Insidious Whispers (The Hunter Diaries)

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Insidious Whispers (The Hunter Diaries) Page 1

by Serena Zane

  Insidious Whispers

  The Hunter Diaries

  Serena Zane

  Insidious Whispers

  The Hunter Diaries

  A Books to Go Now Publication

  Copyright © Serena Zane 2012

  Books to Go Now

  For information on the cover illustration and design, contact [email protected]

  First eBook Edition –December 2012

  Warning: the unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in prison and a fine of $250,000. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without written permission from the publisher, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages for review purposes.

  This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to any person, living or dead, any place, events or occurrences, is purely coincidental. The characters and story lines are created from the author’s imagination and are used fictitiously.

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  As always, I want to thank those that support me and put up with the hours I spend on the computer instead of socializing. I would like to express a special thanks to my friend Racheal who believed that I could write about anything that my imagination might develop. Thank you for spending countless hours listening to me ramble. Also, a special thanks to the ladies in the RWA, thank you for all the support and encouragement. You are all an inspiration.

  Chapter 1

  Black. Darkness encompassed her and wrapped Beth Stark in its unrelenting embrace attempting to lull her into a slumber. Beth fought against its seductive pull and struggled to remain alert. Andrew’s hand held firm to hers as she felt her body explode into a thousand tiny pieces and then come back together.

  The Veil. It had been years since she’d crossed the Veil into the Other Realm. She hadn’t been back since her parent’s death. Beth’s vision remained dark as though he kept a blindfold over her eyes. He led her by the hand until she felt the soft breeze stop on her skin and instead, warmth seeped through her.

  “You’re safe Beth Stark. Nothing can harm you here.” Andrew’s deep voice was melodious and soothing, but somehow Beth couldn’t suppress the shiver that passed over her skin.

  Her vision slowly came into focus. Rich, opulent colors filled her gaze. Reds and gold in varying tones and textures played with her senses. Andrew, the man she’d met only moments before in a plane flying above the Atlantic, stood before her. His blond hair hung loose around his shoulders and his blue eyes pierced her. He appeared nothing like the polished businessman from the airplane, but she knew that he was indeed the same man.

  As what he said registered, Beth knew she was in trouble. He lied. Her parents had died in the Other Realm - murdered. There was no reason why she couldn’t meet the same fate.

  Safe my ass. She glared at him with distrust.

  “Why did you bring me to the Other Realm?” Beth crossed the room and stood behind a large wing-back chair. She needed to put something between them. Logically, she knew that if he wanted to get to her he could. The long blond hair didn’t cover his pointed ears, or the pale beauty of his face. He was Fae.

  But Beth wasn’t without her own powers.

  “Queen Genevieve wants an audience with you.” He moved closer, his feet glided over the floor as though he were floating.

  Beth held out a halting hand. “Why?” She didn’t trust the Fae. They were known for their trickery. While Beth had embraced some of her gifts, she only used them for good. There could only be one reason why Queen Genevieve would want an audience with a half-Fae like her. The Queen normally didn’t lower herself to associate with such riffraff as Beth. “What if I don’t want to see her?”

  His mouth turned up in a grin. A chill rode straight up her spine. “I’m afraid you don’t have any choice in the matter. She will not be denied.” He looked at her as though she was a curiosity. “You’re very beautiful you know.” His voice was like smooth chocolate intended to sooth, but it grated on her nerves.

  “You mean I’m beautiful for a half-breed.” She bristled.

  In the space of a breath he was around the chair she hid behind. A pale, slender-fingered hand reached out and brushed her cheek. Something drifted through his eyes that she couldn’t identify. “No, just beautiful.”

  Beth didn’t feel anything but revulsion as he touched her. Not wanting him to be aware that she wouldn’t fall for his charms, she leaned into his hand and gifted him with a small smile. If he thought she was a compliant captive, then she would have a better chance to escape when the opportunity presented itself.

  “What’s your real name? I know it’s not Andrew. It can’t be.”

  “I’m Arlen, the Prince of the Other Realm and son to Queen Genevieve. It’s good to finally meet you Beth Stark. I’ve been waiting for this moment for some time.”

  Beth paced away from him and then cast a questioning glance back at Arlen. “Why?”

  Arlen crossed his arms in front of his chest and his eyes took on a bedroom-like quality. “Our families are destined Beth. We’re meant to be together.”

  Beth shot him a skeptical look. He obviously didn’t know that much about her if he thought that was the case. Beth did have a gift passed down from her father. She could see soul mates, people who were intended to be together. Just recently she was able to place her best friend Ami with her soul mate in Romania. In fact, she was just returning to her little shop in Seattle after that journey when Arlen abducted her. She would need to contact Ami soon or her friend would start to worry. Beth was due to land back in Seattle in four hours maybe less now. If she wasn’t back, Beth was sure that Ami would come after her.

  Arlen took a step towards her uncrossing his arms then stopped. “I see that you may need some time to get used to the idea. I’ll give you a moment to freshen up and then we’ll meet the Queen.” He glided to the door and glanced back one last time. “It was a pleasure meeting you Beth Stark. I’ll look forward to the next time.” He closed the bedroom door, and Beth heard a soft click.

  She felt her heart racing. She had to find a way out of here. Frantically, she moved about the room searching for the tingling sensation that would tell her the Veil was near. No way would she let the queen have the Dark Tome. Beth had heard rumors about Queen Genevieve; bad rumors about having her heart broken and turning it to ice. The Faeland was covered in frost and snow just like her heart. If the rumors were true, then she was after the tome. It was Beth’s job - no - her sworn duty to protect it. She swore to her parents that she wouldn’t let the books fall into the wrong hands. Her parents had guarded the tomes before her, and their parents before that. She would not let them down.

  The more she searched the more panic set in. There was no trace of the Veil. She would have to meet with the Queen, and she was afraid of what would happen when Queen Genevieve heard what she had to say. Beth sat heavily in one of two large chairs placed before a fireplace in the room. There was nothing to do but wait. She tried to breathe deeply and calm her racing heart.

  Chapter 2

  Phoenix entered the massive hall of the High Council. Three chairs - more like thrones -adorned the raised dais in which they sat. Each vampire gracing those chairs was more than a century old, Ancients. He was used to their sole
mn stares as he’d been called before them many times to deal with Council business. As an enforcer, it was his job to carry out their orders. He’d acted both as judge and executioner on their behalf.

  He bent at the waist and bowed his head, refusing to kneel before them as others were want to do. In his own right, Phoenix was as ancient as any of them and refused to kneel before anyone. As he straightened, his eyes met and held those of Jean-Luc and he read the amusement in the Elder’s gaze.

  Irritated, he squared his shoulders. “I’ve traveled a long way, and have business back in the Earthen Realm. What is it you need?”

  Jean-Luc spoke, his voice raspy, he’d nearly been beheaded before he was turned and the damage was too extensive to heal all the way. Vampires rarely scarred, but at times there were things even vampire blood couldn’t fix. “We are concerned. There have been reports of vampires missing in your area of Seattle.”

  Phoenix nodded. It was not news to him. He’d been researching the disappearances with the areas leader, Nicholas Solkav. So far they hadn’t unearthed what made the vampires disappear. “I am aware of the situation. We’re looking into it.”

  Jean-Luc inclined his head towards Phoenix. “This must stop. You don’t believe the Wills are behind the disappearances do you?”

  The question was an important one. The new treaty between the Wills family and the High Council was a new one. There was still a lot of distrust on both sides. The Wills family hunted vampires for years but when one of the daughters, Stephanie Wills, fell in love with Nicholas Solkav, and another, Chloe Wills, turned into a powerful witch, the High Council declared that a treaty must be made or they would seek out and destroy all those involved with the Wills family. The treaty stopped that from happening.

  “No, we’ve been watching them for weeks. They are only going after those on the Rogue list as agreed.”

  “It’s as we thought. There have been rumors of late. Rumors that Queen Genevieve is making her move on the vampire world, it was to be expected. The Fae Queen’s heart turned to ice when one of our own turned his back on her. Now, she wants revenge. We cannot let that happen.” Jean-Luc stood as he spoke. His hands fisted and his eyes blazing red with the fires of Hell.

  Phoenix stood his ground. “What do you want me to do about it?” His tone was almost belligerent. He might be an enforcer and an ancient, but one didn’t mess with the fairy queen and live to tell about it.

  “We want you to recover and destroy the Dark Tome. It’s the only way she can have enough power to destroy all the vampires in the region she’s targeting. If she cannot access the spell in the book then she cannot get the power she needs. It’s as simple as that.” Jean-Luc placed his hands together in front of him looking as serene as a vampire could.

  Phoenix wasn’t fooled. “It’s never that simple. What’s the catch?”

  “Well, there may be one teensy little challenge to overcome. The book has a guardian. You’ll have to get past the guardian to get the book. But we’re in luck.” Jean-Luc leaned forward, his hands resting on his knees and a benign smile on his face.

  “How so?” Phoenix didn’t trust his smile for a second.

  “The guardian is in the Other Realm right now according to our spies. If you can get to the Dark Tome before she returns…” he stood up and clasped his hands together like a happy child, “all will be well.”

  “Fine, I’ll take the assignment, but once I’m done I am going to need some time off. I made a promise that I must fulfill.”

  Jean-Luc raised an elegantly shaped brow. “Oh?”

  “Yes. Now, if there’s nothing else, I need to get going. I take it there is a time restriction on this assignment.”

  “Of course, we would like this completed as soon as possible. The safety of our race is at stake. If Queen Genevieve gets her hands on the Tome, there’s no telling what fury she will unleash.”

  Phoenix started to turn from him. “Well, I’d best be going then.”

  “Enforcer! There is no need to make the long trek back.” He held out a bag, “This contains enough Fae dust to get you through to the mortal world. You just have to think of where you are going.”

  “But, I don’t know where I’m going.” Phoenix stepped up to the dais and held out his hand.

  Jean-Luc dropped the bag into his palm.

  “Do you know where The Broom Closet is located in Seattle?”

  Phoenix looked up from the bag surprised. “Yes, every Other Realm creature in Seattle knows where that shop is. It’s there?”

  “Yes. It’s located in the back. Make sure you are in and out rapidly. Unfortunately, this is only enough Fae dust to get you there. You will have to find your own way back.”

  The Broom Closet of all places. Phoenix shook his head.

  “Just sprinkle the dust over your head and think of your destination; you’ll arrive in no time. Now, we’ve wasted enough time talking. Go.” Jean-Luc waved him away.

  Phoenix strode through the hall and the giant double doors at the end. As they closed behind him, he picked up his weapons he’d left with the guard and equipped himself. Once his knives, stakes, and rifle were stored Phoenix took the little bag and poured the glittering dust into his hand. He knew the shop all right; he’d watched several creatures he’d been keeping tabs on come and go from the place with regularity. Although he’d never entered, or met the proprietor, he knew it was special. Phoenix pictured the place in his mind envisioning himself inside the front door, just beyond the little wooden sign that declared the name of the shop and the proprietresses, Beth Stark and Ami Sherridon. He closed his eyes and felt himself pulled through space.

  Phoenix grunted as his knee hit something. He opened his eyes, and he found that he was inside The Broom Closet. Shelves lined the shop with all sorts of magical ingredients. Most of them real, but some obvious tourist traps. His vision adjusted to the darkened interior. It was past midnight in Seattle, and he didn’t want to turn on any lights and alert the neighbors. The back of the shop was a library of sorts. A sign hanging over the rail read, “please return when finished.” Damn. If the Dark Tome was in this part of the shop, anyone could have taken it. He started past the archway that led into the little library and felt a strange electric current shock him as he passed through. Weird. Shrugging off the feeling, he searched the shelves. The damn thing had to be here somewhere. Something whispered to him from his right. He couldn’t make out the sounds but he felt restless, and edgy, as though he needed to get the book and get out of there right now. He reached out a hand, and it fell on a large black leather tome on the shelf to his right. Power coursed up his arm as he started to pull it from its place.

  Chapter 3

  Beth sat straight up in the chair that she’d been lounging in. Something was terribly wrong. She could feel it deep in her soul. In a blink, her body was pulled through the Veil and she stood in her darkened shop. Right in front of her stood a man, and he was pulling the Dark Tome from its rightful place on her shop’s shelf.

  “Stop!” Beth surged forward as though she wasn’t in control of her own body and placed herself in front of the tome making him break contact with the book. “What do you think you’re doing?” She struggled to regain her composure after being pulled through space twice in one day. He was so close; she could smell his cologne and the scent of the rain and wind on his body. Beth tried not to be intimidated, but the man was huge and his broad shoulders filled the space in front of her. He hadn’t said anything yet, and he hadn’t moved away. She placed a hand on his chest and zapped him. A small electrical current to shove him back. It didn’t work.

  His large hand came up and encompassed hers. “Don’t.” He crowded her.

  Beth felt her lips part, and desire made her damp between her thighs as she met his eyes in the dark. They glowed with an unholy fire, and she knew; v
ampire. Her voice barely above a whisper Beth asked, “What do you want with the Tome?” She could never let a vampire have access to the evil in that particular book.

  “I’ve been sent to destroy it.” He pressed her back against the bookshelf.

  Beth could feel each hard muscle as he moved into her, and her body responded instantly. A gasp escaped from her lips, “I can’t let you do that.” She felt his other hand creep around her waist to take the book as he bent his head and breathed in her scent. Beth groaned, and then let off a larger jolt of electricity. This time he stumbled back a few steps letting her go. “Back off!” She tried not to regret the loss of his body pressed against hers. She had a duty.

  Beth snapped her fingers, “On!” The lights in the library flared to life and the man in front of her was bathed in the soft glow. There was nothing soft about him though. His hair was cropped short in a military cut; the black strands caught in the light, and glistened a deep blue. His eyes matched the blue highlights in his hair, and she felt like she was drowning in the sea. Her gaze took in the chiseled perfection of his jaw, and the sculpted lips that were drawn in a tight line. Beth’s gaze lingered on those lips for a moment before moving back up to meet the gaze of the man who just tried to rip her off.

  He took a step forward, and she held up a hand. He stopped. “Look, I’ve been sent by the High Council to take care of the tome. Someone very powerful wants it, and we need to destroy it before that happens.” He had a rough edge to his words, as though he wasn’t used to explaining himself.

  She liked it. “I can’t let you take the Tome.”


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