lowered his voice. “And she’s ready whenever you are. Go get her, tiger.”

  All eyes were on him, especially Kaden’s. This must be what’s referred to as taking one for the team. If he didn’t react in his normal puck-bunny-loving way, they would certainly question him. He didn’t quite know himself why he was acting the way he was. It was just easier to lie. He had zero interest in her, but he had to make it look good.

  He took another shot, knowing full well that Kris wasn’t going to drink one. After all the beer he’d had already, and lack of food, so many shots may have been a bad idea, but maybe not. After that game, alcohol was just what he needed. Especially if he was going to make it look like he was picking this chick up, he needed to be convincing.

  “All right guys, I’ve got this. See you all in the morning. Don’t wait up, Morris!” Luc called over his shoulder and made his way towards the bar. He was going to go up, grab a shot, make some small talk, and then, once away from the guys, let the bunny down easy.

  Saddling up to the bar, he ordered a shot of tequila. After downing it, he raised his finger to the bartender for two more. After three shots of the nasty alcohol just at the bar, his anger over the game had fizzled enough for him to push it aside. Then a woman’s voice whispered in his ear.

  “Hey there, hot stuff. Did you get my message?” It was the girl who’d sent her number over with Torin.

  The bartender delivered him one more shot at the bunny’s suggestion, and she handed over the money for it.

  Sweeping his arm around the nameless girl, known only by her room number 2200, he said, “Let’s boogie, baby.” He knew he was being watched, so he led her right out of the bar and to the elevator. His gait was wobbly, and he needed to be wrapped around her to keep steady. So much beer and so much tequila had his head spinning. “So, what’s your name, 2200?”

  “Kelli, with an I,” she said, as they stepped into the elevator.

  Either the walls of the elevator were melting, or he’d had way too much alcohol. He forgot where he was or where he was going, but the Kelli girl held him tight.

  She ran her hands all over him as the elevator closed. They were only going up one floor, but the elevator felt like it was crawling, inch by inch. Kelli’s hands went lower, below his belt to be exact. Forgetting everything, including why he wasn’t interested in the bunnies tonight, he realized he had a lot of pent-up sexual energy. He hadn’t been with anyone for a while, and Kelli was making those alcohol-induced feelings rise to the surface.

  As soon as her hand cupped his dick, the elevator dinged and the doors opened. She abandoned feeling him up and led him by the hand to her room. Kelli giggled. “I never do this sort of thing.”

  Sure honey, sure you don’t. “Uh-huh.” The room was spinning, as though he was on an amusement park ride.

  “Make yourself comfortable on the bed, and I’ll be right out,” Kelli said, before disappearing into the bathroom.

  Luc sat down and leaned back on his hands. He closed his eyes, and the room spun even more than it did with his eyes open. He used to be very familiar with doing this stuff. He was drunk and horny, and maybe this was best. This was what everyone expected out of him. He shouldn’t be considering breaking the code with—

  Kelli emerged from the bathroom in a sexy see-through nightie. Don’t tell me this wasn’t planned. “Hey there.”

  She climbed onto the bed facing him and sat on his lap. Her lips met his, and she pushed her tongue right into his mouth. Luc had to stop his gag reflex. She was sticking her tongue so far down his throat, it was like she was an alien from one of those movies, and he was being probed. Who enjoys this gross attempt at seduction?

  Even being as drunk as he was, he was still repulsed. Top it off with her tasting like stale cigarettes. She was just lucky he was as drunk as he was. Luc closed his eyes and tried to enjoy her hands running over his abs and unbuckling his belt and pants. He was doing okay until she decided to talk.

  She moaned. “Oh, Lucky…”

  Lucky? It shook him out of his drunken stupor a bit. He considered not correcting her, but it was his name. If she recognized him from hockey, how did she not know his name? Okay, I’ll give her a pass on the first name; the last name is what I’m known by. “Uh, it’s Luc, actually.”

  “Oh, right, Luc. I knew that.” She kissed his abs, one of his best qualities, and made her way down to his groin. She didn’t even comment on his tattoo. Her hand went down his pants and around his awaiting dick. “Mmm-hmm. Mama Mia, Luc Macaroni.”

  Macaroni? What the fuck? The moment she butchered his last name—not even close—he went soft. He was drunk, but not that drunk. “Okay.” He pushed her away, just before she went to deep throat his dick. “This just isn’t working for me. Sorry.”

  “What?” Kelli looked up at him with wide eyes and smudged lipstick.

  It was as if he’d become instantly sober. He didn’t want to be here with her, and he had no idea how he even got here. But it was going to stop now.

  “Yeah, sorry. You don’t even know my name, for fuck’s sake.” He pushed her away from him, stood up, and buckled his pants and belt. “I’m sorry, Kelli. It was the alcohol talking, and I shouldn’t be here.” Still fumbling with his belt, he knew how this looked, and it looked bad. And he felt just as bad, until she spoke again.

  “Honey, your name doesn’t matter so much to me.” She never lost the seductive look on her face as she continued. “It’s just another notch under the Renegades column for me. Now c’mon, let’s finish what we started.”

  “I should’ve never come up here.” He didn’t want some cheap piece of ass, no matter what anyone thought of him. Had he not sobered up, he would’ve made a terrible mistake, and possibly lost his chance at someone like Kassie. This time as he spoke, bitterness filled his words. Girls like Kelli enjoyed being labeled home-wreckers and being the top story on TMZ. He wasn’t going to let it happen to him. “I’ll give you some money if you want, for your time?”

  “Get out.” Blonde Kelli pointed angrily to the door.

  “Yeah, yeah, I’m going.” He felt bad, but not bad enough to care. Not to mention, he knew girls like Kelli. She’d be back out after fixing her makeup, picking up some other drunken loser. Probably not a Renegades player, though. These girls never hit the same bar twice in the same night.

  “Sorry,” he yelled again, even though he really wasn’t, as she slammed the door on him.

  Looking at his watch, he saw that it wasn’t that late. He was quickly sober, and now missing the only girl he cared about. The only girl he wanted to be with. I’m in no mood to go back to the room yet. Better off waiting till Morris might be asleep so there’s no explanation needed.

  The guys were still in the bar, so he avoided that as he jumped off the elevator and hit the streets of New York. The city that never sleeps. There’d be no problem finding a coffee shop here to hang out in for a few hours.

  Luc jammed his fists into his pockets and walked a few blocks. The air was cold and the wind colder, as he walked through the city. His face was wind-burnt before he finally ducked into a little hole-in-the-wall coffee shop. The desserts in the window were what really caught his eye; the warmth of the little shop was what kept him there. After ordering a coffee and cupcake, he sat down and just tried to straighten shit out in his head.

  The pathetic interaction he’d just had with Kelli proved that Kassie O’Conner weighed heavily on his mind. He wasn’t supposed to be thinking about her. But he was. He also decided it was best to stay away from the shots for a while.

  Grabbing his cell phone, Luc pulled up Kassie’s number. It still baffled him how easily he got her to give him her number. This couldn’t possibly get me in any trouble, could it?

  Luc: Kassie, hey. How are you feeling today?

  Maybe Sam was right. Did I need to find someone who only had eyes for me, and not because I�
��m a hockey player? He’d been used for the “notch on the bedpost” more often than he’d like to think about. But wasn’t that what he deserved? He wasn’t relationship material. He couldn’t say he hadn’t used any of those girls, either.

  Obviously, Kaden had nothing to worry about when it came to Kassie. She’d never fall for someone like him. Growing up, he had no strong role model for relationships. With all the testosterone in his house, he grew up only knowing how to be a macho ass. He was good at sex, and maybe being arm candy. His hockey player status was why the girls wanted him, but there was always another waiting in the wings, so he had no reason to keep one around for too long. None of them ever made him feel the way this sassy brunette did.

  He was well aware that there were other girls out there. There had to be someone for him, like Sam said. Sam was one of the lucky ones, found a great girl who wanted him for him and not his status. Trina stood by him through thick and thin, no matter what. She was his rock. And she was a pretty cool chick too, and an awesome mom.

  Luc took a sip of his coffee. The caffeine was much needed to get him out of the alcohol-induced stupor from this evening. Kassie O’Conner obviously knew better than to get mixed up with someone like him. But that didn’t keep him from trying. He knew the truth, that it was already too late for him. He was fascinated with this girl.

  Even though they hadn’t spent much time together, he couldn’t deny that there was something there, stronger than just physical attraction, that he wanted to dig deeper into. He’d never felt like that before about any other girl. Maybe he could’ve stepped back and tried to forget about Kassie, but last night she proved she was interested in him, too. Although whether she’d admit that when she was sober was another question.

  When his phone buzzed, and he saw the text was from Kassie, he coughed and choked a bit.

  He didn’t know why he couldn’t get her out of his head. Thinking again about last night, he brushed any concerns he had away. He never really had issue with the ladies. This shouldn’t be any exception.

  But, Kassie was an exception. She was an O’Conner. She must know the unspoken rules between the players about dating their sisters. If she didn’t, he was positive Kaden would tell her. Luc was positive that was why she was standoffish, at least while sober.

  Kassie: Yeah, woke up with a nice headache. Hope I didn’t say anything too embarrassing last night.

  Luc: You don’t remember?

  Kassie: Some. Not everything. But Quinn said you drove me home. Wouldn’t let me take an Uber. So thanks, I guess.

  Was this girl worth ruffling feathers within the team? Was she worth the camaraderie he had with Kaden and the other guys? He was just starting to fit in with the major leaguers. He had a pretty decent friendship with Sam now, and was making progress with the rest. Was any girl really worth that?

  Luc: No problem. Just wanted you to get home safe.

  Absolutely worth it.

  Kassie: So, what’s up?

  He had no good reason for texting her, except he missed her, and no other woman would do right now. He’d proved that earlier.

  Luc: You watch the game?

  Kassie: Some of it.

  Kassie: Shouldn’t you be off trolling for bunnies? It is the city that never sleeps, so I assume that goes for the bunnies too?

  This girl had sass. Even after his pathetic attempt to kiss her the other night, and everything that happened at Mario’s, she still thought he was out here cruising for bunnies.

  Luc: No bunnies. Just hanging in a hole in the wall coffee shop with a hot cup of coffee and a cupcake.

  Luc turned the camera on his cell phone and quickly snapped a selfie of him and his cupcake. After sending it off to Kassie’s phone, he typed a new text message.

  Luc: I like cupcakes.

  I like cupcakes? Who says that? But as she responded to his ridiculous text, he felt his cheeks warm and his lips curl up into a smile. She was sitting there carrying on the worst conversation with him of small talk in the history of small talk. Yet she was still responding.

  Kassie: I do too.

  Kassie: So no bunnies. Shouldn’t you be out with the guys, then? I know there’s post-game drinking.

  Luc: I was. Got bored.

  Kassie: You’re bored so you’re texting me?

  Luc: Appears that way. Seriously though, I wanted intelligent conversation and you can’t find that in a bar.

  Kassie: Guess not.

  Kassie: As thrilling as this conversation is, I need to go. Some of us have to go to work in the morning.

  Luc: Right. Tomorrow is Monday. Okay, good night. Sweet dreams.

  Luc: Maybe I’ll see you soon?

  Kassie: Don’t hold your breath.

  Luc: That wasn’t a NO. Which is positive. I’ll take it.

  Kassie: Good night.

  He was no longer questioning if she was worth the trouble. Luc was positive she was. Once Kaden found out Luc was hot for his sister… Well, Luc was going to be in a shitload of trouble, and yes, even knowing that, she was definitely worth it.



  Most of Saturday night was still a blur. Kassie remembered meeting Quinn at Mario’s, really looking forward to a night out. They had a few drinks and danced. The club was packed, the music fierce, and the dancing hot and sweaty.

  After Luc showed up, things started to get hazy. She danced, and there was something about him not liking her dancing with a random guy. Kassie didn’t mind Luc pulling her away from Mr. Preppy, who had turned into Mr. Handsy. Dancing was one thing, but when a guy started to get grabby, the fun was over.

  This whole dominant, protective side of Luc was new to her, and not such a bad thing. She secretly thought it was kind of sexy. He might’ve thought he was protecting her, but she was well aware what was going on, and she let it happen.

  Kassie was on her own a lot, and for once it was nice that a guy had stood up for her. Well, a guy besides her brother. And when the alcohol started to set in, she was grateful for his being there. Quinn was too preoccupied with her puppies, JJ and Travis. Lucky for Kassie, Quinn never kissed and told, so she would never know details as to what went on behind closed doors with the rookies.

  The only part that seemed to escape Kassie was some dirty dancing that went on between her and Luc—she couldn’t decide if it had really happened or if it was a dream—and how she got home. Quinn told her that Luc drove her home. She assumed he refused to let her take an Uber. She was confident the ride-share service was safe, but he wasn’t convinced. At least he saved her the Uber fare. She couldn’t complain about that.

  Asking him if she’d said anything embarrassing was useless. He had avoided the question, and she was pretty sure he wouldn’t tell her even if she had. This should teach her not to drink when Luc was around.

  If her brother found out what she really thought of Luc, she’d never hear the end of it, and Luc would surely be traded. And if Luc knew that she was interested in him, even though she consistently said she didn’t date athletes, that cocky smile would be unbearable.

  She slid onto a stool at the kitchen island and picked at a doughnut while she dialed Quinn’s number.

  “Please tell me again that I didn’t make a complete fool out of myself last night.”

  “Hello Kassie, I’m fine thank you, how are you?”

  “Shut up. Don’t be that girl,” Kassie retorted.

  “Girl, am I on speaker phone?”


  “Fine. And you know it’s late, right? Don’t you have to be up early for work tomorrow?”

  “Nope. Vacation day. Kaden is doing a charity thing in the afternoon, and Ali wants to go, so I’m babysitting my nephew.”

  “I told you there was just a lot of dirty dancing going on. You weren’t dry humping or anything like that, if that’s what you’re worried about.”

  “Expand on the dirty dancing, please. Was it rated PG?”

  “Umm, I wish it was more lik
e rated R; you could use a little loosening up. But it was more like PG-13. You know, some grinding, and if I interpreted your expression correctly, you liked what you were rubbing up against. Ooh, especially when he was standing behind you at the bar and whispering in your ear.”

  Shit. She did recall that. The way his hot breath on her neck gave her chills. And his hard body pressed against hers. Yeah, she had liked it. But Quinn would never get her to admit it.

  “I don’t remember that.”

  “Do you remember the shots?”

  “Shots?” Oh no, it was coming back to her now.

  “The Blow Jobs?”

  Kassie moaned and covered her face, even though no one could see her. “I hope that is the name of the shots.”

  “As far as you’re concerned, it is. Your sexy, hunky, muscular man friend restrained your hands behind your back while you sucked it down.” Quinn’s choice of words made her wince.

  Every second of that moment came back to her in vivid detail. There was no doubt in her mind that Luc had enjoyed that display.

  “Look, girl, I gotta go. Some of us have to work tomorrow. Say hello to your sexy man-friend for me!”

  Quinn hung up before Kassie could say anything more. There was no redeeming herself from taking that poorly-named shot with Luc securing her arms behind her back. She just had to hope she could stay out of his way for a few days and pray he’d forget.

  Kassie sat down on her brother’s couch, exhaling a long sigh after a lengthy half hour of trying to get Kaleb to sleep. She was babysitting while Ali was out with her mom, and Kaden was with the team. They had a charity event at the practice facility this afternoon. Ali and her mom were stopping by to check on Kaleb, before going shopping.

  Kaleb was fed, bathed and finally rocked to sleep. The little guy looked so sweet in his soft, cuddly pajamas with tiny penguins all over them, and penguin faces for feet. He even slept with a smile on his adorable, chubby face. Unfortunately, prior to the cute sleeping baby, feeding him was touch and go. Ali had instructed her to try the lima bean and turkey baby food that she’d made him, and as gross as it sounded, it apparently tasted even worse.


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