Bad and Bougie (Feeling Some Type of Way Book 2)

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Bad and Bougie (Feeling Some Type of Way Book 2) Page 6

by Vera Roberts

  Well, damn. My baby got it like that? I can get used to this treatment. He just made me a Brown Sugar Bougie Bae.


  “I cannot believe y’all are gonna make me do this,” I shake my head.

  Helen has her phone ready for video while Michelle sits beside her. “Go ahead and get your ass up there! Shake what your mama gave you, Sister!”


  It’s the weekend of Michelle’s wedding and it’s a four-day extravaganza of partying, pedicures and apparently, pole dancing.

  Helen and Noah flew down from the Bay while I drove to Temecula. We’re all staying in a ritzy and expensive bed and breakfast totally paid for by Michelle’s parents. Ian had to work a private event at 3121 but he’ll drive in as soon as he was available.

  Now I’m spending my Friday afternoon doing a test drive on how it’ll be when I’ll actually have my classes. Surrounding me are Helen, Michelle, Michelle’s childhood friends, her cousins, her mother, stepmother, and future mother-in-law.

  My audience is full of the clientele I just might get – rich and melanin-deficit.

  It’s okay, though. We’re not all born to pop lock it and break it down low. Some of us have to work hard to make our booties bounce to it. Might as well get paid for it, you know?

  “Okay, I need some music.” Helen puts on “Nasty Girl” by Vanity 6 and I already know what my routine is without thinking twice about it. I walk around the pole in my stilettos, dragging my feet slowly behind each other. I lightly twirl around the pole, swinging my legs just a few feet from the ground before I stop. I do a little twerk before I drop it low twice, causing hollers from my crowd.

  I started gyrating slowly before I jump back on the pole, climbing until I reach the top. I swing around it; my hands hold my knees together as I slowly twirl. I let go of one leg and do the splits in the air as I still twirled around the pole.

  I let go of my leg while my other leg firmly grasps the pole as I slowly turn around. I briefly see Sandy grab her phone and look behind her. She quickly gets up and opens the door to let two people in and I almost stop dead in my routine.

  Mr. and Mrs. Plastic themselves.

  What are the odds? Michelle’s family is rich and it’s no secret a lot of wealthy families interact with each other. Instead of being shocked that I see them, I continue on with my routine, not missing a step.

  I reach up and grab the pole to ease myself down, landing on my feet. Sliding my back against the pole, I gyrate against the thumping bass line and the soft cooing of Vanity’s voice. I completely ignore Todd’s eyes staring at me, though I feel them. He’s watching my every move.

  I climb back onto the pole and do another set of splits as I swing around, inverting my body upside down. I close my legs together and slowly swing around the pole. I grab one stiletto and hold it, while my free leg sticks out straight. I look like the letter P and it’s intentional.

  My final move is the killer one. Still upside down, I hold onto the pole while I spread my toned legs. I clap them together with each beat before I close them and ease myself down into the splits.

  “And that’s the gist of it!” I yelled.

  Everyone stands up and cheers, the biggest hollers are coming from Michelle’s family. I smile and thank everyone while ignoring the glare from Todd. Honestly, my routine could’ve gone on for longer and I had every intention of completing the song. Todd’s eyes gave me the creeps and it was best I finished it as soon as possible.

  “Yeah,” Helen nods, “this shit is totally going on YouTube! I’m going to channel my inner Twista and make you an Overnight Celebrity!”

  I take a swig of water to cool down and blot my skin with a towel. I normally would be proud of myself for giving such an awesome performance but I’m anything but. Todd is here and Ian isn’t. I don’t know if he knows that but it doesn’t matter.

  “I can’t wait for you to open your studio!” Sandy beams. “It’s gonna be a bonafide success!”

  “I certainly hope so,” I still feel Todd’s eyes on me. It’s bad enough I’m in a bikini and heels, yet I feel he’s stripping me down.

  “Oh, Sister! Let me introduce you to some very special people!” Sandy brings Todd and Diana over. “These are our family friends, Todd and Diana Christensen.”

  “Yes, we’ve met!” Diana cheered as much as she could through her Botoxed face. “But I thought your name was Dominique.”

  “My true name is Genesis but close friends and family call me Sister,” I explained, “Dominique is my middle name.”

  “Sister,” Todd slowly replies, and I feel every hair on my body stand up. “I think I like Genesis better than Dominique.”

  “Like I’ve said,” I reveal a smile, “only close friends and family call me that.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry,” Sandy sensed the tension, and looked back and forth between us, “do you know each other?”

  “We’ve met,” I answer before Todd has a chance to. “We briefly met just a few weeks ago at a gala I attended with Ian.”

  “Small world!” Sandy cheered. “How about that?”

  “Yes,” Todd nods, “how about that, Genesis?”

  Wow, it seems the Fergusons were right about Todd; he really is a dick. Not an erect and smooth one, but a giant, floppy that never gets hard and stays forever flaccid. I imagine obeast men have them a lot.

  I swallow and I immediately feel uncomfortable. Todd knows Ian isn’t here with me or he wouldn’t have approached me. However, Ian will be here later tonight and I’m almost positive that’s a surprise Todd isn’t expecting.

  And I never want to spoil anyone’s surprise. “How about that?”

  “Well, they’ll be attending the rehearsal dinner tonight,” Sandy turns to me, “it’s a shame Ian wouldn’t be able to make it!”

  “What a pity,” Todd replies.

  I ignore his dig and gather my items. “I need to head to my room. I’ll see you all down in a few.”

  As I left the banquet hall and made my way back to my room, I immediately called Ian. I know my man is busy with actual work shit but this was too important for him not to know.


  The rehearsal went off without a hitch. Michelle and Kris looked so in love with each other and I just know they’re going to be together forever. Helen and I cracked jokes between us about who was next. Helen swore it was not her but the way Noah’s been claiming her online, I think she’s going to get a ring on it next.

  As for me? Well, I don’t know. It’s definitely too soon to say. Ian and I haven’t even lived together for a month yet, though I can’t see him not being a part of my life ever. I’m hopeful I’ll become Dominique Ferguson. I just hope I can keep up with the dignity and class the family represents.

  At dinner, we ate inside an old wine cellar and toasted to Michelle and Kris. It wasn’t a traditional dinner but rather plates upon plates of apps were served instead, which I find was smarter. I was almost full on just those alone.

  Between the friends and family, we all chatted about various topics and some girls were asking for pointers from today’s performance. Diana raved about it and told me she had about ten women off the bat who would join.

  Although he wasn’t sitting next to me (thank God for small miracles), I noticed whenever I spoke, Todd was quick to pay attention to me. He never interjected or add any other antidotes. It was rather unnerving. It felt like he was studying me.

  “Excuse me,” I stood up, “I need to go to the restroom. I’ll be right back.” I quickly made my way to the bathroom. I glanced down at my phone and hoped to hear from Ian. Not a word. I left him a voicemail and text about what happened but it didn’t appear he saw it yet.

  Crap. I don’t know what I’m going to do.

  I’m getting a weird vibe from Todd and the only time he had it under control was when Ian was around. Now that he knew Ian was about 70 miles away, Todd had free reign on making me as uncomfortable as possible. He also knew I wasn’t goin
g to make a scene at my girlfriend’s wedding.

  I finished up and washed my hands. I’m a big girl and I can handle myself. If Todd wants to play games, I’ll play games, too, damnit. I just hope I win because I have so much to lose if I don’t.

  I walk out of the bathroom and make my way down the hall when lo and behold, I see Todd stepping out of the men’s restroom. Normally I would think it was a coincidence, but something tells me this man is anything but. “Genesis,” he holds the S of my name, “pleasure to see you again.”

  “Mmm,” I reply. “I hope you’re having a good time.”

  “I am now that you’re here,” he steps closer to me and I’m forced to step a few feet back. “I must say I was rather impressed by your show today. I didn’t know you had such spectacular moves.”

  Todd’s been drinking. I’m not sure if he’s drunk but I can smell the liquor on his breath. Now I see where Matt picked up the trait. “Thank you.”

  “You’re very welcome,” He backs me against the wall. I can’t move. “I hope you’re open to do private parties. I know some wealthy benefactors who would love to support your career.”

  “I’m not a stripper,” I firmly state, “and no, I don’t do private parties.”

  “It’s a shame,” he tsked, “you could make a lot of money doing them. So much money, you won’t even need the likes of Ian.”

  Before I could counter with a nasty reply, it was said for me: “Get the fuck away from my woman.”

  I look over and my knight in shiny Armani came to my rescue. Todd quickly backed off and Ian rushed over to me. “Are you okay, angel?”

  “Yeah,” I nod. I’m more than okay. I’m feeling wonderful now.

  Ian stared down at Todd. “Consider this a warning,” he begins, “the next time I won’t be so polite.”

  “Hey, I was just making polite conversation with Genesis,” Todd defends, “no need to be hasty.”

  “One last time, consider this a warning,” Ian’s eyes hardened, “I don’t like to repeat myself and I’m already annoyed. Stay away from Dominique.”

  Todd shrugs and left to go rejoin the party as Ian watched him leave. He turns to me and wraps his arms around my body in a bear hug. “I’m sorry I couldn’t be here sooner but I left as soon as I heard your voicemail. Traffic was nuts so I flew here.”

  “You what?” I pull away from him. “You flew here? How?”

  “Helicopter.” He explains. “Sometimes when you need to get somewhere in a hurry, you need to do whatever you can.”

  Lifestyles of the rich and shameless. “I see.”

  “It doesn’t matter now,” Ian flashed his panty-wetting smile at me, “I’m here and you’re safe. That’s all that matters.”

  “That’s all,” I agree as we interlocked fingers, “are you hungry? There’s some food left.”

  “I’m starving, actually.” Ian replies. “But I do want to see Todd squirm just a bit more.”

  “Oh, you’re such a troll.”

  “And you love it.”

  “A little bit, yes.”


  I’m glad Michelle had some fashion sense or I would’ve killed her. That is, after Helen got a hold of her.

  Michelle’s colors were cream and peach but she allowed us to dress in gowns that suited us. Helen decided to go strapless in peach while I went with an off-shoulder tea-length cream dress.

  All of our makeup is natural and best suited to our facial features so none of us are looking like Frank N. Furter from the Rocky Horror Picture Show. However, we all needed to have uniform hair styles so we’re all wearing the standard wedding chiffon bun.

  As I waited my turn in the clubhouse foyer, my thoughts turned to my potential wedding to Ian. What would I choose for my colors? Where would we get married? Would Ian’s restaurants cater? How big would our wedding be?

  Would I be on a budget or would Ian give me free reign and deal with the cost later?

  Decisions, decisions.

  Of course, I’m getting way ahead of myself. But a girl can dream, can’t she?

  It’s my turn to walk down the aisle and I smile to the awaiting audience. I see The Plastics from the corner of my eye and I pay them dust. When I make eye contact with Ian, my face lights up.

  He didn’t have to take the day off to be with me, and I know how busy his restaurants are. But he did, anyway, and I’m forever grateful. He could’ve just ignored me and did the whole, ‘See you when I see you’ bit, but he’s carving time out of his schedule just for me.

  I don’t know if it’s just in his nature or if I’m the only one he’s done that for but it’s new for me. I’ve never had this much attention paid to me ever. I never had a man tell his employees to be kind to me or they’ll be fired. I never had my own table personally reserved at a restaurant.

  I’ve never been a part of an empire.

  I just hope I can live up to the Ferguson name. Some people might not care about them or don’t even think too much about what they’re doing, but I do. I don’t feel the weight of the family on my shoulders but I do feel pressure to keep up appearances.

  I just hope I’m not in over my head.


  “So, you’ve gone to a trans wedding and now you went to a millennial one,” I began as Ian and I danced to “Red Light Special.” “Which one did you prefer?”

  “Well, I wasn’t available for all of Adrienne’s so I can’t comment, but it did look rather colorful.” He held the small of my back. “But this one was nice.”

  “I’m glad you liked it,” I wrapped my arms around his neck, “Kris and Michelle are a match made in heaven. I think they’re going to be married forever.”

  “That’s what I like to hear. Too many people get married for the wrong reasons and end up divorcing within a few years. Emma and Gerald have been together since they were 19 and got married when they were 21. They were married for almost five years before kids came into the picture.”

  “Oh wow.” I’m surprised but I shouldn’t be. Since they got together so young, it made sense they wanted to be sure it was something they both wanted.

  “I think they did it right. They enjoyed the marriage and each other so when they finally did have the kids, they could devote their energy to them.” He softly swayed me. “I think it’s brilliant.”

  “It is,” I played along. I’m too young to have children while I’m trying to get my dance studio going. But I wonder how things would be if I decided to stay home and raise the future generation of Fergusons? Would I be bored out of my wits or would I go back to dancing?

  How would that work for Career Day?

  ‘What does your Mommy do?’

  ‘She works the pole!’

  A nervous pang shot up my spine and I temporarily froze. How did that sound?

  Anthony Ferguson, philanthropist.

  Ian Ferguson, restaurateur.

  Gerald Ferguson, Vice-Chair of Ferguson, Inc.

  Emma Ferguson, Owner of F’N Mugs.

  Dominique Ferguson, Pole Dancer.

  One of these things is not like the other. One of these things, sadly, did not belong.

  “Are you okay, angel?” Ian sensed my tension.

  “Yeah, I’m fine.” I reassured him. “I just have a lot to do when I finally get back to L.A., that’s all.”

  “We can head back to L.A. tonight if you want?”

  “No, it’s fine,” I shook my head. Honestly, I didn’t want to go back home yet and I just wanted to enjoy the Temecula air just a bit longer. And hopefully, it’ll make me calm down.

  “What’s on your mind, angel?” Ian pressed. “I know everything isn’t okay.”

  Did I really want to delve into this conversation at my girlfriend’s wedding? I guess better now than never. “Why me?”


  “Why did you choose me? Out of all of the women you’ve dated, you chose some down-on-her-luck college student who can’t really offer you anything.” I slightly shrug. “So I
’m just wondering why me?”

  Ian stopped moving and slowly blinked at me. “Because I love you. End of story.”

  The way Ian said it caused a different shiver up my spine. He claimed me and didn’t care who was offended. “I’m a pole dancer, Ian,” I reasoned.

  We started dancing again when the music switched to “They Don’t Know.” “I knew that about you the night on the pier,” he spoke in my ear, “and just like that night, I still don’t care.”

  Tears threatened my eyes and forced them at bay. “I’m going to ruin the Ferguson name, Ian.”

  “I sincerely doubt that,” he wrapped his arms around me, “it’ll take a lot to destroy our family. We’ve been around for many years, long before either of us existed. We survived world wars, numerous presidents, some pretty ugly history on both sides of the pond, and we’re still around. My great-great grandparents and other family members survived prohibition and all of the nastiness that came with it. It’s pretty bold of you to think being a pole dancer will ultimately kill the Ferguson name.”

  Aw, hell…“Thanks for making me feel like an idiot,” I sniffed.

  Ian moved his hands up to my face and thumbed away my fallen tears. “I think you’re pretty intelligent, especially since you’re dating me.”

  That caused a smile from me. “That’s a good one.”

  “You like that?” He smiled. Even his dimples made an appearance.

  “I like that,” I nodded. I rested my head on his chest as we continued to dance. “I’m sorry for being such a worry wart. I can’t help it.”

  “And I appreciate it. It means you care more about the family’s reputation than our bank account. That’s very refreshing.” He nodded. “I need you to do one thing for me, though.”



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