A Demon's Soul

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A Demon's Soul Page 6

by E. C. Land

  I only wish I weren’t coming to him tainted. Then again, we’re both tainted by the same demons who have marred our souls.

  “Lex, I use to dream about my first time. It was always with you. That was taken from me, from us. Please give me this. Take back what should have always been yours. I promise, if something bothers me, I’ll tell you. I won’t keep it from you. He took from me, demanded I do. Nothing about what I’ve done so far has been anything but darkness. With you I know it won’t be the same. I’ll feel the lightness that I should have always felt. I love you, Alexander.”

  “I love you, too, Starlight. You give me this,” Lex rasps, huskily, his hand pushing firmly against the vee between my legs, “It will be mine. Only mine. I’ll never let it go. You’re my woman, Mackenzie, and once I take you, sinking deep inside you, I intend to keep you, for the rest of my life.”

  Well that sounds good to me. Very good. I want to be his until after I take my last breath. Okay so I loved fairy tales growing up and he was always my knight in shining armor.

  “Then can you please get on with keeping me for the rest of our lives?” Wrapping my arms around Lex’s neck, I pull myself up until our lips are a breath away. “I’d very much like that right about now.”

  Lex doesn’t need further coaxing, slamming his lips to mine, he plunders my mouth taking full control of the situation. I whimper when he breaks the kiss. I opened my mouth to say something when Lex’s mouth trails wet kisses along my chest making sure to take each one of the tiny buds into his mouth. For me, this is a new sensation. One I’d never felt before. Every touch he’s given me thus far has been nothing but gentle but right now I need more.

  Lifting my hands, I sink them into Lex’s hair urging him on. When he nips one of the tiny buds, my back arches as I moan. Lex drags his tongue along the tip once more. As he moves to my other breast, he immediately claims it in his mouth. At the same time, I feel his fingers grab hold of my panties at my center and tug them down my thighs, exposing the part of me that yearns for him the most.

  With a pop Lex trails his tongue along my body until he’s centered between my legs. His mouth right at the apex of my being. “Fuck, baby, you smell good. I could get drunk on your scent alone,” he growls, his midnight eyes locked on mine as he dives in. When he nips my nub, I begin to tremble as a sensation that he’d started to pull from me when he’d played with my breasts becomes stronger.

  That sensation grows more when he sinks a finger within my core.

  “Lex,” I murmur his name.

  Leaving my nub, Lex lifts his head. “That’s right, my Starlight, say my name. You’re fuckin’ drenching my fingers.”

  Oh God that did it. I come gasping his name over and over.

  “Fuckin’ hell, that’s hot.”

  “I want you inside me, please?” I plead.

  “You got it, baby. Let me grab a condom,” he grunts.

  “No. I don’t want anything between us. Please I need to feel you. Only you inside me.”

  Lex hovers between my legs for what feels like hours as he holds my eyes before he finally moves. When he does it’s to wrap my legs around his waist as he angles himself with my entrance.

  “I’ll give you what you want, Mackenzie, always.” He slowly, oh so slowly, slides his dick inside me until he’s fully seated within my body.

  Lex leans forward, bracing himself on his elbows as he starts to glide within my body. The more he thrusts within my body, I’m thrown into an all-consuming orgasm. Never have I felt one, other than when his mouth was on me minutes ago.

  Picking up his pace, Lex torments my body with his thrusts as he plunges to the hilt each time. When I come, I feel my juices drenching him. A few seconds later Lex joins me in bliss as he growls my name.

  “Fuck, baby, if it’s like this every time I’m not letting you go. Not even in the afterlife. I love you, Mackenzie, you’re mine now.” His voice low and husky as he catches his breath.

  “Well, then, I’m glad I have no objections to that,” I murmur, giving him a true smile.

  “Good, you up for going another round?” he asks, his own grin in place.

  “Definitely.” Giggling I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him down to press a kiss to his lips. Lex seems to have another idea and reaches behind my head and laces his fingers through my locks. He slips his tongue out to trace my lips, coaxing them open.

  Obliging him, I open, and he proceeds to start the second round. A round, that lasts longer than I thought possible. We didn’t come out of the room until well into the afternoon and even then, it was only to grab sustenance.

  Talk about the best day ever!

  Chapter Eleven


  Mind blown; I had not expected yesterday to turn out the way it did; however, I’m fuckin’ thrilled it did.

  Mackenzie is more than I ever imagined and that’s saying something, since she’s the one who starred in all my fantasies.

  It will suck leaving her behind at the house today. I don’t want to. Still there is work at the shop to be done, kids who need to come in for lessons and we have to practice. Plus, I want to talk to Chaz, Tanner, and Hunter about Anabelle. See if they will be cool if she moves in permanently alongside Mackenzie.

  With my sister being pregnant, I’m not trying to let her get too far from me. Whether Anabelle wants to admit it or not, she needs me right now. More than ever before. The heart ache she’s gone through is so similar to Chaz’s, that it guts me. I went down that road with him. Hell, we all did because that’s what family does.

  Stepping out of the shower, I grab a towel and dry off as I head into my room, not worried about freaking my woman out now that I’ve had her. When I hit the room, I stop in the entrance of the bathroom at the sight of Mackenzie sitting up in the middle of my bed. The sheet pulled up covering the breasts I played with using my mouth and hands.

  What has me stopped in my tracks and debating getting back in bed with my woman is the smile covering her face. It’s one I haven’t seen in a long ass fuckin’ time. Knowing the reasons now as to why it had disappeared causes me to want to draw blood.

  Since her birthday, Justin has been scarce. From what Gadget found he’s gone underground. He knows I know what’s happened and he’s running scared. I highly doubt the last part. More like he’s biding his time until he makes his move. According to some of the things Mackenzie has shared with me, I’m sure this is what he’s doing.

  “Lex?” Mackenzie rasps, her voice still filled with sleep as if she’d only just woken up right when I came out of the bathroom.

  “Yeah, baby?”

  “Can I go with you to the shop today?” she asks, tentatively. I know she’s tired of being in the house. Who wouldn’t be?

  “You promise to stay in the back of the shop and don’t go near any of the doors?” If she can do this for me, then I’d give this to her.

  Everyone was going to be at the shop today and she could easily keep Bethany and Alexis company as they work. Shit, she might even be able to help them both. Both could use it that’s for sure, especially with Bethany due any day and Alexis not far behind.

  “I promise,” she agrees, the smile on her face grows even bigger as her eyes light up and the sheet drops from her chest.

  Groaning, I head for my dresser in order to keep from launching at her and sinking back into her warm sheath. Before yesterday, I’d never taken a woman bareback and I never want to wear a condom again. Well as long as that woman is my woman. My Starlight. She’s the only one I’ll ever stick my dick in again.

  Clearing my throat, I grab a pair of jeans and drop the towel. “Alright, Starlight, get that sexy ass out of bed and get ready. I gotta get dressed so I can inform Anabelle she’s also coming to the shop as well. I want the guys to hear her play.”

  I hear the moment the sheets move. “Anabelle has a beautiful voice. You know Derick would sit with her playing his guitar as she sang just to hear her voice.”

  Fuck, from wh
at I’m hearing about this guy, I would have liked him. Sucks I didn’t get to meet the guy who has my sister’s heart and is the father of my niece or nephew. When I asked if she knew what she was having, she shook her head and told me she didn’t want to know. Not until he or she was here. I do know she’d picked names for both. It was something her and Derick talked about, that there tells me how serious the guy was about Anabelle. So, I’ll be the uncle to either a Derick Alexander Jackson or a Harley Alexis Jackson.

  Both kick ass names and both parts of the man she loves and me.

  “Wish I’d meet the dude,” I murmur as I slide the jeans over my legs.

  “I know, but it was their choice to keep what they had to themselves. I understand it, I was there when she found out Derick was killed. I asked her if she wanted me to call you. Her answer was not to bother you with it. She didn’t want you to think she wasn’t capable of handling things herself.”

  “That’s fucked in the head logic. I would have been there for Anabelle. I feel like a shitty fuckin’ brother for not being there for her before now. Doesn’t matter, if I’ve got my own shit to deal with, my sister is one of the most important people in my life.” Fastening my jeans up, I snatch a shirt out of the next draw and finally look at Mackenzie to find her beautiful eyes shimmer with unshed tears.

  “Have I said how much I love you?” she murmurs stepping up to me, still fully naked.

  “You have but not yet today,” I grin, wrapping my arms around her and pulling her flush against my chest.

  “Well then, mister, I love you. I love you so much for not just being you but for your heart. You take so much on yourself and don’t ask for anything in return.” Her words hit me square in the chest because that’s not completely true. I do ask for something in return. I asked for her. She was the one thing in this world I’ve always wanted, and I finally have her in my arms.

  Tilting my head down, I capture her lips in a slow caress that leaves me hard and wanting more. Unfortunately, I have lessons to teach this morning and I’m not one to disappoint my students. When the guys and I took over the shop we wanted to keep it as close to the same as it was when we were growing up. The owner, he was our saving grace. He gave us an outlet for our demons and showed us what we could be. Gave us a space to play as we learned other instruments. Taught us how to read and write music.

  Releasing Mackenzie from our embrace, I lightly smack her ass. “Get ready, I gotta leave soon.”

  “Okay, go tell Anabelle we’re heading out soon and I’ll be ready by the time you get back,” Mackenzie murmurs as she steps around me, making her way toward the bathroom door.

  My gaze followed her the whole way.

  Fuck, I could stare at her body all day long. But the scars on her back piss me off. Not because she has them, but for the reason she received them and how. Justin is a dead man when I finally catch up to him and I intend to make his death as long and painful as I possibly can.

  Chapter Twelve


  Sitting in the backroom of the shop, I find myself surprised with how cool this place really is. I thought the backroom when he mentioned it was an office or even a lunch area.

  Nope, I was wrong. Way wrong. This room holds the recording area for the band along with Alexis’ desk. I didn’t realize she handled all of the guys social media accounts and marketing.

  How cool is that?

  Alexis helps them with so much more than I would have thought. Bethany does as well. She had brought her laptop to the backroom a bit ago and showed me some of what she does. Then she did something I didn’t expect. Offered me her job.

  “I’m about to pop. I can barely fit behind my desk and I can’t see my feet. Chaz and I talked about this and thought you would be perfect for the job. I want to teach music again, so I’m going to do that, but also want to be able to spend more time with our daughter and this one,” she murmured as she put her hand on her stomach.

  That was an hour ago. My mind is still spinning. When I graduated, I was under Justin’s thumb, so I hadn’t gone and gotten a job yet due to him ordering me to be at his beck and call. I’d always wanted to go to school and become a nurse, I might still do that but right now this means the world to me. I’ll not only have a great job in a music shop, I’ll be able to see Lex every day besides at the house.

  “Baby, you want lunch?” This coming from Tanner as he leans his head into the room to speak to Alexis.

  “Don’t I ever,” she snorts, lifting her head from the computer and meeting her husband’s eyes. The story between the two of them is baffling to me. At the same time sweet.

  “How about I go grab you some Chinese?” he suggests.

  “Sounds good to me. You know what I like,” she murmurs, smiling at him.

  “Gotcha,” he chuckles, stepping into the room. Standing by his wife, Tanner places a hand on her distended stomach and leans to brush a kiss against her lips then turns to leave the room.

  Soon as Tanner’s out of sight, I look back over to Alexis to find her staring dreamily toward the door. “That man is the love of my life,” she whispers.

  “I know the feeling,” I murmur just as softly.

  After this neither of us say another word, I go back to the book I was holding as she returns back to working on the computer.

  My eyes skim through the words but I’m not fully seeing them as I think about Lex and Anabelle. I know he wanted her to come here with him and with my help in coaxing her, she came. Tears shimmering in her eyes as her gaze landed on one of the guitars on the wall.

  I was about to say something to her to comfort her when Chaz stepped up, wrapped an arm around her shoulder, and guided her away. I knew some of his story but not a lot. From what I did know, I figured it was enough that he was the one to be able to help her come to terms with Derick.

  I don’t know how much time passes until Lex comes in the room and kneels in front of me. “You want to head home? Bethany’s not feeling to hot and Chaz is taking her home. I still have a few more music lessons to get through before I can head out.”

  Hmm . . . Stay here or go back to the house?

  As exciting as it is here, Bethany could probably use some help at the house.

  “I’ll go home with Bethany. Help her out. Who knows, I might just make dinner for everyone tonight,” I say, grinning.

  “Fuck, if you’re anything like your mom in the kitchen, I can’t wait,” he chuckles.

  “Does anyone have an allergy that I should know about?” I ask as I mentally sift through the recipes I know by heart.

  “Melody is allergic to nuts but that’s it,” he informs me.

  “Okay, so no nuts, got it. I’ll make Mom’s chicken marsala.” Lex’s smile grows even bigger at the mention of one of his favorite meals.

  “You gonna make the chess pie to go with it?”

  “It wouldn’t be the same without it,” I giggle.

  “Alright then, well, let’s get your ass out of here, in Chaz’s truck so you can head home and do just that,” he commands as he stands to his full height taking me with him.

  “Aye, Aye, Captain,” I laugh, using one of my smart-ass comments I’ve been known to use when I’m told what to do.

  “Smartass.” He grins in amusement.

  Works for me since I want to see him smile like that for the rest of my life. Never again do I want to see sadness lurking in his eyes.

  Lifting up on my toes, I brush my lips against his for a brief yet loving kiss, before stepping away from him and head toward where Bethany was standing with Chaz.

  “Let’s get you home and I’ll start dinner,” I announce letting them know I’m riding with them.

  Bethany gives me a grateful smile at this news then leans further into Chaz who wraps a protective arm around her.

  The three of us head out of the shop and head to Chaz’s truck. I climb in the back seat at the same time Chaz helps Bethany into the front.

  Once satisfied she was situated, Chaz
closes her door for her and steps around the front and climbs in behind the wheel.

  “Alright ladies, let’s get you two home so I can put my woman’s feet up and indulge in some show that she wants me to watch with her,” Chaz chuckles as he starts the truck up and puts it in gear.

  “You’re a goof,” Bethany giggles, shaking her head as I smile at the two of them.

  We make it about halfway home when it happens. None of us saw it coming. The impact was instant and sends us barreling across the road and into the field.

  Movement from outside the truck catches my attention at the same time I struggle to get loose from the seatbelt in order to check on Bethany and Chaz.

  God, please don’t let them be gone. They have a little girl and the one Bethany’s carrying.

  The door next to me jerks open and I whip my head around in order to beg them to help the others first, when I realize the person standing there isn’t here to help.

  “You’re in some serious trouble, chattel,” Justin smirks at me as I stare at him frozen in fear. He pulls a knife out of his pants pocket and cuts through the seatbelt strap. Tossing the knife to the floorboard, Justin grabs my wrist and yanks me out of the wreckage. “It seems you have forgotten who you belong to, Mackenzie, and I do not appreciate you giving my nephew what belongs to me. For this you will have severe consequences once we get home.”

  A shiver runs through my body and not of the good type. This is not good.

  In fact, this is bad.

  Very, very bad.

  Chapter Thirteen


  “You know she’s been in love with you for like ever, right?” my sister asks from where she’s sitting at the piano. Her question comes out immediately after Mackenzie leaves with Chaz and Bethany.

  “Would you believe me if I said I’ve been in love with her just as long?” I retort.


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