February Waltz (Rhythm of the Heart Book 3)

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February Waltz (Rhythm of the Heart Book 3) Page 6

by Jade, Scarlett

  With her towel gripped over her breasts, she hustled into the bedroom and yanked on clothes. Breathing heavily she held the wall as she walked into the living room and collapsed into the recliner. With a shaky hand she pulled the lever to raise her legs and blew out a breath. Jeez, so out of shape. Little girl after you're born I'm gonna get back in fighting form, you hear me? The baby rolled as if answering her. Zoe jammed her hand down between the frame of the chair and the cushion, seeking to find the remote.

  As she found it she pulled it free and turned the ancient TV on. Food Network played as she waited for Corey to show up. She was jerked from her pregnant woman food fantasies when a knock sounded at the door. Grunting, she dropped her legs and hefted herself out of the worn chair. She puffed and huffed as she rounded the kitchen table.

  “Just a minute,” she gasped as she opened the door.

  “Hi, I'm Corey,” the young man on the doorstep said with a smile. She took in his boyish good looks and messy blond hair quickly.

  “Hi, Corey. Please, come on in. I can't stand too long. Supposed to be on bed rest, but I can sit up here for a little bit.” She walked back into the living room and waved him inside.

  Corey hesitantly stepped inside and closed the door. He pulled a notepad from the back of his insanely tight Levi's and sat down in the rocking chair opposite her. “So,” he started with a warm smile, “Tell me Mrs. Hall, what you're looking for in your house.”

  Zoe shook her head. “I'm Zoe. Not Mrs. Hall.”

  “My apologies,” he smiled sheepishly.

  “It's fine, Corey, I just figure if we're going to work together, may as well lose the formalities real fast.” She smiled and pulled the lever to recline in the chair. With her hands clasped over her stomach she pursed her lips and thought. After a moment she spoke. “Okay, so here's what I want. I want some of the seventies things pulled out and newer things put in. Counters, wallpaper has to go, etcetera...Wait, what's our budget?”

  Corey shifted uncomfortably and coughed. “Mr. Hall said that was at your discretion, Mrs. - ah Zoe.”

  Zoe raised an eyebrow. “My discretion? Well then. I want the house painted robin's egg blue. Match it to the porch swing and the bathroom. You can't change the bathroom. At all. Period.”

  “Okay... we won't change the bathroom and I'll get a sample to paint the house. Not a problem at all.” He jotted notes quickly with a stub of a pencil.

  “Great. I have a few other ideas...” She rattled off her other desires for the little house and Corey nodded and followed along, his little pencil flying across the page. Finally she stopped. “That's it. Can you handle it?”

  Corey smiled wide. “Of course I can. It's not a problem at all.” He stood and held out his hand. “Zoe it was lovely to meet you. I'll be over later this week to show you some samples and the plans I've drawn up. Sound good?”

  Zoe shook his hand. “It sounds great. Thank you.”

  Corey waved his goodbye as he left and Zoe grabbed the remote to drool over more food. A few moments later her stomach protested loudly and she carefully pulled herself out of the chair and lumbered into the kitchen. The cabinets yielded a box of partially stale Teddy Grahams and a jar of peanut butter. Satisfied with her snack, she took herself back to the bedroom and lay in bed.

  She munched the crackers for a few moments and then pulled her laptop onto her lap. Slowly, she read through her manuscript again, searching for errors as she went. The story was easy to tell, but hard to write, if that made any sense at all. A tiny part of her felt guilty for writing what she had, but on the other hand, it felt good. What had started as a story of her life had taken a turn into a mystery, and she was no longer Poppy Monroe, in love with Jace Monroe. No, now she was Poppy Monroe, the girl in love with Jace Monroe who dug for the truth about the big wig in her town.

  Zoe tweaked a few lines she didn't like and as the sun set she blew out a breath and saved the manuscript. I need someone to read it, she sighed. Who can I trust? A sly smile crossed her lips and she texted the only person who really wouldn't care what she did. Layla.

  Z: Are you busy?

  L: Not really. Doing some schoolwork.

  Z: Come to the room. I need to talk to you.

  Layla knocked on the door a few moments later and stuck her head inside. “What's up?”

  The tentative relationship they had was rocky at best, but Zoe knew she had no one else. “I need...a favor.”

  Layla walked inside the room and sat on the end of the bed. “Oh? Do tell.”

  Zoe winced a little at the snide tone she heard. “I need you to read something.”

  Layla rolled her eyes. “I'm not reading a birthing book, so you can get that right out of your head.”

  “It might be good birth control,” Zoe quipped and then sighed. “No, it's not that.” Her fingers twisted in the blanket nervously.

  Layla's forehead furrowed. “Ooookay? Then what is it?”

  Zoe handed her the laptop. “It's the file already open. Will you read it?”

  Layla opened the laptop with a curious glance. “What is it?”

  “A – A book I wrote,” Zoe stammered.

  “A book?” Layla muttered incredulously, her eyebrows knitting together as she read the first few lines.

  “Yes. Take the laptop and please read it.” Zoe whispered.

  “Why are you whispering?”

  “Because, you're the only one who knows. I need someone to read it to tell me if it's any good or not.” Zoe mumbled.

  “Wha – at? I'm the person you asked to read it first?” Her shoulders straightened and she smirked. “Seriously?”

  Zoe nodded. “I knew regardless of how you felt about me and your brother you'd hold your tongue about this.”

  “Calvin doesn't know?” Layla's lips turned down.

  “No. I want to surprise him with this. I've looked into getting paperbacks and stuff, self-publishing, it's legit. I found someone online who does editing and I found someone who does covers. I can have this out in the public eye in a few weeks. If you think it's good.” Zoe explained quietly.

  “Well sure.” Layla nodded. “A surprise. I will read it and tell you what I think. It might take me a day or two. Do you want to forward the file to my e-mail?”

  “Yeah, I can do that.” Zoe took the laptop back and sent the file to her. “There you go.”

  “Okay,” Layla smiled as she got off the bed. “I'll read it when I get a chance.”

  Zoe tried to return the smile but her heart was heavy as the teenager walked out the door. She's not gonna read it.

  Chapter Eleven

  Zoe hadn't bothered Layla in three days. She's not gonna read it! Her brain kept repeating over and over. The editor was on hold, and the cover designer was as well. I need to know if it's good before I put it out there. Oh my God, what if it's awful?

  She rolled to her side and pulled her blankets up over her shoulders. Sleep wouldn't come. Burrowing under the blankets she pulled her Kindle under and read until she dozed. One day my book will be on my Kindle...One day.

  “Zoe, wake up!” A hand shook her shoulder and she groggily shifted in the bed, wincing at the hallway light blinding her. Her bedside lamp flicked on and she grimaced as Layla's face came into view.

  “What time is it, Layla?”

  “Four AM.” She paced the room, her dark eyes feverish.

  “Why did you wake me up?” Zoe whispered, her voice cracking. She picked up the glass off the bedside table and took a sip of lukewarm water.

  Layla grinned and ran a hand through her short curls. “Zoe. I read it.”

  Zoe shifted in the bed and propped herself up. “You – you read it?”

  Layla jumped on the end of the bed and smiled again, her excitement palpable in the confines of the room. “Yes. I did...And Zoe? Oh my God.”

  She held her breath as she looked at Layla. “Oh my God?” She finally squeaked out.

  Layla nodded animatedly. “Yes! It was incredible. I knew a
utomatically I was Laura. You portrayed my angst well. I absolutely loved the story and I want more. You have to publish it. You just....” She paused and stifled a squeal in her hand. “You have to.”

  Zoe felt her pulse begin to race. “You think so?”

  “Yes, you have to. The world needs to know Poppy Monroe. They need to know you. They need to know us, this town. Who knew there was so much drama? Holy hell!” Layla jumped up again and paced. “How did you find all of this out?”

  Zoe shrugged. “Google? Old newspapers?”

  Layla shook her head. “It's amazing. You have to publish it.”

  Zoe chuckled. “So you said.”

  “I'm going to like, run around the yard to burn off this high,” Layla whispered. “I've never felt this way reading. You've got this, electric thing, Zoe. Just do it. Do it,” she said as she left the room, pulling the door closed behind her.

  Zoe blew out a breath and pulled her laptop onto her lap. With shaky fingers, she sent the manuscript to the editor and an e-mail to the cover designer.

  Green light.

  She dozed off again, a smile curving her lips.

  Early the next morning, a knock came at her door. The electric high of the night before was long gone and Zoe was left a grumpy, sleepy mess. “Yeah?” She croaked.

  “That boy working on the house is here.” Grams called. “You decent?”

  Zoe groaned and threw the covers back. “Give me five and I will be.”

  She hurried through getting herself together and walked out into the living room a few minutes later. Corey sat awkwardly on the edge of the recliner, engaged in conversation with Pops about an episode of Matlock. She coughed to catch their attention and Corey smiled.

  “Sorry for getting here so early.”

  “It's fine,” she mumbled, taking the chair as he left the seat. “What's up?”

  “Well, here are the samples I promised.” He handed her a paint chip which took her right to the beach and being with her Momma.

  Zoe clenched the little piece of paper to her chest and tears filled her eyes. “It's perfect.”

  “Good! I made the folks in Mobile redo the color twice, it wasn't quite right. Here are a few samples for the kitchen, and these are the plans I drew up...”

  Zoe looked over the counter sample and the open kitchen plan he had designed. “I really like it, Corey.”

  “Great, we will be starting on it within the week, you have a great morning and again, I'm sorry for getting you out of bed, I'm used to keeping early hours. I forget the rest of the world ain't quite as early as me sometimes.” He chuckled softly.

  Zoe smiled tightly. “No problem. Could you call first next time?”

  “Oh! Yeah, sorry, I just got real excited about the paint and well, just didn't think. But yes, next time. I'm sorry. Y'all have a good morning.” He smiled at Grams and Pops as he left.

  Grams came from the kitchen bearing a glass of orange juice and a plate of eggs and toast. “Eat.”

  Zoe smiled her thanks. “You don't have to tell me twice.” She tucked into the food with relish, balancing the plate on her ever growing belly. The baby kicked and rolled as she ate, one good kick to the plate nearly upsetting it off the burgeoning bump. “Calm down, girl!”

  Dr. Crist said things were progressing great and they were nearly out of the danger zone. Zoe crossed her fingers and toes with each day they got closer to twenty-eight weeks. Just keep hanging on, girl.

  The phone jangled in the quiet and Grams picked it up with a boisterous, “Hello?”

  Zoe half listened to the one sided conversation and the TV as she finished off her breakfast. As Grams hung up the phone she came into the living room with a solemn face and took the plate. “You still hungry?”

  Zoe shook her head as she poked the last bite of toast in her mouth. “No,” she garbled out around the bite. “Who called?”

  Grams shook her head and refused to answer as she took the plate into the kitchen. Pops looked over at her and shrugged. “Who knows? I stay out of the phone calls.”

  Zoe pursed her lips and sighed. “Grams?”

  She walked back into the room and took a seat on the wooden chair against the wall. “They unplugged that boy.”

  Zoe's breath caught in her throat, and the eggs and toast which had been so delicious going down threatened to come back up. “Derek?” She choked out finally.

  Grams nodded. “Doctors said he wasn't ever gonna come to and it was best for them to say their goodbyes.”

  Zoe shook her head slowly, tears pooling in the corners of her eyes. “No...It can't be so.” What if it was his baby? Now he'll never see her. Never. Common sense told her it was for the best, he wasn't in pain, but so much death and pain had happened in the past two months it was nearly too much to bear.

  “Yes, honey, it is. He's with the good Lord now. CeeCee, you remember her, don't you? I think you went to school with her grandson Leroy? Anyhow, she said they pulled him a couple of days ago and had him cremated just that fast. No burial, no funeral, nothin'. Just burnt him up and tossed his ashes in the water. They said he's travelin' the world now or something. Poor folks. To lose the only child you got...it's hard.” Grams voice ended on a whisper, tears filling her own eyes.

  Zoe nodded. “I'm sorry, Grams. I can't imagine.”

  “Aw, honey, it's all right.” Grams straightened her shoulders and smiled sadly. “We got Calvin and Layla... and now we got you and this baby to spoil the pants off of.”

  Zoe hefted herself out of the chair and stepped over to Grams, her arms open wide. Grams stood and pulled her into a warm embrace. Zoe cried for the boy she once cared for, and Grams cried for the son she lost. A few moments later they both pulled back and Grams wiped at her eyes.

  “Sometimes you just need a good cry. Cleans all the dust off your soul and lets good things grow.” Grams patted her shoulder softly. “You go rest and don't get yourself all worked up over this.”

  Zoe nodded and wiped her own eyes. “You're right. I do feel better.” She smiled tremulously and moved back into the bedroom where she curled up on her side. Her hand swept against her belly and tears filled her eyes again. Oh Derek, this isn't what I wanted...I am so sorry. Wherever you are out there, I hope you're all right. I promise if this girl is yours I'm going to raise her right. I don't want her around your dad, I can't help it, Derek. I can't let him take her from me. I just can't. If he would come to terms with his hate, then we could work out visitation. I want her to have grandparents... She flipped to her back and sighed. Hell, I don't even know if she's yours, Derek. I just don't know. A soft giggle escaped her lips. If you were still here, maybe I could haul us all on Maury. Great episode, right?

  She sighed again. You know, I'd give anything to see you again. I wish our last time together hadn't been the way it was. I think given some time, we could have been friends. Let all the water pass under the bridge and if she's yours, parented her all together. I know Calvin would have wanted you in her life. You might have had more trouble with that. You have some Rebel running up your back, but I think for her you would have done anything. I hope you would have, anyway. Oh hey, if you see Daddy? Tell him hey for me, would you? Momma too.

  Her phone rang and she pulled it from between the sheets. Calvin's name flashed across the screen and she answered. “Hello?”

  “Hey, baby, you okay? Layla texted me and told me about Derek.” Zoe closed her eyes and let his voice wash over her for a moment.

  “I'm okay,” she finally answered softly.

  “You sure? I know he was a big part of your life for a long time, and well, with everything and the possibilities...” His voice trailed off with a sigh.

  Zoe swallowed and blew out a breath as she stared up at the ceiling. “I'm – I'm sad, sure. But strangely at peace at the same time. I know it makes no sense, but I know he's in a better place, wherever that is, and if this girl is his, we'll raise her knowing him. I just...” She paused and swallowed against the tightness in he
r throat. “I just wish things had been different the last time I saw him, and that things were different with his people. I just know Rebel isn't going to let this go until he knows one hundred percent that she isn't his blood.”

  “Zoe,” Calvin started, his voice soothing and calm, “we will cross that bridge when we get to it. We can't do a thing about it more than you already have. You drew up a restraining order and if he crosses the line, we'll press charges, and I know Tim will make sure he is locked up. Don't worry about it. You just focus on growing our girl. I can't talk long, I'm supposed to be at work, but I slipped out to call you.”

  Zoe chuckled softly. “Ohhh, you're a bad boy.”

  “For you, always, baby. You rest, I'll call you later. I love you, I gotta run.”

  “I love you too.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Zoe stared at the paperback in her hands incredulously. The cover designer had found a picture which was perfect for the story, a beach scene with a worn fence and she'd layered on a pair of handcuffs and a yellowed newspaper which helped tie in the mystery of the story. Her title was prominently spread across the cover, Broken Waves, by Lila Edward.

  She had hit publish on Kindle and Nook, and now she waited. A small self-publishing group had helped her set up a Facebook page and suggested a book tour. She paid for it under the guise of buying things for the baby. Calvin will just have to understand.

  Out of the thirty blogs signed up for her tour, she would get twenty-five reviews. The baby kicked her and she patted her stomach. Sorry, baby girl, I'm just way too excited...

  Layla ran in the room, throwing her backpack on the bed. “You got them?” She squealed.

  Zoe held one of the books up and Layla snatched it from her hand. “Oh, dear God. It is GORGEOUS!” She jumped up and down in the middle of the room.

  “Shhhh!” Zoe whispered. “Grams doesn't know.”


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