Life Begins at 40- Jersey Jaunt

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Life Begins at 40- Jersey Jaunt Page 15

by Bethan Lewis

  ‘No,’ Erin’s brow furrowed in confusion. Why was her redundancy relevant to the case? ‘They didn’t fire me, I was made redundant when the firm lost money.’

  ‘So you are unemployed, and struggling to find new employment. You witnessed the alleged robbery happening and thought it would be an excellent opportunity to gain a bit of fame. You anticipated the photos and videos would end up in the press and on the internet, so intervened on purpose to attract some much-needed attention. Make yourself a hero, so it would look good when it came to job interviews.’

  Erin stared at the lawyer, speechless. ‘That is ludicrous,’ she spluttered. Two red spots appeared on her cheeks, and she clasped her sweaty shaking hands together.

  ‘You claim to be fond of the Dobsons, but instead of going to their aid, you set off in pursuit of my client, leaving the couple distraught at the side of the road.’

  ‘Like I said, everything happened so fast, it was instinct. As soon as the police arrived, I went back to check on June and Arthur.’

  ‘Is there a possibility that you misinterpreted the situation? Perhaps the couple had given the bag to my client to hold as it was heavy.’

  ‘No, that wasn’t the case at all.’

  ‘Miss Turnbull, are you one hundred percent positive the Dobson’s didn’t ask Brad for help? Remember, you are under oath.’

  ‘I am certain of what I witnessed. They grappled with the bag and Brad pushed Arthur away, hitting him on the head in the process, I saw the cut and blood myself. The couple shouted for assistance. If Brad, your client, was helping them, then why did he run?’

  Ignoring Erin’s question, Sharon continued her assault, ‘Do you think you used more force than necessary when apprehending my client?’

  ‘No I do not.’

  ‘I am about to show the court exhibit A, a video of the event in question. Would the jury please turn their attention to the television?’

  A grainy image of Erin in pursuit of Brad flashed up on the screen. Everyone in the room could make out Erin grabbing him and bringing him to the ground. Erin had to admit the video did make it appear more forceful than it actually was.

  ‘Members of the jury, I leave you to make up your own minds about what you have just observed. Was the treatment of my client justified, or was he assaulted?’

  ‘Objection your honour!’ Scott Wilson shot to his feet. ‘We are here to establish the facts of the robbery and assault of June and Arthur Dobson. Miss Turnbull isn’t on trial here, she is a witness.’

  Erin’s mouth dropped open in surprise. Was this lawyer accusing her of assaulting Brad? ‘I didn’t assault him! I grabbed at him and he fell to the ground,’ she cried out, feeling the need to defend herself.

  ‘We all saw the evidence. Miss Turnbull seized his collar and yanked him to the floor where she pounced on top of him like a wild cat,’ Sharon Upworth continued oblivious to the interruption.

  ‘I didn’t. I sat on him to stop him escaping.’

  ‘Did you realise the defendant banged his head on the way down, or did you just not care?’

  ‘Objection Your Honour,’ Scott tried again. ‘There is no evidence of Brad sustaining a head injury.’

  Erin was stunned, how had this turned against her? How dare this dragon lady make her out to be the bad guy? She leapt to her feet, her face puce coloured. ‘He didn’t hit his head and I didn’t attack him. You are distorting the truth.’

  ‘Miss Turnbull sit down!’ The judge ordered, striking the bench with his hammer, but Erin didn’t heed him.

  ‘I am a law-abiding citizen. I was helping out an elderly couple who had been robbed of their possessions by that little piece of crap. He is the one in the wrong, not me!’ Erin shouted.

  ‘Miss Turnbull,’ the judge repeated raising his voice. ‘Sit down, or I will have to hold you in contempt of court.’

  The judge’s words penetrated and Erin took a deep breath trying to calm down, it wouldn’t help the couple at all if she was arrested too. She could see the headlines now, ‘Hero to handcuffs’. Visibly shaking and close to tears, Erin sat back on the chair.

  ‘Mrs Upworth,’ the judge addressed the stern faced lawyer, ‘please change your line of questioning, Ms Turnbull is not on trial for any offence.’ The judge turned to face the jury. ‘Dismiss the last few questions and instead focus on the facts of the case. Your job today is to establish whether Brad is guilty of stealing the handbag and assaulting the Dobsons.’

  The twelve jurors bobbed their heads.

  ‘No further questions Your Honour,’ Sharon pivoted on her heel and returned to her client’s side.

  ‘You may step down now Ms Turnbull,’ the judge said. ‘Court will now recess for twenty minutes.’

  Erin was too dumbstruck to move. What had just happened? She glanced over at Sharon who smirked in her direction. Lawyers are such devious people. Erin had never been a violent person, but right at that moment she wished she could wipe the smile off the lawyers face.

  People began to gravitate towards the exit, and in a daze Erin rose to her feet and stepped down from the witness box. Scott intercepted her as she walked to the door like a zombie.

  ‘I am so sorry you had to endure that’ his face was apologetic. ‘You did well though. Thank you for coming. You are free to leave now, but if you want to stay for the rest of the proceedings you can.’

  ‘I am glad my part is over, and I hope Brad gets what he deserves. If you don’t mind, I think I will go back to the hotel.’ June appeared at her side and Erin reached out and took her wrinkled hand in her own. ‘I am sorry your vacation was marred by this. You are a fantastic couple who didn’t deserve what happened. Let me know the outcome.’

  ‘Thank you dear, you did a wonderful job,’ June smiled and squeezed Erin’s hand. ‘All the best for the future.’

  Dan came over, placed an arm around her shoulders, and led her out of the building to his jeep.

  ‘Are you okay?’ he asked concern etching his face. ‘She really laid into you back there. I was ready to punch her.’

  Erin laughed and the tension in her shoulder muscles eased. ‘Me too, but I didn’t want to go to jail myself.’

  ‘Right, now that your part in the case is finished and in the past, you can go back to enjoying your holiday. What do you want to do now? Anywhere in particular you want to go?’

  ‘To be honest, I fancy going back to the hotel to lounge by the pool with a drink, preferably an alcoholic one. Or maybe two or three,’ Erin giggled.

  ‘You know what? A relaxing afternoon by the pool with a beer sounds ideal. I can’t remember the last time I did that, or come to think of it if I ever have,’ he cocked his head to one side and gave her a wicked grin. ‘Besides, it gives me a chance to ogle you in a skimpy bikini.’

  Erin hit him on the arm. ‘You are out of luck there, I don’t own a bikini.’

  ‘Aww spoilsport.’

  They arrived back at the hotel, and went to their rooms to change. Erin tugged on the navy blue swimsuit which she had discarded days earlier, all of a sudden it was important that Dan saw the real her. Lumps and bumps and flabby skin. If he didn’t like her appearance, then tough. She pulled a pair of shorts and a tunic on over the costume, grabbed a towel, sun cream and her sunglasses and hurried back downstairs. Dan was already sat at the bar waiting for her. Dressed in shorts and t-shirt his tanned, muscular body was shown off to perfection.

  ‘Cocktail for the lady,’ he announced handing her a glass with a purple liquid inside.

  Erin took a sip. The sweet liquor ran down her throat, and she licked her lips. She didn’t care what the drink was or what it contained, it was the most delicious thing she had ever tried. They carried their drinks outside and found two empty two sun loungers.

  ‘Cheers,’ Dan said clinking her glass with his beer bottle. ‘To the rest of the holiday.’

  ‘Amen to that.’

  Dan took the tube of sun cream and started smothering her shoulders and arms with it. Hi
s hands were gentle as they massaged the lotion in, and even when the cream was absorbed, he continued to massage her. Oblivious to the other holiday-makers, Erin’s eyes drifted closed, this was as close to Heaven as she could get.

  ‘My turn,’ Dan said as he handed her the tube.

  He whipped off his t-shirt, exposing his lightly haired chest and a neat six-pack. How did he find time to work out? Erin wondered, as she rubbed the cream on his back. He turned around and grinned.

  ‘You have to do my front too.’

  ‘I am sure you can reach that yourself,’ Erin protested with a laugh.

  ‘Yes, but it won’t be as much fun,’ he said giving her a sly grin.

  She squeezed more lotion out and placed her hand on his chest. With circular movements she massaged it in. As she raised her head, their eyes locked and the breath caught in her throat. Her hand stilled and in the intense moment, realisation hit her like a ton of bricks. How had this happened? Not only had she fallen for him, but she was head over heels in love. Was it even possible to love someone after only a week and a half?

  Erin broke the gaze and put on her sunglasses in an attempt to hide her feelings, which she was sure were written all over her face. Lying back on the lounger she mulled over her thoughts. Was it love or lust? It must be lust, no-one can fall in love in such a short space of time, she argued with herself. Sneaking a glance at the tanned, strapping body lying next to her she decided it was definitely, without a shadow of a doubt, love.

  Kind, gentle, handsome, funny, caring, a terrific kisser, he was the complete package and everything that she wanted in a man. Erin smiled to herself, as Meg would say, he was her Mr Right.

  There was two and a half days left of her holiday. Sixty hours until she had to say goodbye to Dan. She needed to make what little time they had left count. Perhaps it was the alcohol, maybe he had poured a secret love potion in her cocktail before she arrived at the bar. Whatever it was, she suddenly felt brave and brazen. She drained her glass and got to her feet.

  ‘Come with me,’ she said taking him by the hand.

  Wordlessly she led him towards her room. Locking the door behind them she pulled him into her embrace. Together they entered a whole new world. A world where it was just the two of them.

  Chapter 17

  ‘Keep your eyes closed. No peeping. Now open your mouth,’ Dan instructed.

  Erin did as she was told, opened her mouth and groaned in pleasure as Dan placed the chocolate inside. She bit into it and a gooey filling erupted in her mouth. As she swallowed a bitter aftertaste assaulted her taste buds.

  ‘What do you think of that one?’ Dan asked.

  ‘Delicious. Dark chocolate with a caramel centre,’ Erin said and opened her eyes. Dan nodded. Of course she was right, she knew her chocolates. She had had years of practice.

  After spending the whole of the previous day in the hotel room ordering room service, Erin had declared that as it was her last day they should go out and do something. They set off that morning with the intention of visiting a local vineyard situated on the north of the island. Upon arriving Erin discovered a chocolate factory next door and insisted they visit there first.

  They had joined the tour of twelve people, and as they walked around the guide explained the process of chocolate making and what the different machines were used for. Erin had been intrigued, she had never thought about the actual process before and it was more complicated than she imagined. She now had a whole new perspective of chocolate.

  The tour had ended and the guide had led them to a little enclosed courtyard garden for the tasting session. A huge fountain stood in the centre with stone benches placed around it. Behind the benches were immaculate flower beds, filled with colourful roses and petunias.

  They were now sitting on the bench playing a game of guess the flavour of the chocolate. So far, Erin was winning hands down.

  ‘Right, last one. Open wide.’

  Erin’s eyelids fluttered and her eyes rolled back in her head. This one was full of flavour and tastier than the last. ‘White chocolate, with an almond and raspberry centre.’

  ‘Right again. Are you cheating?’ Dan asked his eyes narrowing.

  ‘No, I told you I am a chocoholic. If there is one thing I am an expert in, it’s this.’ Erin laughed.

  ‘Gift shop next? I dare say you will want some of these to take back home with you.’

  ‘Oh yes, definitely,’ Erin said sliding her hand into his as they ambled towards the shop.

  Erin bought some chocolates for Lily, Marcus and Megan, and then they went next door to the vineyard.

  ‘Good afternoon,’ a jolly red-faced man in green trousers and t-shirt greeted them. ‘Are you looking to join the tour?’

  ‘Yes we are,’ Dan answered.

  ‘Wonderful, you’re just in time, it starts in ten minutes. If you head over to the shop your guide will be with you shortly. To start you off, we have some cider samples here if you would like to try them.’

  Dan looked at Erin and raised an eyebrow, she nodded.

  ‘Why not?’ Dan said as he accepted the two small glasses from the man. He passed one to Erin and chinked his against hers. ‘Cheers.’

  Erin brought the glass up to her mouth and downed the golden liquid in one sip. The bitter-sweet flavour burned a path down to her stomach and her face scrunched up in disgust. Cider had never been her drink of choice. Dan watched her in amusement before swallowing his own.

  ‘Phoar,’ he said shaking his head. ‘That was a strong one.’

  Heading to the shop they discovered six other people waiting for the tour to begin. A middle-aged woman dressed in the same green uniform approached them.

  ‘Hi folks. I am Angie and I will be your guide for the next hour. First we are going to enter the winery, then we will move on to the vineyard and orchard walk, then we will have a taster session.’

  As they followed the tour into the winery, Erin held Dan’s hand comfortably in her own, it felt so natural as if they had been doing it forever. If anyone looked at them, they would never guess they had only met two weeks ago.

  ‘We make four types of wine here; red, white, rose and sparkling,’ Angie explained to the group. ‘We follow the five step process when making our wines; harvesting, crushing and pressing, fermentation, clarification and aging and bottling.’ Angie crossed the threshold of a room full of wooden barrels. ‘This is where we do the aging and bottling.’

  Erin squeezed into the room behind the others. A strong, woody aroma filled the air making her think she was walking through a forest. Angie was stood on the other side of the room, still talking and Erin strained her ears to catch what she was saying.

  ‘Aging the wines in the wood barrels produces a rounder and smoother wine. It helps increase the wine’s exposure to oxygen, and helps it reach its fruitiness. So, that is how we make our wine. Any questions?’ Angie glanced around, but no one spoke out. ‘Okay. Ten years ago we planted our orchard and branched out into cider making, so follow me for the next part of the tour.’

  They moved into the cider room and the stench stopped Erin in her tracks. It was like smelly feet on a hot day. She tried to hide her disgust, but the expression on her face gave her away.

  ‘Sorry, I forgot to warn you about the smell,’ Angie laughed. ‘I don’t notice it anymore, as I have been working here for so long. If it gets too much, then head out of the same door you came in.’

  Buckets of apples were clustered around the room and the floor was soaked in stale apple juice. More buckets full of mashed apple pulp were situated close to a machine called a cider press waiting to be pressed to extract the juice. Angie was talking, but Erin wasn’t listening, she needed to leave, the odour was nauseating. Dropping Dan’s hand she left the tour and went to wait in the corridor

  Dan followed her out. ‘Hey. You alright?’ Worry was evident in his tone.

  ‘Yes I am fine. The smell was overwhelming. I had to get out of the room,’ Erin smiled in an atte
mpt to ease his concern.

  The rest of the group filed out, and they re-joined them as they set off for the vineyard and orchard walk. The day was warm, with temperatures reaching the high twenties, and Erin was glad she had thought to bring her sun hat. The blazing sun beat down on them as they walked, and unused to such weather, Erin started to perspire.

  ‘This is not a good look,’ she thought, and hoped that Dan wouldn’t spot the damp patches under her arm pits. In an attempt to cool down she folded a leaflet into a fan and fanned her flushed face. She pulled a bottle of out of her bag and gratefully drank the lukewarm water.

  ‘Are you sure you are alright?’ Dan asked.

  ‘Yes, a bit warm that’s all,’ Erin said, but her voice sounded weary even to her own ears.

  ‘Right everyone we are at the end of the tour, and now for the bit you have all been waiting patiently for. The tasting.’ Angie strode off towards an old barn. Wooden picnic benches had been placed inside and everyone sat down, eager to be out of the burning heat.

  Dan walked over to the table and placed a few samples on a tray. As he was returning, he stopped to converse with another couple and threw back his head as he laughed at something they said. A lock of dark hair fell over his forehead, and he flicked it back into place. She was going to miss him so much. Tomorrow would be the worst day of her life, she didn’t know how she was going to say goodbye. Her heart wrenched at the thought and tears sprung to her eyes.

  ‘Here we go. Get these down you.’ Dan placed the tray on the table and sat down next to her, casually placing his hand on her knee.

  Erin picked up the sample of red wine and swallowed it in one sip. The sour liquid stung the back of her throat, and she grimaced. ‘Ooh that was sharp. Acidic, but not unpleasant.’

  Dan agreed and held out the white wine. She took the glass, swished the wine around her mouth then glugged it down. ‘Better than the red wine by a long shot. Fruity. I would drink it on an evening out.’

  As it was her favourite tipple, Erin had saved the rose wine for last and it did not disappoint. The sweet flavour tickled her taste buds leaving her wanting more. She was going to have to purchase a bottle to take home.


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