Shattered Dreams - Book 1: Behind Closed Doors Series

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Shattered Dreams - Book 1: Behind Closed Doors Series Page 15

by H. H. Fowler

  “Rose and Asia are on their way,” Izaiah said. “I couldn’t get in contact with Dallis. It seems as if she turned off her cell phone.”

  “Well, keep trying,” Gregory said. “I almost lost their mother; Dallis would want to be here. I will call Candi in Cayman and let her know what is going on.”

  Izaiah nodded his response, adding in a concerned tone, “When you were passing, it seemed you were in a rush to go somewhere.”

  “Yes,” Gregory paused, as if trying to decide how much he should reveal to Izaiah. Despite Izaiah’s little defiant streak, he genuinely seemed to care about people. Gregory was impressed and had grown very fond of Izaiah over the past few weeks, but Gregory feared that Izaiah wasn’t ready to handle certain levels of information. He did not want to scare the boy back to the United States. “I will be right back, should you need a lift back to the estate.”

  “Take your time, sir. I can find my way back, if the need arises.”

  Though Gregory could see the questions pooling in Izaiah’s eyes, he appreciated Izaiah not prying into the situation. It would be for Izaiah’s own good anyway, Gregory decided, that he stayed on the righteous path that he was on. Because Gregory knew better than anyone that one wrong decision could create a lifetime of painful consequences.

  By the end of the day, however, Gregory was convinced that he would have all the answers to his questions regarding the deadly attack on Chazz and his wife. Because this was not supposed to happen.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Jazz music. Scented candles. A Jacuzzi filled with French Vanilla bubble bath. A half glass of chardonnay clutched between the fingers of one of the most erotic women in Bliss Haven. At forty-seven years of age, Ms. V was still at the top of her game. However, tonight’s celebration was not so much about her, as it was about the organization. Another rebel had bitten the dust. Just like that, Chazz Brunswick was history – like all the others who had tried to expose the secrets of the organization. What a pity that Dana Beaufort had gotten caught in the crossfire.

  Ms. V slipped deeper into the Jacuzzi, allowing the water to cover her entire face. Being under water like that was euphoric. She wondered how it would feel to come close to drowning. No doubt it was one of the worst fears in the world, but she imagined the bliss of having a sexual release, right before that moment of losing consciousness. She had been choked to the point where her eyes flipped to the back of her head. She had allowed six men to gang-rape her while blindfolded and chained to the bedposts. Totally sadistic, but those escapades had been some of the most intense sexual experiences she’d ever had in her life. When Ms. V pushed her head up out of the water, a man was standing in her bathroom.

  “I could have easily killed you, Viola,” Gregory said grimly.

  “I know, but you don’t have it in you,” she said in an even tone, even though she was alarmed by Gregory’s sudden appearance.

  Gregory looked at Viola like he was staring at something hideous. “You knew I was coming, didn’t you? That’s why you left the door unlocked.”

  “What can I say? You know me all too well, my darling.”

  “Would you stop being so bloody flippant? My wife has been shot!”

  Ms. V raised one leg out of the water and seductively rested it on the edge of the Jacuzzi. Her eyes always looked as if she wanted to have sex. “Gregory, why don’t you join me? Maybe, a little pleasure will help you come to your senses. Dana survived, didn’t she?”

  “That isn’t the point,” Gregory spat. “We had an agreement.”

  “I am quite aware of the agreement! But there was a situation and we had to take care of it.”

  “By almost killing my wife in the process?”

  “What’s with you, Gregory? All of a sudden you’re showing concern for your wife. You certainly weren’t thinking of her when you hired that fool to seduce her.”

  “Are you kidding? I did that for us –”

  “And now you’re having second thoughts about what you’ve done.” Ms. V climbed out of the Jacuzzi and stood naked before Gregory. She grabbed her breasts and shook them with a purpose. “You smothered your face between these for years, had sex in every spot of this suite, while your pathetic wife was waiting for you at home. You could have said something then. Too late for’ve made your bed, now lie in it!”

  Gregory recognized that tone, which meant that Viola’s tolerance level had gone out the door. Ever since he’d joined the organization, he’d always had a healthy dose of respect for her. It amazed him how they ended up sleeping together, because his reason for being a part of the organization had never been of a sexual nature. Twenty years ago, the organization offered him a prestigious position with the church, fancy cars, a large estate and more money than he could ever spend in a lifetime.

  Of course, he didn’t explain any of this to his wife back then. He knew she wouldn’t have gone along with it. She simply assumed he was being rewarded for his faithfulness – and in a way, he thought he was. But as a young up and coming preacher, it was an offer made in heaven. In exchange, he gave up his integrity. But never in his wildest dreams did he imagine his life would have taken this downward spiral into such evil.

  “But why did you have to kill Chazz?”

  Ms. V turned away from Gregory and slipped her arms through a red, satin robe. “The question you should be focusing on, Gregory, is what was Chazz doing with your wife?” she snapped. “There are audio recordings of him reaching out to her. I’m sorry to break it to you, but your precious little Dana knows that you had set her up. You should be thankful that she is in no condition to confront you about it.”

  “You didn’t have to kill him!” Gregory shouted, peeved that Viola was showing little concern about the situation. “He was just a kid.”

  “Chazz had resurfaced to expose the identity of the organization. We couldn’t let him live. He had blown his chance.”

  “I could have talked to him, Viola. I was the one who introduced him to this organization, remember?”

  “And say what, Gregory? That boy was never a true member. Accept that Chazz turned out to be a renegade. We all have an obligation to protect the secrets of this organization. Don’t go attaching your emotions to your targets!”

  “Targets…wow. That’s all these young men mean to you people?” Gregory scoffed, as he leaned against a wall in frustration. “When I first came into this organization, I was excited about the opportunities afforded me. I could see my vision of becoming a bishop, finally within my grasp. If only I’d realized what I was getting myself into.”

  “Of course you did,” Ms. V said. “Everything has a price. Did you think all of this was for free?”

  “That was not how the organization presented it to me. I sincerely thought the organization was genuine in its approach to helping young men fulfil their dreams.”

  “Oh Gregory, it is so commendable to see that you still have a heart. But you failed to realize this one thing: A dream for one man is different for another and depending on what is inside that man, you would be surprised to know what a man would do to fulfil that dream.” She paused and allowed a priggish grin to crease her face. “Just look at what you’ve done. You paid a young, dark-skinned hunk to seduce your wife. How would you explain that? Was that the organization’s fault, or you being drawn away by your unbridled lust? You see, Gregory, we always have a choice.”

  Gregory grew silent. He recognized Viola’s motives for what they were, self-absorbed and streamlined to suit the organization’s vision, but he could not help but feel as if he was being rebuked by God Himself. Gregory knew he had strayed from the discipline of scripture, but how unsettling it was for a woman like Viola to remind him of it.

  “…the only thing the organization does,” she was saying, “is make the offer. The choice is always left up to the individual. Now, the problem comes after that choice has been made. Either that man’s dreams are fulfilled or they will be shattered. Keep a steady head, Gregory and all
will continue to go well with you and your family.” Ms. V started to walk away, but paused in her stride to give Gregory a devilish smile. “I hope this little resurgence of conscience won’t interfere with your recruitment skills. How’s the sexy youth minister doing, by the way? I had hoped to see him in these parts by now.”

  Without adding another word, Gregory turned away and marched out of Viola’s suite. By the time he made it back to the lobby, his thoughts were a mass of confusion. There was no way out of this evil prison. He’d been careful not to get Dana and his daughters involved with this mess, because he knew the danger behind it. However, because of his desire to keep his family ignorant of his secret lifestyle and wanting to maintain his level of affluence, the organization forced his hand to recruit promising young men who would be furtively hired as “high class” male prostitutes. Clients would pay an excessive amount of money for chiseled features.

  With their freedom stanchly secured in the grips of the organization, many of the young men hadn’t any idea how much they would have to endure to keep their pockets fat with money. Chazz rebelled and ended up paying for it with his life. Anwar was too caught up in the moment to see the danger ahead. Now Viola was asking about Izaiah. Gregory was not certain about how to proceed. Because ever since that day he’d picked up Izaiah from the airport, he had sensed a completely different vibe from him. It was obvious that Izaiah came from a strong background of morality and somehow Gregory knew it wouldn’t be easy to play with Izaiah’s head, as he’d so easily done to many other young men.

  Sighing heavily, Gregory exited the hidden property and cautiously made his way back to his car he’d parked many feet away. He eased behind the steering wheel and allowed his head to connect with the headrest. Gregory thoroughly believed that Izaiah would be a better match for his daughter rather than being used for the organization’s selfish motives. But knowing how ruthless Viola was, Gregory knew it was only a matter of time before she took action. He closed his eyes with a film of tears beneath his lids. A prayer of regret could be heard falling from his lips.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Anwar slept through the entire night and when he awoke that morning, he was relieved to discover that his parents were nowhere around. He could not deal with the drama he knew his parents would create. So with the house to himself, he decided to use the time to put some things in perspective. Beginning with his phone call to Dallis. He did not call her last night simply because he hadn’t any idea of what to say. He needed time to think of his story, making sure there were no holes in it for Dallis to poke at. He kept reminding himself that Dallis was unlike any girl he’d ever met. She looked through his soul as if he were transparent glass.

  Clutching his new iPhone 5, he dialed the number at the swim club, the most likely place where Dallis would be. He was surprised to know that she was there, because he was half-expecting the coach to tell him that she hadn’t come in that morning. It would have been the perfect excuse to elude the confrontation a little longer. When Dallis spoke into the phone, Anwar could sense both disappointment and sadness in her voice.

  “How have you been?” he asked her.

  “You tell me, Anwar. I was the one who was stood up.”

  Anwar squeezed his eyes tight and prayed his apology sounded sincere. “I’m sorry, Dallis. I don’t know what else to say…I got caught up somewhere –”

  “Doing what?”

  “Come on, Dallis…”

  “No, Anwar. Don’t you think you owe me an explanation? If you’d had the decency to call and tell me, I wouldn’t have minded so much. But clearly, whatever it was you were doing, was more important than keeping your word to me.” Dallis sighed, depicting a sense of finality in her voice. “But you know what, Anwar, I am so over it and I have learned my lesson.”

  “Wait, Dallis, don’t hang up…”

  “I’ll see you around, Anwar – whenever that is. I just received a call that my mother has been shot and I’m on my way to see her at the hospital.”

  Anwar heard the click in his ear, signaling the conversation was over. It lasted less than sixty seconds, but there was a lot left to be said. Anwar dropped his head toward his knees. He deserved Dallis’ anger. Yet, Anwar felt as if the tidbit of information that Dallis mentioned about her mother, seemed to be a ploy to get him out of the house. In some twisted way in that female head of hers, Dallis was asking him to meet her at the hospital so that they could resolve the issue. Anwar suddenly grinned. He was so vain as to think that Dallis would be in the presence of mind to talk to him. What sane woman would want to talk about a stupid date when her mother had just been shot?

  Despite his reservations, Anwar decided to get dressed. What was the worst that could happen? It wasn’t like he and Dallis were seeing each other exclusively. If it ended before it started, big deal. He would chalk it up and move on with his life. There were plenty of other gorgeous-looking girls besides Dallis Beaufort. A short while later Anwar was pushing his feet into his leather sandals. He swiped his iPhone from the dresser and as he made ready to leave, he heard a knock on the front door. Anwar invited the person in, but he was not happy to see who it was.

  “What you want, man? I’m on my way out.”

  “I can see that, my friend,” Jorge quipped sarcastically. “These days, you’re always rushing off to go somewhere, or spending your nights somewhere else.”

  “What’s it to you? I told you that I’m busy now.”

  “At least you could show a little gratefulness in your attitude. I’ve been telling your folks you’ve been staying at my place. But that will only last for so long. Be real with me, man. With such an expensive phone in your hand, I can see that your standard of living is changing – no, has changed.”

  Anwar started for his room, desperate to get out from beneath Jorge’s piercing gaze. “Back up off me, man and mind your own bloody business. Don’t act like what I’m doing is a surprise.”

  Jorge gave a little chuckle, but it was borne out of disappointment rather than dry humor. “Actually, it is a surprise to me. At this rate, I won’t see you in St. Elmo’s Valley at all.”

  “Well, you know that is my intention,” Anwar responded stiffly.

  “We’ve discussed it…”

  “Then, why are you sweating me about it?”

  “Because I know whatever it is that you’re doing is not legit.”

  “How do you know what I’m doing is not legit? I didn’t break into anyone’s home or do anything stupid like that –”

  “Come on, Anwar, you’re not fooling me,” Jorge said. “In less than a month, you were able to acquire a whole new set of clothes, shoes, and now this phone, which I know cost at least five hundred dollars. What job would pay that kind of cash in such a short space of time?”

  “It’s an honest pay, man. That’s all you need to know.”

  “Then, how come you didn’t tell me about it when you know both of us are trying to get out of St. Elmo’s Valley?”

  Because you’re a goody two shoes, like Dallis. You wouldn’t know a good opportunity if it slapped you hard in the face... Anwar’s thoughts rambled on, but he dared not utter any of it to Jorge. He continued on to his bedroom and tried to slam the door in Jorge’s face.

  “Something is going on with you, man,” Jorge said, as he forced himself into Anwar’s room. “Tell me now, or I will have to talk to your parents.”

  “Get out of my room!”

  “I am not going anywhere,” Jorge countered. “Talk now or I will have to do something about it. I won’t allow you to destroy yourself –”

  Anwar had never felt more enraged than he felt now. If he didn’t want to divulge his personal affairs to Jorge, he felt he should be given that respect. It was extremely irritating to Anwar when people forced him to do something that he didn’t want to do. “I don’t need you judging me,” he spat, “telling me what I should or shouldn’t be doing with my life! Go and harass Asia and leave me the hell alone!”

sp; In spite of his friend’s unapproachable expression, Jorge remained firm, only to have his mind flash with a bit of revelation. Somehow, the way Anwar mentioned Asia’s name triggered a conversation he’d had with Gregory some five months back in his study. Jorge leveled his gaze with Anwar, not wanting to believe his own thoughts.

  “…I am not stupid,” Gregory had cut in. “I know exactly what is going on between you and my daughter. But Jorgie boy, I have a proposition for you; if you’re wise, you will consider it very carefully. I can change your entire life with one phone call. You’ll have money – more than enough to establish your little jewelry business, fast cars, and a better place to live. I will make a man out of you.”

  “Oh, yeah?” Jorge smiled. “It sounds very tempting, but what’s the catch?”

  Gregory leaned forward, his eyes fixed with a deadly glare. “Leave my daughter alone.”

  “Wow. After all you’re willing to do for me, you would still have a problem with me being with your daughter? Somehow, I don’t buy into that line you’re trying to toss at me. Sorry to break it to you, Mr. Beaufort, I can’t accept your offer. I love Asia and someday, I plan to marry her.”

  “Over my dead body. You will live to regret the day that you walked into Asia’s life. You’re too darn ugly, anyway, for my line of business.”

  Jorge snapped back into the situation at hand. “Oh man,” he lamented. “Why didn’t I think of this before?”

  “Think of what?”

  “I am so disappointed in you…Dallis…the swim club…it all makes sense now.”

  Anwar bristled. “What the hell are you talking about?”

  “Gregory, man! He got to you, didn’t he?”

  “I don’t know –”

  “Don’t lie, Anwar. He tried to reel me in, too. Does ‘I have a proposition’ sound familiar to you? I bet he tells that to every young guy that he meets. Something strange is going on with that fellow.”


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