Shattered Dreams - Book 1: Behind Closed Doors Series

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Shattered Dreams - Book 1: Behind Closed Doors Series Page 10

by H. H. Fowler

  “Is that so?” Gregory sniggered at his wife’s pathetic attempt to fight back. She knew she could not win against him, but yet she paraded on his turf as if she had finally gotten the upper hand. He snatched her hand and pressed it against his moist lips. “I know you still want me, Dana,” he told her menacingly. “I can see the longing in those tired eyes of yours. Is it sex you want, like the way we used to do it on the balcony outside of our bedroom? Maybe that’s why you’re acting like a spoiled little brat. All you need is some good…sweet…sex…”

  Dana pulled her hand out of Gregory’s grasp and slapped him across the mouth. “I know you’re sleeping with someone else!” she spat. “Why do you have to come here and rub it in my face?”

  “Because you are a slut!” Gregory growled. “You’re only getting what you deserve.”

  “You’re not denying that you’re sleeping with someone else?”

  “What’s it to you who I’m sleeping with now? When the gardener got lost between your legs, I was working hard, trying to make life better for you and the girls.”

  “No, Gregory! You were neglecting us, doing what you felt like doing – living life on the edge with the high rollers, while I cried myself to sleep. I gave up my dreams for you.”

  “But that was no excuse for you to have sex with that young boy!”

  “Why do you constantly remind me of that? It’s been three bloody years, Gregory. Let it go and move on with your life!”

  “As long as you live under this roof,” Gregory challenged. “You will obey my rules and carry out my dictates! That means, get your behind downstairs and join us at that dining table. Don’t make me repeat myself.”

  Dana stiffened her resolve against her husband’s threats. In the past, his little tyranny would have made her skip into action, because he would withhold certain privileges from her. But after three years of enduring the worst of Gregory, she had had enough. She did not care what the hell Gregory did from this point on. In one defiant move, Dana turned away from Gregory and sashayed to a spot she had set aside for her art work. She pulled up a chair in front of an easel, took her pencil and began to sketch the image that was in her mind, which was a caricature of Gregory’s angry face.

  Of course, Dana’s action did not digest well with Gregory. He was a man who was used to getting what he wanted, when he wanted it, with no questions asked. He followed the same trail Dana had used to get to her easel. He gripped the ends of her chair and yanked it backwards. Dana, along with the easel, fell with a crash to the floor.

  “You bastard! What is the matter with you?”

  “Get up!” Gregory thundered.

  Dana scampered out of Gregory’s reach, and stopped her speed on the next side of the room. “I wonder what your little guest is thinking at this moment,” she shouted at him. “I can imagine the noise everyone is hearing downstairs. Why would you go to such lengths to impress another man? It is beyond me. You revel in the company of these boys and neglect me. Am I to think that you are sleeping with them, too?”

  Dana’s words sobered Gregory to a standstill. He laughed, but obviously he did not find anything humorous about what his wife had said. She was good at getting out of a jam. He gave her that much. However, he was not going to allow Dana to continuously make him look like a fool in front of Izaiah. If Dana didn’t fall in line, there were other ways of getting her to respond the way he wanted.

  “Suit yourself, Dana,” he told her. He walked out of the room, slamming the door behind him.

  Chapter Seventeen

  The majority of the swim competitors from the other islands had arrived and were now loading off of the tour buses. They appeared to be clustered in teams, and as they entered through the gates of the complex, Dallis couldn’t help but feel nervous about the outcome of the race. While this race didn’t carry the weight of the bigger meets, it was still a very important one. It was the first in the swim season, but emphasis was being placed on qualifying time. By the third competition, the fastest six swimmers from the Bliss Haven team had been selected to go on to represent in other national meets.

  Dallis was already in the pool, stretching her limbs, and making sure her blood was flowing well. She wanted to get the feel of her strokes, but she didn’t want to waste her energy, so she did short, hard sets, but tried not to go over eighty percent of her maximum speed. However, when Dallis noticed the pool had started to get crowded with some of the other swimmers, she decided to slip out for a minute to eat a protein bar. The competition was set to begin in about forty-five minutes – just enough time for it to digest and keep her energy levels up.

  “Dallis, I will be cheering for you in the stands,” a male voice said behind her.

  A smile immediately appeared on Dallis’ face. She spun around to say ‘thank you’, only to become temporarily speechless by the sight she saw. Anwar Daxon was glowing in the morning sun, wearing his attractiveness with ease. But when she saw how his eyes began to roam about her body, she felt a wave of disappointment wash over her. He did it every time that they were together. Didn’t he know that his licentious gaze made her feel uncomfortable?

  “I don’t mean anything by it,” he said, seeming to read Dallis’ expression. “I just think you have a very athletic build – better than most of the girls that I see walking around here. Why are you ashamed to show off your body?”

  “I am not ashamed,” Dallis said. “I just don’t like the attention.”

  Anwar tilted his head and smirked. “Well, Dallis, I must say that you are the first girl I’ve met who’s said that. Fat, out-of-shape girls flaunt it audaciously, but you, with a body that would put any model to shame, prefer to hide it behind jeans and t-shirts. It amazes me that you chose a sport that will keep you wearing little clothing.”

  “Please, stop talking about my body like that, my father is on his way over here.”

  Anwar grinned. “Then I promise to be on my best behavior.”

  Dallis moved around Anwar toward her father. Izaiah lagged behind and Dallis could tell that Izaiah was uncomfortable with her cold attitude. She simply didn’t understand why her father had him tagging along.

  “You’re here early,” Dallis said, greeting Gregory with a kiss to the cheek.

  “Well, you know me, honey,” Gregory said. “The early worms get the front seats.”

  “So, where are Mom and Asia?”

  “I don’t know. When Izaiah and I left the estate, they were nowhere to be found. But don’t worry your little head about it. I’m here. Isn’t that enough to take that frown off your beautiful face?”

  “I suppose.”

  Gregory saw when Dallis’ shoulders slumped in disappointment, but he pretended as if he didn’t notice. He was not going to talk about Dana in a positive light, so, it was best that he avoided the subject altogether. “How are you coping with the excitement?”

  Dallis showed her father the protein bar. “You know I eat when I’m nervous, but it’s to also conserve my energy. Coach Erin says this year’s competitions will be stiff. There are a lot of top swimmers coming in from the region.”

  Gregory waved a dismissive hand at his daughter. “You are the best and you know it.”

  “That’s what I’ve been telling her,” Anwar butted in. He stepped forward and extended his hand to Gregory. “I’m Anwar Daxon. It’s a pleasure to meet you, sir. I just want to say that your daughter is one of the fastest swimmers I’ve seen in a while. I think she’s even better than me. She’s like a fish in the water.”

  Gregory’s words lodged in his throat as he tried to demystify the young man’s connection to his daughter. Strangely, he found himself immediately drawn to Anwar’s personality.

  “Daddy, Anwar is new here at the club,” Dallis explained. “He’s been practicing with the team over the last week, but coach says it’s too soon for him to participate in the race.”

  Gregory released Anwar’s hand, but kept his gaze locked on him. He could detect the nervousness in Dallis’
voice, which was an extremely peculiar sign. It was rare that a boy could rattle Dallis in this manner. There was no question she was attracted to him and Gregory could see why. Anwar was the quintessential Casanova, dignified and gracious in his looks. Gregory had to admit that he found the boy to be interesting, but that did not mean he wanted him hanging around Dallis.

  “What part of town is your family from?” Gregory asked.


  Dallis thought her father’s inquiry was rude, but in all honesty, she was happy the question had been raised. Ever since Anwar had joined the swim club, she had been trying to get him to tell her where he lived, but he had always taken the evasive approach. She couldn’t wait to hear what his answer would be.

  “My family lives on the mainland – New Providence to be exact,” Anwar said, his tone as convincing as his smile. “I’m staying with some friends until I decide whether or not I want to enroll in the academy. I heard it’s one of the best on the island.”

  “New Providence? A settlement with a very stable economy,” Anwar’s reply seemed to please Gregory immensely. “Well, BHCA is certainly one of the best colleges you will find anywhere and it is surrounded by a strong selection of shops and restaurants. My youngest daughter is enrolled as a psychology major. But what’s hindering your decision?”

  “Daddy, now is not the time to get into this with Anwar.”

  “She’s right,” Izaiah said, speaking up for the first time. “The stands are getting full. It will defeat the purpose of our having arrived so early.”

  Gregory reached into his wallet and pulled out a business card. He handed it to Anwar with a warm smile attached. “Son, I am well known on this island. Give me a call and I will see what I can do. As a matter of fact, I have a proposition for you.”

  Anwar secured the card between his fingers, returning the smile. A smile that did not require any words, but the intention was well understood. “Thanks. I just might take you up on your offer.”

  Dallis was confused. Never in her life had she seen her father act so cordially toward a guy who clearly had an interest in his daughter. Maybe it was because Anwar had said that he wasn’t from St. Elmo’s Valley, or maybe Anwar had been so forthright in his greeting that it had piqued her father’s curiosity. Whatever the reason, Dallis was a bit relieved, because it would certainly save her a ton of explaining and hours of pointless questions. Her biggest problem with her father was getting him to see that she was an adult, who was capable of making her own decisions.

  “Daddy, I have to go,” she said. “The teams are getting into place. Pray that all goes well for me.”

  “Don’t doubt yourself, honey,” Gregory assured. “You are well within your element.”

  When Gregory and Izaiah were at a safe distance, Dallis turned to Anwar and shook her head at him in a disapproving manner.

  “What did I do now?”

  “I know you are not from New Providence,” Dallis said. She walked off, leaving Anwar to flounder in his thoughts.

  But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition.

  - 1 Timothy 6:9

  Chapter Eighteen

  10:23 p.m.

  Nothing was too sadistic for Ms. V’s taste. Whatever her clients wanted, she provided, guaranteeing their fantasies would be met with the swiftest arrangement. But Ms. V was more than just a face behind cupid. She had been mandated by the organization to carry out its rules and regulation, and to ensure the protection of an elite group of people who had the power to change times and seasons. Any aberrant behavior was promptly dealt with. Rebels weren’t tolerated, no matter the smallest infraction. So, when Chazz Brunswick appeared on the radar again, Ms. V immediately slipped into mercenary mode.

  With the help of modern technology, they had been monitoring Chazz’s behavior, especially after his initial threat to reveal the organization’s true identity. Ms. V barely saw much of Chazz after she’d instructed Gregory’s men to teach him a lesson on secrecy. The pounding that Chazz took to his body sent him running into hiding. They could have easily found him at any time they chose, but since he wasn’t causing any problems, they left him alone. It was only of late that Chazz seemed to have surfaced with a revived agenda against the organization.

  Ms. V unlocked a safe and retrieved some old photos of Chazz, which were taken when Chazz was initially inducted into the organization. A virile specimen of a man. She’d had the opportunity to feel what it was like to be caught in his powerful grip. She had taught him well… so well that he had turned into a sex animal. Sadly, it was the only thing she cared to remember about him. If he hadn’t gotten hung up on Dana Beaufort, the organization would have given Chazz the best that life had to offer. Fine cars, a huge estate and money to go along with it. But Chazz was too stupid to know that he had wasted his opportunity on a woman who could never be his.

  Ms. V suddenly smiled to herself. She knew exactly what had triggered Chazz’s interest in resuming his crazy attempt to expose the organization’s secrets. Ms. V had been informed that Chazz had been trying to restore the lines of communication between him and Dana. Recent photos showed him sitting in his car outside the gates of the Beaufort’s estate. One showed him sitting in John’s Bar and Grill at the Quad, gulping down a beer. And one showed him talking to Dana in front of a store in the market square. It was the most recent contact between the two and Ms. V was confident that Chazz would try to get in touch with her again. He couldn’t help himself – even if he was blind, deaf and dumb.

  Ms. V allowed her smile to develop into a sly grin. She slowly slipped a strawberry into her mouth and savored its sweet taste. Unbeknownst to her, Dana Beaufort had just signed Chazz’s death warrant.


  Same time

  HOT, younger males for older women…call now 710-555-0006…Electrifying, Discreet Encounters...

  Dana stared at the advertisement that flashed across her flat screen TV. The ad was based in Florida, but that did not hinder the appeal in Dana’s mind. She had already tasted the forbidden fruit, so, she knew exactly what it felt like to be with a younger man. Dana was convinced that men half her age were more agile and experimental, especially when it came down to certain sexual positions. Dana could think of three off the top of her head she and Gregory had never tried, but she had explored with Chazz Brunswick.

  Maybe it was because of Chazz’s addiction to porn, where he’d learned to master the art of such debauchery. The steamy thoughts made Dana let out a nostalgic sigh. It was within these lonely moments when temptation was at its worst. Fights with her husband only increased the pressure to slip back into those old, sinful desires. Before long, she would hear a voice whispering at the back of her mind to take action; it’s been three years since you have been with a man. What are you going to do about that?

  Dana could feel her body responding to the unwholesome images on the TV. The dark, chocolate models reminded her of Chazz and the explosive sessions they’d had in several rooms of the house. The guilt had snaked her like an annoying demon, but her deep longings for Chazz had always out maneuvered her conscience. Maybe, it was because Gregory was never around to catch her in the act. But that only lasted for so long. Dana could remember as if it were yesterday, when Gregory stood over her and Chazz, caught in one of the most unholy, compromising positions.

  “Mrs. Beaufort,” Chazz had called from the foyer. “I am about to take off; do you need me to do anything else before I leave?”

  Because she was under another bout of guilt, Dana wanted to tell Chazz to leave, but she could sense the raw desire in Chazz’s voice. It was his polite way of asking if she wanted to have sex with him. He was so mannerly, even during the process of his sins. She slid off the stool in the kitchen, and channeled her steps toward Chazz’s call.

  It was another one of those sultry afternoons when everyone was out and about their business, but Dana felt as if she wa
s ready to put her cheating days behind her. But when she laid eyes upon him, showing off his maleness in a sleeveless overall, all of her defenses plummeted to the floor.

  “I remember the first time you spoke to me,” she started. “You were standing in that same spot, asking for a glass of water.”

  Chazz nodded deferentially, seeming almost too bashful to look at Dana. “Yes, ma’am.”

  “Now, you’re asking me to repeatedly go against my conscience.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “Chazz, I’m old enough to be your mother. Do you realize that?”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “Please, stop answering me like I’m your slave master. I would have expected by now you would have lost all respect for me.”

  Chazz stared at Dana, his desire refusing to wane. When he ran his tongue over his flushed lips, Dana immediately experienced havoc in her lower parts. Without another word, she turned around and began to walk off. Chazz kicked off his dirty shoes and followed Dana like a love-sick puppy.

  Their clothes were off before they even hit the bed. Chazz used his strength to lift Dana, swinging her around his waist. In ecstasy, he let out an animalistic groan, overcome by the ethereal goddess that was in his grasp. Their sin had reached a level that was completely out of control. Dana wanted Chazz and Chazz wanted Dana – both seeming to hold on to every shred of companionship. Not long afterwards, Dana’s eyes flung open, only to receive a severe jolt of surprise.

  “Oh. My. Goodness!”

  Gregory swung and almost tore off Chazz’s head with his briefcase. “Get up – the both of you!”

  “Gregory, I am so sorry, let me explain.”

  “Shut up! You can’t explain a thing to me! Have you no shame, Dana? You’re that turned on that you had to bring this filth into our bedroom? You ungrateful slut.”

  The knocking on her bedroom door pulled Dana out of her reverie. She switched the TV channel to a less questionable station and then swung her feet to the floor.


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