The Everlasting Hatred

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by Hal Lindsey







  Published by WND Books

  Washington, D.C.

  Copyright © 2011

  by Hal Lindsey

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  ISBN 13 Digit: 978–1-936488–30–8

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  10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1


  1 We’re at War

  2 Foundational Irrevocable Covenant

  3 Who is Abraham’s True Son?

  4 Abraham’s Wild Child: The Hate Begins

  5 “Cursed” Be the Tie That Binds

  6 The Muslim Genesis

  7 Mohammad: The Great Enigma

  8 The Medina Legacy: Jihad Against Jews

  9 Institutionalized Anti-Semitism

  10 The Other Palestinian Refugees

  11 The “Turkeyfication” of Islam:

  The Enormous Impact of the Ottomans

  12 England Awakens to Bible Prophecy

  13 Britain’s Betrayal: The Sellout of the Jews

  14 Israel: A Miracle Nation

  15 Armageddon: Result of Ancient Enmity

  Appendix A

  Appendix B

  Appendix C



  [ ONE ]


  “Over the rest of this decade, the divide between radical Islam and the industrial democracies will become the most destabilizing factor in world affairs.”


  “The governments of the world should know that Islam cannot be defeated. Islam will be victorious in all the countries of the world, and Islam and the teachings of the Koran will prevail all over the world.”


  THE VIDEO SHOWS the tortured face of American Daniel Pearl, a news reporter with the Wall Street Journal. He was captured after being lured to meet with a London-educated Muslim he had met before. The American is forced to confess on camera, “My father is a Jew, my mother is a Jew, and I am a Jew.” Then suddenly a hand with a knife appears on the video screen and slashes his throat. Then his head is sawed off with a dull knife and held aloft by a hand in front of the camera. The video cuts to hooded murderers who repeatedly stab the lifeless corpse. The final scene cuts to Pearl’s severed head lying on a pile of newspapers as a message scrolls across the screen: “If our demands are not met, there will be more like this.”

  The Muslim terrorist who actually cut off Pearl’s head was later captured and, under interrogation, confessed that he committed this horrible murder. His name is Khalid Sheikh Mohammad, and he is the principal planner of al Qaeda’s attacks on 9/11. This linkage demonstrates that hatred toward Jews is a shared hatred against Americans.

  Islamic terrorists chose Daniel Pearl to slaughter for one reason— he was a Jew. The gory details of his videotaped murder are further evidence of the maniacal hatred that animates the movement to which the terrorists belong—Islamic Fundamentalism. But this particular butchery is but one of thousands of brutalities committed by Muslim zealots throughout history—and all for the same cause: They hate Jews with a visceral, bone-deep hatred that is almost impossible for the Western civilization to comprehend. In fact, this hatred goes back to the dawn of recorded history.


  On September 11, 2001, Americans were suddenly thrust into the middle of this hatred, which is part of an ancient family feud. In actuality, we were involved in this conflict long before we realized its magnitude and the great danger it poses to our nation. But since September 11, Americans have been frantically groping to understand what is at stake. Many questions continue to be asked following the initial shock of those horrible first days and their aftermath.

  In light of recent events, not just Americans but also the whole of Western Judeo-Christian-based civilization is now asking questions such as:

  Why do Muslims hate Jews?

  Did this hatred begin, as Muslims today claim, with the Zionist movement and the creation of the state of Israel, or is there evidence of this animus in history past?

  Why do Muslim fundamentalists hate the United States and call it “the great Satan”?

  Why do Muslim terrorists willingly sacrifice their lives to kill Americans?

  Do Muslims hate America only because of our support of Israel, or is there evidence that supports other possible motivations?

  Will Islamic terrorists gain access to weapons of mass destruction? If so, will they use them on the United States?

  Could terrorist organizations imperil the very survival of the United States?

  This book intends to answer questions such as these on the basis of relevant Biblical and Islamic texts, as well as by examining the history of Jewish-Muslim relations. But in addition to this first set of queries, there are even more foundational questions about Islam itself that this book will seek to answer, such as:

  Are there calls for violence and conquest in the Koran and in the equally authoritative traditions recorded in the Hadith?

  What does the Koran teach about Judaism and Christianity?

  Are Islamic fundamentalists an aberration of the Muslim religion, or are they—as they claim—the true followers of Mohammad?

  Does the example of Mohammad’s life teach us the true meaning of the Koran?

  What can we learn from the history of Muslim conquests? Were these conquests due to misinterpretations of the Koran or were they actually commanded by it?

  Can we get insights into Mohammad from his forefathers Ishmael and Kedar?

  The Muslim religion is tightly interwoven with the culture of the seventh-century Arabian Peninsula. Are there aspects of that distant culture that shed light on current Muslim beliefs and behavior?

  New Peril We Face

  More than at any time since the Crusades, Islam poses a serious threat to the whole of Western Judeo-Christian civilization. Nations of the European Union (EU) and NATO are now being seriously threatened from within by a rapidly expanding and demanding Muslim population that is bent upon forcing Islamic Sharia law upon their host nations. Similarly, the United States and Israel now face in Islam the greatest threat to their survival.

  As the chapter title declares, “We’re at War.” I warned repeatedly in 1991 that, with the fall of the Soviet Union, the greatest danger facing the world was no longer communism, but the revival of Islamic Fundamentalism. But I must confess that I wasn’t fully aware of just how great a threat this would pose to the Western world.

  How Nice the Old Enemy Looks Now

  During the Cold War, we faced an enemy that was somewhat conventional. The Soviets were at work through operatives spreading the gospel of communism around the world. We fought their surrogates in Korea, Vietnam, and South America. They possessed nuclear weapons and had several means of delivering them accurately on target.
They also had biological and chemical weapons of mass destruction (WMD) that could kill most of the world’s population.

  But during the fifty-year Cold War era, there were certain rational constants that helped prevent nuclear annihilation. If the United States were to be struck by any WMD possessed by the Soviet Union or one of its surrogates, we knew where and how to retaliate. They knew that to attack us meant an instant end of their civilization as well.

  In short, as terrible as the prospects of nuclear war were, tenuous world stability was maintained by the doctrine of MAD-Mutually Assured Destruction.


  With the new threat, however, we are confronted by entirely new dimensions of antagonism with enormously greater dangers. We no longer face a political force but a religion that has an estimated 1.4 billion followers worldwide. This religion produces an alarming number of passionate followers who believe it is their duty to Allah to die as martyrs in the pursuit of conquest against those who would restrain Islam from subjecting the world to their religion.

  Today Islam is the fastest-growing religion in the world. And the increasingly radical fundamentalist Muslim represents not only the greatest threat to world peace and stability, but also the greatest challenge to the Western world, much of it now secularized but with roots in Judeo-Christian theism.

  To appreciate the growing power and influence of Islam, you must look beyond the population figures. Muslims now control, to some extent, about fifty of the world’s most important countries—from Indonesia in the East, through the oil rich states of the Middle East, to Senegal on the Atlantic. These countries control vast wealth and unappreciated commercial resources.

  At least seventy of the world’s 184 countries are considered part of the Dar-al Islam—the “House of Islam,” land over which Islam rules. It is a religion practiced in the jungles of Africa, the sands of the Sahara, the oil fields of the Middle East, the mountains of Asia, and the islands of the Pacific. Islam is increasingly making its impact felt in traditionally Christian parts of the world.

  Mosques Replacing Churches in the West

  In “Bonny Old England” today there are more Muslims than Methodists. There are even more Muslims than there are evangelical Christians, and more active mosques than churches.2

  “Funded by the vast resources of Arab oil money, the Muslims are buying abandoned Anglican Churches and turning them into mosques at such a rate that some Muslims claim that England will soon be the first Muslim European country,” writes author Robert Morey.

  Islam is especially rapidly growing in Australia, Canada, Germany, Denmark, Norway, Holland, France, Spain, and the United States. There are an estimated six to eight million Muslims in the United States.

  The latest demonstration of Islam’s growing power is the Muslim demand to build a mosque a few blocks from “Ground Zero,” in the precincts of the destroyed World Trade Center. Islamists have issued such threats of violent retaliation for perceived insults to the Koran and Mohammad that America is virtually intimidated into allowing Muslims religious liberties beyond those granted followers of other religions. Muslims are successfully bullying their way into extracting all kinds of religious concessions from our government.

  Fundamentalisms the Real Threat

  At least 10 percent of the 1.4 billion Muslims are fundamentalists and therefore are potential terrorist threats. And intelligence information indicates the percentage of fundamentalists is growing. History shows that the devout Muslim fundamentalists are one of the most lethal threats the world has ever known.

  In contrast to the old enemy of the Cold War era, the new one is irresistibly motivated in the cause of Allah to become a “martyr,” or a homicide/suicide bomber. Young men are promised the highest place in paradise with seventy-two beautiful virgins willing to fulfill every fantasy as soon as the Jihadis die as martyrs for Islam. This is a heady wine that attracts unlimited numbers of volunteers to hurl themselves against the “unbelievers”—especially the United States. Not even the Japanese Kamikaze pilots of World War II can compare with the danger these Islamic zealots pose. And the chilling news is that the fundamentalists are on the brink of possessing the most destructive weapons the world has ever known, thanks to certain terrorist-sponsoring Muslim countries like Iran.

  Pakistan has many who have aided al Qaeda terrorists, assistance that includes sheltering them from U.S. troops fighting them in Afghanistan. And the father of Pakistan’s nuclear weapons, Dr. Abdul Khader Khan, has been exposed for providing nuclear technology and aid to Iran and Libya. According to former Mossad chief Shabtai Shavit, Khan offered his nuclear knowledge to Algeria, Egypt, Syria, and Saudi Arabia. They all turned him down, but he continued to smuggle nuclear technology and equipment to Iran and Libya, and perhaps, the evidence suggests, to North Korea as well.

  Contrary to the old Cold War, we can be hit by a major terrorist attack and not know exactly where to retaliate. This enemy hides in the shadows and mingles with citizens within our own nation. He has Muslim sympathizers who give him aid and shelter. He is also effectively protected by America’s doctrine of “political correctness,” which hamstrings our intelligence agencies and renders the enemy virtually “uncatchable.”

  As the Islamic world developed untold wealth through oil, its military might has been increasingly strengthened. The only thing standing in the way of the Muslim nations achieving some degree of parity with the West is their tendency to fight among themselves. But as you will see, there is one cause that can rally them together—hatred of the Jewish state and Western civilization. And Islamic Fundamentalism is the driving force that is rallying all Muslims to “Jihad” for obliterating Israel and replacing the Western world order.

  United States in Serious Danger?

  Since September 11, many Americans are wondering just how vulnerable we are. Is our nation truly in grave danger?

  Here is just a sampling of warnings given by responsible U.S. leaders:

  “The prospect of another attack against the United States is just as real … as it was on September 12. It’s not a matter of if, but of when.” (emphasis added)


  MAY 19, 20023

  “There will be another terrorist attack. We will not be able to stop it … I think we will see [walk-in suicide bombers] in the future. I think it’s inevitable.”


  MAY 20,20024

  “Terrorist networks have relations with terrorist states that have weapons of mass destruction … and they will get their hands on them.”


  MAY 21, 20025

  In addition, the United States has placed a high alert status on the following potential targets of terror:

  Major bridges, such as the Golden Gate or Oakland Bay bridges

  Tunnels entering major cities like New York

  Subways and railways

  Large shopping malls

  Aircraft and major buildings

  Statue of Liberty

  Computers that control our nuclear facilities and our entire electrical infrastructure

  Banks and financial institutions (cyber attack) such as stock exchanges

  Are Counter Measures Possible?

  These warnings came despite the creation of the new Department of Homeland Security, the complete re-organization of the FBI, placing the CIA on maximum alert, and directing U.S. troops in Afghanistan to destroy the operational headquarters of al Qaeda, the latest star in the Islamic pantheon of terror.

  Our country has mobilized for a global war on terrorism, and already we are faltering. Our efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan have stalled because we have failed to understand Muslim beliefs and practices. We have set as our goal to turn these Islamic countries into democracies, even though a Western-style democracy is totally contrary to the kind of government taught in the Koran. In Islam, religion and government are woven together, and both are inextricabl
y patterned after the tribal culture of the seventh-century Arabian Peninsula. This is why Islamic nations have such a hard time fitting into the modern world.

  Take just two examples of this. The Shah of Iran used all of his power to separate religious structures from government organizations and to create a modern nation that could compete in the industrial West. Iran became a flourishing nation, but Shiite fundamentalists rebelled against the Shah’s move toward modern culture. As soon as the Ayatollah Khomeini returned to lead a revolution, he drug Iran back to the seventh-century culture of the Koran. Personal freedoms were wiped out overnight, and hundreds of thousands of Iranians were imprisoned or executed. A country that had been our friend became our avowed enemy and labeled us “the Great Satan.” If the United States and the West had stood by the Shah, the fundamentalist fanatics would never have been able to overthrow his government.

  In 1923, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, the heretofore-revered father of modern Turkey, brought Turkey out of its backward, non-productive society and began its transformation into a modern industrial state. He eliminated the Sultanate and Caliphate, which were the joint political and religious arms of the fallen Ottoman Empire. He declared Turkey a secular state and separated religious and state affairs. He gave women full political and social rights and eliminated polygamy and harems.

  Turkey has flourished and grown under the application of Ataturk’s plan. But for decades, Islamic fundamentalists have sought to overthrow it. In 2003, the fundamentalists finally came into power with the election of the Justice and Development Party, headed by Recep Erdogan. Since then, Turkey has begun to leave the Western world and re-enter the Islamic world of Iran and Syria. The Turks have pulled away from NATO, of which they have been a part since 1952. The United States and Israel have been snubbed. Both Israel and the United States gave much valuable military technology and training to Turkey during their previous times of friendship, and now both may face those weapons in future conflicts. I expected this turn of events to occur because Turkey is part of the Gog and Magog invasion predicted by the prophet Ezekiel.


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