A Demon's Soul

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A Demon's Soul Page 8

by E. C. Land

  “Got it right here,” Rage mutters as he steps forward holding up a roll of rope.

  “That’ll work,” I nod, my mind flashing images of my woman with tears in her eyes she’d been ready to spill but held in.

  Thorn and Horse work together with Rage, sufficiently stringing Justin up until his body is a foot up off the floor.

  “All yours, brother,” Rage murmurs when they’re done.

  “Make him suffer,” Horse mutters.

  “Need any tools let me know, I’ve got some in my saddlebags,” Thorn states.

  “Thanks, I think I’ve got just the thing. This place use to be my dad’s. From the looks of things, no one’s been here since him.” Twirling around the room until I find exactly what I’m looking for. Grinning, I step over to the bookshelf and reach up to the top shelf and grip the Bowie knife that belonged to my dad. It’s the one he used for when he gutted the game he caught while hunting.

  With the knife in hand, I move back to stand directly in front of my uncle, who was starting to come to, while checking the sharpness of the blade. Dull but sharp enough to do the trick.

  My uncle opens his eyes when I run the edge of the steel against his cheek. “You know what’s about to happen?”

  “Fuck you, Alexander. You’re nothing but a pussy who gets walked all over. Mackenzie will never fully be yours. She will always be my chattel though. I molded her to be what I wanted,” Justin sneers.

  “Don’t think talking like that will make me take you out faster. You’re gonna suffer. Then you’re gonna burn,” I announce, pressing the edge of the blade against his chest and score it down. I didn’t have to worry about cutting through his shirt since it was already halfway open.

  Justin hisses through clenched teeth.

  “You know, I should cut your dick off, but honestly I don’t want to see or ever touch that shit again. You think you beat me because of the bullshit you caused me to do growing up. Well, guess what motherfucker, I’m the man I am today because I overcame the bullshit you put me through,” I sneer, plunging the knife directly into his stomach leaving it there for the time being.

  Shuffling around Justin’s hanging body, I pick up the belt that was laying on the floor and step back to stand in front of him. “Is this the belt you beat my woman with?” I demand.

  “Fuck you,” he mutters.

  Shaking my head, I fold the belt in half and make the snapping noise with it before drawing my arm back and bringing the belt across his face. Justin’s head snaps sideways from the impact. I don’t give him a reprieve though. I figure he can beat a woman with this belt he can die by the same one. Drawing back, I slam the belt into his face three more times before wrapping it around his throat until it’s tight enough to cut off air circulation.

  “Rot in hell knowing I got the girl.” With my free hand, I grip the handle of the knife still plunged into Justin’s stomach, yanking it out I sink it directly back into his chest and twist.

  Releasing the belt and handle, I step back and watch the life drain from Justin’s body.

  “Shit man, you sure you don’t want to join the club. Could use a man like you with us,” Twister mutters.

  Shaking my head, I grin at him. “Naw, Twister. I’m good with being an honorary member.”

  “Fuck that let’s vote. All in favor for making the members of the Demon’s Among Us our brothers,” Twister yells.

  Ayes surround the room.

  “We’ll get the final count at the hospital. If unanimous, you four are a part of Devil’s Riot MC. Now let’s get you to your ol’ lady, Dragon went ahead and took her to the hospital. When you tackled Justin to the floor. The gun he was holding went off and clipped her ear,” Twister informs me, and I take off running out the door.

  Passing Badger as I go, he hands me a set of keys. “Dragon’s bike.”

  Nodding, I move to the bike and straddle it.

  Starting her up, I turn Dragon’s bike in the direction I need to go and let her loose.

  Stepping into the exam room, I’m flooded with relief at the sight of my woman.

  “Hey, baby,” I murmur drawing her attention to me.

  “Lex,” she says breathlessly.

  “Yeah, Starlight, I’m right here. It’s over and we don’t have to worry about him anymore.” Moving to the bed, I lean over her and press a kiss to her forehead.

  “Thank God, I love you, Lex. You’re my soul and I don’t know if I could live without you in it,” she whispers, closing her eyes and wrapping her arms around my neck pulling me down to press our foreheads together.

  “Baby, love you too, but I’m not your soul. You’re mine because you’re the light that keeps the demons at bay,” I murmur.

  Which is the truth, always has been, always will be. She is the one I live and breathe for. From now until after I take my last breath, I’m hers and she’s mine.

  The End.

  Author’s Note

  Dear Readers,

  Writing A Demon’s Soul wasn’t easy. Anyone who speaks on abuse of any form knows it’s a touchy subject. Lex and Mackenzie’s story is one that I felt needed to be written. I myself am very vocal when it comes to this subject and I speak out against it. No one should ever have to go through anything that hurts them physically or mentally. Because when it comes down to it, physical (whether it be sexual or not) is the same as mental and vice versa.

  I know I don’t speak for everyone but in my experience, this is something that I wish we as a whole didn’t have to deal with.

  Now enough of the heavy, next up for the Dark Lullabies is A Demon’s Song. Are you ready to see what happens with Hunter? Can you take a guess as to who he will be with?

  November will be here before we know it. Along with the answers to who and what will rock his world.



  Chaz – Bethany

  Melody (Chaz’s daughter with Jamie)

  Tanner – Alexis

  Lex – Mackenzie

  Hunter – ???

  You’ve met all the characters from the Devil’s Riot MC and don’t worry Satan’s Keepers MC members will be coming here soon!

  Oh, and let’s not forget meeting all the new characters to come.

  Are you ready to see what their stories hold? I’ll tell you this much, you’re in for one hell of a ride with some of these ladies and gents.

  If you’re just starting with A Demon’s Soul, be sure to check the series from the beginning, A Demon’s Sorrow to get the full story.



  16 years old

  “Dude, take a look at the new chick walking into class,” Tanner mumbles under his breath from behind me. Glancing up from the song I’d been working on I tilt my head toward the door. At first glance my heart stopped. Standing in the doorway is the most beautiful girl I’d ever seen.

  “Everyone, I’d like you to meet Jamie,” Miss Lawrence announces.

  “I wouldn’t mind being the one to give her a tour around the school, maybe show her the locker room,” Hunter chuckles.

  “Shut up asshole,” I grumble and go back to what I’m doing. That is until a shadow moves over me.

  “Hi, umm, do you mind if I sit next to you?” the sweetest voice I’d ever heard asks.

  “Sure,” I answer her without looking.

  “Thanks,” she says and damnit the sound of her voice does something to me. Something I’m not sure how to explain. Well I guess the best way to describe it would be musical. Which brings me to wonder if she sings.

  You see Tanner, Hunter, Lex, and I formed a band called Demons Among Us back in middle school. Yeah, might sound somewhat stupid but the name stuck. The name has meaning behind it. The four of us don’t have your usual life. Each of us have our demons hovering over us.

  Shaking my head to clear it, I don’t need to go there right now. I’ve escaped that part of my life and I won’t go back.

  “So, are you always this broody?” Jamie asks, her
voice the sound of music to my ears.

  Lifting my head, I glance in her direction. “Don’t know what you’re talking about,” I mutter before going back to try to finish what I was doing. This song isn’t gonna write itself. Normally we all work on the songs together. But I’d woken up this morning and couldn’t get the lyrics out of my head.

  “See broody,” giggling she opens up her notebook and begins to listen to Miss Lawrence’s lesson of the day. I’m sure I should be doing the same but it’s whatever. It’s not like when it comes down to the test I won’t pass it. I’m just smart like that I guess you can say.

  Soon as class is over, I close my notebook and stand, ready to get to the next class.

  “So, Mr. Broody, can you show me to my next class?” Whipping my head around to Jamie as she asks her question.

  Tanner and Hunter burst into a fit of laughter at her calling me Mr. Broody. Fuck I’m not gonna live that down.

  Glaring at her I take in just how small she is compared to me. At sixteen I’m not some lanky teen and this beautiful girl standing in front of me is the size of a pixie. At her smile I sigh.

  Finally, I ask “What class do you have?”

  “Umm I’m not sure,” she says, pulling out a piece of paper from her notebook. “Here this is my schedule.”

  Taking the paper she’s holding out, my fingers graze hers and holy shit it felt like an electric shock running through me.

  Who the hell is this little pixie?

  Glancing down at the paper I see that her and I have all the same classes. Well fuck. Guess we better get going.

  “Come on Pixie, seems we have the same classes,” I grumble.

  “Oh, that’s so cool maybe I can sit by you in all of them. Wouldn’t that be great?” Rolling my eyes at her I don’t respond. I have a feeling this little pixie of a girl will become my undoing. The one who will see through the exterior and bring me harmony.

  Cover Reveal Coming Soon

  A Demon’s Song


  The day she walked through the front door, I wanted nothing more than to hate her.

  I didn’t trust her, and she rubbed me the wrong way from the get-go.

  I wanted nothing to do with her, so I ensured I’d avoid her at all costs. It worked for a while, until I found her on the side of the road in the middle of the night.

  Of course, I did the noble thing and brought her home, but I had no idea she’d end up in my bed, or with me pounding into her.

  I told myself one night couldn’t hurt. Only, it did.

  One night shifted everything and before I realized it, trouble came knocking on my door, and her safety hung in the balance.

  Luna’s Shadow


  I was saved from one hell to only find myself in another one. Except, this time things are different.

  The first time I knew what to expect— but here things aren’t the same. Every time I turn around, I don’t know what’s coming my way.

  The question is: which way do I turn when the devil rears his ugly face again? Do I run to the shadows, or do I run to the people who can protect me? The only ones who I’ve come to care for immensely.

  Nothing is ever certain in this world, but I always know this— your shadow will always be with you.

  It’s too bad I fear the shadows as much as everything else, and when it comes down to it, I’m only left with one choice.




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