Walk Into Me

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Walk Into Me Page 8

by Jill Prand

  I go out to my backyard, I really don’t want to listen in on her conversation and if I stay in the house I know I will. I can’t hear her tell him she loves him and to hurry back to her. I know that is what she feels but it cuts at my heart. I want all of her, I do not want to share, but I will take it slow and hopefully she will see that I am better for her. I will stay here; I am safe.

  The night is cold, the chill from the river has moved up the road. Soon the winter will really set in and I’ll be able to hear things that happen a mile down river. It is strange how that happens, when the wildlife either hibernates or goes south the area is so quiet. Even in this suburb with a main road not a quarter mile away, when the river goes quiet it affects the whole area. It is one of my favorite times of year. The only quiet that rivals it is when it snows. When the snow is falling and a hush falls over the world it feels like I’m the only one alive. That kind of peace is what I feel with Lisa in my arms, now I just have to find a way of keeping her there.

  I jump when her hands run through my hair. “I didn’t hear you come out,” I say as I grab her hand and draw her onto my lap. “Everything okay?”

  She looks at me, searching my eyes like I have the answer to all the world’s evils, “He’s gone. Brad I don’t know how to do this. I want you both and I know in the end I will hurt one of you but right now I cannot choose and I feel like shit.” Tears pool in her eyes and my heart constricts. Whatever I need to do to make her happy I will.

  Drawing her head down on my shoulder I whisper to her, “We’ll get through this, Lisa. I know this is hard, pretty girl, but we need to do this. We need to give us a shot or we will regret it for the rest of our lives.” I truly believe that she will see I am the best thing for her.

  We wrap our arms around each other and just sit there listening to the night. I kiss her forehead every so often just enjoying the quiet and feeling of being complete. I realize she has fallen asleep. She is emotionally drained and in no shape to drive home. I hook one arm under her legs and stand up. I almost trip over the walkway having to steady myself when she wakes up and looks at me. “Where are you taking me?” she asks.

  “I’m taking you to bed. Don’t worry we’re just going to sleep,” I say trying to get the door open. “I just want to hold you all night.” “That sounds perfect, Brad, but I have to go to work tomorrow. I don’t have any clothes here and Arthur is picking me up in the morning. I have to get back before he gets there,” she worries. “He can’t know that I spent the night with you.”

  “I promise to have you back home before five-thirty, okay?” She yawns and gives me a nod, settling back against my shoulder. Her trust in me apparent with the way her body relaxes against me. I love her smell and can’t wait for her to leave it on my pillow.

  When we reach my room I place her gently on the bed. I reach over and turn on a side lamp and then start taking off her shoes. She props herself up. “I can get myself undressed you know,” she smirks at me.

  I continue with what I’m doing, but glance at her. “I know, but I want to undress you. It’s a fantasy of mine,” I smile. “Won’t you indulge me?” She sighs and I know I got my way. With her shoes and socks now on my floor I take her hands and pull her up, unzipping her jacket and drawing it off her shoulders. I throw it on top of a chair and then reach for the button on her jeans, my eyes asking for permission to continue. She bites her bottom lip and nods giving me the go ahead and I kneel down in front of her pulling the jeans with me. She steps out of them while staring down at me. I want to bury myself between her legs and taste her. My heart is pounding with need and my breath quickens. I don’t ask for permission this time, I just palm her ass with both hands and draw her forward. She smells incredible. I place a light kiss against her panties and feel her shudder. Her hands fist in my hair, but she doesn’t pull me away. I don’t move. My lips are still against her and I feel her panties getting damp with her juices. Her scent overpowering me now, calling to me and making my cock jerk in my pants. I have to taste her. My tongue flicks across her and her essence bombards my taste buds. I need more. This time I place the flat of my tongue against her and press in prolonging the tremor that goes through her and causing her arch against me.

  “Brad,” she whimpers. “Don’t stop.” That’s all I need to hear. I strip her of the panties and push her back against the bed. She falls and her legs open to me revealing the most tantalizing site I’ve ever seen. Her lips are pink and wet and I dive in, lapping at her. My fingers hold her open to me as I devour her. Her breath is coming in pants and her hands are pulling my hair. The pain just makes me harder. My cock is screaming at me for release, but this is all about her. I want to make her come so hard she will forget his name. I swirl my tongue around her clit before plunging it into her soft wet depths. The walls of her sex contract and pull me in like they’ve been waiting for me. I’ve never tasted something so right; she is the nectar from the gods.

  I hear her calling out, but have no idea what she is saying. I move back to her clit and thrust two fingers into her, reach to find that one spot that will pull her over the edge. I suck on the little nub which has turned hard, nipping it with my teeth as my fingers fuck her. I can feel her building and know she is close. When she explodes I replace my fingers with my tongue to capture all the juices she is gifting me with. She screams my name and I know she is with me that she knows it’s me who made her come. Before she can fully recover I go back to stroking her clit wanting to give her a second orgasm, but this time I undo my pants and start to stroke myself. I want to come with her, to join her in ecstasy even if I can’t be inside of her yet. I use the precum as lube and roughly hold myself, letting my hips pump me to my release. My tongue is still inside her and the thumb of my other hand is circling and pushing on her clit. It takes only moments for us both to moan as we come together, the threads of cum shooting onto my floor while I lap up her nectar.

  I stand up and lean over her. Her eyes are still closed and her breathing hasn’t returned to normal yet. I brace myself on my hands on either side of her and kiss her mouth, letting her taste herself on me. She finally opens her eyes as I pull away and she smiles. “So much for just sleeping.”

  I have to laugh. I love that things are this easy between us. I know that we will never be uncomfortable with each other no matter what happens. While she might regret her actions, she will always be truthful with me and let me know what she feels. I give her another quick kiss and stand up. “I’ll be right back, love.”

  I go into the bathroom and run the water in the sink until it is warm. I wash myself off and wet a washcloth for her. She grabs the cloth from me when I get close to her. “If I let you do that we will never get any sleep tonight,” she tells me as she proceeds to clean herself. She’s right of course and I have to turn myself away from watching her with her hand between her legs.

  I start removing my shirt and get her a t-shirt to sleep in. When I turn back around she is pulling her panties back on. I should have shredded them so she would be naked while we slept. I hand her the t-shirt and she looks up at me with amusement. “You should put one on, too. If you don’t I won’t be responsible if I can’t keep my mouth off your chest.”

  Her words go straight to my cock and now I’m hard again. I groan at her, but turn back around to open my dresser. I spy a few white wife beaters and now it’s my turn to smile as I pull one on. I’ve covered myself, but the fabric hugs me like a second skin and I know it will drive her crazy. Who needs sleep when I have the love of my life in my bed?


  I hear Brad’s alarm go off but I roll over and snuggle into his warmth. I wish I could call into work and stay in his arms all day, but I have two meetings about the holiday party at the end of the week. I don’t know how I got roped into helping plan it. Luckily most of my client accounts are all taken care of through the beginning of next year. I planned to take the week between Christmas and New Year’s off so I made sure all my jobs were scheduled accordingly. My
assistant, Allison, will be able to handle any small fires while I’m out.

  Brad turns the alarm off then pulls me close. We didn’t have sex. Well, technically we didn’t have sex, but we’ve explored each other with our hands and mouths. My body is still humming from my multiple orgasms. The man’s lips and tongue were made for driving a woman to climax. I run my hand over his tattoo. That was a surprise when I first saw it. On his right rib cage is a picture of the river and a boat with two people on it. I know the picture because my mother took it when we were in high school. It is a picture of the first time Brad and I went down river alone; we were fifteen. Whoever the tattoo artist is that did it has to be commended, to get that much detail inked takes real talent. Of course, if you didn’t know the picture you would probably just see the boat and the river one person onboard, but if you look closely to the subtle shading you can see it is two people entwined. We were so happy that day that my mom trusted us to go out on the river and bay on our own. It was a big deal and she had given me her cell phone in case we got into trouble. Of course, Brad had the radio, but she wanted to make sure I could call her if I needed her. Funny now nine years later every fifteen year old has a cell phone, strange how things change.

  “Morning, pretty girl,” he whispers in my ear like we need to be quiet. “Did you sleep well?”

  I tilt my head up from his shoulder. “What little sleep I got was good,” I tell him. I know we need to move and I need to get home, but I really don’t want to move. His hand is stroking up and down my back causing little shivers as it goes. I still can’t believe after all this time that my body is suddenly responding to him like this. It’s not like we never touched each other, we were always hugging, but now just his hands on me make me want so much more.

  “Don’t suppose you want to play hooky today?” He asks as he leans down and kisses my lips gently. “I can’t. I have a couple of meetings that I can’t reschedule. And I have to go to Bobby’s. I told him I would decorate his place for Christmas.” Brad scowls and I know I shouldn’t bring up Bobby while I’m lying in his bed. I am so used to sharing everything with Brad that the thought of censoring what I say will take some getting used to. We will have to talk about that at some point because I don’t want that aspect of our relationship to change. Brad is one of only two people in the world that I am totally open with and I don’t want to lose that. I glance over at the clock, five to five...I don’t have time to discuss this now. I have to get home, shower and dress before Arthur shows up to take me to work.

  I caress the stubble on Brad’s jaw and reach up to kiss him. “I have to go,” I say against his lips. He drags me up so I am lying on top of him, “I’m sorry Lisa, I just don’t want to think about him while we are in bed. Can we save those discussions for outside this room?”

  I prop myself up on my arms and look into his eyes. I see so many emotions running through him...hope, fear, longing and finally love. A love that held me together too many times, that saw me through some of the toughest days and one that I’ve always counted on even when I pushed him away. I knew if I really needed him he would come to me and I am putting that all on the line and changing everything. I want to hide myself in him and cocoon us in this bed so we don’t have to deal with everything else yet but that isn’t how life goes. “I promise not to bring up his name in here again but I don’t want to hide anything from you Brad. If I do than we run the risk of more changing than just us being physical with each other.” I keep eye contact with him so he can see what I’m feeling. I’m scared both of this thing between us and what it will mean when Bobby gets back, but I also know that I can’t stop this now, we’ve come too far to go back.

  He wraps his arms around me and pulls me down so my head is burrowed in his neck, “I’m sorry, pretty girl, I know this is hard on you and I don’t want you to hide anything from me. I’m in this all the way, Lisa, no matter what happens.”

  I love this man and I don’t want to push him away again. He has been my one constant for so long and I just got him back from his selfimposed exile. He turns his head and presses his lips to my forehead and I sigh. The feeling of comfort and peace flow through me, how often have we held each other like this, but with clothes on, in the past? I pull my strength from this man wrapped around me...he is my rock, my anchor and I can weather any storm with him. Maybe that is what I should be focusing on.

  His alarm goes off again, making us both jump and laugh. “Guess we need to get going,” he says as he reaches his arm to quiet it. I roll off him and sit on the side of the bed, looking for my clothes. I’m not really ready to face this day, but I’m not one to hide away. I like my job and, for the most part, the people I work with. So I just have to push my inner turmoil to the back of my mind and get moving. I spy my panties and get up to retrieve them and I hear Brad groan behind me. I turn back to him and he is watching me with hunger in his eyes.

  “You are so gorgeous,” he says and I find myself blushing. He’s never really complimented me like that before. He would call me ‘beautiful’ as a pet name but it was never said like the tribute in his voice now.

  I give him a sultry smile. “You’re not too bad yourself.” I gaze at his body, covered only from the waist down with the sheet. He is lean and tanned even in December. The time he spent out in the sun over the summer has not faded totally from his skin. The physical labor of running his boats have cut his muscles and given him a toned body that tempts me to run my tongue over it again.

  “You keep looking at me like that and I will tie you to this bed.” I turn away from him and gather up my clothes as I make my way to his bathroom. “You can do that to me another day.” I throw him a kiss as I close the door. I hear him groan and I have to giggle.

  I do my business and get dressed. When I emerge he’s gone. I get my sneakers on and go to find him. I smell the coffee as I come down the stairs. Oh thank god, at least I will have a caffeine fix before I have to drive. He hands me a mug and I take a sip, just how I like it, “Mmmmm thank you.”

  “So are you staying in the city tonight or are you coming back?” He is leaning against the counter watching me. “I don’t know yet. It depends on how much I get done. He told me that Arthur was going to bring up the Christmas decorations from storage for me, but I don’t know how much he has. If I get it done tonight then I won’t have to worry about it the rest of the time he’s gone...” Meaning then I can spend more time with you.

  He nods his head like he understands. “Will you call me?” I can hear the insecurity in this question and I feel like a shit because of putting it there. Brad is so strong in every other aspect of his life. He runs his own company, handles financial investments for not only himself, but other friends as well, and he’s the best friend anyone could ask for. I don’t know if I can make him secure in me. I’m not ready to commit to a relationship like I know he is. I still need to sort out what I’m feeling and that is not going to happen until Bobby returns. I can spend time with Brad and get closer to him, but until all three of us are here and on the same page I won’t be making any decisions. I don’t know if I will be able to decide even then. I walk over to him and lean against him. “I will call you and tell you what’s going on. And if I do decide to stay in the city we can plan something for tomorrow night, okay?”

  “That works,” he says as he is lowering his mouth to mine. The kiss is sweet and light and just what I need right now.

  I breakaway and finish my coffee, pulling out my keys I say, “I have to go.” I hand him my mug. “Have a great day,” I tell him.

  “You, too, pretty girl,” I smile at the endearment that has emerged in the past few hours. I like it. I walk out to my car. I have a little over an hour before Arthur will be at my house to pick me up. As I’m backing out of the driveway I look up and Brad is standing in the doorway watching me leave. I smile and wave to him and then pull away. My life has just gotten more complicated but I won’t be backing out of this until I know which of these men will be my futur
e. I just hope that I don’t destroy them as I make my decision.


  It’s been two days since I last saw Lisa. We’ve talked on the phone, even had phone sex, but I feel like she is avoiding me. She has been busy at work and stayed at Bobby’s apartment both Monday and last night. I am hoping to see her tonight because, if truth be told, I am going through withdrawals not having her in my arms.

  I finally talked to Nancy’s husband last night. They have a direct buy clause in their contract so we are going to proceed without the realty company. I am just waiting to hear if Nancy agrees with the offer and how quickly she can get out of the house. I am hoping that the deal can be done within the next couple of weeks. Her ex said that he wants it taken care of as quickly as possible, too. He also told me to watch my back if I have to deal with her directly on anything. He called her a succubus and said she has a habit of latching onto men she desires. I feel for the guy because I think she sucked him in and now he’s paying the price. Well I, for one, will not be drawn in by her. I have Lisa to think about, the whole reason I’m buying the house is her.

  I do want to get in there once we settle on the price and closing date. I need to take measurements and get a contractor in there to make the changes I want. I will also have to pick out paint and floor coverings. I am debating re-doing the kitchen, but I may leave that until Lisa sees it and let her make the decisions on how she wants it. God, I hope I’m not doing all this for nothing. If she picks Bobby over me, I will be stuck with the house and the constant reminder of her. Let’s be real. If she decides to choose Bobby, I will be selling everything I own and moving to a different part of the country. I will not be able to stay here no matter what I said to her. I will not be able to be just her friend again. Not after I’ve held her in my arms and tasted her. It will kill me to give up everything I’ve built, but being close to her and not being with her would destroy me.


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